Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 145 Fight Again

Chapter 145 Fight Again
"Last time, you were lucky enough to escape. This time, you can't escape!"

In the corner of the hall, a person came striding forward, with extremely cold killing intent, accompanied by a monstrous aura, he rushed towards Ye Chen frantically, and the hall was trembling suddenly.


A faint smile overflowed from the corner of Ye Chen's mouth.

"Laugh to your heart's content, I promise, this will be your last smile in this life!"

Ye Chen's smile is extremely dazzling in Wang Pan's place. The last time Ye Chen escaped, it was regarded as a shame by Wang Pan. Warrior escaped.

In Wang Pan's eyes, the present smile was undoubtedly taken as a mockery.

"You talk too much nonsense!" Ye Chen said lightly.


The last word "good" fell, and the monstrous momentum turned into a vast ocean, and water jets roared out from the ground around Ye Chen. In an instant, the water jets were connected, and a water prison appeared from this.

At the same time, in the vast ocean, a huge figure rushed out under the tide, and the violent energy breath filled the entire hall in an instant. The fierce punch directly tore apart the space, and appeared on Ye Chen's body forward.

It seems that Wang Pan didn't intend to leave any chance for Ye Chen, and he knew better that such a blow that day could not keep Ye Chen. If we fight again today, we can't be underestimated. .

And Wang Pan is also clear that today will be his last chance, if he can't keep this young man, he will face crazy revenge from a terrible enemy in the future.

Looking ahead, Ye Chen smiled indifferently, he is no longer what he used to be, and his disposition is even more different from before.


The space around Ye Chen, as his palms were clenched, suddenly shook, and in the dantian, the dual source points rotated rapidly, and the spiritual power between the two seemed to build a bridge between heaven and earth, It swept out mightily.


The golden light in the sky, like the light of the sun, turned into an indestructible golden spear in front of Ye Chen. The space oscillated, and then directly shattered under the sharpness of the spear.

"Tianluoba Gun!"

The golden light is restrained, and what is being taken and treated is an extreme overbearing. The pure spiritual power from the dual source point is transformed into the spear, which makes the feeling of overbearing, making the whole hall feel unbearable. load.

The Tianluo Ba Spear is the only top-level spiritual-level martial art of the Ye family. Now that it has reached the spiritual source state, Ye Chen can finally fully understand how to display this martial skill.

Zhang Xu's spear shot violently from the golden spear, and the domineering aura emitted not only directly tore the space in front of him, but even the so-called water prison around him trembled violently at this moment.


The gun light swept across the void, and finally collided heavily with the punch that pierced through the air. Suddenly, a roaring sound resounded in the space of the hall, and a terrifying energy shock wave erupted from the center When the madness swept away, Ye Chen's whole body trembled more violently in the water prison, and the cracks one after another quietly climbed up!

The last time they fought, the water dungeon didn't move at all, but now, it showed signs of collapse. This is the difference brought about by strength!
The energy surge detonated this space again, and the water prison around Ye Chen finally collapsed completely at this moment, and the two figures in the chaos retreated quickly!

Without the water prison, Ye Chen retreated without any hindrance. Although this blow still caused him serious injuries, compared to the last time, his condition is undoubtedly much better.

Tens of meters away, the young man was standing with a gun in his hand, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, which expanded even more. After turning into a spirit, it may be because of the dual source point, or it may be because of the broken body, or it may be because of the increased strength of the physical body. , His strength is much stronger than before.

On the opposite side, on top of the gigantic tide giant, Wang Pan stood in the air. His pupils were extremely ferocious at this moment, and he disappeared for a short time. This young man not only successfully reached the spiritual source realm, but with his strength, unexpectedly , has become so terrible.

Although the Mortal Realm and the Spiritual Realm are two completely different realms, and the difference in strength cannot be compared, but Ye Chen's strength has increased far beyond Wang Pan's expectations.

It was just a serious injury, and it was definitely not the result Wang Pan wanted to see, but this was already a fact, and Wang Pan could not change it. Therefore, a faint light of blood suddenly appeared between his brows.

A little bit of blood light, like a violent storm falling from the sky, the vast ocean in the space, constantly sweeping out waves like dragons, and every wave column is filled with that little bit of blood light.

The blood light spread, and in an instant, Wang Pan and others were all covered by the blood, even the huge tide giant couldn't see clearly because of the blood.


At this moment, there was a fierce roar like a monster roared from the mouth of the blood-colored giant, and the vast ocean turned into a monstrous sea of ​​blood at this moment.

It's just that this sea of ​​blood is not filled with an extremely strong smell of blood, but is as violent as before, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Boy, if you can force me to use this trick, you are capable. Similarly, you are honored enough to die under this trick."

