Chapter 470 Carry Forward

At this point in the conversation, Josh didn't plan to go around in circles with Vesemir anymore.

Gaining trust is too troublesome, so it's better to just play a song of threats and lures. No, it's more practical to play with a big stick and a carrot.

Facts have proved that there is nothing wrong with Josh's operation at all. Demon hunters are not a profession that easily trusts others, they trust their own judgment more.

So Josh might as well just give him the fact that he is invincible and has abilities that 'ordinary magicians or other special creatures' cannot do.

This effect is very good, at least Vesemir has honestly started to listen to Josh.

Josh didn't talk too much nonsense with him, and explained the reason why he came to this world very concisely.

For example, there are more and more foreign populations in your own territory. In order to avoid some predictable events, you need to find some talents with excellent investigation capabilities.

In addition, the limit of this world is very low, which is very suitable for students in school to exercise and hone themselves.

So I plan to build a mercenary army here, but because I don't understand the basic knowledge of this world, I must have an experienced and capable person to help me.

After hearing what Josh said, Vesemir was still a little dazed.Feelings, that's what it is!

The mysterious guy in front of him was not from his own world at all. He came to this world because he met Ciri and combined with some information (guess) that Ciri told him!

Vesemir didn't even bother to think about how he'd gotten the information from Ciri.

Just look at Geralt's performance just now. It's not difficult for this guy to get the information he wants from others!
So what should I do now?Vesemir fell into deep thought. Ciri was Geralt's adopted daughter, and in a sense she might be comparable to her own daughter.

When they demon hunters gained super power and longevity, they also lost a lot of things, such as fertility, which they didn't have.

Vesemir himself also likes Ciri, a little girl, and now that Ciri is in trouble, they should of course choose to help her.But the people Shirley came into contact with made it a little difficult for them to deal with. This guy was simply terrifying to a certain extent.

Even demon hunters like them know that their status as demon hunters in this world is extremely embarrassing, but at least they can live on.

If they really did what the mysterious man in front of them said, would the new world really be friendly to them?
There is also the mercenary group that brought the foreign population into this world. Even though he promised that he has no interest in this world, who knows what these nobles really think?Especially this guy who looks so scary.

"Think about it carefully, Mr. Vesemir." Josh could naturally see Vesemir's hesitation, but Josh didn't force him to make a decision immediately, anyway, it was still very early, right?

He snapped his fingers lightly, which not only brought Vesemir back to his senses, but also brought them back to the 'correct world plane'.

Vesemir obviously felt something this time, he tried to bump into a guy who seemed to be drunk, but the guy fell to the ground all of a sudden, and he was still swearing.

"Control your power, Vesemir. You are not that old man over 400 years old. If it is not that you are worried that you will not be able to accept your youthful appearance, or that the people around you are worried, in fact, I think it is possible to change you Get younger."

"Thank you for your kindness. It is true that if you become younger, there will be a lot of trouble." Vesemir sighed. This feeling of strength in his real body let him know that he has indeed returned to youth. A terrible thing.

That fellow Geralt is out now too, God knows where he's gone.

However, Vesemir is not interested in finding out where he went. He is now thinking more seriously about what Josh said. As for Josh talking to the woman named Daenerys who also has long silver hair. I'm not interested in listening to it either, because he doesn't understand it at all.

"Geralt is out, and you're not going to follow?"

Ciri looked at Josh with some dissatisfaction. It wasn't that she was dissatisfied that Josh didn't go out with Geralt, but that what Josh had done before made her very dissatisfied.

If it wasn't for Josh's restoration of Vesemir's body to a youthful posture, I'm afraid Ciri wouldn't be able to speak the language of Muya Continent to him.

"Why did you follow, he won't leave Vesemir here alone." Josh shrugged indifferently, and it's not like he didn't know the next plot.

Although I'm not sure if this Geralt will be the same as himself, he's completely rushing to the plot instead of looking at some mission cards and the like.

But it's okay to wait here, Vesemir is here and Geralt will definitely come back before he leaves.

