Chapter 151

In the sky, the frequency of energy fluctuations became more and more obvious, and even a blurry shape quietly emerged.

Under such fluctuations, the jade card in Mei Aoxue's hand shone brighter and shivered, as if it was going to fly for nine days by itself, and the energy breath in the jade card was not under Mei Aoxue's control. . . .

"Can't you suppress it?" Ye Chen asked.

Mei Aoxue nodded lightly, and said: "In this situation, Qiu Huaxuan and others will soon find out where I am, and they will also be able to find where I am."

In the ancient castle, there are enchantments everywhere. Before that, with the Demon Emperor Bell, Ye Chen could walk in any enchantment by himself, only he could, and no one else could.

But now, the most powerful barrier in the castle seems to have been activated, and the entire castle is showing signs of collapse. Under the confinement of that powerful force, the barriers in the castle have all existed in name only. Others can come in and out at will.

"Then let them come over!"

Ye Chen smiled coldly, and looked at a place in front of him. There, the energy fluctuated extremely fiercely. Although he couldn't see anything, he could sense the aura of many people, and it was slowly transmitted.

Ye Chen immediately smiled and said: "These people are really careful, Aoxue, before you, you really shouldn't have exposed your true strength."

"Borrow the seal here, kill a few of them, we will retreat completely, there will be no problem." Mei Aoxue said confidently.

"There is no need to take a risk, let's go!"

Ye Chen immediately held Mei Aoxue's hand, his mind moved, and wrapped in the power of the Demon Emperor's Bell, he disappeared without a trace like a ghost.

Not long after, more than a dozen figures came through the air, and they were all taken aback when they saw the empty place.

"Chase, they can't go far!"

As soon as the voice fell, more than a dozen people immediately rushed into the distance.

There are thousands of people in the huge castle, and now, in order to hunt down Mei Aoxue and Ye Chen, they are divided into many teams, spread out, almost guarding any place.

Even if the Demon Emperor Bell could be silent, it seemed to be capable in front of a huge number of people. Several times, it was almost intercepted and killed by one of the teams.

Feeling the surge of emotion from these people, Ye Chen burst out laughing. These people really have time and perseverance. Don't they know that as long as Mei Aoxue makes a move, the ancient ruins will be opened, and they can enter the ancient ruins to search for treasures, don't they? Is it better than digging out your own secrets?

Mei Aoxue didn't know about this point either. At the beginning, perhaps because of the news brought by Wang Pan, they were shocked, and then aroused great interest.

But now, after they have already used the jade cards, they still do this. They are either stupid, or they have really made up their minds to become enemies with the two of them!

The entire castle seems to be in a crazy atmosphere, countless people, formed into many teams, tirelessly, to block the two people who are wrapped by Youmang, as if they want to chase them until the end of time .

During the chase and escape like this, the two people under the gloomy light have less and less room to move. These people in the castle are all masters, and each of them is definitely not weak in mind, otherwise, they will never be able to snatch into the castle. quota.

As the approaching speed became faster and faster, the range that Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue could move gradually became smaller. The excitement in the eyes of these people who blocked them became more and more hot. It seemed that they had already seen the relationship between the former two. end.

So before they knew it, they didn't even realize it, or they ignored it. The original small team of more than a dozen people was scattered again, and became two, or three smaller teams. team.

"Mei Aoxue, you can't escape!"

Looking at Youmang not far ahead, the sound of stern shouting resounded through.

The huge space was suppressed by countless people. Even if they were wrapped by Youmang, the two could still escape, but the space to move was already too small. Unless the two could go on like this forever, otherwise, there would be no place for them to stand.

"Then stop running!"

The faint light dissipated, and the figures of Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue appeared, looking at the few people chasing from a distance, Ye Chen smiled lightly.

Seeing that the two seemed to give up, the eyes of the three who were chasing after him flashed a glint of sternness, and at the same time, there was an extremely intense scorching heat. They became more and more interested in the secrets about Ye Chen.

For such a martial artist who has just entered the spirit level, he injured Wang Pan, maybe there is an element of luck, but under the interception of everyone, he took Mei Aoxue to hide for such a long time.

If this is not his own means, then he must possess a very extraordinary treasure, such a treasure will undoubtedly make you very excited.

"Little brother, explain your affairs carefully. I can assure you that I will never make things difficult for you."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Qiu Huaxuan, don't you worry, I asked Aoxue to destroy the jade plaque, so that everyone can't enter the ancient ruins?"

Hearing this, Qiu Huaxuan sneered and said with a snort: "Miss Mei is extraordinary, but now she doesn't have that strength."

"So it is!"

Ye Chen glanced left and right, and then asked again: "I'm curious, if the ancient ruins are opened, everyone may be able to get enough benefits. Is it interesting to chase me like this?"

