Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 147 The Plum Comes From the Bitter Cold

Chapter 147 The Plum Comes From the Bitter Cold

"I finally found you!"

Looking at Ye Chen, the girl murmured in a low voice. In the murmur, all her endless thoughts were released. There were surprises and excitement on that pretty face, but after a while, there was a delicacy that could make people suffocate. A terrifying coldness was quietly released on her pretty face.

It was Ye Chen's injury that made this girl, who was three points more beautiful than a fairy, really angry!

Ye Chen was stunned on the spot, never thought that she would appear here, but judging from her appearance, it was obvious that she came to find him, and the tenderness in her words already explained everything.

Ye Chen scratched his head involuntarily. The ancients never deceived others. The most uncomfortable thing in this world is indeed this beauty!
She and herself should have had an irreconcilable confrontation, but due to many reasons, the two of them were involved together. Perhaps they hadn't reached the point where they were constantly cutting and the reason was still chaotic. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, let She is deeply in love!
From her standpoint, Ye Chen could imagine what kind of situation she would endure once the incident of today was passed back, but she still came here without hesitation, and she did not hide her feelings at all. I know what kind of suffering she went through when she made such a choice.

Ye Chen couldn't help but be moved by this feeling!

So, after a while, Ye Chen shook his head lightly.

The girl suddenly smiled sweetly, she understood what Ye Chen meant, he was saying that he was not seriously injured, but behind the smile, Ye Chen didn't even notice, there was still that icy cold.

Once, at Ye's house in Da Luo City, she was there, watching him alone, facing the storm all over the sky, but she was helpless, unable to help him share some of the wind and rain, which became an eternal pain in her heart.

Even though she knew that Ye Chen would not have an accident, she still hated herself for not being strong enough to face the wind and rain with him. She even hated herself for not being brave enough and having many concerns. . . .
"I'm fine, really!"

Looking at the girl, Ye Chen cracked his teeth and smiled, the smile affected the injury, hissing in pain, but Ye Chen endured everything, not wanting to be seen by the girl.

The girl smiled softly, moved lightly with lotus steps, and came to Ye Chen, took out a soft silk scarf from her bosom, and with a very gentle movement, slowly wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, for fear of hurt him.

The space of the entire hall seemed to be solidified, and the people who gradually came out of the various passages froze after seeing this scene.

A battle for a place in the Great Wilderness made this girl famous overnight, her beauty, her strength. . . .They all conquered all the young heroes, and became the dream girl of countless young generations.

It's just because the girl is usually too indifferent, and her background makes many people flinch, and sometimes, they don't even dare to think about it.

But right now, this lofty girl who looks like a nine-day divine phoenix is ​​showing such softness and tenderness in front of a young man, even a blind person can feel it, she loves this young man very much.

"Who is this kid?"

In front of everyone, Qin Shi's complexion darkened a little bit, and he did not hide his cold killing intent at all.

If it were that person, if he could be treated like this by this young girl, he might be unwilling, but he would have to say a word of obedience, but what kind of a boy is this young man, to be able to get such tenderness from a young girl.

Beside Qin Shi, Lin Shu laughed strangely, and said, "Maybe it's a good thing?"

Qin Shi suddenly turned sideways, stared at Lin Shu, and said coldly, "What do you mean?"

Lin Shu couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and said, "Qin Shi, Qin Shi, in the entire Great Wilderness City, you can be regarded as one of the best among the younger generation. Why are you so mentally handicapped because of the word love?"

Without waiting for Qin Shi to get angry, Lin Shu went on to say: "You are really smart all your life, and you were confused for a while! Now everyone can see that Mei Aoxue's feelings for that kid, do you think, if it gets to that guy's ears, it will be a big deal. What happened?"

"He will definitely come here!" Qin Shi said immediately without thinking about it.

If it were him, he would have to do the same. How can someone who has been regarded as a forbidden man allow others to touch him?

"Not bad!"

Lin Shu said with a smile: "That guy will definitely kill that kid, but Mei Aoxue will definitely stop him. If that happens, do you think there is any drama between that guy and Mei Aoxue?"

"As long as that guy is gone, do you still need to worry about pursuing Mei Aoxue?"

Lin Shu looked at Mei Aoxue with a flash of passion, and he said deeply, "Maybe we can help her in her crisis, not only can we get rid of that guy, but we can also help her." Win Mei Aoxue's favor."

"At that time, with your excellence and background, are you afraid that you won't be able to catch up with Mei Aoxue?"

Qin Shi glanced at Lin Shu, he was not as excited as the latter imagined, his expression was just indifferent, and said: "Perhaps, when he was plotting against that guy, he also plotted against me by the way, then you can embrace the beauty Pregnant, right?"


