The Fantastic Journey of the Void Mage

Chapter 472 Capture the Griffin

Chapter 472 Capture the Griffin
Geralt got up early the next morning.

Today he was going to solve the trouble of that griffin, but in fact he also knew that this griffin probably wouldn't be killed.

Because that guy Josh planned to turn this thing into his own mount, Geralt had no good way to object.

During the chat with Vesemir last night, Geralt learned what kind of world Josh lived in.

To be honest, he is more interested in that world, because that world has a fatal attraction for people like them.

"There is no oppression, no discrimination, and there is respect and worship. It is an unimaginable world. Most importantly, that world is peaceful enough."

Geralt silently thought about the answer Vesemir told himself, the world is really dilapidated now, the chaos of war and the erosion of all kinds of horrible and strange creatures make this world even colder.

These things gave Geralt a headache.

And in this world, people who have mastered strange powers are not so popular.

The relationship between the eternal flame and the warlock has never been good, and Geralt also knows very well what the eternal flame is.

"Perhaps this prince from another world issued a call, and all the sorcerers and magicians in this world will choose to follow him and leave."

Shaking his head, Geralt didn't want to think about these things anymore.

Everything has to wait until he sees Yennefer, and even Shiri.

There are not many people that Geralt cares about and trusts, but these two are the people he cares about and trusts the most.

"And Josh, the prince, is really a gentleman. It's a pity that such a beautiful girl didn't enjoy a good night with her."

Turning his head, Geralt thought of Josh again, and of course he thought of the silver-haired girl he mistook for Ciri.

The girl was very beautiful, but he wasn't interested. It didn't mean that Geralt was 'just and not a womanizer', but that the girl made him feel like Ciri.

This made Geralt very strange. He didn't know what Ciri looked like when he grew up, but he had a special feeling when he saw the girl named 'Daenerys'.

It seems that I know this girl, and this girl has a very close relationship with me.

"What are you doing here, Geralt?"

Just when Geralt was thinking wildly, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

Looking back, what Geralt didn't expect was that this person was actually Josh. At this time, Josh was wearing a tight training suit, looking as if he had just returned from a workout.

"Are you back from exercising?"

"Otherwise? What do you think I would run out early in the morning? Especially the weather here is not so good."

Josh shrugged. The weather in this world is indeed not that good. The rain will fall when it says it will.

At that time, Josh specially found a series of mysterious codes to fight against this bad weather. Of course, he has also become a code warrior since then, and finally he was promoted to a modifier warrior.

"You are a magician, do you also want to exercise?"

"If it's just a profession, it's not necessary. It's a pity that my woman is a high-level fighter. I hope you can understand me."

"So that's the case, I see. No wonder you have to sleep in a separate room with her."

"Sort room? I think you made a mistake. My woman didn't come with me. Xi Daenerys can only be regarded as my friend. I'm not your Mr. Piledriver."

Geralt couldn't understand what the pile driver meant, but he could probably understand what it meant from the part of speech of this 'verb', which made him very interesting.

As for the topic of 'friends', Geralt just smiled. Can the relationship with a female friend who is alone with you be pure?
"Okay, Lord Josh, I think we should start. It's good for us to get rid of that griffin early."

"Of course it's no problem. I'll come when I change my clothes. You can wait for me here for a while."

Josh changed his clothes very quickly, and he didn't keep Geralt waiting long before he came over, and Ciri came with him.

Shirley has been paying attention to Josh's actions, she can feel it no matter whether Josh goes out or comes back, of course she also knows that this is the reason why Josh didn't hide himself at all.

To act alongside her adoptive father, Geralt, was something Ciri could only dream of.

In the past, she was too young to have any chance. Although she can't use her real identity now, Ciri doesn't care, at least they can act together, right?

Soon they came to an open field, because Josh joined and this guy clearly emphasized that he didn't need anything else, so Geralt didn't prepare traps and buckthorn. Geralt was very curious about Joe What are you going to do.

Josh looked around and saw that this place was similar to the place in Josh's memory, or it was the same place.

