The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 279 Why Are You Here?

Chapter 279 Why Are You Here?
Although Jonathan looks very needy, whether in reality or in the movies Josh watched before, he is a very needy guy.

But it seems that this guy is not willing to be beaten, Jonathan decisively stayed away from Josh, and when Josh issued a task for them to do, he immediately pulled O'Connor and Eve Lin quickly slipped away, for fear that Josh would really use him as a sandbag.

Josh gave Jonathan a funny look, and then ignored him.

He still has more important things to do now, for example, he is currently studying a thing that looks like a ball in his hand.

Of course, this thing is not a real ball. I am afraid that apart from football, basketball and a certain ball that can arouse news interest, there is no other ball that can interest him.

This thing is what Josh asked for from Alexios, which is the staff of Hermes Trismogites.

The staff of Hermes Trismogites can change into various forms at will, and this change of form can make it more portable.As for such technology, Josh didn't pay too much attention to it. What he needs to solve now is to extract the vitality inside.

As for Alexios, Josh didn't intend to let him die like this.

In the game, when you end up with the scepter that Alexios handed you, he immediately turns pale and visibly loses vitality until he dies.

If Josh wants to study this scepter, he must take protective measures.Otherwise, there will probably be one more Alexios among Josh's resurrected staff, which is definitely not acceptable to Josh, so Josh can only find a way by himself.

"Damn it, I didn't feel anything before, but now I suddenly realize that the bastard Akatosh is not here. I really have a lot of things messing with my hands."

"Nonsense, don't you look at who I am? I am the great wing of the sky! Also, you are the bastard!"

When Josh was still thinking about how to deal with Alexios, he couldn't help but wonder if it would be better if he brought the dragon with him, but suddenly a voice came from beside him.

Turning around, Josh saw a silver young dragon looking at him with disdain.

"Damn! Why are you here?" Josh was taken aback by this guy's appearance!
"Why am I not here?"

"Before I called you, you didn't respond at all, and I checked my tattoo, and you didn't exist in it!"

"That's because I have advanced. To put it bluntly, I am now a void creature. When I advanced, I directly became a void element. I didn't expect this, so it is normal for you to find me."

"Wait! Does this mean that you can see what I do?" Josh asked with a dark face.

"Of course." Akatosh nodded as a matter of course, and suddenly smiled when he saw Josh's increasingly ugly face: "I can't see it."

"What do you mean?"

"I have become a void element, and naturally I don't have any consciousness, so I went to sleep directly, and the ghost knows what you did! Also, there are a lot of shit in your mind, I'm sick of it okay!"

"is it?"

Josh looked at Akatosh suspiciously. Akatosh really made Josh feel very bad, but the answer he gave now really gave Josh no reason to refute.

In the end, Josh could only nod with a dark face, believing Akatosh's words.

Although Josh's complexion was not very good-looking, having Akatosh really saved Josh a lot of things.

Although Galen also obtained a part of Josh's memory, no matter how he compared it, he couldn't compare it with Akatosh. Akatosh knew Josh's plan immediately after only a little understanding of the current situation.

"Can you help you seal Alexios' vitality so that it doesn't pass away? I can indeed do this, but it's a bit more troublesome, and I have to remember it carefully. I don't like this kind of sealing magic."

"Are you worried that you sealed someone and then forgot, but you turned your enemy and stayed in the seal?"

"Idiot, I will just kill my enemies directly, okay?"

It didn't take long for Akatosh to think of a sealing method, directly sealing Alexios' vitality.

Fortunately, in such a world where the limit is not too high, Akatosh directly promoted to the sixth level this time, exceeding the limit of the world, otherwise he might not be able to do this step so easily.

Life has always been a taboo topic, otherwise a professional like Josh would not be called practicing against the sky.After all, no matter which world it is, the life of a creature has a limit, and breaking this limit can be regarded as breaking the rules and arrangements.

Sealing the life of a creature to prevent it from passing away is even more against this rule. It can be said that it is more inadmissible than the rule to break the limit of life through practice.

Of course, this disallowance is also relative, as if the spellcaster surpasses this rule, then the rule is useless, and Akatosh is like this.

