Chapter 459
General Ludendorff's death was a bit aggrieved. To be honest, this general hadn't played any plot effect, and his sinful life was ended by two "plot destroyers" who were more extreme than Josh.

Ludendorff ran over happily, just to test the effect of those gas bombs.

As for the subjects of his experiments, they were naturally ordinary town residents.It's just something that he didn't even think about until his death. Why would there be such a thing as an angel in this world?
When he saw two angels flying in front of him, beautiful and heartbreaking, Ludendorff even felt that God would let them win—of course, he was more terrified, because what he did No matter how you look at it, it will not be the kind that can go to heaven.

It seemed to verify his conjecture, the two angels didn't talk nonsense to him at all, and the angel with long orange-red hair wiped out all his subordinates without saying a word!
Ludendorff just felt like he blinked, and he was the only one left in the whole fucking castle!

"That, me."

Ludendorff wanted to say something more, but the next moment he found that he couldn't say a word at all.

No, it's not that I can't say a word, but what my thinking wants to say is completely different from what my mouth says!
When he woke up, he saw the woman with the same long hair waved at him casually, and then a light green thing that looked like a blade cut his throat.

Now Ludendorff couldn't speak anymore, even if he yelled twice, he couldn't do it anymore.

He could only cover his neck unwillingly, and then widen his eyes to express his emotions.

It's a pity that Natasha and Elvira felt disgusted when they looked at him. Although Josh still had some historical knowledge through his memory, they all knew what the so-called essence of World War I was.

Under normal circumstances, I'm afraid Josh doesn't need to say anything, and they themselves would not intervene in such an unjust war.

Think about the Verdun battlefield known as the 'meat grinder', where so many people died all day long, but Natasha and the others felt a little sympathetic.

However, attacking civilians made them very uncomfortable. Ludendorff's behavior made them feel uncomfortable, so they didn't need Josh's instructions at all (in fact, they didn't plan to tell Josh at all), so they ran here on purpose. Kill this bastard in one go.

After killing this guy, Natasha and Elvira also separated.

Natasha was responsible for destroying the place, and then took the civilians to a safe place.

And Elvira went to find the weapon warehouse full of poisonous gas shells. Only when Natasha had reminded her, Elvira didn't demolish it all at once, but she also made a mess here.

After finding what she wanted on this guy's body, Natasha unceremoniously destroyed everything here.

As for Elvira, her movements are not slow, it is simply too easy for her to destroy a small area.As for how many people died?Don't be kidding, although elves don't like to kill, it doesn't mean they won't kill.

Otherwise, on such a cruel Muya Continent, how can elves become one of the four empires, and maybe even the leader of the four empires?
Good looking?Long life?Come on, there are not no good-looking people, and the life span of professionals is not low.

What they rely on is not that powerful combat power, and the ability to act without mercy in the face of the enemy.

Elvira is a member of the royal family, and she has naturally completed the study and test in this area, so she will definitely not be worse than Josh when she starts, and may even be more neat.

By the time the two of them settled everything and saw Josh, it was already half an hour later.At this moment, Josh was sitting on the ground and touched a mobile phone out of nowhere, as if he was watching something interesting.

"You are back?"

"Yes, hell, we're working so hard there, and you're just here looking at your phone?"

Hearing this sentence, Josh immediately rolled his eyes: "Are you kidding me? Just those guys, you're going to die? I think even if that guy Ludendorff used a certain small pill, it would just be you It’s a matter of seconds.”

"Then you guessed wrong, he has no chance to use this thing in front of us."

With that said, Natasha threw the small pill that was taken out of Ludendorff's body to Josh.This surprised Josh: "Hey? Didn't you take care of the woman who ruined half of her face because of her lace skirt?"

"That's not our task. If we accidentally wiped her out, and someone is interested in her and can restore her face, then we have done something we shouldn't have done?"


Josh touched his nose, he felt that it was not a good thing for him to give some of his memories to Natasha.

It's not that Josh regrets what he did. Josh doesn't regret what he did, but he feels that his judgment of the so-called "goddess" seems a little low. The most important thing is that Josh has seen a certain "House in Rome".

Well, let’s not talk about this, who is not young and impulsive?It can only be said that Josh has tricked himself a bit, which can be regarded as a rather unexpected situation.

