Chapter 19

safe; safe

be safe from will not encounter the danger of ..., from the harm of ... / safe and sound safe and sound
safegua.Defend, guard; defend, protector/safekeeping, properly protect, manage)/safely, indeed/unsafe is not safe, not insured

be safe to do sth.: will definitely do something (this, safe II. inherit); be safe in doing sth.: can do something completely, and there is nothing wrong with doing something.Comparison: He's safe to win. (He will definitely win), We're safe in accepting the offer. There is nothing wrong with us accepting this offer.

scene scene, situation; a scene

appear on the scene, be present

scold reprimand, scold

The old lady_ the children living nearby.
A. has scholds B. is forever scholding
C. does forever scheld D. has forever scheld
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: The old lady always scolds the children who live nearby. Forever here is equal to always. For "always" and "always", the progressive tense should be used. Only B is the most suitable option for the above options.

second the second
age age/perio.Period, era, period: / stage stage, period / date date, year, period / day day, day, daytime / time time; time, hour / hour hour / minute minute; a while, a moment / daily daily, daily /everyday/everyday/dawn, breaking dawn/morning morning, am/noon noon, noon/midday noon, noon 12 noon/evening evening, evening/night night, night/today in today; now/tonight tonight/ tomorrow/yesterday yesterday/modern modern, modern/now now/once in the past, once in the past/past in the past/former in the past/future in the future, in the future

see see; understand; meet; know

see to be in charge of, take care of, pay attention to/see abou.View, query; pay attention to /see after care/see into to see? ?inside; investigate, understand? ?The nature of / see through see through, see through, see through / see sb. through help someone through / see off to? ?See you off/see to it that attention, be sure to do

___my glasses?

Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.
A. Do you seeB. Had you seen
C. Would you see D. Have you seen
The analytical answer is D Have you seen my glasses? — I see, I saw it on your bed just now.The questioner emphasized "the result so far", so the present perfect tense should be used.And A is the simple present tense, which expresses the action or state of existence that is often happening at present; B is the completed tense, emphasizing the action up to a certain moment in the past, or the influence of an action that happened in the past on a certain moment in the past; C For past and future tense, it expresses a tactful request.
You're drinking too much-
Only at home. No one___me but you.
A. is seeing B. had seen C. sees D. saw
The analytical answer is C. See is not necessary, so A is excluded.According to question [-] "No one sees except you", the action see of the subject No one should not be related to the past, and B and D are excluded.
sex sex, sex

Male male/female female/, / boy boy/girl girl/gentleman gentleman; Mr./lady lady, lady, miss/madam lady, wife, miss/Miss miss, lady/sir sir; jazz/monsieur Mr./father father/dad father/mother mother/ mum mother/granny grandma/grandpa grandfather/husband husband/wife wife/son son/daughter daughter/brother brother/sister sister/aunt aunt, aunt, aunt, aunt/uncle uncle, uncle, uncle, uncle, aunt/cousin Church (cousin) brother; cousin (table) sister/nephew nephew, nephew/niece niece, niece

shape shape, making

What is___of your handbag?

A. a form B. the figure C. the shape D. a shape
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: What style is your handbag?When nouns have special meanings, the definite article the should be used, and A and D can be excluded first.Indicates "shape", figure is dedicated to people, and shape can refer to people or
Ci Wu Dao county body shape, so C is the correct answer.

shoot shoot; throw, throw
shoot sth. /sb. means "hit, shoot to death"; therefore, at should be added in the sentence, and shoot at only means the action of shooting and the expected target, not the effect of hitting. There are also such verbs in middle school textbooks: strike And strike at, catch and catch at, bite and bite at, tear and tear at, etc. Example: (X) The hunter shot the hare, but it ran away. (√) The hunter shot at the hare, but it ran away. The hunter took aim at the rabbit and shot it, but the rabbit ran away anyway.

shoulder shoulder
shoulder to shoulder / rest on my shoulder, rest on my shoulder

shout shouting

shout out to sb. to do sth.Thing/shout at sb. Chong? ?Shout, rush? ?roar
show, display; explain, point out; exhibit, display

show in leads people/show off to show off, show off/show up to make appear and wake up. /on show In the exhibition, displaying /show oneself attending, appearing /show sb.around lead (someone) to visit /show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. show or show something to someone/show… ...out lead...out

side side; one side

They live___the other side of the road. B.on.C.f or
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: They live on the other side of the road. on the other side of on the other side of

sight vision, vision; see; situation

catch sight of see / out of sight in invisible places / lose sight of invisible

For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree___.
A. in sight B. on earth
C. at a distance D. in place
The analytical answer is A, and in sight means within the field of vision, which is a common usage.

sign sign, mark; sign, sign

If you drive from the airport, go on the motorway and follow the___to the
A. designs B. ways C. points D. signs
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: If you are driving from the airport, keep on the road and follow the signs to the city. design pattern; point (mark) point, place, point, key point; way road, direction, method; sign symbol, mark, mark.Item D in the above options is correct.

sing to sing

Not a single song___at yesterday's party.
A. she sang B. sang she
C. did she sing D. she did sing
The analytical answer is C. When the negative word Not is placed at the beginning of the sentence, the following sentence must be inverted, and it is half-inverted. It is completed by means of auxiliary verbs, so items A, B, and D can be excluded.

The room was empty except a___chair.
A.only B.pure
C.single D.last
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: This room is empty, only a handle.Examination of word braid analysis: only for.It’s just that when speaking, it cannot directly modify nouns; pure is pure and clean; last is the last, often used in conjunction with the definite article the; single, single, can directly modify nouns.Based on the meaning of the question, C should be the correct answer.

play; game; competition/game game; sports; sports meeting/matc, competition, competition/Olympic Games -pong table tennis/jump; jump/run/rush; run/track runway; track/skate skating/gym gymnastics; gymnasium; swim swimming/relay race/to fly a kite

Sports meeting can only be a sports meet, which is a customary usage and cannot be used. sportmeet.When there are a few nouns in English as attributives, it is customary to use their plural forms.Example: (X) We are going to have a sport meet next week. (√) We are going to have a sports meet next week·We hold a sports meeting in T week.

starve starve, starve to death

state, country; government; description
station station, platform, identity
a space statio.Cosmic space station/a police station police station/of high station noble

stay stay, be a guest

stay away is not at home, leave/stay up stay up late/stay wit.and? ?keep pace with / stay out stay outdoors, not at home
Why don't you put the meat in the fridge? It will_ fresh for several days.
A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed
The analytical answer is B.Sentence meaning: Why don't you put meat in the refrigerator?It keeps fresh for several levels.In the sentence, "fresh" is an adjective, and it should be preceded by a linking verb to form a linking structure. AC and D items stay are both used as substantive verbs.Only in item B stay is a linking verb.

such such, such things
suddenly, unexpectedly

summer summer
the sun
sunny sunny

dawn dawn
sunset sunset, evening


supermarket supermarket
swim swimming
go swimming go swimming

system, system, system
sy (= syn, common)+St(stand)+em system
(End of this chapter)

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