Chapter 156


Paths of pale light burst out from the corpse forest. In the endless corpse forest, these dense bones not only seemed to be given life again, but at the moment of having a new life, each bone turned into a dead body. The arrow of the string shot violently at Ye Chen.

Seen from a distance, it looked like a rain of arrows shooting into the sky, a pale color that turned into a light curtain, and the figure that was about to pass by in mid-air was completely submerged under such a light curtain.

Such a scene is really surprising. Thinking about it, no one would have expected that these bones, which had been dead for an unknown number of years, could still appear in the world in this way.

At this time, Ye Chen was shocked to sense that the smell of corpses emanating from the bones had a terrible corrosive power, even if there was a yin and yang power in his own spiritual power, under such a corrosive power Below, there are signs of retreat.

The power of yin and yang, the ancestor of all things, is unable to resist these corrosive forces. It is conceivable that everything in the ancient ruins that has been sealed for an unknown number of years has undergone unknown and terrifying changes!

The Nether Demonic Fire sprayed out from the body and turned into a sea of ​​flames. While protecting itself, the dense white bones quickly fell to the ground under the dense white flames. The smell of corpses rushing in also turned into The blue smoke dissipated in the space.

One thing overcomes one thing, these corrosive and rotten breaths cannot withstand the burning of flames, let alone ghost fire!

However, Ye Chen suddenly saw that those bones that fell apart and fell to the ground never annihilated!
Although it fell apart, it was impossible to piece together new bones, but those bones were still shining with luster, and it seemed that there was no damage at all.

Ye Chen couldn't help but be surprised, how terrifying the ghost fire is, but anyone who can't resist it will disappear without a trace under the burning of the fire. Can escape.

But these bones fell apart under the impact of the magic fire. . . .

The bones all over the sky turned into countless skeletons and fell to the ground in an instant. The huge forest of corpses seemed to have disappeared because of this, but, perhaps because of this reason, a stronger corpse smell came from these skeletons!
Accompanied by the emission of such a smell, the ground where the corpse forest was located began to tremble violently. It was visible to the naked eye that the ground was collapsing inch by inch. In just a few minutes, a huge deep pit replaced the original level.

These skeletons were all lying in the deep pit.

With the Nether Demon Flame protecting him, Ye Chen didn't have to be afraid of these smells, and those smells of corpses never approached Ye Chen, as if he was terrified.

However, he did not escape quickly because of the existence of the Nether Demon Fire!
When the huge deep pit appeared, there was an extremely mournful roar, which came out violently from the depths of the earth.

The voice was like weeping, like a ghost, this world became extremely gloomy in an instant, it seemed that just this voice turned this space into a ghost hell.

As the shrill sound resounded, the stench of corpses enveloped the entire deep pit, turning it into an invisible barrier. A beam of light shot out from the depths of the ground at this moment, straight into the sky!

The countless skeletons in the deep pit suddenly made an extremely ear-piercing sound, that kind of friction, as if the bones were eating, it sounded creepy.

That beam of light was also pale in color, and the power it contained was undoubtedly much stronger than the light emanating from those bones, as if it were the king among these bones.

And when this beam of light shrouded it, countless skeletons were moving, not only moving, but also assembling. It looked as if they were about to recondense into their original appearance.

Ye Chen frowned unconsciously, it really wasn't that simple!

A ghostly demon fire turned into a forest of white horses, blasted away towards the deep pit below.

Under the sound of violent impact, covering the deep pit, the invisible barrier made of corpse odor rapidly melted under the bombardment of the ghost fire, but at the same time, the corrosive power emanating from this smell also affected the body at the same time. The Nether Demon Fire caused a certain impact.

Although the range is not very large, it is still somewhat resisted. This also tells Ye Chen that when the deep pit appeared and the huge pale beam of light appeared, the power of the smell of corpses had increased a lot, at least already It can be done, so that the ghost fire cannot be destroyed.

If the power of the smell of corpses is strong enough to resist the Nether Demon Fire, then it will be fun.

The Nether Demon Fire melted the invisible barrier fast enough, and the countless skeletons were reassembled even faster. Not long after, brand new white bones suddenly appeared in the space between heaven and earth.

And this new bone is composed of countless skeletons. In other words, all the bones in the huge corpse forest just now have become this dense bone!
A huge pillar of pale light, when this white bone was formed, rushed in from its head, as if endowed with spirituality, from its empty pupils, unexpectedly, a somewhat sharp feeling shot out.

