The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 429 Something Unimaginable

Chapter 429 Something Unimaginable

To be honest, Josh sympathized with Hughes, but Josh had nothing to do with it.

In the end, I could only silently wish this unlucky guy not to be attacked inexplicably while walking at night, and then very kindly gave Hughes a two-month vacation.

Josh usually would not allow paid vacations, but this time Hughes was really unlucky.

Josh didn't need to think about it at all. As "The Killer Is Not So Cold" continues to heat up, the classic and notorious image of Stan Field will definitely become more and more popular.

And the person who plays this role will also suffer from all kinds of troubles.

There are only two movies that people in this world can access, one is the magically modified "Guardian" and the other is the current magically modified "This Killer Is Not So Cold".

Their cognition is still relatively narrow, otherwise there would not be so many people who would directly take this movie as real.

Of course, Josh also played some tricks here.

For example, deliberately let the phantom choose some places that everyone is familiar with, even the characters!The familiarity of the environment and the familiarity of the characters made them directly regard this movie as a real event.

Just like what was written in a comment: "If you want to really feel this phantom, you'd better stay in Rivendell for a while, so that you can feel this phantom better! You can also feel more Good experience of what is hidden in this phantom."

To be honest, although this review looks like an advertisement, it has to be said that it is indeed the truth.

This is what Josh wants. If you think it’s true, it’s true. Anyway, I don’t need to explain anything to you. If you want a better experience, then come here.

Patting Hughes with a mournful face, Josh didn't know how to comfort this guy.

In fact, this guy didn't have to participate in the phantom at the beginning, it's just that this guy is good in terms of image and strength, and he really wants to get more attention, so he agreed.

With the invitation of Josh from the Four Kingdoms, everyone knows how terrible the Fourth Prince Augustus is, and they all know how wonderful the future will be with him.

Of course, Hughes is no exception, even in the past Hughes was considered a more obedient type of person.

It's just that now he is indeed valued, but his reputation seems to have become very bad.

Not just bad, but very bad!I don't know how many people are thinking about how to kill him!He felt that he had to be more careful in the future!
After seeing off Hughes, Josh was about to go to see if Natasha was up, but someone came over again.

This made Josh a little helpless, so he could only sit down and wait again.Anyway, Natasha should still be sleeping now and she is relatively free.

"His Highness Josh, good day."

"Hello, Ms. Isabella, and Ms. Cornis."

This time, the people from the Tulip Song and Dance Troupe came here. As the main partner of the Phantom Shadow this time, after experiencing everything yesterday, the two of them still feel that they have not recovered.

But they also know that without Josh, it would be impossible for them to be where they are now!
After yesterday's premiere, they have received countless visits and invitations, and of course the main target is Isabella.

Her performance was really great, she literally brought the little girl Matilda to life.

Although they received a lot of invitations before, there was absolutely no such scene as now that the place they rented was almost overcrowded after coming down for one night!

This made them extremely happy and at the same time more grateful to Josh, because this is what Josh brought to them.

Without Josh, they wouldn't be able to do what they did last night even in Famous, and the letters inviting them haven't stopped until today.

This level of madness makes them very happy, and they also have a sense of crisis - if His Highness Josh cooperates with other song and dance troupes, will others also reach the same level as themselves?

In order to avoid such a thing from happening, Konis and Isabella came over early this morning.

Knowing that Josh had been in Rivendell for the past year and was used to exercising with Galen, the two of them didn't come too early, but when they came here, they found that someone had already arrived.

But when the inside came out, they realized that it was His Excellency Hughes who came first. They also knew the current situation of His Excellency Hughes very well, and they also sympathized with His Excellency Hughes' experience very much.

Who would have thought that this phantom would become like this, especially since the nobles have already developed such a trend!
They know that Josh's idea is to position this "No Specter Shadow" for ordinary people. Now ordinary people have become so popular before they enter the theater. What will happen after they come in?
They could only sigh 'Poor Lord Hughes' before daring to say anything.

