Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 148 The target of public criticism

Chapter 148 The target of public criticism
"Ice attribute!"

Everyone present was shocked!
The world is vast and boundless. In the vast world, there are not a few people with mutant attributes. Although the ice attribute is very rare, it is not uncommon. However, it is only now that everyone knows that Mei Aoxue is the owner of the ice attribute.

How fierce is the battle for places, yet no one has noticed this, that is to say, Mei Aoxue's true strength was not forced out in that terrifying battle.

Thinking of this, countless people's minds were shaken. In the battle, even the masters who had just entered the realm of martial arts would not dare to hide anything, but Mei Aoxue did so.

Her strength!

At the same time, everyone's minds were concentrated. To deal with Wang Pan, especially Wang Pan who was injured, Mei Aoxue didn't need to show her full strength. She did this to tell everyone that what she wanted Those who guard, no one can hurt.

Qin Shi and Lin Shu looked at each other, the two of them thought more deeply, Mei Aoxue was using this method to let more people know that her Mei Aoxue's fate could only be determined by her Dominate by yourself, and no one else can interfere.

Among these more people, the two of Qin Shi understood that there were the two of them, the master of Yanyangzong, and that guy!

On the opposite side, Wang Pan's expression was even more frightening, let alone the current him, even in his peak period, he would not dare to speak to Mei Aoxue, and he could retreat completely.


The crisp sword chant resounded, Mei Aoxue's figure suddenly disappeared, and what was replaced was a flash of sword light that burst into the space, and the space trembled violently.

In that sword light, there is an extremely dazzling ice-blue light, like that blue rainbow hanging in the sky, gorgeous and pleasing to the eye, but it is full of extremely terrifying and sharp meaning.

The sword light shone down, and the huge sea of ​​blood gathered sharply. In the end, it only boiled around Wang Pan's body. The so-called sea of ​​blood seemed extremely ridiculous.

Today, Ye Chen already possesses spiritual level cultivation, which is far from comparable to when he was on Misty Island, but even so, Mei Aoxue's performance, in his eyes, is extremely amazing.

Such a sword light, if it was him, without the Demon Emperor Bell in hand, Ye Chen was not sure enough to resist it with all the means he had.

The ice-blue sword light pierced through the air, no matter how Wang Pan poured his own blood into the sea of ​​blood, he was still unable to resist the sword light coming. When the sea of ​​blood was forcibly torn apart, Wang Pan's figure , appear clearly.

Even after being blocked by a sea of ​​blood, when Wang Pan made a move to resist, the power of the sword still pierced through his palm, and the remaining power exploded, shaking Wang Pan to the edge of the hall. Blocked by the walls of the hall, this Only then slowly fell down.

The whole audience was shocked and silent, even if Wang Pan was injured, he wouldn't be unable to take over Mei Aoxue's move, right?
But the facts are already in front of everyone, they have to believe it!

The sword light dissipated, Mei Aoxue stepped into the air and flew towards Wang Pan.


Ye Chen suddenly shouted.

In mid-air, Mei Aoxue suddenly turned around, looked at Ye Chen, and said in a low voice: "This is the first time you are calling my name!"

The smile that burst out suddenly was like a shooting star that disappeared in an instant, possessing a deadly allure, not to mention other people, even Ye Chen, lost their minds for a moment.

"Aoxue, let him live."

After a while, Ye Chen said that in the old castle, coveting the secrets of others is inevitable. Although Wang Pan is hateful, he finally helped him once, but he didn't have to kill him.

"it is good!"

Mei Aoxue nodded lightly, and immediately walked to Ye Chen's side, the tenderness in her eyes made people enchanted.

It's a pity that such tenderness and such a smile are only presented to one person!
"Cough cough!"

In Wang Pan's mouth, he couldn't help vomiting blood. Looking at Ye Chen, the ferociousness in his eyes did not weaken at all. He smiled: "Boy, why are you afraid? Afraid that I will die before I die." Counterattack?"

As the words came out, Mei Aoxue frowned slightly, why is this person so ignorant?

Everyone present also laughed, with Mei Aoxue's strength, unless Wang Pan was willing to blew herself up, otherwise, the so-called counterattack before dying was just a smile, and even if she blew herself up, she might not be able to bring Mei Aoxue into it.

Only Ye Chen understood the meaning of these words. Wang Pan felt that he had mastered his secret, so he had no choice but to let him live.

"But I don't need your kindness!"

Wang Pan shouted sharply: "Since you are afraid, hehe, then I will do it for you."

"If you do this, I promise, you will not exist in this world!" Ye Chen couldn't help but coldly shouted.

Not killing Wang Pan was definitely not because he was afraid that he would reveal his secret, but since he wanted to seek death, Ye Chen was not a benevolent person.

