The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 453 What Did I Say?

Chapter 453 What Did I Say?
"So, you just came to Earth for tourism, and then accidentally entered here?"

Hippolyta looked at the three of Josh with a strange expression on her face. She never expected to get such an answer.The female Amazon warriors around were also a little unbelievable, but soon their expressions became natural again.

In their cognition, Josh may be a god.

It is not surprising that the gods travel everywhere, and it seems that it is not unacceptable to travel to the earth.Back then, there were many gods on the earth, and the Amazons were all created by the gods.

It's just that this god seems to be a little too powerful, and his temper doesn't seem to be that good.

Manipulating the ocean and then changing the climate, and finally crushing all the frozen sea water, it doesn't look like a kind person could do it.

To be honest, Hippolyta even thought that this young man had something to do with that God of War!

After all, that god of war is definitely a cruel guy, but considering the power fluctuations emanating from the young man in front of him is really scary, even surpassing the god of war, otherwise Hippolyta might have declared war.

Even if you can't do it at all!

Trevor was also stunned, what is this?Traveling to Earth?Trevor's first reaction was that the young man was lying!

But when he thought of the scene that made his heart shattered, he suddenly didn't dare to say a word.

Could it be aliens?Trevor was a little dazed, but the idea of ​​aliens seems to be no problem, otherwise how to travel to the earth?

And the ability of this alien is too terrifying, it is no different from the gods in his mind!

Do not!It is even more terrifying than those gods in the legend!

At this moment, Trevor even had some doubts. Could it be that the so-called gods are just aliens?Not to mention, his idea seems to be so reliable.

"Yes, what else?"

Josh didn't care what they were thinking now, he shrugged indifferently and Josh nodded, saying that was it.

Although he did have some special purposes, it was Josh's first choice to travel here, so there was no problem at all.

"Are you really aliens?"

"Is it strange? The universe is so big that you can imagine? The gods you believe in in this world are just aliens, but you are too weak to think they are gods."

Josh's words directly suffocated Trevor and Hippolyta. Although Josh's words were not a lie, they did not necessarily conform to the reality of this world.

But it still made Trevor and Hippolyta think about it.

Could it be that the gods in our world are all aliens?Is it the same as the guy in front of you?

They have no concept of how big the universe is. After all, this era is not the era of highly developed information in the future, so they have no way to understand it.

But there is no way to understand that they can also feel that there are countless lives on planets other than the earth, and this guy in front of him is one of them.

And his abilities are definitely similar to those in their memory or the people who created their own race, with incredible power!
"So, do you know the information about God Lord Zeus?" Pohiluta asked after being silent for a while.

"You're talking about that group of guys whose relationships are so chaotic and who are like stallions at the same time? God knows if they're dead or not. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me."

"Okay, thank you for your answer. Although Paradise Island does not welcome outsiders, you are a god, so Paradise Island has no right to interfere with your behavior."

Posieluta was obviously dissatisfied with Josh's words, but she didn't dare to explode.

In her eyes, this person in front of her is simply the same as Zeus and the other gods, but they belong to different factions.

What's more, this guy has the ability to destroy the entire Paradise Island in one fell swoop. For the safety of Paradise Island, she really dare not offend Josh.

So she could only use the reason of 'you are a god, we have no right to interfere with your behavior' to explain herself, and at the same time, she also disgusted Josh.

You are a god, I can't control you, but you mess around on this island, don't you feel a little sorry for your status?
Josh smiled slightly. Although Josh didn't like this way of speaking, he had been a high-ranking person for so many years, so he naturally understood what Posciluta meant.

He didn't take it to heart at all. The Amazons are all female warriors, which sounds really good, but Josh really didn't find that he could catch his eyes.

"Now it's your turn! Who are you?" Posieluta, who had no choice but to respect Josh, looked at Trevor without giving him any kindness.

"Sorry, I can't tell you."

Trevor raised his hands honestly. Although in his eyes the weapons of these Amazon female warriors were very backward and primitive, he didn't want to cause any more trouble.

