Chapter 471

Later, Josh chatted with Vesemir a lot, probably because he wanted to know more about Josh, and his body had recovered to a peak to fill his lungs with energy, so he also talked a lot.

For example, the war situation in this world, and some interesting stories about demon hunters.

In short, the amount of information is quite large, and Josh is listening carefully. Although he knows a lot about the world, he only learned it through the game. All kinds of great changes are compared with the vicissitudes of the old guy.

Especially the stories about Geralt's past, and some stories about Ciri's childhood made Josh very interesting.

Ciri listened speechlessly from the sidelines. She knew that she could make trouble when she was a child, but she didn't expect to be so mischievous.

This is the same as when a bear child grows up and knows what he was like when he was a child, but what he knows from other people's mouth is another.

This made Xili a little speechless and at the same time feel a little warm. In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and she has grown up too.

"Fortunately, Ciri didn't become the same guy as Geralt. To be honest, I was quite worried at the time, because whether it is Geralt or Yennefer, they are very good people, but their private lives. "

"I know, it goes without saying. You can only thank them both for not teaching Ciri about that, can you?"

The two men raised their glasses and clinked, which made Shirley roll her eyes even more, but she had nothing to say.

Josh was also a little emotional, thanking those Polish donkeys for not following the novel completely. Otherwise, who knows, would the game still have such a big attraction when Shirley became like in the novel—well, it might attract more?

Afterwards, Josh also told some stories about his own world. Anyway, he was idle, and Josh was not worried that Vesemir would talk nonsense.

What's more, Vesemir can be regarded as doing some things for him now, and it would be good for him to better understand the situation on his side.

The situation was similar to what he thought. After hearing what Josh said, Vesemir's whole body was a little distorted.

Especially after hearing about the area of ​​Rhineland, Josh's territory, some of his abilities and things about the academy, and the comparison of the strength of the two worlds.

But fortunately, such an existence does not seem to be interested in his own world, but even if he is interested, it seems to be a good thing!

This world is in chaos right now. It might be a good thing if this mysterious person really ruled this place.Of course, this was just his thinking, and she quickly threw this dangerous thought out of her mind.

"So, should I call you Your Highness Josh?"

"It's better to call it a name or a magician. I am not a prince in this world. I can only be bored and come here for vacation. By the way, let's find a pioneer for the students in my territory to exercise."

"In your world, you have special abilities, okay, you are called professionals, right? None of your professionals will be hated by others or anything else."

"Don't be kidding, buddy, in our group of professionals are a group of existences with a higher status than ordinary people. I don't know how the world view of your world has been distorted, but I can tell you very responsibly, in our People like you who are hated are people who are respected by us."

The world view of the Witcher III world is indeed a bit strange. People who have mastered powerful power are often the objects of disgust and fear.Just like when Josh was playing, he was often called a freak, white hair, etc. by the passing villagers.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that attacking civilians was not allowed in the setting, Josh would have come to the city to massacre the same way he played the ancient scrolls.

It can only be said that the stupid donkey saved the life of the foolish people. Josh had no choice but to vent his displeasure in the wild.

"Is it respected? It's really a desirable place."

"Actually, you can go over and have a look in the future. After all, my territory has just started, and I need a lot of talents. Besides, I have the confidence to get you all over there. Don't doubt my words."


Josh and the others arrived at the hotel in White Orchard Village at noon, and because Geralt was out, they simply stayed here and chatted.

But when they understood everything they wanted to know about each other, they started to have nothing to say again.

It wasn't until Vesemir asked if he wanted to play a Gwent card that the atmosphere slowly picked up.

I have to say that the game of Gwent cards is indeed very attractive. At first, Josh would find a game when he passed by a place, or when he had no money in his pocket, he would go back and find a rich guy to gamble and make a fortune. get rich.

Although Josh has no cards now, it can't stop a magician like Josh at all.According to memory, Josh made a set of cards casually, and then began to fight him under Vesemir's slightly surprised gaze, and the result was
"Damn! You cheated! Your deck is too complete!"

"Of course it's complete, otherwise how would you fight?"

