Chapter 9

iceberg iceberg/icebox refrigerator/icebreaker icebreaker/iceman selling iceman

idea, idea; idea, idea; opinion, idea
have an idea of ​​understand, know

What's happened to my library books?


A. I've no idea
B. You borrowed them from the library
C. You bought them yesterday
D. They're about long life
The analytical answer is A.From the word library - in the question sentence, we can know that the book is borrowed. If you choose option B, the question is not the answer.Of course, it is not bought, and item C is excluded. Item D is illogical.

The predicative clause behind idea should use the subjunctive mood.The predicate in the clause uses should + the original form of the verb, and should can also be omitted.Example: My idea is that she pay attention to her pronunciation.My opinion is that she should pay attention to her pronunciation.

idiom idiom; idiom
language/slang/dialect/phrase, idioms/grammar grammar/sentence/words, words; discourse, words/motto proverbs, adages/phrase phrases, idioms/lnversion inversion/attribute attributive/infinitive verbs Infinitive/participle/restrictive/passive/tense/noun/verb/article/letter/capital/alphabet/bold/comma/point; decimal point ; punctuation/ellipsis omission; ellipsis/example example, model/pattern model, typical; model/modal modal, dynamic
if if, if, if; whether [guiding non-true conditional sentences; guiding conditional adverbial clauses that are contrary to past facts; leading to hypotheses that may be contrary to future facts
if any, even if there is/if it were not for if there is no.../if only as long as, if..., it would be fine, I hope/only if only...
When the conditional adverbial clause guided by if expresses the meaning of the future, it needs to use the simple present tense.When talking about "unreal", or "impossible present and future situations", the verb in the if conditional clause uses the past tense, and the main clause uses would + the original verb.Example: If you don't go soon, you'll be late.If you don't go quickly, you will be late.The verb to be is often used instead of was in non-true conditional sentences, especially in formal writing and in the phrase "if l were you".When talking about assumptions about past events, use "If+ had+past participle" in the conditional clause, and "would/should+have ten past participle" in the main clause.Example: If you had worked harder last year, you would probably have passed your exam.If you study harder for a few years, you are more likely to pass the exam. "if it were not for" and "if it had not been for" are used to indicate that a particular situation changed everything.The former expresses assumptions about a present situation, and the latter expresses assumptions about past situations.In a more formal style, the inverted structure is often used in the subjunctive conditional sentence caused by if, that is, the if is omitted, and the auxiliary verbs were/had/should in the clause are placed in front of the subject.However, the past tense of the substantive verb is used in the conditional clause, and the inverted structure is not needed. Oif can guide an object clause, which means "whether or not". At this time, the correct tense should be selected according to the meaning of the main clause. It cannot be generalized as "if guides the clause, and the future should be expressed in general present tense." as if (or as though ) lead adverbial clauses, and the subjunctive mood is often used.For assumptions about the present situation, the verbs of the clauses use the past tense; for assumptions about the past situation, the verbs for the clauses use the past perfect tense.

ill is sick, bad, malicious.bad, unfavorably
speak III of sb.slander, slander
disease disease/sick sickness; nausea/trouble disease/cold cold; cold/fever fever/ache pain, pain/cough cough/pain pain
His mother____ill. he had to stay at home to look after her well.
A. was B. being C. had been D. be
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: His mother was sick, and he had to take good care of her at home. His mother being ill (2 As his mother was ill) is an independent nominative form, which acts as an adverbial of cause; if the participle phrase is inconsistent with the subject of the sentence, it can have its own independent subject, and the subject is placed before the participle phrase.

imaginary imaginary, fictitious

imagine (e) (imagination) +ary (...of) imagined, fictional

imagine imagine, conceive, conjecture
suppose conjecture/guess guess/dream dream/imagination imagination/think consideration, think
Can you imagine___the work all by hand?

A. doing B. to do
C. did D. do
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: Can you imagine working entirely with your hands?Examine non-predicate verbs. Use the doing form after imagine.Options B, C, and D are not used in conjunction with imaglne.

