Chapter 460 Just the Front

"I said, Josh, do they regard us as messengers or gods?"

Quietly following the large group, the three of Josh still followed everyone as before.

But this time was different, no one dared to ignore them anymore, and there were even people who turned around and asked for their care with great concern. This attitude was completely different from before.

"I'm used to this kind of thing, it's nothing to be surprised about."

Josh shrugged, there is really nothing surprising about this kind of thing.

God knows when Josh has been treated as someone's servant, otherwise he wouldn't have kept emphasizing that he was a magician.

After that, his strength became stronger and stronger, and he became a servant of a certain guy and became a "god". Josh also defended this, but when he found that the defense was useless, he didn't bother to explain it.

Now he can't even explain. After becoming more and more familiar with and integrating the rules of the world and understanding the nature of the world, it is naturally impossible for Josh not to know that the concept of 'God' is actually relative.

He is not a god in the Muya continent, not even a demigod, but his strength is in other worlds with lower limits. He said that he is not the master, so how can the gods of the original world mess up?

Just like in this world, his strength is absolutely god-like.

After turning on Seraphim, he is the most powerful existence in this world, except for the relatively short duration, there are no other problems at all.

"But the problem is, you are used to it, but we are not used to it."

"It's okay, in fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, you can be regarded as god-like existences. Well, except that you are weaker, such as in the world of assassins, aren't you no different from gods?"

Josh said lightly, they are using the language of Muya Continent and there is no need to worry that other people can understand it.

The fact is almost the same. What they said did attract the attention of the Treve team, but when they found that they could not understand the language at all, they decided not to pay attention. It was obvious that they thought it might be some kind of magic. language.

Neither Natasha nor Elvira paid attention to these things, they were thinking about what Josh said.

To be honest, of course they can understand something so simple and easy to understand, but it's just understanding. It will take time to adapt to what Josh said.

The two of them are judged according to the level of the Muya Continent when they come into contact with the mysterious power, and the other is a native Muya Continent resident. It is impossible for them to adapt to it all at once.

Even Josh himself took some time, and even now his strength is in place to adapt.

"Well, I kind of understand how you feel now."

"Aha? Oh, I see. Just get used to it slowly, don't you think I'm used to it now?"

"You have reached this level of strength, so don't you care?"


Just as they were chatting nonsense, this complex team came to the area where they stored their anger.

This is not so much a warehouse, in fact, Josh thinks it is more like a base. There is an improvised airport in the middle of countless warehouses, but a small warehouse on the outskirts is billowing with thick smoke, which is obviously attacked. .

At this time, there are countless soldiers loading shells on this simple airfield. They have one thing in common—that is, they are wearing gas masks, and there are many soldiers carrying various fire extinguishing equipment towards the Run to that burning warehouse.

Obviously this was the panic caused by Elvira before, and Josh also guessed why Elvira was like this.

Glancing at Dr. Maru who happened to be leaving here in a car with a protection team, Josh could only pay a silent tribute to this woman, so he was hit by them.

"Speak, are you doing it on purpose?" Josh looked at Elvira curiously.

"No, I heard that there are a lot of poisonous gas shells in their warehouse, so I planned to come over and destroy those things, but Natasha reminded me not to blow them up all at once. A key person died, so I just Destroyed the outer one."

Elvira expressed her thoughts directly, then pointed curiously at the woman with a mask on half of her face and said, "That's your target? I remember you asked me if I got her You're dead, don't you care?"

"Why should I care? If I die, I will die. Anyway, I already know who the ultimate target is, and it doesn't matter to me at all."

"Is that right?"

Elvira nodded and stopped asking. Anyway, she didn't care much about these things, anyway, as long as Josh knew.

Glancing at Dr. Wan who was about to run away, Elvira shook her head, can she really run away?Unless Josh intends to let her go, it is absolutely impossible for her to leave.

"Josh, what are you talking about? And what are we going to do now?"

Diana asked Josh very puzzled, her question was also the question of everyone in the other Treve team.

