The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 280 Resurrection of Emerton

Chapter 280 Resurrection of Emerton

Natasha's face was still a little unhappy, even though Akatosh had explained it a few times.

How could Natasha not think of what Josh could think of?
Even though Natasha is a European girl (the Soviet Union straddles Eurasia, but they only recognize it as a European country), she is more concerned about this aspect of things, but it doesn't mean that they are willing to do something with the person they like Sometimes, I was watched secretly by others.

Fortunately, Natasha knew that Josh did not have such a habit, otherwise, during the carnival night they invited in the Four Kingdoms, this guy would not have arranged the enchantment so carefully, the purpose was not to be disturbed.

It can only be said that Akatosh's appearance was too abrupt, and it made Natasha think of something not very good. After all, Akatosh is not a guy without a criminal record.

"Forget it, honey, remember to take care of this guy, or you won't be able to go to bed in the future."

"It's rare for me to see what you guys do like that."

Hearing Natasha's words, Akatosh replied very dissatisfied.

He felt that this little girl was still cuter before, and the older she grew up, the more she could compete with Josh, but Akatosh shut up decisively after noticing Josh's death staring eyes, he didn't have the time to fight with the two Arguing together.

"Don't worry my dear, I will pay attention to it. By the way, what did you say you found?"

"We found those two books, and at the same time, Galen got a coffin out of nowhere, and Galen is guarding there now."

Natasha Xu briefly described what happened to them, which surprised Josh, but after careful consideration, there seemed to be no problem.

Galen has part of Josh's memory, so he still knows everything about this ghostly place, so it's not a problem for them to find what they need to find under the prompt of Galen.

As for why Galen would guard that place, the eighth floor was worried that Evelyn, a woman who died, would directly resurrect Imerton, although in the eyes of Josh and even Galen, it was not a big deal for this guy to come over. It was a difficult thing, but he still decided to let Josh make his own decision.

With Alexios Josh, who was still a little weak, he followed Natasha to the underground tomb quickly. As a result, Josh saw two books with the same iron sheet but different colors under Galen's armpit. Holding one hand on a sarcophagus and waiting boredly, O'Connor and the others chatted boredly aside.

"Are you here?" Galen quickly noticed Josh and the others, but he paid more attention to Alexios' situation: "Alexios, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, it's just getting rid of the sequelae of some things, but I think it will get better soon." Alexios smiled indifferently.

"You're not completely free, you just sealed enough vitality in your body, don't be careless little guy." Akatosh flew to Josh's head and said with disdain.

"Huh? Akatosh? Are you here too?"

"Yes, this guy has always been in my body, but because of the promotion, this guy has become elemental, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find him."

Josh explained while pulling Akatosh off his head, and then seemed to remember something and emphasized: "He can't see anything, and he can't hear anything."

"Oh! That's a pity."

"What do you mean by pity?"

"It's nothing."

Galen smiled playfully, and then he threw the two iron books under his arm in front of Josh: "Is this the Sun Bible and the Death Bible you were looking for?"

The magic power surged slightly, and the two iron books stopped directly in front of Josh, and then lay completely flat in front of Josh as if someone was manipulating them.

In fact, Josh didn't even need to look at it to know that what he wanted was these two things.

"That's right, that's them."

Josh nodded. He didn't even need to touch Josh to feel the very subtle magic fluctuations in these two books.

This kind of magic power fluctuation is very strange, one is like endless darkness, but it has a breath of life, and a truly overwhelming light has a unique taste of death.

Josh thought about it thoughtfully. In the original book, the Bible of Death was an important item used by Moyton to revive Ansuna. If you think about it from this aspect, you can understand why there is a breath of life in this extreme darkness.

Although the Sun Bible feels sacred and inviolable, the function of this thing is to punish those undead creatures.

It doesn't seem to have any saving effect, but more of a magic to kill the enemy, so it has a strange smell of death.

The corner of Josh's mouth twitched. For some reason, he suddenly thought of a kobold. That guy's nickname seemed to be Desert Death.

Is this guy still the god of death in the mouth of these Egyptians?Don't say it really looks alike!

"Isn't this Nasus guy's famous line 'Life and death, endless reincarnation'? Damn, it's so complicated! I feel more and more that this guy may be the Egyptian god of death."

Josh could hear Akatosh talking loudly there, and he suddenly said, "You think I look like Anubis? Please, his skin is black!"


Josh rolled his eyes and didn't even bother to pay attention to him. Nasus is indeed not a black dog, but there is something in his skin!

However, Josh was too lazy to argue with Akatosh about these useless things. He recalled Hogwarts' lockpicking magic, and Josh directly cast it on these two books with his bare hands.


With a slight crisp sound, Josh opened the two books at the same time, and Josh forgot about the key.

But Josh thought of another thing, which was a magic wand he got in the wizarding world, and he didn't seem to have used that thing for a long time.

