The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 397 Magicians Join!

Chapter 397 Magicians Join!

The elite of the Hidden Alliance is actually a bit poor.

In Josh's eyes, these guys are at the fourth level on average. Of course, if placed in this world, especially on a battlefield like the earth, the fourth level is already an unimaginable level of strength.

You must know that even Loki and Thor are only close to the fifth level now.

And when Josh came to this world, he was only at the fourth level.

At that time, Josh also relied on such strength, relying on Hosdner's deterrence and his own strength in a daze, and wandered around the most mysterious Red Wall organization in the extremely cold zone of the Soviet Union.

And the strength of these magicians present is much stronger than that of Josh at that time, and there are even several fifth-level magicians standing inside, which fully shows that the development of this organization in the past few decades is still good Yes, and there are many talented and hard-working magicians.

As Tony's classmate, Grant was among them.

He is a genius magician from Hogwarts. Of course, he may not be as good as Tony in terms of academic mastery. It's just that Tony has been willing to fall for so long before he can surpass him.

However, he also knows that his talent is not as good as Tony's, so he has been working hard, and it is precisely because of his continuous efforts that he has the opportunity to participate this time.

Grant also cherishes this opportunity very much. He has long known the significance of this action, so he is very serious.

Looking at the aliens falling from the sky, Grant didn't feel nervous.

As early as when they were studying at Hogwarts, they had seen all kinds of strange creatures, and they had even encountered very dangerous guys.

After joining the Hidden Alliance, Grant even participated in an arrest operation.

The target is a Tier [-] magician, this guy should be a very promising guy logically, but this guy's desire caused him to break the rules of the Hidden Alliance.

During the capture operation, Grant accidentally bumped into this guy alone.

Grant, who was only at the third level at that time, didn't panic too much, but waited for the rescue of his teammates while dealing with this guy.

The result was good. Although Grant's magic level was not high, it was very solid, so that when he faced the fourth-tier magician, although he was beaten helplessly, there was still no problem in dealing with it. Otherwise, I am afraid that Grant would not have the opportunity to stand here.

"Hey Grant, are you nervous?"

At this moment, a magician beside Grant suddenly asked.

Grant turned his head and took a look when he heard the sound. It was Ike Mania, an excellent magician trained by the disciples of the ancient master. He was about the same age as himself, and there was an Asian standing next to him, That person's name seems to be Wang.

"It's okay, how about you?" Grant smiled and said relaxedly.

"I'm a little nervous. To be honest, I'm quite envious of you. I was exposed to those practical trainings at Hogwarts. We don't have such opportunities. Only when we become judges can we have the opportunity to go out and perform missions."

"Hogwarts has never rejected you, and don't worry, I will take good care of you."

Grant replied with a smile. Although they are not magicians of the same faction, their relationship is still good.

Ike and Wang looked at each other, they both smiled and said nothing, Wang is actually a disciple of Master Gu Yi, and Ike is a disciple of his senior brothers, but they have a good relationship.

While they were chatting, suddenly the voice of Master Gu Yi sounded in their minds, it was a signal telling them that they could launch an attack!

Glancing at Ike and Wang, Grant nodded, then quickly took out a broom and rode on it, and then the magic power surged and he flew straight up!
Not only him, but all the wizards from Hogwarts soared like this.

Although because of Josh's relationship, Quidditch has gradually become a bit lonely, and more magicians have begun to like other sports, such as football.

But the habit of using the broom was still retained, because the early magicians did not have the ability to fly, and they could only do it when they reached the fifth level—it was only because of certain flying skills provided by Josh.

So if low-level magicians want to fly, they can only use some special methods.

The broom has naturally become an important tool that Hogwarts students must learn. Even if it is ugly, it is still very useful when facing these guys flying in the sky.

"These guys are really convenient." Ike glanced at Hogwarts who was riding a broom soaring into the sky, and then shook his head with a smile.

Soon he set his sights on the aliens flying very low and intending to attack ordinary people on the ground and said to Wang: "Let's start too, it's up to you, buddy."

"No problem!" Wang nodded with a smile, and a dark golden streamer suddenly appeared with his hands open.

