Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 152 Fierce Battle

Chapter 152 Fierce Battle

A black crescent moon came hanging in the air, and the ground around Ye Chen was shattered inch by inch in an instant, and there was nothing left of that square earth!

Looking at the black crescent moon in the distance, while Ye Chen's eyes were solemn, a little bit of golden light gradually appeared!

The sound of the dragon's chant resounded loudly, and when the space was trembling, the golden spear came out of form!

"Tianluoba Gun!"

Zhang Xu's golden gun light, surging with an extraordinary sense of domineering, quickly swept towards the black crescent moon.


When the space oscillated, the ground under Ye Chen's feet collapsed again, and the golden light, like a meteor, just released the light, and was annihilated by the endless void in an instant.

The moment the gun light dissipated, Ye Chen's figure was shot backwards with great power, and a long trace like a gully was wiped on the ground, but his firm face did not change in any way.

With Qiu Huaxuan's strength, it would be surprising if he couldn't achieve this level!
After defeating the golden gun light and the black crescent moon, it was not affected too much. The terrifying power of coldness still surged in the void, covering Ye Chen.


A flame shot up into the sky, and the white color immediately flickered in the sky and the earth. Ye Chen, who was like a burning man, stepped heavily on the ground with his feet, and shot out immediately.


Dazzling golden light swept out from the white color, if you can see, Ye Chen's hands have been covered by golden scales, pure dragon power, without the slightest reservation!

At this moment, the dragon is angry!
"A breath of a real dragon?"

Qiu Huaxuan's face changed slightly. The real dragon is the overlord of a different kind, one of the most powerful races in the world. Don't say that he is just the best of the younger generation in the wild city, even the most outstanding young man in the world. , will have awe.

"This kid, is it possible that he is a member of the Dragon Clan?"

According to the rumors, the Dragon Clan lives in the depths of nothingness, and they are born with the ability to penetrate the void, but they can ignore the existence of barriers. Of course, this so-called ignorance also depends on the strength of their strength.

If this kid is really a member of the Dragon Clan, he would not be surprised at all to be able to enter this ancient castle.

However, it has never been heard that a member of the dragon clan will come out to practice at such a young age, and his strength is not enough to transform him into a human!
Thinking of this, Qiu Huaxuan secretly gritted his teeth, and the spiritual power in his hands became even stronger. Now that the enmity between the two sides has been forged, even if this kid is really a member of the Dragon Clan, he must be kept here today. Otherwise, if he is really a member of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan Retaliation, in this world, there is really no force that can bear it.

The black crescent moon fell like a meteorite from the sky, and it was already murderous. Although it was no longer the power of the peak, it was still extremely fierce.

The sky was full of golden light, as if it blended perfectly with the dark white color. The fist under the dragon's anger carried a force that almost opened the sky, and slammed towards the black crescent moon viciously.


The fierce impact directly caused the surrounding void to shatter. Under the cover of the black meniscus, whether it was the golden glow or the dark white color, they all shattered like glass after a moment of stalemate.

However, cracks also appeared on the black crescent moon, and Qiu Huaxuan's blow did not achieve the desired effect.

In Qiu Huaxuan's expression, there was a sense of coldness surging, although he didn't mean to underestimate Ye Chen, but after fighting against him, he realized that the latter's strength and the cultivation he showed were Totally out of proportion.

"If you're really good at it, it's no wonder that even Wang Pan, after exhausting all means, still hasn't been able to get rid of you."

Qiu Huaxuan said with a gloomy expression, majestic spiritual power surged crazily at this moment, with him as the center, it seemed that a black curtain had been pulled down in this world.

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled and said: "What Wang Pan didn't do, you can't do it either. Qiu Huaxuan, a piece of advice, you and I are not at the point where we can't coexist, stop immediately and leave. In the future, maybe We can still coexist peacefully, if not..."

"Only you are qualified to say otherwise to me?"

Qiu Huaxuan couldn't stop laughing, even if the opponent was a member of the Dragon Clan, he hadn't grown up yet, and since he wanted to kill, as long as he was an enemy, there was no reason to let him go.

With an extremely gloomy complexion, he stomped the sole of his foot on the ground. Immediately, that majestic spiritual power soared into the sky, and black shadows floated out continuously in the space, covering the sky and the sun in an instant!

Above the midair, seven black shadows appeared like the seven stars of the Big Dipper, and unexpectedly, they turned into seven crescent moons!
Seven rounds of black crescent moons shone above the sky, and the black rays of light poured down. The entire land was filled with an extreme sense of coldness, and the rays of light complemented each other, like a black prison that descended from the sky. Ye Chen suddenly sensed that the whole body has been imprisoned silently.

Terrible cold aura surged all over his body, and it was not the Nether Demon Fire. I am afraid that these auras have already invaded his body.

