The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 426 This killer is not too cold

Chapter 426 This Killer Is Not So Cold ([-])

When everyone was sighing, Leon finally sighed too.

Just like he sighed when he opened the door for Matilda, his sigh this time is also so helpless.

Perhaps it was the remaining kindness of a human being that prevented him from doing such a cruel thing. He withdrew his right hand and left Matilda's room silently, as if he had never appeared before.

His behavior also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and even many people applauded for him!
Even these nobles knew that this killer might not have an easy life in the future, and he might even be killed by this girl, but the brilliance of humanity at this moment also moved them, who were somewhat indifferent.

"Perhaps he can give up continuing to be such a dangerous job as a killer in the future, and just concentrate on being his mercenary."

"Yeah, it's good to be a mercenary! Anyway, those city officials didn't find him."

"They will definitely have a good ending."

"Of course! It will."

These nobles were talking in low voices, as if they were trying to convince themselves.

Of course, they also hope that the story will develop in this direction, because they have seen enough darkness of human nature in just over half an hour, and they really don't want to continue watching such stories.

It seems that the photographers of the ghosts know what the audience wants to see, and at the same time know what the audience is wondering.

Soon the audience experienced a feeling of 'sweet enough to remind of the girl's heart that was thrown away many years ago'. The daily life of Leon and Matilda made people feel so beautiful!
At the same time, they also learned deeply from the story what the setting of Leon's mission is!

Leon is a wandering mercenary. He wandered to the newly established Rivendell due to an accident, and he could only settle down here.

Because of that accident, he lost all his money, and he didn't even have any hope of returning home - the teleportation array was too expensive, and the nearest city to Rivendell was also very far away, so he couldn't do anything by himself go there.

Under such extreme circumstances, Leon, who was extremely short of money, met a group of people hidden in the deepest part of Rivendell.

This group of people engaged in all kinds of illegal transactions, and it was this group of people who discovered Lyon and gave Lyon a brand new opportunity.

That is to help them clean up some people they think are 'trouble' or 'people who stand in their way'!
The impoverished Leon had nothing to do. When he first came to Rivendell, there wasn't even a mercenary union established here. Without quest sources and a lot of money, he couldn't go home at all!

So he accepted the employment of these people, and has since embarked on an abyss with no way back.

It can be said that this is a tragedy, because Leon has no choice, in order to survive and go home, he can only do this!
In order to go home and protect himself, Leon cut off most of his diplomacy, and he didn't even know that the eldest prince Kane had brought the teleportation array.

He didn't know this information until he chatted with Matilda, but it was too late at this time.

Leon is not a qualified killer, because he has his own principles - never kill women and children, never kill anyone who has not committed any crimes!
So his missions are very dangerous, but also well-paid, and sometimes he is even unwilling to do anything to those mission targets, but prefers to throw them to the law enforcement team!

At this moment, all the audience knew why this guy let go of the fat man named Jones at the beginning. It turned out that he was not a real bloodthirsty killer!
He was just a poor man who was forced by life to become such a poor man!
This kind of Lyon is a real person, and his image touched everyone present.

Even General Orderrick, who thought this character was too false at first, became more silent. At this moment, he no longer felt that this guy named Leon was false.

He even felt that this story was not a fictional story at all!

Just like the Guardian, he is beginning to firmly believe that the mercenary killer named Leon really exists!

Because such a character, such a complicated heart and background, and such a complicated story cannot be imagined by imagination!
He lives alone in a small dilapidated hut in Rivendell, with only one potted plant to accompany him.

Although this man is very skilled in murder, he will patiently fold his clothes, drink a whole glass of milk every day, and go to a small theater in the art district alone to watch an awkward stage play.

And this person is also kind-hearted, he will pick up some scattered tasks, and if the employer is also poor, he may not charge commission.

Or help some people in need, and after helping, they will leave quietly without saying their names.

There must be such a person, and then dig out his story and tell everyone in this form!
As for what happened to this person, General Alderrick didn't want to think about it, and he didn't dare to think about it. Such a person is too real, and reality is often a tragedy.

