The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 412 Delivery Remuneration

Chapter 412 Delivery Remuneration
After reaching an agreement with Elvira, Josh began to slowly teach Elvira about simpler and more basic illusions.

Don’t underestimate these contents. Without the knowledge extracted from the Mind Stone, even if Elvira can create a dream or call it an illusion space, she can only use some auxiliary tools to make people feel like Cobb and the others. fall asleep.

In this case, the illusion is equivalent to losing its timeliness, and an illusion that cannot be used in battle is simply useless.

Do you still expect your enemy to sleep with you, and then give you a chance to drag him into a dream?Or you fell asleep and the enemy took the initiative to enter your dream with mental power?
As long as you are not a fool, basically when you encounter such a situation, it will be a lethal magic, or it will be a knife to your neck.

So these things that Josh taught are very simple, but they are indeed indispensable, and they are also very time-consuming things.

Fortunately, in Cobb's deep dream, these are nothing.

The passage of time has basically been reduced to a very extreme point, and Josh and Elvira, who originally had a very long life span and strong mental power, will not feel any effect of the passage of time here.

And Josh really hoped that Cobb would stay longer, because he happened to be able to examine the world completely, and he could also 'go down' to have a look.

Cobb's dream world is very solid. Although it looks very dilapidated, Josh knows that as long as Cobb is willing, it can be restored to its original appearance soon.

While Josh was exploring the dream world, Elvira was slowly digesting the knowledge that Josh had imparted to her.

This knowledge is not difficult, and these things are also very simple. Elvira is very smart and understands a lot of things at once.

Illusion is actually a method of mental attack. Through one's own powerful mental power, and some seemingly inadvertent but secretive actions, sounds, pictures, drugs or objects, the opponent is put into a state of trance, thus producing various effects in consciousness. All kinds of hallucinations.

This kind of practice is very similar to the hypnotist described in Josh's memory, but the difference lies in the word magic.

If the precise control of magic is matched with those concealed and inadvertent actions, it is the most critical.

If you use too much magic power, your enemy may feel the abnormality at the first time, so your illusion magic will fail.

If the magic power you use is too small, then although the place is confused, the feeling of violation will still be discovered.

Unless, as Josh thought, he directly built a large and strong spiritual 'cage' to trap the enemy in it.

However, such an approach requires strong spiritual power and magic power, and the dream world constructed must be strong enough, otherwise you may suffer disaster if the enemy has nothing to do.

Elvira, who knows her city very well, knows that Josh's approach is not suitable for her.

In other words, it's not suitable for me as a beginner. In her opinion, Josh may have learned a lot of illusion magic, so he wants to 'advanced' his own magic.

"It seems that I still have to start from scratch. I haven't studied for as long as you, so I'll start with small magic."


Josh froze for a moment, what does it mean to have learned for a long time?
But he didn't say anything, it's true that the foundation is very important.Even Josh, if he hadn't been gnawing on the soul gem for so long, he might be slowly laying the 'foundation' like Elvira now.

In this way, both of them have their own important things to do, so their chat has become a chat without a sentence, but basically Elvira asks questions and Josh answers.

I don't know how long it took, anyway, Josh felt that he had almost explored it, and even Josh took Elvira to look around the world 'below', and Josh finally felt the message from Cobb. information.

To be precise, it was the information sent by the light particle he gave Cobb.

In an instant, Josh brought Elvira and appeared in front of Cobb. At this moment, Cobb was half kneeling on the ground, and he was holding a woman in his arms. This woman seemed not to be breathing. up.

"Solved?" Josh looked at the somewhat disappointed Cobb, shook his head and asked.

"Yeah, it's fixed. She's like a phantom in my head, I always think of her as my wife even though I know it's not real. Sometimes, when I'm most desperate , I even thought about staying by her side forever, but I know it's all fake."

Seeing Cobb depressed like this, although he didn't cry, both Josh and Elvira could feel the sadness in his heart.

This is a man who is deeply affectionate. At this moment, Josh feels that he has met Jack?Of course, Josh didn't mean anything else, but he felt that he was not as good as him.

"Mr. Josh."

"I am listening."

"Promise me please? I really have nothing left and I'm not sure Saito can get me home and I'm not sure you can actually save my wife from death. But I beg you, don't Lie to me, please make peace with me!"


Josh really didn't know how to answer him. Looking at his current state, he seemed quite calm, but everything outside told Josh and Elvira that the man in front of them was not as calm as he seemed.