Imagine, fancy, etc. represent.Verbs with meanings such as "imagining" and "imagining" need to be followed by gerunds as objects.

immediate immediate, instant, impromptu; direct; recent
im (none) + medi (middle) + ate (adjective suffix, ...) immediate, direct
She told him to leave the room____.
A. at once B. right away
C. immediately D. directly
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: She told him to leave the room immediately. right away Immediately, immediately, emphasizing "without delay". immediately means to do something immediately after a period of time. at once emphasizes the swiftness of the action, which is stronger than the immediate concept of time. directly refers especially to the uninterrupted nature of an action.Choose B.

important important

unimportant unimportant/famous/significant/major more important/mam main/chief main/Iead leading/leading most important

impssible impossible
im (not) + possible (possible) impossible

able capable, capable/can, maybe/may; possible/might, maybe/Iikely very likely/maybe maybe; probably/perhaps maybe, possible/possible/possibility possible; possibility/possibly possible ;Maybe

___to give up smoking.
A. He is impossible
C. It is impossible to him
B. It is impossible for him
D. He is possible
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: It is impossible for him to give up smoking. It is impossible for

In the structure of (be) impossible + infinitive, it is usually used as the subject of the form, rather than "person" or "thing".

improveimprove!improve; improve
improve in has improved in some way/improve on( upon) to improve...

improvement improvement
During the year the president turned his attention to____agriculture.
A. improve B. improvement
C. improving D. improved
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: During the year the president focused his attention on improving agricultural production.Check the gerund: to in turn his attention to is a preposition, so the following verbs should be in the form of doing.

in within (time, place) in a certain period of time: with... (language); Afterwards in a short while-while/in itself, in essence/in name/in short, in short/in the open (air)/in the hope of hope/ in want of need, lack/in the end at the end

In "morning, noon, evening" use in the morning (afternoon, evening), but if there are modifiers before these nouns, indicating a specific morning, noon, and evening, then use the preposition on.Example: He takes a walk in the afternoon.He takes a walk in the afternoon.Generally speaking, into is used for the direction of movement, indicating that an action stops when it reaches a certain place, and in is usually used for a static state.Example: The guard won't let you in unless you show him your pass.If you don't show your pass, the guards won't let you in.When expressing orientation, in means within the range indicated by the object of of, and to means outside the range indicated by the object of of, and there is an adjacent relationship. In can be used to indicate how long something will happen, so it is often used in future tense situations, and after is not used at this time.Example: ①I'II go to see you in a few days, I will see you in a few days.Example: ②I'II go to see you after supper.I'll see you after dinner. "in's time" is often used to refer to a period of time in the future.At this point, note the possessive form of the noun before time.

inch inch
every inch thoroughly/inch by inch gradually, gradually/within an inch of almost, almost

include include; contain

in (in, inside) +clud (closed) +e contains, including

besides...besides (also)/except...besides...(the people or things involved are not included)/but besides...besides/contain contains; holds the things contained in/content; content/container Container / box box, box, box / chest box, box / case box, box / basin water basin, washbasin / basket
Many.young doctors,___Dr. Zhang, want to be sent to work in the new hospital.

A. includeB.includedC.includesD.including
Parse answer D.Sentence meaning: Many young district students, including Dr. Zhang, want to work in the new hospital. including (prep.) includes.In this sentence, the predicate verb is want, so options A, B, and C should be excluded, and only option D is correct.

When used to supplement a sentence, include often uses the present participle to guide a phrase and act as an adverbial in the sentence.Example: The city has dozens of factories, including an iron and steel works and a textile mill.The city is home to dozens of factories, including a steel mill and a textile mill.

income, income, income
He doesn't work but he gets a good____from his investments.
A. wages B. earnings C. income D. salary
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: He doesn't work but he gets a good income from his investments. Wage, earmng, and salary all refer to the remuneration obtained through work and labor, and only 1ncome refers to the income obtained from investment in industry and commerce.Only option C is the most appropriate.

increase increase, enlarge, increase, increase in value

in (make...) + crease (growth, increase) increase, increase

on the increase
rise up, grow / raise up
One of the consequences of our planet's being warming up is a(n)____in the
number of natural disasters.
A. result B. account C. reason D. increase
The analytical answer is D.Sentence meaning: One of the consequences of the increase in the earth's temperature is the increase in the number of natural disasters

add. "result" means "result, achievement"; "account" means "account, explanation"; "reason" means "reason, reason"; "mcrease" means "increase". Only item D is logical.

Increase is used as a verb to indicate how much to increase, and is generally used in conjunction with the preposition by; if used as a noun, it indicates how much to increase, and is generally used in conjunction with the preposition of.Another example: The number of students increased by 1000. /The number of students had an increase of 1000.The number of students increased by 1000.Compare: The number of students increased t0 1000. The number of students increased to 1000.

Indeed, really, indeed; certainly, indeed; although; [expressing surprise, concern] really?

A friend in need is a friend indeed.A friend in need is a true friend.

Indeed is used to strengthen the tone of adjectives and adverbs, but it is usually used in conjunction with the form of "very+adjective (or adverb)" in a sentence.Example: 1 was very pleased to hear from you I was very pleased to hear from you.

independence independent; emperor

independent independent

indirect non-direct, indirect; roundabout
indirect speech indirect speech
it it (nominative case; accusative case)
I hate when people talk with their mouths full.
A. it B. that C. these D. them
The analytical answer is is a pronoun as an object, referring to the matter of "people talk with their mouths full".

