Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 143 Father's Love Like a Mountain

Chapter 143 Father's Love Like a Mountain

In the north of heaven and earth, on top of the ten thousand zhang mountain peak shrouded in mist, an old man in a green robe sat cross-legged. At this moment, he slowly opened his eyes, which had been closed for an unknown amount of time.

As his eyes opened, the world seemed to be shocked by it, and there seemed to be a huge energy that could penetrate the entire world, bursting out from his eyes.

The old man's face was extremely old. If Ye Chen saw him, he would be shocked to find out that he knew this old man. He had met him once, but this time was many years ago.

"After tens of thousands of years, the Chaotic Yin-Yang Art has finally been opened."

The old man smiled slightly. His cloudy old eyes were filled with the vicissitudes of time and indescribable wisdom. He looked forward, as if he had penetrated a distant space and landed on the northern continent, the Moyuan Mountain Range, where Ye Chen was located. space.

"This world has not been abandoned after all, and the Yin-Yang Art of Chaos has reappeared. Perhaps this world can still have the hope of continuing to exist!"

The old man murmured softly, and suddenly there was an obscure look in his wise eyes.


The space in front of the old man was slightly turbulent, and then seven brilliance shot out from it, and the brilliance dissipated, turning into seven figures!

There are seven figures, male and female, old and young, among them there are also monsters, but of course they are also transformed into humans!
The elders looked older than the old man, but whether they were older or younger, there were traces of vicissitudes in the pupils of their eyes. It could be seen that none of the seven figures were young anymore.

"I don't know why the master suddenly called, why?" Among the seven people, the oldest one asked respectfully.

The old man said calmly: "The Yin-Yang Art of Chaos has appeared in the world, and the chaos of heaven and earth has also appeared. It's time for you seven to go down the mountain."

"Has Chaos Yin-Yang Jue appeared?"

The seven people were startled when they heard the words, and the oldest asked quickly: "Master, what about you?"

The old man stood up, put his hands behind his back, gazed into the distance, and said softly: "The chaos in the world has already appeared. I don't know if this world can survive this calamity? I can't be alone, so go!"

"Yes, Master, please take care!"

The seven figures turned into brilliance again and disappeared through the sky.

"The sky is boundless, the earth is infinite, the Taoism is in harmony with the heart, transcending the three ways of heaven, earth and man, proving the way with the heart, penetrating the heaven and the earth, breaking the chaos, merging yin and yang..."

This is the formula of the Xuanmen Heart Sutra, which has long been imprinted in the depths of Ye Chen's soul.

When the five big characters of Chaos Yin-Yang Jue, wrapped in dazzling brilliance, swept into Ye Chen's mind in the nine heavens like a fairyland, the formulas of the Xuanmen Heart Sutra appeared in his mind by itself.

However, the formula changed immediately!
"Chaos appears, yin and yang are opened, chaos is the foundation, yin and yang are combined, and the vastness of the world is dominated..."

This is the formula of Chaos Yin-Yang Jue, and after digesting such a formula, Ye Chen suddenly understood that this is the real secret of the Xuanmen Heart Sutra!
Ye Chen also understood that if there is no fusion of yin and yang energy, it is impossible to open the chaotic yin and yang art hidden in the Xuanmen Heart Sutra. In this way, the Xuanmen Heart Sutra obtained can only be more powerful than other exercises in the world. It has some advantages.

The so-called advantage is naturally the existence of the heart of Xuanmen, and then the achievement of dual origin points!

Of course, Ye Chen is very clear about the benefits that the existence of dual-source points brings to warriors. Even if there is no Chaos Yin-Yang Jue, the Xuanmen Heart Sutra can be called the most miraculous technique in this world, but it can only be one of them!

However, this chaotic yin and yang art derived from the Xuanmen Heart Sutra, I am afraid that there is no skill in this world that can compare with it, at least Ye Chen thinks so, not to mention anything else, only the yin and yang are needed to be able to Let it appear, this point, no other cultivation method in the world can compare with it.

But in the end how miraculous this exercise is, you have to practice it before you can know it!
When the kung fu was running, the space in which it was located was shaken violently, and even the earth was shaken. Immediately, countless spiritual energy from heaven and earth swarmed in, just like ants meeting honey.

Especially in the earth, an extremely pure energy rushed directly into Ye Chen's body.

This energy does not need to be refined at all, it can be directly integrated into the spiritual power, and the condensed spiritual power is more pure than the original spiritual power!
This was a big surprise, but the bigger surprise was yet to come. When the Chaos Yin-Yang Art started to work, a wave of energy that he had coveted for a long time appeared out of nowhere, mixed with spiritual power, and moved rapidly.

When a great week passes and these spiritual powers enter the dantian and surge back and forth between the dual source points, that energy is clearly captured, which is the feeling of control.

