Chapter 428 Crazy Daily

Early the next morning, Josh got up early and followed Galen out for a good workout.

When he came back, he found that Hughes had already been waiting for him in his office. Looking at his distressed expression, Josh knew what was going on.

Stan Field was such a hated character at the time, it was obvious that the Hughes guy was already suffering a lot.

"What's the matter Hughes? Don't you need to be on duty today?" Josh asked knowingly.

"His Royal Highness Josh, I asked for a vacation today." Hughes said patiently with a bitter face.

"Oh, so that's it. What's the matter, is there anything?"

"That, Your Highness. Have you read today's Rivendell Daily?"

"Not yet, what's wrong?"

"Your Highness, the movie reviews are crazy."

With a bitter face, Hughes handed Josh a few copies of the brand new Rivendell Daily. There are many places in these Rivendell Daily, such as the newspapers of the Imperial Capital.Josh shrugged helplessly, picked up a newspaper and read it.

The local newspaper in Rivendell that Josh read first was the original Rivendell Daily.

Straight across the area of ​​political economy, Josh directly looked at the reports of the entertainment district.To be honest, the phantom this time is indeed a little too much.

Josh's original intention was to turn the phantom into a real fairy tale this time, but then his idea was blocked by Spielberg.

In his words, do you want to make a bad movie without any depth, or a good movie with depth and meaning that will be remembered for a lifetime?

To be honest, Josh is leaning towards the first one, because this guy just wants to make money.

However, considering that he wants to build Rivendell into an art capital, the ideas provided by Spielberg must be carefully considered, so Josh finally agreed with his style and created this film that incorporates various elements of film.

"True art, real reality!"

This is the title written by Rivendell's art section. Josh really blushed when he saw this title, but he soon became very calm.

These are all facts, there is no need to worry about blowing too much, right?If anyone is dissatisfied, let him shoot one!
"Yesterday we had the honor to see His Highness Josh's latest spectacle - "This Killer Is Not So Cold". It's not a small joke, maybe it's to ease the sadness in our hearts."

"Just like when we first came into contact with the phantom, "This Killer Is Not So Cold" and "The Guardian" are so real and bloody. But if we put aside these unique real elements, we have to Admit that this one is even better."

"Compared to him, "Guardian" looks more like a fairy tale! Although our hero died, he was destined to be a soldier! He is defending his country and his people! But What about Leon? His death may have been a tragedy, but it may have been inevitable."

"This is a tragedy, a tragedy with a fairy-tale cloak. When you feel his unique sweetness, you can feel his unparalleled heaviness! He is a classic, and perhaps there will be no more People can surpass him, whether it is his plot or the deep meaning he contains, they cannot be surpassed!"

The Rivendell Daily did not write out the plot in detail, these are all things that have been tacitly accepted.

But even so, this report has written a lot of things, which forced Josh to select some more interesting parts from the middle section to start, and then turned his attention to the audience's comments.

"This is a tragedy, a complete tragedy. When Leon opened the door full of light for Matilda, he pushed himself to hell! If it were different, I might not have the courage to do so. This movie Specter made me realize more great things."

This is a comment written by a nobleman from Edgar, and it can be seen how complicated he was when he wrote this comment.

As for what the more great things are, he didn't make it clear, but this is even more attractive.

"It's hard for me to believe it's a Shadow, it's a real thing in my opinion! It happened in Rivendell, it's hidden from our eyes but we can't see the darkness! I'm very happy I'm glad to see this phantom, he taught me a lot, and at the same time made me understand a lot!"

This was written by a nobleman from Rivendell. Obviously, he couldn't believe it was false—in fact, Josh didn't say whether it was true or false, and Josh had no interest in saying it. , so that countless people think the same as him!
"Damn it, this is the saddest thing I've ever seen! Do you know? I've passed by that dilapidated building! And I've seen that damn city official many times! I saw myself in the shadow! All this is absolutely true, what I regret most now is that I didn't kill that damned city official!"

This was written by an aristocrat who came to Rivendell for tourism, one can imagine how angry this guy was.