The Parkers bought a new house but___will need a lot of work before they
can move in.
A. they B. it C. one D. which
The analytical answer is B.Here it is the house mentioned in the first half of the sentence.

industrial industry, industry

industri (=industy, №) + al (adjective suffix) industrial
industrialist industrialist/industrialization industrialization/industrialize industrialization

inform inform, tell, report; inform, inform
in (make, make) + form (form, shape) - draw out the shape - report, inform
be well informed about proficient in something, informed about something/inform sb.of sth.inform (tell) someone of something
misinform/uninformed/well-informed/information notification, intelligence/informed/informer/notify
information notice; information; intelligence; data; report
in (make, make) +torm (form, shape) +ation (noun suffix) notice
a piece of information - then information, a piece of intelligence/first hand information

l'll give you___information.
A. many B. further C. father D. another
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: I will give you further information. information is an uncountable noun, and A and D should be excluded.When speaking "further", use formation as an uncountable noun, use further, and when speaking "further away" in distance, use farther.Therefore, only B fits the meaning of the question.

Information is an uncountable noun and there is no plural noun form.Example: 1 want to get some information about the management of your hotel.I would like to get some information about the management of your hotel.

injure damage

injured/injury injury/hurt injury/harm injury/wound injury, injury/beat, hit/hit, bump/strike/break/cut, cut/ache/pain

He fell from the tree and___so badly___that he was sent to a hospital immediately.

A. did; injured B. has; injured
C. was; injured D. is; injured
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: He fell from a tree and was so badly injured that he was taken to the hospital immediately. Injure (vt.) Injury, the subject and predicate of the clause connected by and is a passive relationship, and the passive voice should be used; the action of the clause and the action of the main clause occur at the same time, and the tense should be consistent, so choose C .

Injure is often noted as in some dictionaries.Injuried. , in fact it is exactly what it means.Injured", "injured", etc., that is to say, it is a transitive verb. Therefore, to express "injured" in Chinese, the passive voice should be used. Example: Fortunately, he wasn't injured in the accident. Very lucky , he was not injured in the accident.

injury injury; damage

hurt injury/harm harm, injury/wound wound/cut wound/pain pain/painful pain/ache pain/blood blood
inside, inside, inside

in (inside, inside) +side (side, face) inside, inside

inside out put the inside out, wear it upside down/inside of within...

above on... above/over on...; over/on on.../up up, up/upwards up; up/below below.../under under... Beneath is under.../down downward, along the downward/left left/right right; right/in is in...inside, inside/indoor indoor/into to...meat; becomes/out out; outside /outwards/outdooroutdoors, outdoors/outdoorsin the outdoors, in the wild


Persist persists; stubborn/stick persists/keep maintains, saves/remain maintains/bear endures/suffer suffers; experiences; tolerates
The workers insisted that thev____a free lunch every noon and the boss had
to give in.
A. be given B. be giving
C. will be to give D. would be giving
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: The workers insisted on giving them a free lunch, and the boss had to accept it. When insist is followed by that clause, the predicate of the clause uses the subjunctive mood (should+) and the original form of the verb. From the meaning of the question, we know that the clause should be in passive voice, so option A is the correct option.

Insist on doing something available insist on doing sth.To indicate that insist is not followed by an infinitive, but a that clause.Example: The Arab insisted that he had never seen the camel.The Arab insisted that he had never seen the camel. 0insist cannot be connected with nouns or pronouns as objects, so it cannot be combined with infinitives. After insisting on, it can be connected with nouns, pronouns, gerunds, etc. as objects, but it cannot be connected with infinitives. gerund form of logical subject).


in (into) + spir (breathing) + e encouragement, motivation

an inspire poet - an inspired poet / inspiring news exciting news / inspire sb. to (with) sth.encourage someone to do...