It's just that it looks bigger and more spacious than when Josh played the game.

"This place is not bad, at least there is no need to worry about other people running here and being torn apart by the crazy griffin."

"So what are you going to do? You don't have any preparations."

"Don't worry, it's not a problem at all."

"Okay, I'll wait and see."

It really wasn't a difficult task to bring the Griffin over. Josh stretched out his fingers and condensed some magic power on his fingertips, and then the magic power spread wildly.

When he saw the griffin for the first time, Josh had already made some preparations.

Although the griffin was scared away by Akatosh, Josh had already left a magic seed on the griffin.

The purpose of this seed is to make it easier for Josh to find this griffin, but now, Josh can use this magic seed to make a fuss.

There is also a certain attraction and repulsion between the magic power. The magic seeds in the Griffon and Josh's magic power have the same source. Josh can use his own magic power to make the magic seeds in the Griffin explode, and then produce a kind of Unimaginable attraction.

It's like an old smoker who hasn't smoked for a long time, and suddenly smells the smell of smoke. Their usual way is to follow the smell of smoke to find the smoking guy and ask shamelessly for one, or directly ask where they can buy cigarettes.

This griffin is similar. When it feels Josh's magic power, it will involuntarily head towards the source of the magic power to find the guy who released the magic power.

As for what it will do after finding it, it is beyond the control of this griffin.

"Okay, let's wait first, that guy has received my message, and he will come here soon." After finishing all this, Josh directly transformed into three chairs, and then the whole person sat on them .

"Are you so sure that your magic is fine?" This time it was not Geralt who spoke, but Ciri asked curiously.

"My magic won't be a problem. In fact, I can teleport you to the side of that griffin, but I'm afraid that a certain gentleman can't stand this kind of teleportation magic."

"It's not that I can't stand it, I just don't like the feeling."

Geralt doesn't like being used teleportation magic, it's a common sense that everyone knows, and I don't know if it's to make the game last longer, anyway, that's the way it is set up.

Geralt would rather ride his own grapes, or take a boat or something than be teleported by magic.

Slowly sat down, Geralt thought that waiting would not be a problem, so he simply said, "I heard from Vesemir, the purpose of your coming to this world."

"He told you? Well, there's nothing surprising about that. Do you have any questions?"

"In your world, things like ours, demon hunters, really won't happen?"

Something like a witcher?Josh tilted his head, and quickly understood what Geralt meant.

In fact, the profession of demon hunter was also researched and created by mages in order to deal with various monsters that spread all over the earth after the celestial sphere rendezvous.They are not just a profession, but can also be considered an identity or race.

Because when the human beings chosen by fate completed the trials of the witcher, their bodies were no longer what they were before.

They are quicker and stronger, immune to most diseases and poisons, and sharper, able to detect the smallest traces, smells and sounds.

At the same time, they are also excellent swordsmen, herbalists, trackers, and monster identification masters. They have undergone more than ten years of rigorous training in order to be able to hunt and kill most monsters and beasts that pose a threat to people, thereby protecting people. And the witcher's own safety.

However, this did not bring them much honor. On the contrary, they suffered from hostility and discrimination because of their own strength and inhuman identity, their eternally indifferent expressions, and the high bounties they demanded. The reason for being called a freak all the year round.

With the passage of time, and the gradual adaptation of human beings to these monsters that came to the world due to the celestial rendezvous, the demon hunters who were originally needed by people and kept helping people are gradually no longer needed, and slowly Did not fall.

Even the current mages don't want to live as well as before. They are like rats crossing the street now, especially in places where the Church of Eternal Fire preaches, they are tied to fire pillars and burned to death!

"Don't think about it, Geralt. In our place, the status of professionals is very high. As long as you don't do stupid things, then I can guarantee that your life will be full of sunshine and admiration, no matter how much money you want. Many, as long as you can do things well, you are the existence that is needed by others."

"Is there someone who is needed?" Geralt nodded silently. Just when he was about to ask something more, there was a sudden sound in the sky.

"It seems that our target has come, so let's start the arrest operation."

(End of this chapter)

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