Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 144 Father's Love Like a Mountain

Chapter 144 Father's Love Like a Mountain

"Chen'er, my child, how have you been doing all these years?"

The voice was full of guilt, and after thinking about it, he knew that when Ye Chen could hear these words, what he had experienced was by no means what ordinary people could imagine and endure.

Even an image can make people feel that extreme pain. Is there a father who is willing to do such a thing to his son?

"Father knows that you, who have lost your talent for cultivation, must have a less satisfactory life at home, but I believe that my father's dedication to the family should allow you to live in peace, but if you hear these words , as a father, you can’t be sure what your future life will be like.”

Ye Chen laughed sadly, not only his current life, his father couldn't predict it, but also his life after he left, his father was also uncertain, the Ye family's ruthlessness, his father would only be able to know it when he was dying.

"But since you have come this far, then you should go on firmly and believe in your talent and perseverance as a father. The Yanyang Sect is indeed a colossus, but my son Ye Tianxiang is also a dragon among men. Even if he loses After a few years, why be afraid of it?"

"Chen'er, when I left for my father in a hurry, I didn't have time to prepare too many things for you. I only left you the Demon Emperor Bell! Today, what belongs to it should be returned to it. You have been by your side for many years, even if you don’t refine it now, it will still be your loyal partner, and with it accompanying you on your unfinished journey, you can rest assured as a father.”

There was a slight pause in the voice, and from the place where the seal burst, a jet of black light burst out.


The Demon Emperor's Bell appeared like lightning, and swallowed the light. After a moment, Ye Chen was shocked to see that he didn't know what was contained in the dark light. After getting it, the Demon Emperor's Bell itself did not change at all, but, It gave Ye Chen an illusion that the Demon Emperor Bell seemed to come alive.

Originally, the Demon Emperor's Bell was alive, but now the Demon Emperor's Bell seemed to have life!The difference between the two is like cloud and mud. Perhaps as the treasure of the devil world, this is the state that the devil bell should have!

If his father hadn't done this, it would be impossible for the Demon Emperor Zhong to stay by Ye Chen's side for so many years without being discovered by Yan Yangzong and the Ye family.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen's heart ached even more. His father had done so much, and even sealed himself, all he did was to keep himself alive.

When his father personally set a seal on his body, Ye Chen couldn't imagine what kind of torment his father was suffering in his heart, just as he couldn't understand why those people in the Ye family could be so heartless!
But Ye Chen understood that his father's heart must be very painful!
Every father hopes that his son will become a dragon, but his own father wants to destroy his son's future with both hands. How can he bear such pain?

"Chen'er, think a lot about being a father, watching you grow up, marry a wife and have children... But as a father, I will never see these things again. This is the most regrettable thing in my life as a father! "

"Chen'er, I left for my father. From now on, I will fall into the underworld, but my father will definitely not go to the six reincarnations. My father will become a lonely ghost in the underworld. I pray for you to make up for my father's death. Sorry for you!"

"Chen'er, my son, live a good life, you must..."

The last word was getting farther and farther away. In my mind, the image of my father completely collapsed, disappeared without a sound, and disappeared forever. From then on, if I want to hear my father's voice again, it can only be in a dream!

Ye Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and knelt heavily on the ground, the tears in his heart turned into tears in his eyes, pouring out like waves.

Over the years, Ye Chen couldn't count how much he and Shuang'er had suffered and suffered. In the eyes of others, he and Shuang'er lost their self-esteem and were not worthy of being human at all.

However, compared to the pain in my father's heart, what are these?
No matter how much suffering and suffering, even if all self-esteem is deprived and unworthy of being a human being, at least I am still alive, where is my father?

He is suffering in hell now!
"Father, mother! The baby is doing well now, really well, and Shuang'er is also fine, don't worry, so don't worry about the baby."

"Don't worry, the future road, the child will walk very firmly, maybe it will be uneven, but the child will go on step by step. After the child, he will marry a wife, have children, and the child's life will be very happy!"

"So, please don't worry about the baby!"

Looking up at the sky, Ye Chen looked firmer than ever before, with a smile in his eyes, he wanted his parents to see that he is really living a good life now.

"The Demon Emperor's Clock!"

After a while, Ye Chen suddenly got up and walked out of the space. He was no longer nostalgic for everything here, nor was he nostalgic for his parents. Only in this way, under the nine springs, his parents could feel at ease and not suffer from hell.