Comrade Lei Feng's heroic deeds are____.
A. really inspired dB. really inspiring
C. inspired really D. inspiring really
Parse answer B.Sentence meaning: The revolutionary heroic deeds of Comrade Lei Feng are really inspiring. When inspired is used as an adjective, the subject is "person", and when inspired is used as an adjective, the subject is "thing".In addition, the adverb really should be placed before inspiring, so item B is the most suitable for the question.

instead instead, replace

instead of (prepositional phrase) instead of

Plastics is used____wood today in many ways.
A. for licking B.insteadC.instead
Parse answer C.Sentence meaning: Today plastics have been used instead of wood in many ways. mstead of instead of..., followed by a noun or pronoun as a postscript.

institute, college, school and university: see college.

institution; association

society association, association/organization organization/union federation/unit overall/department department, bureau/bureau bureau/section department/group group, group/team team, group

instruction teaching; command; explanation
Instruct (education, guidance) + ion (noun suffix) education, instruction

intend, want; intentionally, have... intention

in (in, inside) +tend (stretch) want, plan

Be intend for to use; to write/intend to do sth. plan to do something

interest interest, interest, hobby; pleasure; interest, interest, equity
a place of interest / have (take) interest in something interested in...
It is believed that if a book will surely____the reader.
A. interestedOne. interest B. interesting. be interested
C. interested D. interestinginterest
The analytical answer is D.Sentence meaning: We believe that if a book is interesting, it will attract readers.On the one hand, this question examines the usage of the adjectives interesting and interested. "Interesting" means "interesting, arousing interest", the subject is a thing; "interested" means "interested", the subject is a person, and A and C are excluded.The next sentence "It wmsurely" should be followed by a verb, and interest is a verb, meaning "attract". The answer is D is correct.

Interested column...interested; concern

Interest (interested, concerned) +ed (...of) interested in...

be interested in
interested in means that you are interested in..., you can't use the preposition for Example: There's no interest in going to a concert when you don't understand music. If you don't have music, there is no point in listening to music.

interesting interesting, interesting
interest (interest, interest) + ing (adjective suffix) interesting, interesting.

international international; world

inter (between...)+nation (country)+a1 (...of) international
interrupt interrupt, cut off, interrupt
inter (in the middle of...) +rupt (broken, broken) interrupt
Interruption prevents, interrupts/break pauses, interrupts/pause pauses, suspends/stop stops, stops/apart separates, separates/divide separates, splits/separate separates, separate, independent/connect connection; connection/join connection, Combine /link to connect, contact /combine to combine, to combine /unite to unify, to combine, to unite /mix to mix; to stir up /constant often, to continue /continue to continue, to continue

The bell____the end of the period rang,____our heated discussion.
A. indicating; interrupting B. indicated; interrupting
C. indicating; interrupted D. indicated; interrupted
The analytical answer is that in the Ao sentence, rang is used as a predicate, indicating the end of the period is used as an adverbial to modify the bell; interrupting our heated discussion is used as an adverbial to modify the entire sentence in front of it.

interview interview, meeting, interview
inter (mutually) + view (see) meet, receive

introduce introduction, introduction, transfer into
intro (enter, enter) + duc (lead) introduce introduction
introduction introduction
Introduce someone to someone, English is. introduce. . mebody to somebody", the structure of double objects cannot be followed by introduce. Example: May I introduce you to my old friend Mr. Li9 Can I introduce you to my old friend Mr. Li?

introduction introduction, introduction, introduction; introduction introduction, preliminary

intro (people, entering) + duct (guidance) + ion (noun suffix) introduction, preposition
invitation; invite/invite invite/introduce introduction/conduct guide, lead/guide guide, guide/lead leader, guide/show instruction; lead, guide, guide/direct guide the way; point out

invent invention, creation; fabrication, fiction
It is well know that Thomas Edison___the electric lamp.
A. invented B. discovered C. found D. developed
Parse answer A.Sentence meaning: As we all know, Tom Edison invented the electric light.This question tests the ability to distinguish verbs.Master the verbs invent (invention), discover (discovery), found (find), developed (development).According to the meaning of the sentence, the meaning of "invention" needs to be used here.

discover said.Find. .Discovery can be accidental, or there can be a process. The object of discovery originally existed, and it can also represent the discovery of a new nature or new use of something already known; it has just been unrecognized.And invent is an "invention", and the invented thing does not exist.Example: (×)When was the steam engine discovered9(√)When was the steam engine invented(? When was the steam engine invented?

invention invention, creation

Invent (invention) + ion (noun suffix) invention
invitation invitation; invitation
Invit(e) (invitation) +ation (noun suffix) invitation, please paste
invite invite, entertain
Tony was very unhappy for____to the party.
A. having not been invited B. not having invited
C. having not invited D. not having been invited
The analytical answer is D.This question examines the negative form, voice and usage of the gerund as a prepositional object.In this question, the gerund phrase is used as the object of the preposition for.The negative form of the gerund is to add not before the gerund.It can be seen from the meaning of the sentence that what made Tony unhappy was that he was not invited to the banquet, so the passive form of the gerund is used.

iron iron, iron

a man of iron a strong-willed person, a harsh and ruthless person/iron out ironing clothes, eliminating (difficulties), etc.
island, island
itself itself; itself

it (it) + self (self) itself

(End of this chapter)

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