Shaking his head, Josh didn't bother to go to these things. This wand might be of some use in the future, but it is of no value to Josh now, unless it can be upgraded or something.

Waving to Evelyn, Josh couldn't understand what was written on it, otherwise he wouldn't have taken Evelyn with him.

"Oh, these are ancient Egyptian, I want to take a good look."

"Of course, read it carefully, but I will give you a suggestion, first read this golden book and then tell me, got it?"

Josh didn't plan to get these memories directly from Evelyn's mind, probably because he didn't think these things were very important.And Josh also found that if he messed up too many other people's memories, it would not be a very good thing for his mental strength.

Because no matter how you look at other people's memories, they are other people's spiritual power, and they can even be seen as some soul fragments of others. It is not a good thing to have other people's soul fragments in your own soul. Of course, it is okay if there are few types.

If there are no restrictions on this thing, then the Muya Continent has started an academy, just instill knowledge and it's over.

But even if Josh doesn't use memory engraving, his learning ability is already extraordinary. Simply put, after Evelyn only told Josh what these things mean and how to pronounce them, Josh can basically master them proficiently. Use this seemingly unusually complicated language.

"Mom, if I had such learning ability back then, I would definitely not be so bad right away, right?"

Josh touched it and sighed, but soon he stopped thinking about these inexplicable things.

Anyway, he is also a sixth-level magician. If his learning ability is still the same as before, Josh really doesn't have to mess around. He casually threw the Sun Bible into his interspatial bag, and Josh picked up the Death Bible.

"O'Connor, go and open this sarcophagus."

"Okay, Your Excellency."

O'Connor nodded very honestly, then picked up the very weird-looking key and twisted it at the sarcophagus. After they pulled the sarcophagus away with Galen's help, a disgusting-looking corpse emerged from the The inside poured out, and this disgusting and terrifying way directly scared Evelyn to scream.

"Damn! This is what I hate the most! But why does this mummy look so strange? Has he really been dead for 3000 years?"

"Does it feel fresh?"

"Yes! That's the word, fresh! He doesn't look like he's 3000 years old at all."

Josh shrugged, and Josh didn't know how to explain why this thing looked so fresh. It was probably because of the curse that the corpse could not be completely decomposed, so that the scarab could eat more flesh.

At the same time, Josh also noticed the scratches made with his nails on the back of the sarcophagus lid, and the classic sentence in the two mummy movies-death is just the beginning.

Needless to say, for Imerton's future stories, death is really just the beginning.

"It really has a strong sense of 'life and death, endless reincarnation'." Josh looked at this line of words and sighed casually.

Akatosh once landed on Josh's head again, and then gave Josh a disdainful look: "I've said it all, that dog's head is yellow-skinned, and it's from some ascendant, not the black part-time Death God." dog."

"Perhaps I'd be happier if you could come down from my head and talk."

"But I like this condescending feeling."

O'Connor and the others had seen Akatosh a long time ago, although they were all curious about where this silver 'young dragon' that looked cute and dared to bicker with Josh came from, or rather What's the matter with the giant dragon before.

But they wouldn't be foolish enough to ask, these were matters between 'special' people like Josh and the others, and they didn't have any need to care about them.

But it's really interesting to watch this one person and one dragon bickering here.

Pulling the annoying dragon off his head, Josh once again set his sights on the fresh mummy. I have to say that this thing is really disgusting.

But Josh didn't pay much attention to it. Glancing at the body, Josh slowly began to sing some incomprehensible voices.

As Josh continued to sing, everyone felt that there seemed to be a mysterious force spreading in the entire dark space. What was even more frightening was that there was even a dark one in front of Josh, exuding a cold aura all the time, and You can still hear all kinds of wailing doors from inside.

"Door of hell!"

This word suddenly appeared in Josh's mind inexplicably, but Josh actually found it strange.

In the movie, it seems that Evelyn, a woman who loves death, reads the contents of the Bible of Death, and then locusts fly all over the sky, and Imerton is resurrected by something that looks like a dark wind up.

But when it came to Josh, why did a 'gate of hell' appear inexplicably?

After thinking about it, Josh probably knew it. Maybe it was because he subconsciously used his own magic power when singing these strange languages, which resulted in such a situation, right?
As Josh continued to sing, the gate of hell slowly opened, and a black force directly flooded Imerton's mummy, and the most ridiculous thing was that everyone present saw a bald man in a black robe walk from Walked out of the gate of hell, and then entered the mummy along with those black forces.

Immediately, the mummy quickly returned to the form of a "human" as if time went back. If everyone hadn't seen the mummy before, I am afraid no one would believe the scene in front of them.Slowly, the bald man opened his eyes, and then a growl came out of his mouth.

Josh stared blankly at the bald head in front of him, then closed the Bible of Death and scratched his ears.

"It seems that the effort to help the guy restore his vitality has been saved. Everything is quite normal, except this guy is yelling too loudly."

(End of this chapter)

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