The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 278 You Are A Good Sandbag

Chapter 278 You Are A Good Sandbag
Josh felt extremely comfortable looking at Ade Bei, who was lying on the ground and panting constantly.

demon?Hell devil!If I were a devil, let alone you guardians, whether the whole of Egypt is still there is a problem, okay?
Josh was irritated by this guy, so Josh educated this guy who was full of demons and saved the world.

Of course, Josh didn't use any more violent magic, otherwise Josh couldn't guarantee whether this guy could still breathe alive.

As for Ade Bey's subordinates, Josh didn't make it too difficult for them, but just controlled them all, otherwise, I am afraid that the largest massacre in Egyptian history would have been born.

"It's a bunch of idiots. I didn't even plan to find those Yankees to sacrifice, but you are still here talking about it, just as I am a temperless person."

Josh waved his hand casually, and taught Ad Bay a lesson. Josh rarely used the magic he learned from Hogwarts. This kind of damage is not high, but it can teach others magic. Josh used it Still relatively handy.

To be honest, although Hogwarts' magic is not very powerful, it has provided Josh with some good help.

Especially the help in space magic attainments, but Josh has not forgotten that there is another thing in that world that Josh is looking forward to very much.

Time Converter, that thing Josh has not forgotten.

It's just that Josh himself feels that his strength is not enough, even if he studies it, he can't research anything, just like he knows the principle but can't figure out how to make it.

None of these don't matter, Josh thinks that he can try to study it after his strength reaches about level seven.

Time is not equal to space. Although the power of these two things is really similar in the later stage, time is much more difficult than space in terms of getting started.

Although Josh's skill of Void Blind Spot is used to modify the time in conjunction with the Void Gate, Josh has no idea what's going on here.

Fortunately, Josh is not a entangled person, otherwise Josh may have a hard life in this life.

Shaking his head, Josh no longer looks like these superfluous things, even if Josh returns to time magic now, it's useless.

Could it be that Josh restored the mummy of Imerton to 3000 years ago?Josh felt that unless he was crazy, he would never do this.

In Josh's eyes, those who can do this are the same as those incomparable super existences in novels, and there are even many awesome people who can directly enter the long river of time and space to erase other people's past shadows and make the present people disappear Well, Josh doesn't have that skill or ability.

At least for now, these are things he can't even think about.

"I don't even look at it. In a certain world, the law of time for practice only advances or slows down for a few seconds. I am proud enough to directly control the time of a world alone. Some things should be taken slowly. .”

Without caring about Ade Bei who fell on the ground, and not bothering about the guardians who were frozen into ice sculptures but couldn't die, Josh walked directly towards Hamna Tower.

The three of O'Connor stared blankly at Josh, and then at the ice sculptures. The strangest thing was that the people inside the ice sculptures were still moving, which made them swallow and quickly followed.

"Who are those people?"

Quickly following Josh, Evelyn asked directly.

To be honest, what happened this day brought her a change that can be said to have subverted her entire outlook on life. Just yesterday, she still thought that people like Josh were just handsome, rich and adventurous. young people.

But now she doesn't see it that way, what kind of existence are these people!

A magical magician, and although the other three couldn't tell what their occupations were, they could probably guess that they were protecting magicians.One of these three was even the grandson of King Leonidas of Sparta!
Maybe others don't know who Leonidas the king of Sparta is, but Evelyn is a person who studies history, and she is also the type of academic master.

How could she not know the meaning of the name, even when an idiot mentions a hot spring, he would know the story of three hundred Spartan warriors, and Leonidas was the leader of the three hundred.

One of his subordinates (Alexios does seem to work for Josh) is such an identity, so what about the others?

And what about the magician himself called Josh?Evelyn felt as if she had opened a skylight, a skylight that could fully understand history.

"They are the descendants of the pharaoh's guards, and they can also be called guardians. They have only one task, and that is to ensure that Hamna Tower will not be discovered and disturbed by outsiders, because the person buried here is not a simple guy."

Josh shrugged and explained casually, but Evelyn immediately thought of something: "Then the demon they are talking about is that Imerton? The guy you plan to resurrect?"

"Yes, Imerton, that's the devil those guys outside talk about."

"But are you sure you can beat him?"

"Why not? Don't be kidding, I really don't pay attention to this guy."

Josh sighed, feeling why no one believed what he said?
Josh can't tell these people bluntly: the ceiling of your world is not as tall as mine, and I can pierce the ceiling if I want to.