Of course, it is impossible for him to tell his true identity.

Trevor was an agent, and according to regulations, he could not reveal his identity, although he also clearly realized that these people in front of him had absolutely nothing to do with Germany.

But regulations are regulations, and the basic quality of being a soldier is to abide by various regulations honestly.

"This person is probably a British spy?" Natasha knew what Josh meant, so she was also willing to play along with Josh: "It seems that you have done something amazing, so that Germany People are chasing you like this."

"Spy? What is that?" Diana, who was standing beside Natasha, asked curiously.

"Well, they are people who pretend to be people from other factions and enter their camp to steal all kinds of information or assassinate people on important missions."

Natasha glanced at Diana, and then briefly introduced what a spy does.

Trevor's face changed when he heard Natasha's words, but he still shook his head. Although his identity was exposed, he still said he couldn't say anything.

Trevor's attitude made Posileta very dissatisfied, especially after being choked by Josh's words earlier.

Josh held Natasha's hand and watched the show. Although Josh admired Trevor's persistence, Josh felt that it was meaningless, especially because Paradise Island had something very suitable for torture.

That thing is the mantra noose, which is one of Diana's weapons in the future.

The effect of this thing is that people don't have any secrets at all. As long as the owner wants to ask something, the person trapped by this thing will say what he knows without hesitation.

This is very similar to some of the illusions Josh himself used, but the gap is also obvious.

Although Josh has learned the illusion space and spent a lot of time polishing it, he rarely uses illusion magic, mainly because he has no time to use it for the time being.

But the magic is his own, and he doesn't want the mantra to be a foreign object.

Whether it's practicality, timeliness or something else, Josh feels that his magic is more convenient, even if it's a weapon, but is Josh's illusion a vegetarian?
"Do you want me to ask?"

Just as Josh was thinking, Elvira suddenly asked.

Her words immediately attracted everyone's attention, and it was only at this time that Posieluta and the others noticed that this girl did not seem to be an ordinary person, because her ears were actually pointed!

These Amazon female warriors immediately thought of the identity of this girl, because Josh was too dazzling before, so they unconsciously ignored the two women beside Josh.

But now when they observed carefully, they immediately noticed that these two women were unusual.

Needless to say, Elvira is an elf, and even Natasha, who looks like a human girl, is not simple!
And they seem to feel much better about Natasha, because they feel that Natasha is also a fighter—for the time being, assassins can also be considered fighters.

"What can you do?" Pohiluta frowned, she was curious about how this elf could ask them for the information they needed.

Elvira ignored Posieluta, Elvira's pride is really beyond the influence of this majestic queen.

What's more, in Elvira's eyes, this queen is really nothing. It seems that except for the relatively long-lasting life source in her body, she looks like an ordinary person.

The magic power was running slowly, and Elvira walked in front of Trevor, only for a moment Trevor felt that his consciousness seemed to be blurred.

So beautiful!Trevor just glanced at Elvira's face and felt as if he was going to faint. The elves are indeed the creatures favored by the gods!
"who are you?"

"My name is Steve Trevor, Captain of the American Expeditionary Force, Airman Soldier Number 814921 and I am responsible for providing intelligence support to the mission"

Undoubtedly, under the influence of Elvira's illusion, Trevor said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said.

It turned out that this guy had received intelligence that Dr. Poison was researching a new type of chemical weapon in the Ottoman Empire, so he rushed over to investigate the details.

He did a good job, not only sent Dr. Poison's notes, but also stole a plane, and then took the opportunity to blow up the opponent's workshop.

It is conceivable how much he was hated for this series of actions. When he rushed back to send information to the used, he was shot down by the pursuing enemy and crashed on Paradise Island.

As for what happened afterwards, everyone knew that he was thrown on the shore by Josh, and then lightly killed all the Germans who were chasing him, and then he was interrogated here.

After explaining almost everything, Elvira stopped her magic power in satisfaction, and Trevor also woke up at this time.

"What the hell did I say?"

(End of this chapter)

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