The Demon Emperor Bell discovered that the spirituality was different from the past, so that Ye Chen couldn't help but look sideways at it. It seemed that the bronze bell had a life, and it directly gave Ye Chen a penetrating sense of being connected.

The Demon Emperor Bell may not be able to talk to others, but Ye Chen feels that one person has one bell, and it is already possible to communicate. Not only in the past, Ye Chen doesn't know what the Demon Emperor Bell wants.

On Ye Chen's palm, the Demon Emperor's Bell trembled slightly, and when the light flickered, Ye Chen seemed to hear the Demon Emperor's Bell calling him. Although there were no real words or meaning expressed, Ye Chen understood what the Demon Emperor's Bell wanted. to express the meaning.

The Demon Emperor Bell was asking Ye Chen if he wanted to leave here!

Such spirituality, how could people not be moved by it, such a Demon Emperor's Bell may be worthy of the title of the most precious treasure in the Demon Realm, what his father did back then made Ye Chen's heart even more sore!
But this time, the pain in his heart only lasted for a moment, Ye Chen didn't want to let such emotions accompany him for too long, otherwise, if his parents knew, how could they leave with peace of mind?

"Let's go!"

Ye Chen said softly, and immediately in his eyes, endless fighting spirit surged out.

Outside, it's already a battle between dragons and tigers, maybe Wang Pan won't tell the so-called secret he discovered, but as long as he shows up, trouble will definitely come to him.

Faced with these things, Ye Chen once thought that if it was not necessary, he would just leave quietly after entering this place, but now he can't!

Parents are watching!
If you don't give your parents a satisfactory answer, how can your parents feel at ease under the Nine Springs, and how can they enter the six realms of reincarnation and start life again?
If these people find me, it will be a good time to use them to let my parents see that the current me has enough ability to survive tenaciously.

If no one comes to make trouble, you can't miss the other things in the castle!

The space trembled slightly, and immediately tore apart, surrounded by the glow, Ye Chen rushed out like lightning, and appeared in the empty hall a moment later.

Now the main hall is no longer as quiet as it was when we first entered it. Several days have passed, even if there are dozens of passages, it may not be able to withstand the search of many people or experts from both sides of the monster race.

At this time, the treasures that can be seen with the naked eye already have owners. Next, it's time for them to look for those invisible and hidden things.

Without these hidden things, how could the castle still be attractive after being opened many times?

Therefore, when someone saw Ye Chen appear through the wall, but the wall was intact, their gazes became hotter.

Things that can be seen and easily obtained will never be treasured and rare things. Only those things that are hidden and obtained through untold hardships will be things that make people extremely excited.

But right now, in the eyes of these people, Ye Chen is undoubtedly one step ahead of them.

But even though they were jealous, no one came forward to provoke or force questions. After all, these people knew that the people who entered the castle this time were all difficult people.

Although there were quite a few people present, they could suppress Ye Chen together, but they were afraid that if they let him get away, their future revenge would be a great trouble.

Moreover, it is still unknown whether they can work together with one heart. One day, one of the many people can get a place to enter the castle. Today, among the many people, it may not be possible to find a way to defeat them one by one.

No one has dared to try this risk!

Looking behind the crowd, Ye Chen smiled lightly, and immediately walked towards another place.

But at this time, many people present rushed towards Ye Chen's direction at a faster speed, bursting with energy, and shot out after a while.

"Boom, boom!"

In the main hall, there was a sudden violent roar, and the terrifying energy ripples also scattered in all directions crazily.

The chaos dissipated, and everyone's eyes couldn't help becoming extremely hot. A crack in the bombarded space was clearly presented. Not only did it not close quickly after a while, but it was still expanding.

This means that what the crowd bombarded just now was a seal, but now, the seal was forcibly blasted away.


One after another silhouettes rushed towards the crack like lightning, and when everyone crossed the seal, they would look back at Ye Chen. They had never noticed the weirdness here, and this young man was so clearly aware of it.

No wonder he can take one step faster than others!
Seeing many people rushing into that seal, Ye Chen shook his head and laughed. With the Demon Emperor's Bell, he could enter any place in the castle if he wanted to. These people are very smart.

Without these people watching, you don't have to worry about being missed!
"Boy, I've been waiting for you for a long time, but you are so bold that you dare to show up!"

Ye Chen was communicating with the Demon Emperor Bell, and when he wanted to go somewhere next, an extremely cold and stern voice suddenly resounded. slowly emerge.

"Father, mother, please come and watch the boy fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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