Chapter 277 You Devil!
Josh is really not kidding, even if he only uses ice magic, he can kill these people in an instant.

Of course, this can't be compared with the use of void magic without Josh. The horror of void magic has become more and more effective as Josh has explored and honed more, especially Josh's use of void origin has reached He has reached a very wonderful state, he can silently integrate the essence of the void into any magic he wishes to use.

Once ordinary magic is combined with the essence of the void, this magic is not just as simple as evolution, it can be said to be sublimation.

Because doing so not only retains the previous magical and elemental characteristics of elemental magic, but also adds the characteristics of void, such a superposition is not as simple as one plus one equals.

This is only in terms of offense, and Josh doesn't want to mention it at all in terms of defense.In this unlimited world, Josh just used the Void Shield, who would pretend to be with you?
You must know that Josh used to rely on the Void Shield and Seraphim to resist the attack of a guy with at least ninth rank, even if it was only for a second!

Looking at the group of guys approaching nonchalantly, Josh didn't move at all.

Although O'Connor and the others were a little nervous, seeing these "strange people" around them didn't seem to care at all, they slowly let go of their hearts, but they were also ready to run away at any time.

Soon these guys stopped under the command of a big man in black, and the big man jumped off his horse and walked towards Josh and the others alone, slapping his face while walking. The face scarf was removed, revealing a face with a beard and this strange facial pattern.

Josh recognized it at a glance. This guy is Adbe, one of the leaders of this group of people, and this group of people also has a more interesting name-the guardian.

Coincidentally, they have the same name as Josh Moying, but their missions are different. They must stay in this ghostly place for generations to prevent outsiders from entering, and then accidentally put the thousand-year-old The souls of the dead are awakened.

As for how this group of guys found him, Josh didn't even need to guess. Most likely, he and his party were seen riding a giant dragon.

This is a matter of course. Does Josh have any plans to hide anything? In addition, it would be strange if Hosdner's size was not discovered.

After Ade Bei walked over, he looked around curiously. He seemed to be looking for something but he couldn't find it. His face was full of doubts now.

Looking at his expression, Josh naturally knew what he meant, so he asked directly: "Are you looking for that stupid dragon?"

"Stupid dragon?"

Ade Bei looked at Josh with a strange expression, as if he had been choked for a long time before replying: "If you said that the 50-meter-long dragon is a stupid dragon, then it is it. "

"Pay attention to your words, little guy. He is not it. Although we call him a stupid dragon, it doesn't mean that he has a low status here, and he is not an animal strictly speaking."


Ade Bei's face is even more weird, as if I look older than you, right?

As for whether a dragon uses him or it, Ade Bay doesn't care that much. He now has a very strong feeling of danger for the people standing in front of him, but he didn't express this feeling. When he came out, he still looked very calm.

"Okay, let's not discuss about that dragon, I want to ask why you came here? Don't you know what this place is?"

"Of course I know, Hamna Tower, the city of the dead, isn't there a mummy inside? What a big deal."

Josh spread his hands indifferently. He even knew how the mummy came about, such as the story's origin process, and even how it was made.

And he knows exactly what effect this mummy can have.

"It's not just as simple as a mummy, but he is." Ade Bei obviously thought that Josh only had a half-knowledge, so he couldn't help explaining.

To be honest, if it was someone else, they, the guardians, would have shot and killed all these people, so who would talk to you.

But these guys can see clearly when these guys are riding the huge dragon swaggering through the city, so Ade Bay will be so polite, but it's a pity that Josh didn't bother to listen to him at all, and interrupted him directly: "I know, there was a high priest 3000 years ago, whose name was Emerton."

"How strange, I even know why he was locked up in this place. Pay attention, it is to be kept instead of buried."

Josh shrugged, this thing is indeed locked here, because he is a person who was cursed to death.

Although this curse is very powerful and looks good, but Josh doesn't understand his meaning at all, and his purpose is very pure.

"Then since you understand, you should know that this guy can be resurrected, right?"

"Of course, it's not a big deal to be resurrected because of the curse, isn't it? Besides, I really need him to come back to help me solve some problems."

Josh spread his hands, but when he finished speaking, he found that Ade Bei's face became extremely ugly.

And because Josh never suppressed his voice at all, the guardians who came with Ade Bei could clearly hear what Josh said as long as they stood closer to the front.

Immediately, all the guys who heard Josh raised their weapons, like a domino effect, and those behind them also raised their weapons at the same time, even though they didn't know what happened.