Although it is very pretentious and very fulfilling, it has no meaning.

"Well, do you know the story of the mummy?"

"I think you're actually most interested in this, right?"

"Of course, I study history! This kind of hidden history is the most tempting."

Facing Josh's question, Evelyn nodded very directly.

Indeed, after experiencing a series of such weird incidents, Evelyn is really not worried that Josh is not the opponent of the demon that the man in black said.

Of course, Evelyn's reference range is limited, but she didn't think anything wrong.

Since Josh can solve all these perfectly, Evelyn naturally doesn't take these things to heart.

She has become somewhat interested in the history of the mummy inside. What kind of person is guarded by such heavy soldiers even after being dead for 3000 years?

"Well, let me think about it. It was probably in [-] BC. Imerton was the high priest of Thebes, but this guy had an indescribable relationship with Pharaoh's wife Ansuna. It's a pity that this The romance was still discovered."

"Wow? The high priest had an affair with the pharaoh's wife? This news is really exciting!"

O'Connor whistled from the side, not to mention that the news was indeed very shocking.

The pharaoh was almost equivalent to the king of a country in that era, and the high priest was almost equivalent to the position of the prime minister. A queen and the prime minister had an affair, and it was enough news anywhere.

"Then?" Evelyn glanced at O'Connor dissatisfied, obviously blaming this guy for interrupting Josh.

"Then? They hacked the pharaoh to death together, but unfortunately the pharaoh's screams attracted his guards. Ansuna chose to commit suicide in order to let Imerton leave. And Imerton, the infatuated seed, agreed to Ansu Na's request directly violated their high priest's regulations and got out the Bible of Death to prepare for the resurrection of Ansuna."

Speaking of this, Josh stopped, and then spread his hands: "The result is obvious, he failed. It can also be said that when he was about to succeed, the former master of those guys outside caught Imerton, and then interrupted the summoning ceremony. And because of these unforgivable things, Imerton was directly used the most terrible criminal law-when he was alive, he was directly locked in a coffin with the scarab, and then watched the worm eat his body alive, and his soul was tortured. curse."

"It's really cruel." Evelyn shook her head. Thinking about this terrible way of death makes one's hair stand on end.

But Evelyn also thought of other things: "By the way, why did you bring us with you when you are so powerful?"

Evelyn's question immediately made O'Connor and Jonathan look at Josh. Indeed, why would such a powerful magician bring the three ordinary people with him?
Suddenly they had a bad premonition, things like resurrection seemed to require sacrifices, right?
Equivalent exchange, you use the loss of one life or multiple lives in exchange for the return of one life. Although it seems like a loss, it also depends on who the person who returns the life is!
The three of them shuddered suddenly. Josh wanted to learn magic, and no matter how much life was in his favor for a magician, he would not hesitate.

"You don't want to use us as sacrifices, and then revive that Imerton?" Jonathan asked with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"Hey? It seems to be okay! This way I can save a lot of things. Thank you very much for your ideas. I think I can adopt them."

"That... If you use us as a sacrifice, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot, especially me, who may not even be qualified to be a sacrifice. How about, Josh, don't you think about those people outside?"


Josh rolled his eyes, looking at the appearance of these three guys, Josh knew that they all thought the same way on the eighth floor, which made Josh a little depressed.

After all, the sacrifice was saved by Josh, that is, those Yankees who hadn't appeared yet. If this is the case, why does Josh need to use the sacrifice?

"If I really needed a sacrifice, you would have become unconscious puppets long ago. Are you still talking nonsense here?"

"Then why did you bring us here?" O'Connor asked cautiously.

"Because I don't know the way." Josh shrugged helplessly.

"Egypt is such a poor place, who will come here? And I don't know ancient Egyptian, so I have to find someone who can speak these languages. Coincidentally, Evelyn is very good at this, and if you lead the way, O'Connor, you are very It is suitable, so I will bring you."

"So... what about me?" Jonathan saw that Josh had mentioned the role of Evelyn and O'Connor respectively, but he didn't mention himself. Jonathan, who had a ghostly figure, suddenly asked.

Hearing this sentence, Josh turned his head and looked at Jonathan seriously. After knowing that Jonathan felt a little scared in his heart, Josh sighed slightly:

"You? I think it would be good for you to be a sandbag. I believe that my judgment will never be wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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