The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 454 The Dream Once Upon a Time

Chapter 454 The Dream Once Upon a Time

The night of Paradise Island is very charming, especially under the gentle sea breeze, it looks extraordinarily comfortable.

Josh took Natasha and Elvira to stand on a hill together and looked at the waves constantly hitting the beach. At this time, they felt very comfortable.

I have to say that the environment of Paradise Island is indeed very good, and the feeling of being blown by the sea breeze is also very good.

Living in the Muya Continent, no matter what race he is, he may not be able to see the sea in his entire life.

This is the case with Elvira, even if she is the princess of the Star Empire, she has never seen the ocean.The sea is far and dangerous from the land.

So Elvira is enjoying this time very much now, even Josh and Natasha think it's a good place.

The two had seen the sea many times, but they were still attracted by the beautiful scenery, otherwise Josh would not have built Rivendell and Shire so beautifully.

"The sea really makes people feel refreshed, but it's a pity that we hardly see the sea anywhere."

Elvira looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her with infinite emotion. She had never experienced this faint sea flavor.When she was in the Marvel Universe, she had never seen the sea, and it was similar in the world of Dream Thieves and Ice and Fire.

Even if she is lost to Middle-earth, she is only active in the elf empire, so she really hasn't seen the sea much.

This time in Paradise Island was the first time she saw the sea, and this feeling really made her very comfortable and happy.

"It's really rare, but I don't think we will see it in the future."

Josh nodded. To be honest, he and Natasha didn't care much about the sea, after all, it's not like they haven't seen it before.

Even Josh's concept of the sea is more inclined to the various edible creatures hidden in the sea.

"By the way, Josh, have you fixed the world yet?" Natasha asked lazily, leaning against Josh, enjoying the slight sea breeze.

"Yes, I have experienced in other worlds for an unknown number of years, but I am still seventeen or eighteen years old in Muya Continent, but my strength has reached a limit. So for safety, I decided to synchronize some world."

"That's right, how long we stay here is the same as the time in Muya Continent?"


Josh directly took Natasha into his arms, and glanced at Elvira who was sitting on the other side of him, but finally he didn't have the courage to reach out and pull the girl into his arms.

It's not that Josh is cowardly, but that he doesn't know what Elvira's attitude is towards him, and he doesn't want to cause trouble like Ilka.

Just as they looked at the sea to relax, they suddenly felt someone behind them coming towards them at the same time.

Josh frowned, and soon his mental power spread out, and soon he found that it was Diana who ran over.

Josh is a little strange, what is this girl doing here so late?
Did she wait for someone to occupy the place where she looked at the sea?But Josh doesn't care, Diana has great potential, but the current Diana is really not worth mentioning.

Before fighting desperately with the so-called God of War Ares, although Diana had powerful power in her body, she had zero control over her own power.

It may not be as exaggerated as Josh thought, but to Josh, who is almost at the top of the world, it is really no different from zero.

If it wasn't for this reason, Josh wouldn't have had the idea of ​​using teaching to foster relationships.

Although Josh didn't practice fighting qi, it doesn't mean that Josh didn't know anything about fighting qi. When he was a child, Josh didn't know how many training methods and notes on fighting qi he had read.

It's just that Josh switched to learning magic because his body was too weak, and then it became a complete tragedy.

Of course, these are all things in the past. You must know that even the fighting spirit of this guy, Galen, is actually obtained from Josh.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Your Excellency Josh, and Ms. Elvira and Ms. Natasha." Sure enough, Josh's induction was not wrong, and it didn't take long for Diana to appear behind them.

"Hello, Diana. What's the matter?" Josh let go of Natasha's waist, and then stood up slowly, looking more polite.

"That's right, is it really that chaotic outside now?"

"Chaos?" Josh touched his chin. He knew what Diana was thinking, so he said directly: "If it was because of the First World War, thousands or even tens of thousands of people would die every day." If people call it chaos, then the outside is indeed very chaotic."

"Does that mean Steve didn't lie to me?"

