The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 411 Cobb's Dreamland

Chapter 411 Cobb's Dreamland

It is not clear whether Josh and Elvira are the most powerful Dream Stealer Cobb, but they definitely have such abilities.

Think about it, he was just a look, and he was directly dragged into the dream, even if the other party had reminded him!
But what a terrible fact?Assuming that the other party was dragged in without any precautions, then what secrets are there?
This is not considered the most powerful dream stealer, so who else can be counted?

Of course, although he and the two guys are not human beings at all, but in his professional field, Cobb doesn't care what kind of person the other party is, or even whether he is a human being, he just knows that the other party is very powerful.

Seeing Cobb's serious eyes, it made Saito say nothing.

Although he intends to inquire about the identities of Josh and the others, but the most annoying thing about the Dream Inception business is that their identities are found out, which means that they will have big troubles in everything they do in the future, so he can only give up this idea.

After many discussions, they also slowly determined the plan to be done.

Of course, the method is similar to that in the original book, only because Josh and Elvira made some small adjustments, so Cobb came here to discuss with Josh and the others.

"Our decision was to work on the plane. For this reason, Mr. Saito bought an aircraft company."

"Hmm, this guy is quite similar to a friend I know, continue."

"We're going to give Fisher Jr the idea that his dad doesn't want Fisher Jr. to be the next him."

"Nice idea."

Josh nodded, of course he knew these things, Cobb told them both in the hope that they could help out at a critical moment.

This busyness is actually not an important thing, that is, Cobb is worried that his subconscious wife will come out to sabotage the whole operation.

In order to go home and resurrect his wife, Cobb no longer cares about so many things.

That's why he told Josh them all this without hesitation, to ensure that there would be no problems with this action.

"Mr. Josh, I hope you can help us, in case we encounter some irresistible factors"

"Do you mean your wife? Oh, no, it's your subconscious wife."

"Yes, she...I can't stop her."

"Then why don't you take me into your dream? Your deepest dream? You have to face it all."

Cobb looked at Josh in silence, this is not the first time Josh has raised a similar topic.

Although he also understands how serious his problems are, he even created a prison in his dreams in order to overcome these problems, hoping to control his subconscious mind.

But the result was very unsatisfactory. Instead of locking her, he made her the biggest trouble in every mission.

Right now, this task is very important, and it's all related to whether he can go home, and Cobb himself doesn't know how to do it.

"Actually, I know something about her and me not entering your dream. Don't forget that I can enter anyone's dream at will, but I didn't investigate carefully in order to respect your privacy. If you want me Accompany you to take a look, and by the way, I will take you to your deepest memory to have a look."

"You want to go to that abyss? But there"

"Actually, when I first created my dream, I already dragged you into that abyss.

It's just that it's unreal because it's unstable.I need to see your dream, that stable dream, of course it would be best if it can go deeper. "

Cobb became more silent when he heard Josh's words, and he nodded after a long time.

Although that dream was almost in ruins, it was built by him and his wife over many years, and it was an extremely real and complete world.

Cobb can probably guess what Josh's purpose is, because Josh has been emphasizing the stability of dream formation, and the stability of the world built by himself and Mel should be regarded as the best and strongest.So it's normal for Josh to have thoughts about that world.

And below this dream, there is a more terrifying and chaotic layer, which is the fifth layer of dream.

Cobb had entered this dream, and almost got lost in it, so he was also very worried about that dream, which was a world whose proportion to reality reached an immeasurable proportion.

"I see, I'll take you in."

"Very good Daum, by the way, let you also solve the problem of the phantom in your consciousness."


"Are you planning on your wife coming back to life, and then discovering in your mind that there is such a... her?"

Hearing Josh's explanation, Cobb could only nod helplessly.

Although he was really not sure that Josh could resurrect his wife, Josh's swearing made him believe it, so in order to welcome his wife who might come back, he really had to make some preparations, even if it was just to go home Face your own children.