Lin Shu said without denying it: "As long as that guy is gone, you and I will use our own methods. If I die in your hands, I will have no regrets!"

"Okay! I hope that when the time comes, you won't be unwilling!"

"Haha, you too!"

When Qin Shi looked at the girl again, his eyes were still extremely hot, but the sharpness towards Ye Chen dissipated. At this moment, Ye Chen was extremely useful in his eyes.

Lin Shu's eyes also surged!

The two of them seemed to be fantasizing about the scene of the girl moaning in their arms one day in the future, so they also ignored that between a man and a woman, it is about feelings, not about power and status!
The fairy in front of him suddenly made Ye Chen's heart beat faster. At this moment, even if he wanted to deny it, he had to admit in his heart that this girl was gradually walking into his heart.

But such a scene. . . .Ye Chen smiled wryly, and said, "The me now, I'm afraid I have become the most damned person in the minds of countless people, right?"

The girl smiled softly until she wiped his face clean, then withdrew her plain hand and said in a low voice: "Now, do you still want to reject me?"

Ye Chen's expression trembled unknowingly, he didn't know what to say and what to do!
Whether the girl has a clear conscience or not, let alone mentioning it for the time being, there is no doubt that she followed her own will. However, in the eyes of others, it is a betrayal, she betrayed the sect!
In the world, rape and robbery may not be considered as shameful, but betrayal is something that people cannot agree with, no matter what difficulties and helplessness they have!

Knowing how she would be treated in such a move, the girl still chose to do so. . . .She no longer cares about the whole world, what she cares about is Ye Chen alone.

This kind of dedication moved Ye Chen very much, but how to accept it, if she can pay, must she accept it?
Ye Chen knew very well what kind of harm it would bring to the girl after accepting it!
She can give up the whole world to choose herself, so should she do something for her?She shouldn't have just watched, not only did she give up a lot for herself, but she also had to endure even more!

After all, it's all about lack of strength. If you have monstrous power, why worry about too many stereotypes in the world?As soon as he thought of this, Ye Chen's eyes couldn't help showing a stern look!
Seemingly understanding what Ye Chen was thinking, the girl didn't say much, she patted the back of Ye Chen's hand lightly, and said, "Let me deal with that guy, okay?"

Ye Chen was startled, and nodded immediately, but he didn't try to be brave. The so-called dignity of a man doesn't mean that he wants to be the first in everything.

The girl immediately laughed happily, turned around slowly, and looked at Wang Pan!

Just one glance made Wang Pan's heart tremble, and even his voice trembled: "Mei... Miss Mei!"

"Continue with what I said before, if you want to die, then go die!" Mei Aoxue said lightly, in her beautiful eyes, the indifference towards everyone except Ye Chen was restored.

Wang Pan's expression changed, and he hurriedly said, "Miss Mei, I misunderstood, it was just a misunderstanding!"

"Whoever hurt him deserves to die!"

The bitterness suddenly surged out like a cloud, and the hall, which had been quiet not long ago, shook violently again!

"Mei Aoxue, don't think I'm afraid of you!"

Wang Panshen shouted sternly, because this killing intent made his body tremble, even though the blood cloud was boiling like a violent sea, he couldn't hide the horror in his heart.

In the battle for the number of places in the ancient castle, countless outstanding young people emerged. Among these people, the most brilliant one is undoubtedly Mei Aoxue!

It's not because of her looks, let alone her age, but because of her strength!

Although her cultivation is not the best among these countless people, but the strength she displays is undisputed, it is the best among all, but anyone who sees her fighting can feel her fear. .

And if her age is included, the level of horror will rise in a straight line!

Facing Mei Aoxue, not to mention him who is already weak, even in his peak period, Wang Pan cannot guarantee that he can retreat completely in Mei Aoxue's hands!

"I didn't make you afraid of me, it's just that you hurt him, so I want to get it back for him!"

In the eyes of others, Mei Aoxue is standing out for Ailang. With such performance, Qin Shi and Lin Shu, even though they feel that Ye Chen has irreplaceable use value, are also at this moment, and there is no coldness in their eyes. come light.

After saying that, Mei Aoxue gently took a step forward.


The space trembled slightly, and Wang Pan suddenly saw that the sea of ​​blood he had created had the feeling of being frozen at this moment, as if a cold current was coming, and the huge sea of ​​blood disappeared quickly in just an instant.

And in the disappearing blood sea space, a layer of white mist was shrouded, which was a sign of condensing into ice.

"Ice attribute!"

(End of this chapter)

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