The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 398 I Will Pay You Back

Chapter 398 I Will Pay You Back

crazy!It's crazy!
In Fury's mind, it is the decision of these council members that makes the whole person collapse. He thinks that these councilors are absolutely crazy, and they want to drive him crazy together!

In the end is it that the idiot actually thought of using a nuclear bomb to destroy the entire Manhattan?
It didn't take Fury any time to know what these bastards were thinking. Simply put, they were frightened by the sudden appearance of aliens, and then they were even more hidden in the earth, even in the magic of the United States. The division group was stunned!

These members of parliament are ordinary people, but they are people who enjoy very special treatment as ordinary people.

They are all politicians, and they always consider the interests of their personal positions (maybe the country, maybe some financial groups) and then other things, such as the safety of the earth.

To be honest, they are not as pure as soldiers like Fury, but people like them are often elites.

Even if it is the result of a compromise between the various major forces, if there is no real talent and learning, such an important position cannot be secured.

The first time these guys saw aliens appear on Earth, they were thinking about whether to nuke New York.

Because of this alien invasion, if they don't give them a more profound lesson, they will be repelled, and there is no guarantee that they will come again next time.

Their thoughts coincided with Josh's, but they didn't care about the lives of ordinary people like Josh did.

In their eyes, those ordinary people are nothing more than the amount of tax payments plus the number of national welfare intake.

And what if they were all dead?It can be said that they are fighting against the alien forces, and sacrifices are inevitable.

Although it has caused serious economic losses, it is only borne by the United States alone, and the United States can completely play the sympathy card with this news.

Maybe at that time, using the reason of "the first barrier against alien invasion" can also be used to blackmail on a large scale around the world.

In general, although there are very serious losses to the United States, the future benefits will not necessarily be much less!
Just when they were about to make such a decision and communicate it to Fury, suddenly they saw a large group of guys in black robes popping up.

Because this time it is an alien invasion, the whole world is looking at New York, so this is a global live broadcast!
These guys in black robes look even more terrifying than those aliens. They look like people on Earth, but they have unimaginable power!

Those alien armies that make one's scalp tingle at first glance have no resistance at all when facing them!
They can release light shields of various colors to protect themselves and ordinary people, they can release various attack methods to kill those aliens instantly, and they can even fly to the sky on broomsticks to attack those aliens. An aircraft as big as an aircraft carrier, and those aircraft have no resistance at all!

wait?Riding a broom?These councilors are not stupid, and they quickly recall some childhood fairy tales from their minds.

wizard?Or a magician?They confirmed the identities of these people almost instantly, and this made them even more determined to use nuclear weapons!

If the current political structure of the earth is relatively stable, everything is within the control of the big powers.Then the appearance of these magicians is definitely the existence that breaks these patterns!
They absolutely do not allow the existence of these magicians!

Just like the world of mutants, those mutants are indeed quite innocent, but in the eyes of the government, their existence is an existence that breaks their existing pattern.

Therefore, the mutants in the mutant world were unlucky, especially under the blind compromise and concession of their leader, Professor Charles, the problems that could have been solved by uniting and being stronger, ended in the end where almost all the mutants died.

The thinking of the people in the Security Council is the same as that of the world government in the mutant world, that is, these people who break the world pattern must not be allowed to exist, especially these guys look like a whole!
Without knowing who was in the whole, they ordered the nuclear bomb to be launched directly at Fury, and because Fury scolded people and refused to obey, they wanted to depose Fury as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"These sons of bitches, you bloody bastards!"

Fury slammed the communication device on the ground, and then crushed it with his feet a few times.

He raised his head and looked at Josh, and Josh was still very calm at this time, but that attitude made Fury even more uncomfortable.

Because Fury obviously felt a terrible breath spreading. Although they couldn't see anything, the glass that slowly began to shatter would not lie!
Josh was indeed a little angry, he would never have dreamed that the damn nuclear bomb was actually launched.

Josh is not stupid, how could he not guess what the real target of this nuclear bomb is?Could it be the Chitauri 'death squads' who were nearly wiped out?

Of course not, its goal is the magicians who are protecting the earth below!
"That. Your Excellency Josh, I can explain."

"I don't hesitate to ask for any explanation."