A unique battle was about to break out. When the citizens of New York were still wondering why such a strange guy in a black robe suddenly walked out of that church, and why so many people could be packed in this church, these men in black robes suddenly pulled out their hands. Take out the broom and soar into the sky!
"Wardfark? What is this? A wizard? A magician?"

Before they finished admiring, they suddenly found dense crowds of guys who looked like aliens riding strange aircrafts flying down, holding strange weapons and firing at them!
If they haven't reacted at this time, I'm afraid they are really fools!

However, what happened next is something they will never forget for the rest of their lives. Those men in black robes who did not fly suddenly released light shields of different colors one by one, and then stood directly in front of those aliens who were shooting wildly. All the bullets fired by the aliens stayed in front of the light shield!

"Magic shield?"

There were quite a few young people among these citizens, and they immediately guessed what these things were.

Especially when they saw those black figures disappear in an instant, and then reappeared in other directions, they suddenly had a bold guess—are these people magicians?
Magicians protect the earth?What kind of script is this?
The appearance of aliens is unbelievable, but the appearance of these magicians completely broke through their imagination!

In this world, there are still so many things they don't know?
The magicians of the Hidden Alliance don't know what these ordinary people think, and they are gradually cleaning up these aliens.

To be honest, they were quite nervous at the beginning, after all, it was the first time they faced such a guy.

But when they actually fought against the Chitauri army, they suddenly found that these guys were really weak enough.

Although their weapons are very powerful, they are only slightly more powerful than ordinary people's weapons. Their magic shields can completely withstand the attacks of these weapons.

And when his own magic attacks these Chitauri, it almost hits the soul - the premise is that the hit is accurate enough.

These are trivial things, these aliens are densely packed in a large area, and if it is really a fireball technique, several of them can be killed in the past!
The Hogwarts wizards fighting in the sky feel the same way.Except for those huge 'big bugs' whose whole body is made of steel bars, which are a bit difficult to deal with, everything else is very easy.

Even for those 'big bugs', all they have to do is to fly in front of it and directly blast through its 'head' with magic!

Crushing, this is completely a one-sided crushing!
The trio of Fury stood beside Josh, staring at the scene in front of them dumbfounded. These situations and enemies that were very difficult to deal with in their eyes were actually settled so easily?
They didn't feel that the Chitauri army was weak or anything. Just looking at their equipment, they knew that the technology of these invaders was much higher than theirs.

Especially seeing the light beams emitted by those guns, this is completely unmatched by the current earth technology!

But these extremely dangerous things in Fury's eyes, when they hit the light shields on those magicians, apart from some ripples, there was nothing but a fart!
And what about the magicians?Throw a green blade-like magic at random, and it can cut off a large piece of Chitauri's body.

Throw out something like a fireball at will, and the power of the explosion can burn several people!

What else is there to freeze people into ice sculptures, what is crushed to death by boulders, etc. Fury and I are not in the mood to see it at all. The person next to him has become such a crush before he even makes a move. What's the point?

Apart from the large number of opponents, there is no chance of winning at all.

Of course, these Chitauri army really intend to use their lives and these magicians may still have some chances, but the one beside him has made a decision right away. When the guys who entered the earth are almost cleaned up, he will Take action to wipe out those troops hiding in the universe!
"Your Excellency Josh, can I ask you a question?"

Seeing that the battle in front of him was coming to an end, and the Chitauri army entering the earth was a little stunned, Fury asked slowly.

In fact, he suppressed this question for a long time, thinking about whether to ask, but after seeing the incomparable abilities of magicians, he couldn't help it anymore.

"Tell me, I'll answer if I can."

"How long did it take you to create this alliance and train these magicians?"

"I think it's better for you to ask Howard about this question. By the way, your communicator is ringing."

Fury sighed and asked Howard?Fury didn't find the subject funny at all.

He took out the communicator and hung it on his ear, and Fury frowned when he heard the words inside. This is the group of guys from the council looking for trouble.

A little helpless, Fury planned to go to the side to deal with these guys first, but before he had gone far, his face became extremely ugly and terrified. It is not difficult to imagine that this guy must have heard something enough to scare him!
"Damn! You bastards, if you want to die, die yourself! Don't you know that what you do will harm the whole earth?"

(End of this chapter)

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