"Your Excellency Josh, we took the liberty to come here this time to ask, when will the next phantom appear?"

"Huh? The next Phantom?"

Josh touched his head, why are these two women so anxious?Now that "This Killer Is Not So Cold" has just been released, are they already thinking about the next movie?
These actors are not tired, but those directors and producers are still tired!

To be honest, the most tiring thing about making a movie is not the actors but the workers behind the scenes!
Even though these behind-the-scenes workers may not be very famous, their prices will definitely not be low, especially for directors who control the overall situation and are also responsible for editing movies, their remuneration is the highest—of course, if you compare famous.

Fame in European and American countries is actually linked to one's own strength. Although there are also unknown people with superb abilities, those people are just dusty. As long as they have the opportunity, they will take off sooner or later.

Of course, people who rely on certain relationships to succeed are not excluded, but such people basically don't have a good reputation in the future.

Josh rubbed his chin and said, "Now we just finished a Phantom. Although you may be okay, the director, screenwriter, and post-production staff are very tired, and they also need to rest."

"Is that so, Your Highness." Connie thought for a while, "Then when is the next time? Do we need to prepare in advance?"

"It depends on the situation. After all, Stephen and the others are in charge of this, and I'm just paying for it."

"Then next cooperation."

"This requires your own efforts, but you have an advantage, don't you?"

At this moment, Josh finally understood what these two women were looking for him so early in the morning. Their feelings were because they were worried that their current position would be robbed by others.

But Josh also had to admire the two women's mentality of being prepared for danger in times of peace, as well as their vision.

But it's a pity that Josh can't give them any promises. Although the cooperation is happy this time, Josh will never force the directors in the casting of Specter.

And Josh himself doesn't know what to shoot for the next movie, Josh needs to think about it.

Of course, it's entirely up to Josh himself. As long as he likes it and thinks it's appropriate, then the phantom is basically determined.

But Josh is really not in a hurry now, he wants to see the market performance, and then decide what style he will follow for his next film.

Konis and Isabella were a little disappointed when they heard the result, but this was within their acceptable range.

It is true that they still have some advantages, because they have already participated in a phantom, and the effect of this phantom that they can meet is not bad, and their reputation will definitely get better and better.

As long as there is a role that suits them next time, and they perform well in the audition, then they have the information to win this role.

Although this is different from getting a certain role directly, they are also satisfied. After all, they and Josh are only in a cooperative relationship, and Josh pays them.

They also knew that Josh would not only take care of one song and dance troupe. Josh wanted to turn his territory into an art capital, so the help of various song and dance troupes was absolutely indispensable.

So what they can do is to leave a good enough impression, and then show their best state in the next casting.

"Thank you, Your Highness Josh." Both Konis and Isabella thought clearly, so they bowed directly to Josh.

"You don't need to be polite, by the way, what are you going to do in the future? Continue to go on tour or..."

"We decided to stay in Rivendell, which is a very suitable place for artistic development."

"Welcome to come, and also thank you for your contribution to Rivendell."

In fact, with Josh's current status, he doesn't need to thank the singing and dancing troupe at all, even if they are one of the four most famous singing and dancing troupes in the Muya Continent!

But Josh did it anyway, after all, he was making a contribution to his territory.

Josh still has a good impression of such a person, so he is willing to do this.

After enjoying breakfast with the two of them, Josh sent them away. After all, Josh still had some other things to do, otherwise Josh planned to visit their new residence.

He casually put on a majestic-looking robe, and casually looked at Natasha who ran outside to exercise. Josh greeted her and ran to the barracks.

Galen had been waiting for him in the barracks for a long time, not only Galen, even his elder brother Kane was also waiting for him.

Fortunately, they made an appointment at noon, otherwise Josh would be too late by this time.

Josh didn't dare to procrastinate today. God knows if his father Black would be waiting there, after all, he had created something unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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