Just as General Aldrick thought, this is really a tragedy.

When the army of city officials came under pressure, the fate of this mercenary killer seemed to be doomed.No, it should be said that since he put the little girl in the room, his fate has been sealed!
When Leon used his fighting spirit to smash open the ventilation duct, and wrapped up his beloved potted plants and gave them to Matilda, many women cried silently.Because they are afraid, afraid to see the clips that make them sad.

"Listen, listen to me, we have no chance of running away together, I'm going to have a chance when I'm alone. Believe me, I'm fine, Matilda, I've got a lot of money with Tony and we'll take that money Let's leave together, just the two of us, okay? Let's go!"

"No, you just say something to comfort me! I will lose you!"

"No, you won't lose me, you gave me a taste of life again, the happiness I began to want to live, with care and roots, and you won't feel lonely anymore, Matilda, Please, go! Go now!"

Slowly pushing Matilda into the pipe, Leon said without hesitation: "I love you, Matilda!"

"I love you too, Leon!"

This sentence I love you made all the audience feel sweet, but this kind of sweetness was too late.

Because the city officer and the law enforcement team had already attacked, and the magic arrow feathers blew up Leon's hut with violent explosions. Everyone was silent because they thought Leon was dead.

But what happened next made everyone's heart skip a beat—because they saw that Leon had disguised himself as a seriously injured member of the law enforcement team, and was brought out by other law enforcement team members!
This immediately made all the spectators forget the rules of the theater, and they all began to cheer uncontrollably!
"Nice job! This guy is really smart!"

"God! Under such extreme circumstances, he can still think of a way! What a great man, what a great mercenary, what a pity."

"Yes, what a pity. If he is still in Rivendell, I must hire him! Let him bring Matilda to my territory."

"Don't dream, he has definitely taken Matilda and left here. I just don't know where their destination is."

The gate was close at hand, and the audience burst into cheers.Because Leon is about to go to the light, since he fulfilled his promise, he took Matilda and left here, leaving this place that made him desperate and returning to his hometown, back to his hometown.

But in the next second, the cheers and exchanges were silent, and a huge suffocation enveloped the audience!
As the camera changed, everyone saw that Danny, the city official, appeared behind Leon, and he was pointing a crossbow at his back.

A slow motion, a tinnitus with a light piano sound, Leon's perspective slowly fell to the ground, his eyes were full of light.

The camera cuts to Matilda walking on the sunny street.

When the camera turned back, Leon was already lying in a pool of blood.

Stan turned Leon over, but checked him for life.

At this time, Leon used his last strength to activate his fighting spirit, and stuffed something into Stan's hand.His eyes were almost out of focus, but he still spoke to Stan slowly.

"Stan Field?"

"Awaiting dispatch."

"This is a gift from Matilda to you"

Leon held the gift in his bloodied hands and placed it in Danny's hand.

Then his arms hang down weakly, and his out-of-focus eyes look upwards, as if they have penetrated the ceiling, soaring in the cloudy sky!

Danny frowned and glanced at a ribbon in his hand, subconsciously pulled off Leon's clothes, and found that there were all kinds of scrolls underneath, the ones that had been activated!

"Damn it."

In an instant, all the audience watched the screen filled with explosions and flames!
Their lips moved for a moment, trying to say something but unable to speak, they can only be silent now.

At this moment, how much they wished that they were a woman, because only in this way could they vent their feelings unscrupulously!

However, the story is not over yet, and all the audience watched in silence until the end when the heroine, Matilda, took the potted plant and buried the potted plant raised by the mercenary, which can be said to have replaced his whole life. into the soil.

"We're safe now, Leon."

When these words were spoken and the ending song "Shape·Of·My·Heart" sounded, a wave of sadness flooded the hall like a tsunami!
At this moment, even Josh, who was sitting at the front end, could hear the faint sobbing sound in the whole theater, and even Elvira, who was sitting beside him, was already sobbing.

As for General Alderick, who had always had great ambiguity about the role of Phantom and Leon, he also slowly closed his eyes at this time.Not to mention, the others present here.

(End of this chapter)

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