Chapter 146
The icy cold and high temperature swept past, and under the cover, the sea of ​​blood melted quickly. Although the magnitude was not very large, such a scene still made Wang Pan in the sea of ​​blood extremely frightened.

Ye Chen's method, Wang Pan had personally experienced it in the last battle, it was just a breakthrough, even if it was the promotion of two different realms, why, when it is used now, why is it so powerful?

How would he know that Ye Chen's soul has absorbed the heart of yin and yang, maybe it hasn't been transformed into a soul of yin and yang yet, but as long as there is the heart of yin and yang, the energy of yin and yang will be endless!

The emergence of the Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue has allowed Ye Chen to refine the Yin-Yang Qi and use it for himself. Although the time is short, the power of Yin-Yang refined is not much, but Ye Chen's performance has already shocked the king. plate!

Under the freezing cold and high temperature, the Nether Demonic Fire lingers and rises, like an elf in the fire. The white color, like the scythe of death, is still sweeping out crazily.


Feeling the sea of ​​blood shrinking, Wang Pan's pupils contracted, and he couldn't help but a look of fear flashed by, and the killing intent in his heart became colder and colder, causing the sea of ​​blood to tremble violently like boiling water!

The sea of ​​blood suddenly split into two halves, Wang Pan's figure burst out from the sea of ​​blood and appeared on the sea of ​​blood.

At this moment, Wang Pan, perhaps because of his fright, had an incomparably ferocious expression, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, however, the bloodshot eyes in those eyes turned into blood drops in an instant, shooting out like lightning. out!

When such drops of blood were shot out, the ocean-like sea of ​​blood boiled more intensely, and a stronger smell of blood spread out from it, and its power naturally became more terrifying.

But on the other hand, Wang Pan himself seemed a bit sluggish, and what was even more frightening was that his pupils seemed to have been dug out forcefully, as if they were hollow!
Obviously, even if he could kill the enemy with such a move, it would have extremely serious consequences for Wang Pan himself. If he would do this, it is conceivable how much killing intent he had for Ye Chen in his heart. Sheng!
He's done whatever it takes!

The sea of ​​blood once again surged into the sky. The hall seemed to be unable to bear the terrifying power. There were extremely violent explosions resounding everywhere. All the matter in this space became silent under the boiling of the sea of ​​blood in an instant. Annihilated without a breath.

And that radiant golden beam of light that existed in the sea of ​​blood quietly dimmed at this time, and the vast dragon power was directly suppressed.

The white flames that swept out madly were immediately blocked, no matter how difficult it was to move forward, the frightening cold and high temperature not only could not continue to freeze the blood sea, but was forcibly swallowed by the energy gushing out of the blood sea.

Looking at this scene from a distance, Ye Chen's heart also froze. Wang Pan in such a state, unless he stepped into the spiritual sea state, maybe he would have enough strength to fight against him.

Being able to do this step, Ye Chen is already proud enough. Looking around the world, how many people who have just entered the realm of spiritual origin can force a master of the seventh level of the spiritual sea to a situation where they seem to be self-harming? Sure to win this battle?
However, even so, Wang Pan was not qualified enough to take his own life!

"Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue, let me see how far I can display your power!"

A low murmur flowed through Ye Chen's body, and the next moment, his feet were on the ground, and he stepped on it again.


At this moment, not only the main hall was trembling, but even the space outside the main hall was shaking. After a moment, the extremely pure energy of the earth rushed madly, and in the end, none of it entered Ye Chen's body.


The sound of the dragon's chant is loud and clear in the space, and the dimmed golden light seems to be gradually plundering towards the original brilliance. The dragon's power is surging. Although there is no real dragon in the world, the sense of domineering echoes in the space. .

"Ghost Demon Fire, let me truly unleash your power!"


In the sea of ​​blood, white flames swept wildly, and in an instant, like a sea of ​​flames, appeared out of thin air here!

The true power of the Nether Demon Fire can naturally destroy the world, but unfortunately, the Nether Demon Falcon is evolving, and Ye Chen's strength is not enough for the Nether Demon Fire to use to that extent.

The current release is just beyond the limit that Ye Chen can bear.

Of course, Ye Chen doesn't have to worry about the backlash of the Nether Demon Fire. For him now, this process is no longer a fatal threat. As long as it is not fatal, Ye Chen has nothing to fear.

The monstrous sea of ​​flames directly collided with the sea of ​​blood, and the terrifying energy fluctuations caused pillars of blood and fire to continuously spurt out from the two seas.

Under the double impact of the sea of ​​fire and the golden light, the power of the sea of ​​blood was finally intercepted.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Pan laughed suddenly: "It's useless, boy, I melted this sea with my own blood, as long as there is a drop of blood in my body, this sea will not melt away, how about you? How long can you hold on?" ?”

Using his own blood essence as an introduction to launch this terrifying attack, Wang Pan is not crazy.

If the blood is exhausted, even if Wang Pan does not die, he is afraid that he will not be able to move forward on the road of martial arts in this life. Even if he wins this way of fighting, it will not do him any good.