"If the ancient ruins can be opened, then it can be opened, and you must give an explanation!" Qiu Huaxuan said coldly.

"Understood, the explanation you want, I will give it to you now!"

Ye Chen nodded slowly, and Sen Ran's eyes were moving quietly in his eyes.

Whether or not the ancient ruins can be opened, and the opening is imperative, no one can stop it, including Mei Aoxue, the move of the jade tablet has proved this point, it is only a matter of time.

Qiu Huaxuan obviously can't afford to waste this little time, and if the ancient ruins cannot be opened, then the secrets Ye Chen possesses are extremely important even if the castle collapses.

If you can get it, you can also make up for the regret that the ancient ruins cannot be opened!

"Ye Chen!" Mei Aoxue held Ye Chen's hand tightly, and said softly, "Give them to me?"

Ye Chen shook his head with a smile, and said: "We don't have much time left, leave the others to you, and I'll deal with Qiu Huaxuan, don't worry, I can hold him back."

The biggest reliance of Qiu Huaxuan and others is nothing more than a large enough number of people. When the range of activities of Ye Chen and the others is getting smaller and smaller, they dare to spread out to block again, which means they have the confidence to block Mei Aoxue's attack Attack fiercely and delay until others come to rescue.

If not, just because Qiu Huaxuan and the other three really didn't dare to offend Mei Aoxue to the death, as for Ye Chen, he has not been placed in the eyes of the three, at least the current him is not qualified to be taken seriously.

Even if he had hurt Wang Pan, it was far from enough. While Wang Pan was hurt, he was hurt even more!
"Qiu Huaxuan's strength is not comparable to that of Wang Pan." Mei Aoxue was a little worried.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "You have forgotten that I could escape from the Tie Guardian that day, how can I be killed by Qiu Huaxuan now?"

Except for Ye Chen, all the people who appeared in the castle were masters, and Qiu Huaxuan was the best among them, but it was not enough to make Ye Chen hate to be here.

"Then be careful, I will get rid of the other two as soon as possible."

Mei Aoxue didn't hesitate any longer, her sword intent swept across, she transformed herself into a sword, and rushed towards the other two with overwhelming momentum.

This scene made Qiu Huaxuan stunned for a moment, he was already ready to face Mei Aoxue, unexpectedly. . . .
"You're confident!"

Concentrating his mind, Qiu Huaxuan looked at Ye Chen coldly. Although the latter did not get enough attention from him, Qiu Huaxuan has always been careful enough. It is for this reason that this time he entered the castle and opened the ancient ruins. Everyone in the Great Wilderness City, He is the main one.

Ye Chen smiled lightly, if Qiu Huaxuan was willing to waste time, he would not mind chatting with the latter so as to give Mei Aoxue enough time, but he also knew that this was impossible!
In this space, an extreme freezing cold suddenly appeared, unlike Mei Aoxue's ice attribute, this freezing cold did not radiate naturally.

In the icy cold atmosphere, the high temperature swept across, and the space it passed was frozen. A figure followed the icy high temperature like a ghost, rushing towards Qiu Huaxuan!

"Sure enough, I have some ability, but unfortunately, I am not Wang Pan, nor do I have the patience of Wang Pan!"

Qiu Huaxuan smiled coldly, moved his palm, and spiritual power rolled out. In front of him, a round of black crescent moon immediately transformed into form, and the next moment, the crescent moon broke through the sky, like the indestructible scythe of death, facing forward, heavy draw down.


The space in front of him seemed to be divided into two, and the terrible cold and high temperature was also forcibly divided into two halves, so that Ye Chen's figure clearly appeared in front of the crescent moon.

This move alone showed that Qiu Huaxuan's strength was far above the king's plate!
The icy cold and high temperature were broken in one fell swoop, and the black crescent moon was not damaged in the slightest. It seemed that the power of the Nether Demon Fire could not be fully exerted.

Ye Chen stared intently, Qiu Huaxuan's spiritual power was actually filled with a cold aura, even though it was not as pure as the ice attribute, it was still a bit weird.

Surrounded by that cold aura, it seemed that his spiritual power was filled with a sense of devouring, which was really strange.

It's no wonder that at his age, he can possess the cultivation base of the ninth level of the spiritual sea. With such a means, one cannot help being dignified!

Lost in the way, in the black crescent moon, the cold aura swept out like overwhelming. Although it was not as good as the ghost fire, it could freeze the space. All the substances in it are absorbed and entered, making the surroundings become a vacuum!

Qiu Huaxuan sipped indifferently, with one click, the black crescent moon was like a blade, and it cut down on Ye Chen in the air!
(End of this chapter)

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