What the hell are they talking about?And what should they do now?Unknowingly, Josh, who showed incredible strength, became their backbone.

For all the questions, they would subconsciously look at Josh.

Even if Josh had already told Diana, she would still ask about it unsatisfactorily. Of course, if she had any thoughts, Josh believed that she had already made a decision.Her inquiry was more like a formality.

"Isn't it already agreed? Don't worry, you will be fine."

"Thank you, I see."

Diana took a deep breath, and then a faint glow suddenly appeared on her body.

Just like what Josh said, she already knew what she should do, and her purpose was very clear, that is to lure Ares out, and then destroy him!
"Steve, I'm going to get their attention, and you guys take the chance to get rid of all the bombs."

Diana quickly made a simple plan. There was no way for her to find Ares herself.

Then he can only lure him out and find himself. This is the simplest and most convenient way. All Diana has to do is directly destroy his plan.

"We understand. Don't worry Ms. Diana."

The Treve team looked at each other and nodded quickly.

Although this warehouse is very large and there are a lot of guards, but thanks to the commotion caused by Elvira, it is obviously a bit chaotic here, and they will naturally be in no danger if they wait for Diana to take action.

After explaining what should be explained, Diana took the lead and rushed out.

Although she has only just come into contact with fighting spirit for a short time, the key is her talent and the huge energy in her body that make her suddenly become the existence of "other people's child".

Although in Josh's eyes, she is only around the fifth level now, but how long has she been exposed to fighting spirit?
Not long ago, when she was on Paradise Island, she was only at the third rank after counting her physical fitness!
The third level, although it crushes ordinary people, it is just pure physical fitness, which is quite similar to the previous Galen.

As for now?Looking at the German soldiers who were punched down by her and were either killed or directly paralyzed, Josh nodded in satisfaction.

It couldn't be more appropriate to describe the current Diana as rampage.

Even if those German guys found out about Diana's difference and came over with the most advanced chariot, they couldn't pose any threat to Diana, and even turned into Diana's weapon in turn - directly raised it and moved towards it. Throwing it out in a crowded place, I don't know how many people were smashed into meatloaf, especially the chariot rolled a few times on the ground due to inertia
With Diana attracting most of the attention, and because of Elvira's previous accident, no one in the Treve team could notice the actions.

They lurked in in an instant, and coincidentally bumped into Dr. Maru who was running away again.

Speaking of it, Dr. Maru was also very unlucky. First, a small town disappeared because of a holy light from the sky, then Ludendorff's castle also exploded, and finally even the warehouse she was in was also damaged.

All these things made her feel tricky at the first time, so she chose to leave this ghost place immediately.

But what she didn't expect was that before she could get in the car, she was blocked by a young and beautiful woman.

And this woman is not human at all. Who has ever seen a woman who looks delicate lift up a chariot and throw it out casually?This feeling is no more troublesome than throwing a stone!

What should I do if I encounter such a situation?In order to avoid being accidentally killed by the general attack (throwing the chariot), Dr. Maru can only go back to the warehouse from a young age and find a new route to leave.

Dr. Maru didn't know what this woman was doing here, but it was obvious that this woman was definitely looking for trouble.

But what she didn't expect was that when she went back to the warehouse to find another way to leave, she bumped into Treve's team!
Dr. Maru realized that something was wrong when he saw Treve. You must know that there are not many guards around her who are still following her-all went to fight Diana, or it may be more accurate to say that she was sent to death.

It took a lot of work, or Dr. Maru was too unlucky, and finally he was caught by Treve's team.

They were very happy to catch Dr. Maru, but then they started to have a headache because there were too many bombs piled up here.

"Hell, they want to attack London?"

They were even more stunned when Charlie found a map by accident.

The target of this group of people was marked on the map-London on the map was marked with a big red circle, and anyone with a sane mind would know what this meant.

"It's okay, it's okay, thanks to stopping this crazy plan."

(End of this chapter)

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