But obviously, in Wang Pan's heart, he never thought that Ye Chen had such strength that he could consume him to the last point.

Ye Chen's eyes turned cold, and when his figure moved, it shot out like lightning. Before he shot out, a golden beam of light turned into a golden glow, covering Ye Chen's body. Afterwards, he directly appeared on the sea of ​​blood superior.

After breathing, the figure submerged into the sea of ​​blood, and then appeared in the very center of the sea of ​​blood. Behind Ye Chen, afterimages were continuously melted by the sea of ​​blood.

"Killing you, I'm afraid your essence and blood are still there, and this sea should disappear, right?"

Normally, Ye Chen would not be able to kill Wang Pan, but right now, the latter is trying his best to maintain the sea of ​​blood, and the essence and blood are integrated into it, making Wang Pan himself extremely weak.

Of course, if it is someone else, it is absolutely impossible to go deep into this sea of ​​blood to find the location of Wang Pan. Ye Chen, who is protected by dragon energy, and with the strength of his physical body, does not have to worry about being drowned by the sea of ​​blood , Fengshenjue and Yunshuangjue's exquisiteness, can it be taken lightly?

Seeing Ye Chen rushing towards him like thunder, Wang Pan grinned ferociously, and with a movement of his hands, blood shot out from the empty pupils again.

The power of the sea of ​​blood naturally increased because of this, and the sea of ​​fire, which was evenly matched with it, showed signs of shrinking in an instant.

Following Wang Pan's actions, the sea of ​​blood surged, and directly in front of Ye Chen, it turned into a blood curtain, and fell on him. At the same time, his left, right and back three sides were also drawn by a blood curtain. On the other hand, even if Ye Chen's physical skills are extremely exquisite, when there is no way out, he can't continue to be exquisite.


When the blood curtain fell, Ye Chen was immediately submerged. Even though the golden glow was flickering, it was still dimming little by little. As long as the golden glow completely dissipated, Wang Pan believed that Ye Chen would definitely die.

It's just that before that smug smile appeared, Wang Pan's empty eyes tightened suddenly, and he suddenly saw that the submerged sea of ​​blood suddenly exploded.

In this explosion, immediately, there was an extremely bewitching white light, including a figure, burst out from there.

Wang Pan hurriedly looked into the distance, only to see that the sea of ​​flames that was contending with the sea of ​​blood had disappeared at some point.

Although such an explosion did not destroy the entire sea of ​​blood, it made Wang Pan feel even more exhausted. But it doesn't matter, Wang Pan knows that as long as he is not dead and the blood is not exhausted, he is here. In the sea of ​​blood, no one can kill him yet.

In the middle of the sky, the white light disappeared, and what was waiting for it was a figure covered by a faint light. Obviously, if it weren't for the help of the Demon Emperor Zhong, the current Ye Chen would be in a dilemma again. in the ground.

But in this world, there are not so many ifs. It is a fact to have the Demon Emperor Clock!
Amidst the gloomy light, a gaze containing endless longing pierced out, pierced through the ceiling beam of the hall, and shot towards the sky.

"Father, mother, have you seen that the boy is doing well now, although the boy's strength has been wasted for several years, but that is not a waste. With those few years of silence, the boy's future road, It will be easier to go.”

"So, don't worry, don't worry about the baby anymore."

Ye Chen murmured in a low voice, and after a while, he looked away, looked at Wang Pan, and said with a smile: "Today, you can't kill me, let alone keep me, so forget it!"

With the Demon Emperor Bell in his body, with Wang Pan's strength, he still couldn't kill him, but likewise, Ye Chen couldn't kill Wang Pan either, so it would be of no benefit to both of them if they continued to entangle.

Even though it is clear that Wang Pan has an extremely strong killing intent in his heart, he is still a smart person who can clearly distinguish between gains and losses!

But Ye Chen still misjudged Wang Pan's heart!


Wang Pan gave a strange laugh and said ferociously: "Boy, today, either you die or I die. There is no other choice. Otherwise, I will stop here forever in this life. If that is the case, I would rather die!"

Ye Chen couldn't help being startled, and then he couldn't help laughing, but he didn't expect that this accidental encounter was just two big battles, but it actually cast a shadow in Wang Pan's heart, and even gave birth to a demon.

This Wang Pan's character is too fragile, right?

"In this case, you will die!"

The cold sound came from afar, and it seemed that there was a gust of icy air rushing towards his face. In comparison, it seemed to be more terrifying than the icy coldness of the Nether Demon Fire.

Ye Chen hurriedly looked sideways, at the entrance of a passageway, a girl in a light-colored skirt stood gracefully, floating like a fairy, with a dusty appearance that could not eat the fireworks!
But it was this fairy-like girl, when she looked at Ye Chen, the coldness in her expression and even in the depths of her soul dissipated, and there was a moving ripple in her eyes.

"I finally found you!"

(End of this chapter)

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