This kind of action directly frightened O'Connor and the others, and even Jonathan wanted to put aside his relationship with Josh and the others, but O'Connor directly stopped him.

Because O'Connor noticed that even though all these hundreds of people pointed their guns at Josh and the others, they didn't react at all, and their expressions remained the same.

Then there are only two possibilities. The first is that they don't understand the danger of firearms at all, and the second is that they don't care at all.

Under such circumstances, O'Connor can only gamble, and his gamble can only be the second option.

There was no place to escape in this damned ghost place. They were surrounded, so he could only hope that Josh didn't care about these things at all.

His luck was good, his gamble was right.

"The guy who pointed a gun at me last time doesn't know if the bones are still there. I advise you to put this thing down. I have a good temper, but that doesn't mean I can tolerate being offended by others."

Josh's complexion did not change, but it cannot be said that there was no change at all.

He looks like he is remembering something now. If he remembers correctly, the guy who pointed a gun at him last time should be Jurassic World, and those unlucky guys did die two people.

"I don't care who you are! But I want to tell you, stop dreaming! Your thoughts are very dangerous, you will release a demon! A demon that will destroy Egypt and the entire world!"

"So you want to kill us? Do you think you can?"

Seeing Ade Ben's mixed expression of anger and excitement, Josh smiled indifferently.

Suddenly, although some people felt that it seemed to be a bit cold here, the hell is cold here, but this is a desert!Although the night in the desert is very cold, how could it be cold at noon now?
But soon they discovered something was wrong, because the cold didn't stop at all, as if to tell them that this was not an illusion at all, the clear sky actually started to slowly snowflakes!
Many people in black touched some falling white snowflakes with their hands. As a result, the cold touch and the growing weather seemed to tell them: Yes, it is snowing here, and it is still at the hottest noon. Or the center of the desert!
"Is this really snow? It's snowing? How come?"

These people in black stared blankly at the falling snowflakes. They never figured out what caused such an extremely abnormal weather in such a place.

No, this is not a natural phenomenon at all, it seems to be man-made!
O'Connor and the others were relatively calm, but the three of them guessed that the eighth floor was the masterpiece of that guy named Josh.

However, they were still extremely surprised in their hearts. What they did, turning an extreme weather into an extreme, was it possible for real humans to do it?

Josh still looked at all this calmly, this was indeed what he did, and he seemed to be dissatisfied with everything he had caused.It's too hot here, causing these snowflakes to melt after falling, which is not the effect Josh hoped for at all.

So Josh did not hesitate to increase the output of magic power. This kind of magic mixed with natural elements and void elements directly turned this area into a hard-hit area like a snowstorm!
This kind of flying snow all over the sky caused an abnormal cold, directly making many people in black so cold that they couldn't even hold up their weapons!
You must know that in the hot weather, no one will wear a lot. These people in black are only wearing a layer of clothes and wearing a face towel to prevent the wind and sand from entering their noses and mouths.These things don't have any cold resistance effect at all, and the sudden coldness directly makes them lose their fighting power!

"It's really vulnerable, do you want to kill me like this?"

With a slight lift of Josh's right hand, those snowflakes condensed crazily as if under command, but in the blink of an eye, a huge ice bird appeared in front of these men in black!

However, this ice bird seemed to be alive, and kept flapping its wings, making it even colder here.

"If it weren't for the fact that you are only here to fulfill your duties, and you have to stay here for generations for this duty, I feel admiration for you. Do you think you people can still live to this day?"

Ade Bei looked at Josh, who was like a god, with an extremely ugly face. At this moment, he finally knew why this guy didn't care about them at all. No wonder he dared to ask himself directly whether he could do it, no wonder he dared to release the legendary the devil!

"It turns out that you are also a demon! God!"

Josh's face froze, and even the ice bird exploded directly because the magic power was not well controlled, but he soon stabilized his emotions: "It's like farting, how could I be a demon? I'm a magician! Understand? Retarded! Magician!"

"Magician? It's legendary."

"Yes, those magicians in the legend!"

Ade Bei looked a little weird, magician?A magician riding a dragon?
But soon he accepted it, because there is a mummy that can be resurrected under this city of death, what is a magician.

However, he still asked very curiously: "But...why did you release that demon? Even if you can defeat him, there is no need to do so?"

Josh said as a matter of course: "Because I want to learn his magic."

"Learn. That demon's magic?"

"Yeah, otherwise why would I bring him back to life?"

Hearing Josh's explanation, Ade Bei suddenly looked desperate: "Learning the magic of the devil, you are indeed a devil!"


(End of this chapter)

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