Holding the copper ball that the scepter turned into, Josh was thinking about how to draw out the vitality inside, Galen and Natasha went to help O'Connor and the others, while Alexios was adapting to the sudden loss of life. In the state under the blessing of the scepter, fortunately, he has already started to learn fighting spirit, and has made some achievements, so he adapts relatively quickly.

"This thing is the staff of Hermes Trismogites?" Akatosh stopped on Josh's shoulder and looked at the copper ball suspiciously.

"if not?"

"The vitality inside is indeed very full, and it is constantly creating vitality by itself, but the level of these vitality is really low enough."

"Of course, I have estimated this. I just don't know if the vitality in it is enough to make Imerton fully alive."

"You'll know if you try it, and you can consider using magic guidance to extract life force."

"The way to guide the magic power?"

Josh touched his chin. Magic guidance is actually the same as magic control. It's not that Josh has never thought of using such a method, but Josh feels that doing so may waste a lot of vitality.

Life force is much more fragile than magic power, and its control requires higher precision than magic power. Josh was worried that his life force would overflow if he could not control it well.

"Of course, otherwise, what else can you do? It will take you countless years to think of any way."

"Looks like it is."

Josh nodded. Indeed, rather than spending an indefinite amount of time on research, it would be more practical to revive Imerton simply and roughly, and then learn what Josh wanted from him.

What's more, after hearing from Akatosh that the scepter can also create vitality by itself, what is Josh afraid of?
Not to mention, Josh really doesn't know that this thing can create life force by itself. Although such a technique is very attractive, apart from other things, Josh can use this technology to create Rivendell's medical system.

After thinking about it, Josh decided to ask Howard to study it carefully when he decided to go back. It would be great if he could produce a higher level of vitality.

Thinking of this, Josh directly invaded his magic power into the rod of Hermes Trismogites, and soon he felt the majestic vitality.

Slowly guiding these vitality with magic power, Josh found that it was indeed what he thought. When he guided the vitality out of the scepter, part of the vitality would be overflowed.

But this is not too much trouble, most of the vitality is still in Josh's control.

Although there is waste, which can be counted as the life force of an ordinary person for more than 100 years, Josh didn't pay much attention to these things and pushed the life force back into the scepter.

He did it all by himself, but Alexios looked like he had seen a ghost.

Of course he knew that light golden energy. He had been using this energy for thousands of years, so he was very familiar with it, but he never thought of someone like Josh who could directly control this vitality in his hands.

But the more terrifying Josh acted, the happier Alexios felt.

He also slowly began to come into contact with these legendary powers. Although it was just the beginning, he also felt some magical changes, even if it was just the beginning, he could clearly feel it.

He has accepted the external vitality for too long. Although his current body looks very strong to be honest, the aging organs inside are still very obvious.

He knew that once he left that energy, he would be finished, but now he could feel that the organs in his body had begun to slowly repair.

Even if this speed is very slow, after all, he has aged for a thousand years, and he cannot recover so quickly.

And with the help of that dragon who seemed to like to argue with Josh very much, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was able to get rid of the scepter he inherited from his biological father.

This is a very special feeling. To be honest, if there is a choice, he really doesn't want to inherit this thing.The Rod of Hermes Trismogites is not only a symbol of life, but also a symbol of responsibility. The responsibility that Ericsios bears is too heavy.

This responsibility and this seemingly endless vitality have allowed Alexios to go through wars and see countless life and death.Even he himself had to face his friends, and his relatives grew old and died in front of him one by one.

Only he is still alive.

Even though he has gone through vicissitudes, even if his body is almost corroded by time, he is still the same as before.

But now it's better, after the appearance of this or that giant dragon, he feels that his life seems to have changed, not to mention other things, he feels that he can see his friends and relatives again is enough!

Just as Alexios was thinking and feeling, suddenly Natasha ran back, and he knew that this beautiful woman was Josh's woman.Although it was beautiful enough to make any man's heart beat, Alexios didn't dare to have any thoughts.

"Josh, we found it. Hey? Akatosh? Why are you here too?!"

(End of this chapter)

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