Even Wang Pan, who was crazy, couldn't help trembling slightly when he heard this remark. Ye Chen's intention was not only to kill him, but to destroy his mind and soul!

"Ha ha!"

After all, Wang Pan was a little crazy. Although he was afraid in his heart, the madness became more intense in his eyes after a while.

"Boy, with your cultivation level that has just stepped into the spiritual level, you want to destroy me, I'm afraid you can't do it!"


The whole square of the main hall seemed to be vibrating violently, and that magnitude was incomparably more violent than the fluctuations produced by Mei Aoxue's sword breaking through the might of the sea of ​​blood.

Wang Pan didn't say much, but this was enough.

What does it mean to have just stepped into the realm of the spirit level?That is to say, Ye Chen was not qualified to enter this ancient castle at all, but he did come in, how did he get in?
Everyone didn't believe it, he followed behind everyone, and only came in after everyone entered the castle.Because this is impossible at all, although there are portals in the seal outside the castle, those who have not won the quota will not be able to enter at all!
This kind of self-confidence, the Great Wilderness City has it, people like Qin Shi and Lin Shu in the Great Wilderness City believe even more in the strength of the Great Wilderness City.

He can enter the castle like this. . . .Does that mean that he can enter any place in the castle whenever he wants?

After a moment, their gazes shot at Ye Chen like lightning. If they had the power to penetrate people's hearts, they would never mind seeing through Ye Chen and taking away all his secrets.

But obviously, the crowd didn't have this ability yet, so one of them stepped out in front of the crowd, looked at Ye Chen, and said in a deep voice, "This brother, is what Wang Pan said true?"

If Mei Aoxue wasn't there, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a question, let alone be so polite!
"Does it matter if it's true? Big deal, I'm leaving now!" Ye Chen said lightly.


Wang Pan smiled and said: "All of us are qualified to enter after a bloody battle. Why do you enter in such a panic?"

Ye Chen smiled, under the eyes of everyone, suddenly the light surged, and Ye Chen's figure disappeared in the light, and the next moment, everyone suddenly saw that Wang Pan, who was leaning against the wall of the hall, screamed violently One sound.

When the glow dissipated, Ye Chen was the only one where Wang Pan was, but Wang Pan disappeared strangely!

Not only is the whole person gone, in the space, even the slightest aura that belongs to Wang Pan no longer has completely disappeared. After being taken away by the Demon Emperor Bell, how can there be any aura left behind?
Such a scene shocked everyone. Even if Wang Pan was seriously injured when he first entered the spiritual realm, how could he be wiped out so easily by Ye Chen, and even if he was wiped out, what happened to his body?
"This brother..."

Before this person finished speaking, Mei Aoxue's cold voice swept through the space of the hall like a cold current.

"Just now, I didn't try my best!"


The void trembled again, even Qin Shi and the others couldn't help but take a few steps back quietly at this moment, Mei Aoxue, who hadn't tried her best, defeated Wang Pan with a single sword, if she tried her best, everyone present would , who can catch her sword?
"Let's go!" Mei Aoxue turned her head and smiled softly.

"You can't leave!"

The gate of the ancient castle was slowly closed, and one figure after another continued to plunder from all over the place. The Great Wilderness City, 180 five cities, each with ten quotas, here, there are 850 masters belonging to the Great Wilderness City.

Even though some were lost due to scrambling for treasures before this, the remaining quantity is still huge.

"Mei Aoxue, your strength may be invincible here, but you alone can defeat all of us?"

The person who asked for Ye Chen before, stepped forward again, looked at Mei Aoxue, and said: "We don't want to be your enemy, nor do we want to embarrass this little brother, as long as the little brother makes it clear, we will let you go. "

Looking around at everyone, Mei Aoxue smiled coldly: "We may not die here, but even if we die, who will stop my Qingming sword?"

The green light is dazzling, the sword intent is vertical and horizontal, and the space in which it is located is suddenly intertwined. From a distance, the fierce sword light has divided the space into countless fragments.

"Say one more word!"

Mei Aoxue said indifferently: "If we leave alive, we will have bloody revenge in the future. I think I have the ability!"

"Dahuangcheng, never afraid of any challenge!"

No one would doubt Mei Aoxue's future, but they believed in the strength of the Great Wilderness City. With more than a thousand masters, they even less believed that Mei Aoxue could leave here alive with an injured person!

"In this case!"

Mei Aoxue pointed her sword forward and shouted: "Qiu Huaxuan, then I will kill you first!"

The fierce sword intent erupted suddenly. . . .


Without waiting for the sword intent to rush out, Ye Chen gently held Mei Aoxue's wrist, and said with a smile: "There is no need to fight these people, we have to go, they can't stop it."

"Just by..."

Before the word "you" was uttered, everyone's gazes became tighter, Youmang appeared out of nowhere, and when Youmang scattered in the space, those two people had disappeared!
(End of this chapter)

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