What's more, Yennefer who got the news will also come here to look for Geralt, so staying here by himself is a good choice.

As for the griffin?Josh rubbed his chin, and he suddenly felt that he should find a mount that wasn't too ostentatious?
Akatosh and Josh don't count on it. Even if there is hope that this guy will recover his former body in the future, Josh doesn't think it will be good to ride him out.

Think about it, with a body that is tens of thousands of meters long, others can still see Josh as a ghost.

It's better to find something that can travel and fly.

Those giant dragons in the world of the ancient scrolls are good, but now Josh has no courage to go there, so Josh can only make do with it——as for those sub-dragons?Josh himself said no, so what face does he have to go back and get it?
"Besides, riding a dragon may not be such a comfortable thing."

Josh's apparently distracted state made Ciri a little dissatisfied, but she didn't say anything.

Shaking her head, she continued, "Actually, you can ask me to discuss it with Grandpa Vesemir. There is absolutely no need to scare him."

"But let you discuss it with him, so are you sure that everything will not be exposed?"

"Okay, okay, by the way, you plan to build a mercenary group here? I haven't heard you say it before."

"I just thought of it because of me. Isn't this place suitable for my students to exercise? From all aspects, it's pretty good."

Shirley really has no way to refute Josh's words. She doesn't know what is going on in this world?
This world can be said to be heartbreakingly hopeless, with constant wars and all kinds of conspiracies, and even wars between sects and magicians and warlocks, everything is so unsettled.

But from another aspect, especially a powerful world, such a world is indeed a very suitable place to train newcomers.

No matter which aspect, you can find a suitable position here, so Ciri didn't say much more.

"Do you think Grandpa Vesemir will promise you?"

"How do I know this, but I think the probability of him agreeing with me is quite high. After all, he didn't ask me to take back what I gave him, right? No one can refuse youth, just like few people can refuse eternal life." Like temptation."

Ciri glanced at Vesemir secretly, and now Vesemir was obviously lost in thought again, which made Ciri sigh.

She knew that Josh's idea might come true, indeed, no one could refuse it, no matter how firm his belief was, but when he was about to die, who wouldn't want a change?
"Okay, Mr. Josh from afar, are you sure you just set up a mercenary group?"

While Josh and Ciri were chatting, Vesemir finally spoke.

He thought about it for a long time, and seemed to be a little tired, but this is not the key point, the key point is that he already has a choice, otherwise he would not have opened his mouth.

"Of course, I have already stated all my goals. Geralt's lover can do the summoning of the magicians, and I can persuade you to go to us to serve me, or you can wait until I finish the wild hunting and you can meet with Ciri. That's it. The mercenary group may need you to prepare in advance."

"What size mercenary group do you want? And what camp do you plan to let the mercenary group belong to?"

"Medium scale, follow the rules of your demon hunters. As for which camp you belong to, I think it's fine to be the same as your demon hunters. After all, the war here is really no different from pediatrics in our opinion."

"I understand, I will help you find a way."

Vesemir sighed, nodded and said.

In his opinion, he really doesn't have the ability to reject Josh now, especially after feeling the feeling he once had once again, it's really hard for him to give up this feeling.

Human nature is like this, even a witcher has all kinds of desires, otherwise Geralt would not be so interested in women.

Demon hunters are also human beings, but because of their special magic rituals, they realize a lot of things. This does not mean that demon hunters are inhuman.

"No, no, Vesemir. You don't have to think of a solution, but you have to manage this mercenary group." A smile appeared on Josh's face, which was much faster than he expected.

"I will not interfere with your freedom, but you also have to play some roles, such as teaching them some knowledge, especially in this world, you need to teach them some basic knowledge. I don't want those students to be like idiots in this world. The world is messed up."

"Okay, I understand, the basics." Vesemir thought about it and thought it made sense, so he also nodded.

"And you can also train and teach more demon hunters, and I will provide you with sufficient protection. I know that you have many factions here, so don't you want your faction to flourish?"


(End of this chapter)

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