"Of course not, and there are actually some self-righteous guys manipulating this battle."

Josh spoiled it very casually, the main reason is that Josh felt that someone came over to eavesdrop.Since you want to know, then I'll just tell you everything, anyway, it won't have any effect on me, will it?

Besides, there's nothing wrong with having Diana fight Ares.

Josh was even thinking about whether he should take the opportunity to get some of their cells or something, of course not for his own use but for his ordinary people to use.

For example, Price and others who have returned from Bolivia's public travel to fight against drug dealers, God knows what methods they used to recruit all the shepherds.

Even though these Yankees were extremely upset and obviously emotional, at least they followed them honestly, didn't they?

Do the best you can!

Josh wants to create a 'ten thousand worlds' mercenary army, even if the goal and scope of the mission are only limited to a technological world with a very low limit, it will be no problem.

To create such a mercenary regiment, the quality of the mercenaries must not be low.

If you don't plan to waste time letting him learn fighting spirit but can have powerful strength, then various enhancements are essential.

Wolverine's cell genes are indeed good, but it's impossible for Josh to keep grabbing him to draw blood, right?
And the boring Logan has also joined the mercenary group now, um, while continuing to drive, he is doing missions in the mercenary group.

Mainly because he was intimidated by the daily expenses of Hogwarts, which made him have to work hard - although he still seemed to enjoy it.

The rules at Hogwarts are never free, it only reduces fees and provides small jobs for students to do.

This is to let the students know that there is no such thing as getting something for nothing in this world. Of course, Hogwarts will not forget to teach them to be grateful, so as to save those students who do not recognize people when they leave the campus.

Although those little mutants are all orphans, their family relationship is like a lack of root scriptures, and they all write Logan's name like Laura.

This also means that Logan has to bear the tuition fees for them. Although the tuition fee for one student is not a lot, what about a dozen together?

"These mutants finally lived such a happy life, and they still have their own goals and are working hard. I still won't attack them, so I can only find other people to attack them."

Josh silently sighed for this guy Ares, anyway, this guy will die sooner or later.

So before death or simply after death, it would be great to be used for research by oneself and then extract something worthy of research, which can be regarded as a contribution to mankind.

"Does this count as using 'God' as a general teacher? It feels so extravagant."

Diana didn't know what Josh was thinking about, she was just thinking about the meaning of Josh's words.

Is this war a war manipulated by people?For a moment, Diana seemed to think of something.

"Is it Ares? That's right! Only Ares can do such a thing!"

"You said it all, why are you asking me?"

"Then what should we do?"

Hearing Diana's words, Josh immediately rolled his eyes, God, you are the protagonist, you are the savior!What are you asking me for?What should you do?

Although Josh did give Diana the correct guidance, but now Josh is pretending to be an outsider who doesn't know what they are doing here. How can he be this 'life mentor'?

"I think you should do it according to your own ideas. Because I am not from this world, I don't know the situation here, so I can't give you any advice."

"Sorry, I was too anxious."

"However, I can give you some help at that time. In your current state, it will definitely not end well to find the guy behind the scenes, but there is a very magical power in your body. Once you master even a small part, You can also get rid of him."

Josh spread his hands, and at this moment he had expressed his purpose.

To be honest, although Ares is as weak as an idiot, he also has a common problem of villains-too much bullshit.But to deal with Diana at this level, there is really no pressure at all.

Now Diana can't even fly.If it wasn't for the emotional color of "the true meaning of love" that she finally realized, which made her understand her mission and be able to use good power at the same time, maybe there would really be no such thing as Wonder Woman in the future.

"Can you guide me?"

Josh's words made Diana's eyes brighten. After seeing Josh's terrifying power, she was very sure that if Josh could help her, then her abilities would definitely improve by leaps and bounds!
But there was one thing she didn't quite understand. Josh looked like a template for a magician in a novel. Could he have the ability of a warrior?

"Of course, you know I used to, and I also dreamed of being a soldier."

(End of this chapter)

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