Compared with the many white bones just now, this one not only has a bit of spirituality surging, but also has a much stronger luster and a larger body.

What's even more shocking is that it seems to be wearing a piece of armor on the outside of its body. In its palms, it holds an indestructible bone gun. It looks like a general who is fighting on the battlefield.

Of course, if its head is flesh and blood, it will be more like it!


After a while, the new white bone actually let out a cold cry. It looked at Ye Chen with empty pupils, and there was a strong scorching heat, as if it regarded Ye Chen as food.


Looking at Ye Chen, the next moment, this bone-like general, who looked like a general, stamped the sole of his foot on the deep pit, and a huge gap opened in the ground immediately, and it itself, like a shooting star, was facing Ye Chen The burst came.

The bone spear in his hand swung out thousands of spear shadows, all of which pierced through the void, carrying the suffocating smell of corpses, and shot at Ye Chen viciously.

"Hey, sigh!"

The shadows of guns swept across the sky, and the void was instantly turned into nothingness, and the stench of corpses permeated the entire void.

In terms of strength alone, the current bone general has at least reached the level of the seventh level of the spiritual source. Such a master, in the past, naturally poses no threat to Ye Chen. With the means he has now, in the spiritual source. Few people can threaten him.

But here, after all, in the ancient ruins, this white bone will be transformed in this way, who can guarantee that it will not have other magical powers?
However, an opponent of such strength just allows Ye Chen to use all the means he has to his heart's content.

Before this, whether it was Wang Pan or Qiu Huaxuan, even when they were in Lingcang Continent, all the opponents they met had cultivation bases far above him. The methods were used to the fullest, but to a certain extent, they were all in a desperate state, not a natural fighting state.

Although in the desperate state, the comprehension will be more thorough, but it will never reach the point of fluency. After all, in the desperate state, the spirit is highly concentrated. How can it be possible to be big and hearty in the face of a powerful enemy?
Incisively and heartily, at a certain point, the meanings are completely different!
The current Ye Chen needs an opponent whose strength is not too different, so that he can have the clearest and clearest understanding of himself!
"Ha ha!"

Seeing the bone generals rushing towards with thousands of gun shadows, Ye Chen laughed loudly, the golden light condensed and turned into a sharp golden spear. After a moment, the gun body shook and shot out violently.

"Clang, clang!"

In mid-air, bursts of gold and iron clashing resounded resoundingly, and under the shining golden light, the shadows of bone spears continued to collapse and go away. As for the smell of corpses that permeated, it was also under the impact of the Nether Demon Fire. , gradually disappearing.

There seemed to be a flash of anger in the eyes of the bone general. With a roar, it turned into a pale light with a gun attached to it, and rushed towards it fiercely under the suffocating smell of corpses.

If there is no Nether Demon Fire, the stench of corpses alone would be hard to resist.

It's just that there are not so many ifs in this world, and the ghost fire rises to block all the smell of corpses. The golden spear is extremely sharp, and it hits the bone spear heavily.

When the terrifying force swept away, the two figures stepped back quickly on the ground, leaving a long crack in front of their bodies.

The figure was shaken back, and a look of surprise flashed across Ye Chen's eyes. The bone general's own strength was so powerful. In terms of physical strength alone, he might not be inferior to him.

Among the same ranks, this was the first time Ye Chen met an opponent whose physical strength was equal to or even superior to his own.

And its bone spear and the armor outside its body seem to have a complementary effect. When it is used, it can enhance its own strength abruptly. The bone spear and armor are actually spiritual-level things, not The white bones will be condensed.

However, no matter how the white bone changes, it is still just a skeleton. Without various organs, there should be no so-called spiritual power. Without the existence of spiritual power, these treasures cannot be activated, but unfortunately. . . .
"It's interesting!"

Ye Chen tightly clenched the golden spear in his hand, a domineering aura was released undisguisedly, and the sharp golden light shone in the world.

"Tianluoba Gun!"

Swinging the spear, Ye Chen's aura of heaven and earth in the tens of feet around him was detonated at this moment, and a golden gun light that was tens of feet in size roared away.

Seen from a distance, it looks like a golden dragon with teeth and claws, blasting towards the bone general with terrifying power.

In the environment of fair confrontation, this is also the first time Ye Chen has displayed this martial skill heartily, without reservation, and it is even more handy!

(End of this chapter)

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