As a result, Josh handed the small pill to Diana after a glance, and Diana took the pill casually.

"what is this?"

"Well, a low-level strengthening drug can improve a person's physical fitness in a short period of time."

This physical quality includes comprehensive qualities such as strength, agility, and reaction, and it is not just about improving strength.

In the original story, after Ludendorff used this thing, he was able to fight with Diana for several rounds, and even had an advantage at the beginning.

This is terrifying. Although Diana in the original story is not as strong as she is now, it is not something ordinary people can fight against.

You can know this from the fact that she killed soldiers like mowing grass before, and Ludendorff, who has entered the old age and has absolutely no physical fitness better than the first-line soldiers, can actually fight against Diana with such a small thing. It proved that this thing is really scary.

"Is it that powerful?"

After Josh's brief and somewhat detailed introduction, Diana took the pill and looked at it repeatedly for a long time, but she still didn't see anything strange, but it also aroused her some vigilance.

But she didn't know what went wrong, which made her a little tangled.

"Why don't you ask Trevor? Maybe you can get some information from him."

"Yes, thank you Josh!"

After all, Diana didn't know much about the ordinary world, so she didn't notice the abnormality in it immediately, but it just felt a little strange.

But when she asked Trevor, Diana synthesized more information and immediately realized that something was wrong with this thing.

How can ordinary humans have such powerful technology?
Even if there is, it shouldn't reach this level, and the release of this thing will definitely escalate the war to an uncontrollable level!

Only the guy Ares would want the situation to develop to that extent.

"Is this a conspiracy by Ares?"

"Why don't you be more confident and affirm your guess? As a professional. Well, you can barely be considered a professional. You must have a certain degree of self-confidence. It doesn't matter if you are wrong. Next time you make a mistake or put yourself Wouldn't it be good to make up for the mistake?"

Helplessly cheering up Diana, Josh suddenly felt that he really seemed to be going further and further down the road of the so-called 'life mentor'.

The point is that Josh, a life mentor, is extremely unreliable. It's okay to say that he is not so responsible at all.

"Thank you Josh, I know what I should do."

After hearing Josh's words, Diana froze for a moment.

But she soon recovered. Although Wonder Woman is innocent now, it doesn't mean that she doesn't know how she should think.

Josh's words inspired her a lot, and she also knew that she was really timid before.

Josh, such a powerful existence, came with her, and taught herself along the way that she kept it in her heart.

Now Josh is teaching her how to take the future path, which is even more grateful to her. Although she doesn't understand what a professional is, she firmly remembers it.

Soon Diana took actual action. He found Trevor directly and told him what he knew, which immediately aroused Trevor's vigilance.

"That means, this was made by Ares to Dr. Maru?"

"Probably, I don't know, but it must have something to do with Ares!"

"Then let's find Dr. Maru, she has always been my target!"

With clues, Diana will have the motivation to move forward, so she is happy to reach an agreement with Trevor: to capture Dr. Maru.

And Natasha also found that the plot seemed to be deflected a bit too much, but she didn't have any intention of breaking the plot back.

What's more, she actually directly provided some information about the location of Dr. Maru, which made Josh, who was just about to say something, roll his eyes directly.

Well, I, a super spoiler patient, met an opponent, and this opponent was my woman.

The location of Dr. Maru is actually one of those warehouses. Elvira has actually taken care of those places, but she just blew up a warehouse under Natasha's reminder, so Josh is still accurate. Found Dr. Maru - ready to run.

To be honest, the poisonous gas produced by Dr. Maru will make the war more tragic, and the war that could have ended will not stop because of this attack, and will develop in a more terrifying direction.

After analysis, Diana felt that this was most likely Ares' plan.

So it is very simple to sum up, as long as this attack is destroyed, Ares is very likely to appear.

In this regard, Josh can only shrug his shoulders indifferently. It's better to show up earlier, so it's more convenient for him, isn't it?

"So what's our plan?" After listening to Diana's analysis, Trevor basically agreed, but he still didn't know what they should do.

As a result, this sentence directly met Josh's white eyes: "If you want a fart plan, just type it in and it's over?"

(End of this chapter)

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