At this time, Wang Pan no longer expected to pry out the secret he wanted to know from Ye Chen, and killing him was the safest thing for him.

Looking at the sea of ​​blood, Ye Chen still said calmly: "You really talk a lot of nonsense!"


A grinning laugh floated out, and in the sea of ​​blood, the huge blood-colored giant rolled up a blood wave of hundreds of feet, sweeping towards the sky and covering the earth. In the blood wave, the violent aura became stronger and stronger. Looking around, it was like a real volcano erupting.

The terrifying blood wave pierced through the void, and when it came violently, the huge space seemed to be overwhelmed and let out a groan. The blood wave passed by, and the void shattered inch by inch.

The wave of blood that opened its dancing claws directly turned into a hundred-foot-sized blood dragon in mid-air. The dragon claws were like a king kong, facing Ye Chen, and tearing them fiercely.

With such power and influence, Wang Pan might already have the strength to challenge the ordinary Ninth Level of Linghai, or even the peak of Linghai. Being able to grab a spot from countless people is really not an ordinary person.

But in the same way, Ye Chen is not an ordinary person, even in the eyes of others, he is just a warrior who has just entered the spirit source realm!
"Dragon? Let you meet a real dragon!"


A burst of dragon anger resounded clearly, it was not there as before, it seemed to be absent, the golden light flickered, and Ye Chen's hands were covered with golden scales, just like dragon scales.

With Ye Chen's current state of Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art, it is impossible to condense the phantom of a real dragon, and it is even more impossible to transform into a dragon. However, he can stimulate all the blood of the real dragon he possesses.

The vast dragon power swept out like covering the sky and covering the earth, and in an instant, the blood dragon that came violently seemed to be stagnant!
"Cangxuan Hualong, the world is shocked!"

The dragon's power gathered, and the dazzling golden glow also gathered in his palms. Ye Chen's hands seemed to have turned into real dragons, and then, stepping forward, his fists struck out fiercely like two dragons going out to sea.

The golden glow filled the air, and it collided fiercely with the surging blood-colored waves. As a result, the entire hall was shaking violently, and a crack visible to the naked eye quickly spread out. It was not because the hall itself had a powerful force The seal guard, if this is the case alone, it will collapse.

The two rays of light are intertwined, crazily nibbling at each other, and the pure dragon power contained in the golden light is like a raging fire, and it seems to have a restraining effect on the bloody light.

However, the blood-colored light was much stronger after all. Even though it was restrained, it was still not long before the golden light was completely suppressed. In the monstrous sea of ​​blood, the shining golden light was quietly annihilated like a candle in the wind!


In the sea of ​​blood, grinning laughter reappeared, and the bloody wave that had already floated above Ye Chen's head exploded with a bang. In an instant, the sea of ​​blood filled the sky, surged crazily, like a void, suppressing Ye Chen down.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​blood, there is an extremely strong smell of blood spreading out, like a hell!
Ye Chen raised his head, looking at the sea of ​​blood covering the sky, he let out a sigh of relief, his eyes were solemn, and at the same time, he lightly stamped the sole of his foot on the ground. . . .


The ground of the main hall seemed to burst open, and streams of extremely pure energy suddenly surged out from the ground in a frenzy, and immediately, all of them fell into Ye Chen's body.

With his actions like this, looking around, the hard ground, as if it had been burned by a raging fire, unexpectedly showed a scorched yellow color, and the vitality contained in the earth disappeared, as if it was barren .

And as such energy continuously entered Ye Chen's body, his aura also surged crazily. At the same time, the blood on the corner of his mouth kept overflowing.

Chaos Yin-Yang Jue is not a single practice method. Absorbing the energy from the earth is also a supernatural power of this martial art. However, with Ye Chen's current cultivation level, it is absolutely impossible to do it. Can be safe and sound.

This is because Ye Chen relied on his physical strength to be so bold, but it is inevitable to be injured by the shock!


In the sea of ​​blood, a terrible sound of dragon's anger suddenly resounded, and immediately, the golden glow that had been annihilated not long ago flashed dazzlingly again.

At this moment, even Wang Pan couldn't help being terrified. The power of the sea of ​​blood had just forcibly suppressed that golden light. Why did it appear again?
It's just that now, there is no time for Wang Pan to think too much. When the golden light flashes, the power of the domineering real dragon is like a pillar that suppresses the sky, forcibly driving away the surrounding blood sea, allowing the golden light to Proudly in the world.

This world, suddenly, there was an ice-cold high temperature sweeping out, and the nearest sea of ​​blood was frozen in ice for an instant, and then shattered like glass, scattered on the ground. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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