To be honest, Josh really didn't intend to dove him, but such a thing as Josh was simply unimaginable for an ordinary person.

'Why don't you just let him inspect the goods first?In fact, I also got what I wanted? '

Suddenly, such an idea appeared in Josh's mind.

It's not that he was influenced, but the idea that he was born naturally, and Cobb couldn't influence him.

Moreover, Josh felt that there was nothing wrong with this idea, and it seemed that his goal had been achieved.

So it seems that there is no problem with paying the reward now?
But Josh doesn't plan to go back so soon, he also wants to see the work of these dream stealers, and what is the meaning of the ending of this movie!
This was one of Josh's biggest grievances.

The spinning top that keeps spinning suddenly gives you a black screen when it is about to fall down. What is this?
At that time, Josh was really angry. Although he knew that it was just an open ending, and although it was for the audience to make up their minds, this is what people like Josh hate the most.

Glancing at Cobb, the lost man seemed to have recovered a little bit now. He stood up slowly and seemed to want to leave the dream.So Josh cast magic without hesitation, bringing them back to the small studio in an instant.

"Sorry, Mr. Josh, I'm a little excited."

"It's all right, Dom. By the way, how's your DNA going?"

"Mel's DNA? I've prepared it a long time ago. In fact, I have always had something of her in me, so..."

"That's good. To be precise, my goal has been achieved. So, I also plan to pay the reward."

Josh smiled slightly. At the same time, a silver light gate suddenly appeared in front of Josh. This light gate shone with strange runes and power fluctuations.

Elvira recognized what this light gate was at first glance. She stepped on this light gate and went to the Marvel world.

"Are we leaving?" Elvira asked curiously.

"Not yet, just go to another world for the time being, help Dom prepare her wife's body, and then we will come back."

"Go to another world?" Cobb asked a little at a loss when he heard Josh's words.

"Yes, otherwise clone the body in this world? Are you sure this world has this technology?"

Like, really not?
Cobb was a corporate espionage man, and he'd been on all sorts of assignments, including medical engineering and bioengineering.

So he still has some understanding. It seems that there is really no relatively perfect cloning technology in this world.

But for a cloning technology, go to other worlds?
Is this a luxury, or is this guy in front of him capable and exaggerated enough to ignore the universe?Is magic really that powerful?

Unknowingly, a lot of ideas emerged in Cobb's mind.

"Are you waiting for me here? Or go with me?" Josh didn't notice that Cobb seemed a little distracted at this time, but turned to look at Elvira.

"Let me go and have a look with you, I happen to be very curious too." Elvira thought for a moment, then said immediately.

"Okay then, let's go. Dom, come in, let's hurry."

"Okay, Mr. Josh."

After everyone came in, Josh directly activated the magic.

The silver light flashed away, and then the three of them disappeared into the studio, leaving only the tools in place to prove that someone had stayed here and entered the dreamland.

The light turned back, and Cobb felt like he was going to throw up. For the first time, he realized that his own car would also suffer from motion sickness.

Such a strong sense of spinning is really not something everyone can bear, and fortunately, this feeling is not a fatal feeling, otherwise he might die.

"Here. Where is this place?"

Looking around, Cobb found himself in a place that looked like a laboratory, and Josh, who brought him here, ignored him now, but was talking to a Chinese man in a white coat.Could this be another world?
For a long time, after Josh finished talking with the Chinese, he brought the Chinese to him: "Give him the DNA items, he is my employee, Henry Wu, Dr. Wu. He is in charge Help you clone your wife's body, remember to tell him if you need anything."

"Thank you." Cobb stood up slowly, and obediently handed over the materials to Dr. Wu.Only then did he continue to ask, "This is another world?"

"Of course, oh yes, if you want, you can go out for a walk, because this is the United States. Well, the United States in a different world, you can use your totem to see if you are dreaming."

"No, how long do we need to stay here?"

"It doesn't matter how long it takes, because under my control, even if it stays here for a long time, it's just a moment for you." Josh smiled, and time stood still without leaving the Void Gate, which is perfect for dealing with this kind of thing .

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you." As if thinking of something, Josh continued.

"Please say."

"Remember to prepare some clothes for your wife, um, and find a way to give your wife an identity when you go back, otherwise the resurrection of the dead will cause panic."


(End of this chapter)

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