The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 427 This Killer Is Not So Cold

Chapter 427 This Killer Is Not So Cold (End)

It was over, when the screen turned completely black and the subtitles were slowly scrolling, all the audience knew it was over.

But even though they knew it was over, no one wanted to leave the theater!

They still have no way to recover from this story, all of this is too amazing, and all of this is too real!

The audience present were almost all aristocrats, except for some naive and romantic little girls, everyone else could clearly see the true meaning of this phantom!

Even if there is still some confusion, but the general things have been understood.

Is this specter just telling the story of a killer?
Do not!This is simply a work that examines human nature and society!

It abandons the exaggerated elements of the stage play, and vividly shows the most real things in front of everyone's eyes!
Even Blake and Ilka fell silent after watching this phantom. As the great emperors of the two empires, how could they fail to see that this phantom is hidden in the story of the killer Leon and Matilda? Next, what is the meaning of the deep burial?

Not only can they see it, but they also understand it very deeply. This guy Josh not only told everyone a touching story, but also showed the ugliest side hidden in this world, and this side is theirs. I have always wanted to fight but it is very difficult to do!

Who is the city official?

To put it bluntly, it is a small role that even the noble class can't enter, but such a role can cause such a big thing?
And it's still Rivendell, a territory ruled by Josh, so one can imagine how many such phenomena exist in other places!
These people may be doing these things without telling their lords, or they may simply be a small character sent by their lords!

To be honest, both Black and Ilka hated such things very much, but they didn't pay much attention to them before.

Now they think, did they really 'indulge' these guys before?

Sure, 'indulgence' may not count but it's definitely true without taking it too seriously.

Perhaps the situation in the Star Empire will be much better, but things like the Augustus Empire will definitely not be uncommon!

Black decided that after he went back this time, he must let those big nobles come here to have a good look at this specter!

I don't expect how good they can do, but at least save those guys who still have humanity!
If these people enter a position that suits them, it will definitely not be a bad thing for the Augustus Empire, and it will even make the Augustus Empire better.

As for those nobles, will they be dissatisfied and uncooperative?
Come on, this world is a world where power comes first. The reason why the Augustus Empire is called Augustus is because the family with this surname is the most powerful existence in this place!

Usually you guys make some little troubles and make some sons and forget it, but if you are not obedient, then just disappear!
"Blake, what that kid Josh made is really getting more and more meaningful." Ilka was silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled.

"It's true, what this guy comes up with is always interesting. Especially this time, it really blows my mind."

Blake nodded, turned his head and glanced at Josh who was comforting Elvira, and also smiled.

"To be honest, I think it's a lot better than the first Guardians. Of course, it's just for me, and I believe it's probably too dark for most people."

"Yeah, although it's the same truth, but this time the truth is a little hopeless."

Black and Ilka communicated in a low voice. They were very satisfied with the phantom this time and it can be said that they gave a lot of education.

They are all great emperors, and fortunately they have never been those who need to rely on nobles to help themselves!
They have strong strength, independent thinking ability, and the most important thing is that they can accept all kinds of opinions!

The last time "Guardian" mentioned the issue of the orc empire in a cryptic manner, they didn't pay much attention to it, but this time the issue cryptically revealed was related to their country, of course they would take it seriously!
But what makes them feel strange is why the lights in this theater haven't been turned on until now?

What's more, they didn't know what the name of this phantom was until the end of the story.

This made them very strange, not only them but also all the audience present were very curious.

Just when they were wondering, the huge screen that had no color suddenly lit up again, and there was a picture inside!

What's happening here?Isn't the magic shadow finished yet?

All the audience became a little commotion, if so, what is the final ending like?

All the audience sat down honestly, and now they all hope that the real ending will not be so cruel!
At least, give them some good hope, don't they?

It seems that the director knew what the audience was thinking, and soon a few words appeared on the screen——Ending Two.

"Ending two? What does this mean? Is this the second ending?"

"Shut up, didn't everyone see the first ending? Now is the second ending!"

"But does that make any sense?"

