Chapter 20

table table, desk; form

at table eating / at the table at the table / lay (set, spread) the table set the table to eat

tail tail
A crowd of boys formed that tail___the queue.
A. of B. after C. before D. follow
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: A group of boys lined up at the end of the line. of..., followed by a noun or pronoun, indicating the relationship of belonging.

team squad

If the collective noun is regarded as an indivisible whole, the singular form must be used. If each member of the collective noun is to be emphasized, the predicate verb must be used in the plural form.Example: (X) The football team is having baths now. (√) The football team are having baths now. The football players are taking a bath.

that that

It was about 600 years ago___the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.
A. that B. until
C. before D. when
The analytical answer is A.This question is an emphatic sentence meaning "Is it you that I saw at the concert last night?"

It was only when I reread his poems recently_ I began to appreciate their beauty.
A. until B. that C. then D. so
The analytical answer is B.This question examines the use of relative pronouns, which also involves personal pronouns (it), demonstrative pronouns (that) and relative adverbs (when).This sentence is an emphatic sentence, and the sentence pattern is It + be++that + so choose B.
these these
thick thick, thick; dense

thing thing
think think, think; think
Come on, Betty. I want to show you something.
Oh, how nice of you! I___you___to bring me a gift.
A. never think; are goingB. never thought; were; going
C. didn't think; were goingD . h adn't thought; were going
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: Come here, Betty, I'll show you something.Oh, how kind of you!I never said you would give me a present.This is a conversation in the present time, but it describes something that happened in the past, so the past tense should be used.The main clause uses the past tense, which must affect the use of the predicate tense of the object clause. The action of the subordinate clause occurs after the action of the main clause, so the past and future tense is applied.

When think is used to introduce a negative concept, it is usually to turn think into a negative.Such as: I don't think it will rain. I don't think it will rain. "Consider doing something', think of doing something" in English, think means "consider doing" and is generally not used in conjunction with the infinitive.But Jia has an infinitive usage, which is mainly used in the past tense at this time, expressing 'original thought' or "expected". The phrase "do you think" is often inserted between the interrogative word and other components of a special interrogative sentence At this time, we should pay attention to the role of special interrogative words in the sentence. After the think verb, when the real object is a clause or an infinitive, and there are object complements, it is often used as a formal object. Example: I think it a great honor to be invited to visit your country. I am very honored to be invited to visit your country. The modal overword should is often used together with the perfect form of think, which means "should have been? ? ", but implying that this is not the case. It is often used to speculate on past situations. think of is often used in conjunction with what to express "how do you feel" and ask for your opinion on a certain issue. How is generally used in conjunction with the verb like in this situation Example: What do you think of the film? What do you think of the film?
thought, thinking, thinking; idea, idea

Michael left for California this morning.
Oh, I thought he___going back until next week.
A.won't be B.isn't C.wasn't D.ha dn't been
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: — Michelle went to California this morning.Oh, I don't think he'll be back until next week.It can be seen from the meaning of the title that the action of the clause happened in the past talking about the general-symptomatic moment, and the past progressive tense wasn't going was used to express the action that will happen in the future at a certain time in the past.

Throw, throw; fall down

Throw awa, discard/throw of, take off clothes in a hurry or casually. ; Get rid of something (someone)/throw out
If you throw yourself___the job, you will finish it by this evening.
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: If you put your heart into this work, you will finish it by tonight. throw oneself into…

Throw away means to miss, let go in vain; throw of means "get rid of, get rid of".Example: (X) You threw off the chance of a good job by your stupidity. (√) You threw away the chance of a good job by your stupidity. Just because you were stupid, you missed the chance of getting a good job in vain.

tired tired
be tired of sb. (sth. , doing sth.. impatient or bored with someone (something/doing something)

to to; at... for, before...

Taiwan is___the east of Fujian.
A. in B. at C. to D. on
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: Taiwan is in the east of Fujian.The direction (position) of the frontier uses the preposition to
In the following situations, the infinitive can omit to, but only use the original verb (ought to, used to, be to, have to structure, do not omit to) The infinitive of the verb as the object complement after the following verbs is omitted to, let, make (make, force), see, hear, feel, watch, notice, help (in informal style), have (make someone do something).When the above verbs are used in the passive voice, they still need to be followed by an infinitive with to.Common why plus the original form of the verb guides interrogative sentences, and why not adds the original form of the verb to make suggestions and advise.When emphasizing the indirect object, whether to add for or to before the indirect object is mainly determined by the predicate verb.Example: The headmaster asked some questions of the class. The headmaster asked some questions of the students.But there are also individual verbs that use of neither to nor for when the indirect object is emphasized.
try, try hard; experiment, trial; interrogation
try ou, try / try on try on / try one's best

These trousers are for me. I'll try___.
A. on them B . th em on C . it on D .
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: These pants are bought for me, I will try them on.Pants are plural nouns. In addition, the pronoun they must be placed between try and on.

type type, type; lead type, font
typewriter typewriter

type (print) + write (e) write + er (noun suffix), typist
typist typist

tire tire
(End of this chapter)

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