Josh glanced at him calmly. At this time, various alarms came from the intercom, which probably meant that Fury had been contacted for his duties, and that two planes had taken off without permission.

Josh's magic power surged, and suddenly a halo appeared under his feet. Even Fury knew that Josh was going to make a move with this familiar magic power fluctuation!
I just don't know what Josh's goal is, whether it is the whole earth or those aliens.At this moment, Fury's heart is almost in his throat. If the magician in front of him really wants to do something, I'm afraid he really has no way to stop him.

Fortunately, Josh didn't make him wait long. After the magic was completed, Josh stood in the circle of light, and then said to him coldly: "You only have one choice, give the answer now."

"Please say."

"One, go and catch all those guys, make sure it's me because I can't lie to me, and then you judge them in front of the whole earth. Second, I will help the Chitauri army destroy the earth now. It’s just a matter of raising your hands.”

"I'll catch people immediately!"

Ferry didn't hesitate at all, and immediately gave an answer that satisfied Josh.

Josh nodded, and the next moment he had disappeared from Fury's sight, and the trio of Fury suddenly found themselves much more relaxed, and they even felt that they really had no strength at all.

"What should we do now?" Coulson asked slowly after taking a breath.

"Immediately locate these damned mentally handicapped, and then catch them back! The speed must be fast!"

"Yes, sir!"

Josh didn't know what Fury and the others were doing now. He only knew that if Fury didn't give him a satisfactory answer this time, then I'm afraid they would really be in bad luck.

Although Josh won't do anything to the earth, Josh can completely turn those people with strange ideas into dust in the universe.

Josh is not Charles, and his temper is not that good.

Even if this is the earth, no matter how you look at it, it is not the world he used to be. Josh does many things without feeling guilty at all.

What's more, today's Charles probably won't look at the turbulent relationship chain in this world with the same thoughts as before.

"Let's get rid of those two planes first."

Just do what you say, and the next moment Josh directly appeared in midair, and at the same time a pair of light golden wings appeared behind him.

The wings fluttered gently, and the light golden streamer slightly spread from the bottom of the light wings. In addition, Josh had already changed into a solemn and gorgeous silver magician robe, which looked so sacred and inviolable.

The speed of the plane is not as fast as that of Josh. Josh used space magic to teleport it directly, and the plane did fly over by itself, so Josh waited in the sky for a while and saw the two planes whizzing away. come over.

"Damn! What is this? An angel?"

"How do I know? All we have to do is execute the mission."

Because Fury was too busy explaining the situation to Josh, he didn't have time to blast a plane with RPG, so both planes successfully ascended to the sky.

But now, the two pilots found that a person with wings appeared in front of them!This startled them all.

Not only them, but even the passers-by who watched in the center of New York, and countless people around the world who broadcast the live broadcast via satellite in high-definition, saw this holy figure.

At the same time, they all recalled a piece of news that was said to be a hoax by various media!
"Aha! Jacob! Look! Look!"

"Damn it, Jack! I saw it! God forbid, we were all right! There really are angels!"

"Of course! Those magicians may be believers in angels!"

"Of course, otherwise, how could they be so powerful!"

Countless citizens began to cheer like Jack and Jacob, seeing this holy figure, they seemed to feel that everything was coming to an end!
That's right, the nightmarish alien invasion, if it weren't for these magicians in black robes, I'm afraid they would all be dead.

But the next moment, what Josh did made them stunned. Josh suddenly condensed two magic balls, and then the magic ball was launched quickly, hitting the two fast-flying fighters trying to dodge!
The next moment, two violent explosions spread directly in mid-air. The huge explosion dust and the deafening sound directly made all ordinary people feel deaf!How could two planes have such a violent explosion?

Many smart people immediately realized something, and their faces immediately turned pale.

Josh, who was standing at the center of the explosion, closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his pupils had changed.

Raising his hand slightly, the mushroom clouds produced by the two explosions stopped immediately, and then quickly shrank until they turned into two glass ball-like things before Josh put them away.

Lifting it up slightly, it seemed that he could see countless satellites facing him. The corner of Josh's mouth slightly raised: "World Security Council? I will return these two nuclear bombs to you."

(End of this chapter)

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