"You're cheating with magic!"

"If you can't afford to lose, stop playing!"

Ciri helplessly watched Vesemir and Josh playing cards all night, and Vesemir was still losing, which made her a little speechless.

Glancing at Akatosh who had fallen asleep lying on Josh's shoulder, she wondered why this dragon could sleep so peacefully and not fall off?
However, this period of time did not last until it became unbearable for Ciri, and Geralt finally came back around eight o'clock in the evening.

He looked no different except for being a little tired. He walked silently to Vesemir's table and sat down, took a sip of his wine and sighed slowly.

"You're back. It just so happens that you're not a good player at Gwent. Hurry up and have a fight with this guy. He's simply cheating."

"Gwent card? No problem, but before that, I have something to tell you."

"Oh? What's the matter? Did you get Yennefer's information?"

"Almost, but before that we have to deal with one thing, that griffin."

While drinking, Geralt told Vesemir what he had learned in detail.

During this period, his eyes kept scanning Josh and Shirley, which was to indicate whether they should leave, but neither Vesemir nor Josh and Shirley paid attention to his eyes, which made Zero Especially a little helpless.

Of course he understood that Josh and Ciri didn't want to leave, but Vesemir didn't say anything, which made Geralt a little puzzled.

Moreover, Geralt also felt that Vesemir seemed to be a little different from before. Geralt couldn't tell exactly what changed, but it just felt very strange anyway.

"That is to say, in order to get Yennefer's information, you took on the mission to deal with the dead partner griffin?" Josh shook his wine glass and said a little funny.

"Yes." Geralt nodded, since Josh and the others knew about the same thing, there was no need to deny it.

"Okay, I can help you with this matter. Anyway, it's not a difficult task, besides, I plan to find a more reliable mount."

"Mount? Don't tell me which griffin is your target?"

"Who else is it? I really can't think of any creature that can run and fly at the same time."


This reason is indeed very powerful. If you really want to say 'cost-effectiveness', it seems that this griffin is very reliable.

But the problem is that this world regards griffins as "bad luck", especially this griffin has attacked many humans.

Although it is said that the culprit of all this is those guys in the army, and this griffin is still a royal griffin-this kind of griffin has a relatively gentle temperament and rarely actively attacks people and villages.

But it really did attack ordinary civilians, didn't it?
It doesn't feel good to use this griffin as a mount.

Geralt wanted to refute a few words, but he didn't know what to say, and finally he could only remain silent.For a demon hunter, this is indeed not something he should be concerned about.

In the case of having a helper, especially this helper is very scary, Geralt also saved a lot of preparation time.

After chatting for a while, Josh and Ciri rented two rooms to rest, while Geralt and Vesemir sat face to face, and they needed to have a good chat.

"Have you figured out who they are?" Geralt asked in a low and clear voice, taking a sip from his wine glass.

"I figured it out, they are not from this world." Vesemir sighed, nodded and said.

"Not from this world? Could it be Ciri."

"It should be. Ciri went to their world and was saved by them. And his purpose in coming to this world is absolutely beyond your imagination."

Vesemir glanced around, and then told Geralt exactly what Josh had said to him.

Regarding Geralt as a disciple, Vesemir never thought of hiding anything, and he even felt that he had to discuss these matters with Geralt.

Josh is too mysterious, and also too scary.This level of horror cannot be replaced by ordinary monsters or longevity species. What he has done has completely overturned Vesemir's 400-year-old cognition - he has never heard of anyone who can use magic. He reversed time and restored his body to its peak!
Even injecting vitality has never heard of such an effect!
After listening to Vesemir's second speed, Geralt also frowned.

If that's the case, then it's all a little horribly overdone.

He did feel the difference in Vesemir before, but he didn't expect that Vesemir had returned to his youthful appearance!
"Are you sure what you feel is right?"

"I'm pretty sure, whether it's my body or my mind, it's something I haven't felt in a long, long time."

"You promised them to be the commander of this mercenary group?"

"Otherwise? Geralt, you have to observe them carefully and find out their real purpose, understand?"

"I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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