And this energy is precisely the two qi of yin and yang!
An indescribable surprise, in the mind, a tide of madness emerged, and finally got the yin and yang, and even if there was only a trace of it, Ye Chen could firmly believe that he could help Zixiao to deal with his Tianxuan poison body !

Not only that, but in the yin and yang, there is another energy breath. If you guessed right, this should be the so-called power of chaos!

The yin and yang energy opened the chaotic yin and yang battle. The power of chaos hidden in the jade slips naturally blended with the yin and yang energy, and was obtained by Ye Chen!

Although it is not clear what effect this power of chaos has, the word chaos itself represents infinite mystery!

According to the rumors, before the world was created, it was in a state of chaos. When the chaos was first opened, the yin and yang qi were born, the universe was determined, and all things were born. It refers to the yin and yang qi, and the power of chaos is the origin of the entire world!
If there is no chaos, yin and yang will not exist!
Such power is above the heavens and the earth!

Using the Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue to comprehend the world, this world seems to have torn off the last veil covering his body, allowing Ye Chen to stabilize the spiritual source that he just reached, and it became very smooth.

When the exercises dissipated, only in the dantian, between the dual source points, the spiritual power kept rushing back and forth, forming a cycle like a bridge spanning between heaven and earth!
After many years, the realm of the spiritual level has finally entered!

When the training was over and Ye Chen was about to quit, suddenly there was a slight sway somewhere in his body. After a while, something seemed to be broken. In this moment, Ye Chen felt that he was much more relaxed.

It was as if before that, there was a big mountain pressing down on him, but now, the big mountain collapsed and disappeared.

Although the person is relaxed, Ye Chen's heart is inexplicably tense. This feeling came so suddenly, it actually exists in his body, and he has never noticed it before?

When Ye Chen was surprised by the sudden feeling, a voice that only existed in dreams now appeared in his mind very clearly.

When the voice sounded, Ye Chen seemed to be in a dream, and he quickly lost all reason and calmness. Hearing the echo of the voice, tears rolled down his heart, which was hard to hold back!

In my mind, a figure appeared very naturally!
This is a middle-aged man in his 30s, with a pair of eyes that seem cloudy but clear, his eyebrows are like swords, flying obliquely into his temples, and the pupils of his eyes are shimmering like a real dragon in the sky!
But at this moment, those eyes are filled with manly tenderness and love for children. He is Ye Chen's father, Ye Tianxiang!


Ye Chen called out in a low voice, years of strength disappeared in an instant in front of his father!

This is just an image, not a real body, let alone left by consciousness. It is just an image that has been set up in Ye Chen's body a long time ago. Waiting for today, Ye Chen will open it, so he can't hear Ye Chen's call , I can't feel Ye Chen's longing.

"Chen'er, when you heard Wei Father's words, you have stepped into the realm of the spirit level again..."

"once again!"

Ye Chen trembled violently, and said the word 'again'. . . .How could father use these two words?
"My father, I want to say sorry to you first, but my father is not sure whether it is a good thing for you that you can step into the spiritual level again."

The voice continued: "But since I left this passage, I should explain it to you!"

"Back then, my father came back from the northern mainland. Not long after, I found out that the crisis was approaching. My father originally planned to take you mother and son away from the Ye family to avoid the disaster for a while, but I still couldn't let go of the Ye family, so I could only wait at home. .”

"During the period, the father wanted to send your mother and son away more than once, but the father could not do this. Once your mother and son leave, the Ye family will also suffer disaster because of the father!"

"Among the life and death of the family and the life and death of your mother and child, I chose the family for my father, and my father is sorry for you and your mother. I don't know, do you still resent your father's choice back then?"

"But being a father absolutely cannot allow you and your mother to go to death together with my father, so at the critical moment when you hit the spiritual level, for my father to enter your closed place, forcefully set up a barrier in your body, seal!"

"Seal!" Ye Chen was shocked!
"Under this seal, you will not be able to achieve success, and it will also create an illusion. People will think that you have gone crazy in cultivation. From now on, no matter how you practice, as long as your strength cannot break through the seal set by your father, your cultivation will be destroyed. , and stay in the fifth level of qi forever."

"If you do this, I'm sorry for you, but you can only save your life by doing this!"

Life preservation. . . .He has become a waste, so naturally, Yanyang Sect or Ye Family, apart from looking for the Demon Emperor Bell, they will not have any interest in Ye Chen. It is just a waste, and it is not a disaster to keep it.

Otherwise, if the monstrous talent is still there, how can the Yanyang Sect and the Ye family tolerate him?

"Chen'er, I'm sorry! In the end, you have to bear the disaster caused by your father. You are ashamed to be a father for your father! But at that time, your father only wanted you to live a good life. Even if it is an ordinary life, it is better to live Mourning Huangquan!"

"Although this is not the best way to get the best of both worlds, at that time, it was the only way to keep you alive. It is my father's greatest wish to live!"

(End of this chapter)

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