Josh didn't talk to him, you're welcome, there is no need for Cobb to inject any medicine himself, and Josh just used magic to make him fall asleep.

It wasn't some kind of coma or magic that put him into a deep sleep, unable to dream, if that was the case, Josh's illusion would have been in vain.

Seeing Cobb who fell asleep and instantly fell into a deep sleep, Josh directly pulled Elvira into Cobb's dream world.

The location where they appeared was on a very old-fashioned elevator, and their destination was the bottom of this floor.

"Your world is really good. Not to mention very solid, and the area is large enough."

"In dreams, there is no room for comfort. All you have to do is to build a maze, and the size of this maze is up to you. Of course, if you are strong enough, you can enter deeper dreams, where Time may not be an issue in there.”

Josh nodded, indeed.In the original book, Saito unfortunately entered the fifth-level dream. In just a short moment in reality, he changed from a middle-aged man to a dying old man. I'm afraid Saito will get lost in it after fishing it out.

"Go and deal with your nightmare, I will go outside with Elvira. This is your world, you can definitely find us, right?"

"Of course, hey, it's time to face all this."

"Don't worry, Dom. I'll give you something."

Josh smiled, and just before the elevator came to a stop, his mental power and magic power came together at the same time, and at the same time a silver particle of light appeared in Josh's hand.

This light particle is as bright as a brick, but it does not have the same quality as a brick. It is just a pure energy body.

In the dream, Josh could indeed feel that his power seemed to be somewhat limited.

But this kind of limitation is completely different from person to person. To be precise, it depends on the creator of the dream to determine how big the limit of the dream is.

Cobb is just an ordinary person. Although he has no magic power, he can indeed do things in his dreams that ordinary people cannot do based on a certain amount of spiritual power.This is why he can become the strongest Dream Stealer, and he is indeed good enough.

But who is Josh?

Although such a dream is beautiful and strong, even if Josh can't find any flaws at all in his eyes, this dream will be completely shattered if Josh exerts a little effort, and Cobb will be completely lost in it. here.

But Josh doesn't have such an idea. In his opinion, talents are used for recruitment, not for you to get something from him and kill him.

As for recruiting Cobb, this idea did come to Josh's mind, but he never thought about telling them now.

As for this silver particle of light, it is a combination of Josh's mental power and magic power.

To put it bluntly, Cobb at this time has not been fully guided by the belief of going home, he is still in a period of confusion, and this thing is a gadget that allows Cobb to maintain himself and prevent some accidents.

After stuffing this thing into Cobb's mind, Josh took Elvira and disappeared in place, and now it's better to leave it to Cobb and the nightmare in his heart.

The city built by Cobb and Mel is very large. Although it has begun to look like a ruin, you can still find traces of the former prosperity just by looking at these ruins.

"Is all this done by an ordinary person?"

Elvira walked and looked at it. To be honest, this place really surprised her. An ordinary person actually created a city in his dream, and it was so real.

All of this was something Elvira couldn't imagine or believe before, and she didn't even think that she would be able to walk freely in other people's dreams.

"It was indeed done by an ordinary person. In fact, I have always regarded it as a simplified version of illusion magic. Of course, it may not be magic at all because no one has any magic traces, but once we What about adding magic?"

Josh nodded with a smile, and pulled Elvira to look right.It’s true that dream building without magic power can’t force others to do anything, but once you add magic power, and you, like Cobb, have already created a half-true dream, then everything becomes possible.

"Can I do this too, Josh?" Elvira asked after thinking for a while.

"Of course you can. In fact, this is not too difficult. But first you have to learn some induction magic, which I can teach you, but."

Speaking of this, Josh stopped, and Elvira also stopped and looked at Josh with some doubts.Josh thought for a while before speaking: "However, these things must be included in the contract, because I will teach you without reservation. I don't want this thing to appear in any corner of Muya Continent at will."

“No problem Josh, I promise you.”

(End of this chapter)

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