Seeing this, Josh couldn't help but quietly glanced at Hughes standing beside him, and finally shook his head helplessly. This guy is really unlucky now!
Many of the following comments are all about my own evaluation of this phantom, all without exception are very positive comments for this phantom!
This made Josh very happy. After all, this phantom is indeed a bit too tragic, otherwise Elvira wouldn't be so sad-until now, she still needs Natasha's company.

After reading the original Rivendell daily, Josh picked up the Imperial City version of the Rivendell daily and read it again.

Although the Japanese version of the imperial capital version is more lateral and political, Josh was also surprised when he saw that his phantom was directly published on the political section.

This is clearly an entertainment item, why is it posted here?
But as Josh read on, he immediately understood why.

The cheap old man who loves himself is really fast. If there is no figure of him, I am afraid that it will be a little troublesome to release this report.

"We have no way to imagine how much darkness is hidden around us, but the phantom of His Royal Highness Josh, the fourth prince, tells us how dark this world is and how cruel human nature is!"

"We can't feel the pain and suffering in Leon's heart, and we can't feel the sadness of Matilda. But we have seen it. His Highness Josh told us with his phantom, especially the phantom of this phantom. In the other two endings, we fell to the bottom of the abyss!"

"Our country is now one of the four great empires in the Muya Continent. We are so prosperous and great. But this phantom let us know that we are not doing enough! If there is no way to solve these problems, I am afraid we will still To see how many tragedies of Lyons and Matildas were born."

"After the end of the Phantom, we interviewed Emperor Black, and he said: I have been thinking of ways to make our country better and have a stronger position in the Muya Continent. But I have ignored our own existence problems, and sooner or later we'll be in big trouble if we don't fix them!"

"So I am going to take some actions to prevent these things from happening, to prevent the birth of more tragedies. I am very grateful to my child Josh. If it weren't for such a classic phantom like him, I am afraid I would never pay attention to these things in my life matter!"

Well, it looks like my dad is more responsible than I realize.

Although Josh knew that Black hated government affairs, this guy still loved this country very much. After all, it was a country named after his surname!

Moreover, Black also helped Josh to place an advertisement for free, and the effect would not be much worse than Black's own participation in a movie.

Josh can foresee that his phantom will indeed become popular, and with such popularity, Josh's empty pocket will inevitably become more full, but this guy Hughes may be unlucky.

"The guy who impressed me the most with this phantom is the city official named Stan Field! I still can't imagine that a city official can do such a thing. The most damning thing is that I was watching the phantom Yingjian still passed this guy! If I had known that something like this was happening, I would have killed him!"

Hastily skipping a large part of the political commentary and analysis, Josh looked directly at the film review module.

The Imperial Capital version of the Rivendell Daily also retains such a section, and at the same time accepts various comments, but those who can write comments are from some big noble families, and this one left comments.

"From the beginning, I prayed that Leon and Matilda would have a happy ending. But I knew it was just my fantasy. When the second ending appeared, I thought my thoughts were heard, but when I After reading it, I feel even more uncomfortable in my heart! Leon was resurrected, but Matilda went to a road of no return. This is unacceptable to all of us. This is the greatest tragedy I have ever seen! I There is only one thought now, and that is to kill that damned city official! Of course, what I hate the most is the people who conceived and filmed this specter, including His Royal Highness Josh!"

This is a video left by Freyro from the Delanke family. It is conceivable how angry this O'Brien's brother is.

Matil became a necromancer, and he was still a living person to do the experiment. This is not allowed in the Muya Continent. One can imagine what will happen to them!
A seemingly happy ending is actually the beginning of another tragedy.

There are a lot of people who see this reality clearly, and fortunately they are well-educated, otherwise Rivendell might be in trouble!Even Grand General Aldric rarely writes a review.

"This is the most perfect performance I have ever seen. It is definitely a real event! Such a tragedy is thought-provoking, and we all have to learn a lot from it. But his ending is even more unbearable, whether it is Which one is the same, although they are the most true endings! I don't know how I endured it so I didn't kill the damn city official myself-I met him when I left, but I want to say , be careful next time!"


(End of this chapter)

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