Just now, it was just a black crescent moon, almost Ye Chen had exhausted all means, and he barely caught it just now, and now there are seven crescent moons, and they seem to appear in the form of formations, that kind of power, unless Ye Chen stepped into it. The realm of the spiritual sea, otherwise, it would be impossible to compete.

At this time, Qiu Huaxuan obviously didn't intend to give Ye Chen any chance!
"Buzz, hum!"

The majestic spiritual power vibrates violently between the sky and the earth. Seven rounds of black crescent moons float in the sky, surging with astonishing fierceness. When one after another spiritual power pours in, you can always see it. The space is moving on its own. of the collapse.


Looking at Ye Chen from a distance, Qiu Huaxuan's eyes were already extremely cold, and immediately he waved his palm heavily, and saw seven rounds of black crescent moons, which disappeared directly through the void, and when they reappeared, they were already above Ye Chen's head.

An astonishing force surged down, and the surging cold aura seemed to swallow even the ghost fire outside Ye Chenzhou's body.

Qiu Huaxuan smiled grimly at the moment, and at the same time his eyes were filled with coldness, he clenched his hands tightly!

When July fell, the world suddenly fell apart!
Ye Chen took a deep breath, his eyes sharpened sharply, and then he slowly opened his hands, a strange imprint suddenly formed!


The earth seemed to be trembling, and after a while, waves of energy rushed out quickly and poured into Ye Chen's body, and the surrounding land quickly became barren at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it had lost all vitality.


Without these vitality, the earth seems to be unable to bear the current weight, like an earthquake, one after another like a spider web of cracks, spreading out continuously, the whole earth shows a sign of desertification.

At the same time, the void around him also showed a sense of desolation. Obviously, the energy in the space was also crazily absorbed.

Under the cover of seven rounds of black crescent moon, Ye Chen has brought into full play the Chaotic Yin-Yang Art to the extreme.

Countless energies poured into Ye Chen's body. Although it didn't make his aura soar, everyone could feel that his power was unprecedentedly strong. There was no doubt that these powers were enough to penetrate the space.

Such an astonishing change naturally caught Qiu Huaxuan's attention, but although Qiu Huaxuan was surprised by Ye Chen's methods, he didn't take it seriously.

The gap between the two is too great to be bridged by any means.

The current Ye Chen, in Qiu Huaxuan's view, has the qualifications to threaten him, but that's all. He has enough confidence in his own attack, not to mention the former, even Mei Aoxue. The whole body retreats.


The seven rounds of black crescent moon, which had enough momentum, shrouded heavily with an invincible momentum.

At the same time, under the surge of terrifying power, Ye Chen's whole body was seeped with blood. This kind of power, with his physical body, obviously couldn't bear it.

But fortunately, now, there is room for him to play!
One after another golden light continuously rushed out. When the power accumulated in the body had reached the limit, the Cangxuan Dragon Art was also exercised to the limit by him.

The golden light shines in the sky, and the sound of the dragon's chant resounds. At this moment, it is no longer showing a ferocious domineering, but a terrifying destruction!

The sky-filled golden light condensed directly in Ye Chen's palm, and after a while, he punched and roared out.

But for a moment, Qiyue became powerful and collided with the golden fist in mid-air. Two dazzling rays of light diffused out and filled the entire space. Therefore, not only did the space seem to be unstable, but even the nearby The seal couldn't even bear it, and began to shatter inch by inch.

And the chaotic place in the center immediately turned into nothingness, and when the terrifying energy ripples swept away, all the nearby seals immediately collapsed.

The two beams of light were intertwined in the void, and even this space exploded.

At this moment, Qiu Huaxuan, who was full of confidence, couldn't help but tremble, and then his figure retreated violently. After hundreds of meters, he stabilized his figure, but there was still a violent rush. Ripples of energy coming.

It is conceivable how terrifying the crash just now was!
Qiu Huaxuan frowned unknowingly, Ye Chen's performance made him feel a little uneasy, his attack did not have a devastating situation, otherwise, the bombardment would not be so intense, so it means that he must kill One formula, there may be mistakes!
Sure enough, when the chaos in front of him gradually dissipated, Qiu Huaxuan saw, a few thousand meters away, a figure was still standing firmly, even though his body was covered with blood, his gaze was still the same. Sharp as a falcon.

"If you can't kill you like this, then you really can't keep you!"

Qiu Huaxuan coldly shouted, and with a movement of his palm, at this moment, seven black crescent moons burst out directly from his body.

"You couldn't do anything to me just now, and it's the same now!"

In the distance, Ye Chen smiled ferociously, and when the imprint in his hand reappeared, the desolation that swept across the earth and sky once again swept away further away.

(End of this chapter)

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