"Idiot! Since His Royal Highness Josh is willing to show us the photo, it must be meaningful. Don't leave without watching!"

After a little controversy, the whole theater fell silent, and soon images appeared on the giant screen.

A beautiful woman came into view, and everyone immediately recognized who this woman was——this is the grown-up Matilda!
The grown-up Matilda and Isabella have no big difference in appearance, but now she looks indifferent, and judging by her clothes, she should have become a magician, and she is also a very powerful magician !
Soon, Matilda entered a small dark room, and all the audience could tell at a glance that it was a magic laboratory!

But this laboratory seems a bit strange at first glance, because the equipment inside looks very uncomfortable-because there are various organs and bones everywhere.

"Leon, we have been separated for so many years, but I believe we will be able to reunite again this time."

While speaking, Matilda took out what looked like a bone from a small copper pot with great care, and silently placed it on a place similar to an altar.

At this moment, everyone has guessed it. I am afraid that Matilda, who was innocent and romantic back then, has become a necromancer!
Although Necromancer is not an illegal profession in Muya Continent, it is definitely not a popular profession.

Especially the lab of Matilda, who is obviously doing some inhumane experiments!This is definitely not acceptable in this world!

But Matilda didn't care about all this, she started to cast spells silently, and as she kept singing, a mysterious force slowly appeared on that bone.

Soon, a phantom appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and then slowly entered the broken bone.

Under the power of magic, the broken bone quickly and slowly returned to the appearance of a complete human bone!
What's even more frightening is that this bone has slowly grown flesh!
What an incredible thing!This kind of magic was actually researched by this girl?
I don't know how long it took, but the skeleton slowly took the form of a person - this person is Leon!

It's just that this Leon looks a little sluggish, he seems to have not recovered, but Matilda knows that she has succeeded!
She immediately threw herself into Leon's arms, hugged Leon who was still a little confused and cried bitterly.

However, Leon didn't seem to be confused for a long time, and soon he recovered. He patted Matilda's back lightly, and his face seemed to be a little puzzled.


"Yes, yes! Leon, it's mine!"

"I am"

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! What matters is that we are together again! Leon, we are safe now!"

Accompanied by the low cello soundtrack, with the end of this sentence, the huge screen went black again.

Such an ending left the audience a little speechless. Although the ending seemed a little happy, all the audience felt a little uncomfortable.

Before the audience had time to understand the source of this feeling in detail, subtitles appeared on the huge screen again - ending three, a month later.

And an ending?What's happening here?Can a phantom have multiple endings?
Soon a huge square appeared on the screen, and the square was full of people as if a grand event was being held.

This scene made all the audience a little strange, why did such a tragic story have such a picture?
Soon Josh's figure appeared on the screen, and with Josh's appearance, there was an exclamation from the whole scene!
Although it's not the first time that Josh has appeared in Specter, but I can't stand that Josh's reputation is really high now, especially after the invitation from the Four Kingdoms!
"Just a month ago, a vicious incident occurred in my territory Rivendell. This vicious incident also caused us to lose many outstanding city officials, but in the end we subdued the evil and returned to Rui Wendale a calm and tranquil setting!"

Josh's words were powerful, but all the audience suddenly felt a sense of sadness lingering in their hearts.

Looking at Josh's upright face, they seemed to see the silly self!
Now they already know what this event is about, especially seeing all the ordinary people cheering makes them feel a sense of desolation in their hearts!
"Here, I must pay the highest respect to the commander of this operation, Mr. Stan Field, the hero city officer who killed the bandits!"

In the picture, Josh slightly raised his hand, signaling for the audience to be quiet.But what Josh said made all the audience stunned, and everyone was stunned the next moment!

Because in the picture, a guy covered in bandages slowly walked up, and said with his iconic slightly nervous smile: "It is my honor to serve you, Your Highness Josh!"

Suddenly, the audience fell silent, as if a gust of cold wind had blown by, making everyone shudder!When the screen turned black once, a few large characters appeared on the screen - this killer is not too cold!

(End of this chapter)

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