Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 157 Jade Bone

Chapter 157 Jade Bone
The domineering golden gun light, like the golden dragon that goes straight up to the sky, pierces the void in front and appears directly in front of General Bone!

The terrifying power, even the Bone General, couldn't help being forced to take a step back, and this step seemed to be a great shame to the Bone General, it roared angrily, raised the bone gun, and the surging The stench of corpses in the sky was completely integrated into the bone gun.

In the next moment, the bone spear pierced fiercely like lightning!


The golden and white beams of light collided in mid-air, and a terrifying storm of power swept out like mountains and seas at this moment, and the surrounding tens of feet of land were all razed to the ground at the same time, making this place extremely empty stand up.

However, under the impact of such a huge force, the bones will be directly in the center of the chaos. Unexpectedly, there has never been any so-called damage due to the sweeping force storm. Its footsteps seem to take root, but its body is constantly shaking .

Ye Chen knew that this was due to the bone general's own strength, and the strength of his physical body was more often reflected in his superior defense rather than offense.

As for the integration of offense and defense, Bone General's physical strength is still a bit weaker. After all, it can exist, perhaps because of some means, perhaps because of the uniqueness of this ancient relic, not its own ability.

And its so-called physical strength, in Ye Chen's view, may be because it is a skeleton itself.

As for Ye Chen being able to do it, it depends on Cang Xuan Hua Long Jue!
When the chaotic storm dissipated, the white bone would step on the ground and rush towards it. At this moment, the armor on its body emitted a jade-like white light.

The light is like jade, but it is surging with extremely terrible corrosive power. At the same time, the bone gun in the hand of the white bone radiates the same luster. This space, under the penetration of such power, has truly become nothingness.

"What a terrifying corrosive force!"

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed for a moment, and his mind moved. The Nether Demon Fire leaned over the golden spear, and in an instant, it turned into a golden flame spear. On the gun, white flames swirled and rose, and the cold, high temperature and domineering aura radiated at the same time. Go out and cut through the void directly!
A moment later, the two long spears collided ferociously in midair for the third time, and this time, Bone General obviously understood Ye Chen's strength, so its blow was basically its most powerful attack.

Such terrible corrosive power, even the icy high temperature released by the Nether Demon Fire, is pierced by it forcibly, the fault is not the existence of the Nether Demon Fire itself, I'm afraid, it can't resist it at all.

Even so, when the corrosive force swept over, even the domineering aura of the spear itself was forcibly suppressed by it, as if it wanted to swallow it completely.

However, whether it is the Nether Demon Fire or the golden spear itself, they are all extremely terrifying existences in this world. Although Ye Chen's cultivation base cannot fully release these terrifying powers, relying on the strength of Bone General, he can It still can't make Ye Chen feel powerless.

On the gun body, the white flames directly burst out of the air, and when it swept across, it turned into a sea of ​​flames and rushed out like lightning.


The two spears finally collided, and the white flames that turned into a sea of ​​flames were the first to cover the bone general, and the icy cold and high temperature were released, freezing the bone general on the spot.

However, the power that has been swept out cannot be frozen by the white flames, and it still rushes out crazily, wreaking havoc in this space.

When the void began to collapse, the two figures inside finally all retreated violently.

The white bone will be a skeleton body without flesh and blood, even if it bears the terrifying impact force, people can't see whether it is injured from it.

Ye Chen was different. When he retreated violently, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face immediately turned pale. Obviously, this blow caused a lot of damage to him.

"Worthy of being a bone general!"

Ye Chen wiped off the blood on his mouth. The special nature of Bone General makes it almost have the strength of the Spirit Sea Realm. Even in the face of a real master of the Spirit Sea Realm, Bone General's combat effectiveness will not be weakened in the slightest, because It is more like a puppet that knows no pain, let alone life and death.

Such an opponent, even if its strength is slightly weaker, is equally terrifying.

It seems that seeing Ye Chen injured, the bone will roar to the sky, the voice is mixed with a sense of joy, and the scorching heat in its pupils has become more and more intense, as if Ye Chen has become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

In the next moment, Bone will wave the bone gun in his hand again, and the figure shoots out violently. In the flickering light, it is already a combination of human and gun, turning into a white light piercing the sky, with an extremely strange sharp gun light, Frantically looting towards Ye Chen.

In Bone General's heart, he obviously wanted this blow to kill Ye Chen directly.

"Enough is enough, it's time to end!"

Looking ahead, Ye Chen moved his hands, and the golden spear turned into a bright golden light again, covering his whole body. After a moment, it was obvious that his arms and palms turned into golden scales.

It turned into golden scales, not covered by golden scales, the difference between the two is like cloud and mud!
At the time of such a change, three golden lines of light floated directly in front of him!
When facing Qiu Huaxuan, relying on the Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue and Shensoul's simultaneous execution of the Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue, he absorbed countless energy and condensed seven golden lines of light just now. Now, relying on himself alone, there are already three golden lines of light appearing. The general growth rate is not unpleasant.

Although Bone General is not weak, there is no comparison between him and Qiu Huaxuan. With the three golden lines of light, Ye Chen is absolutely sure that he can blast him with the strength that Bone General is showing now.

The bone gun approached in the blink of an eye, and three streaks of golden light also emitted dazzling light at this moment, and rushed out roaring.


This was an attack without any fancy, the power contained in the golden light streaks exploded, the air was shattered, and even the ground nearby exploded into powder with a bang!

When the low roaring sound swept out, the bone spear in Bone's hand was bent down under the impact of the terrible force. Fortunately, it was a spiritual-level thing, otherwise, it would have been broken a long time ago. .

A moment later, Bone immediately flew upside down and smashed hard on the ground in the distance. When the dust rose, Bone embedded his body firmly into the ground.

Ye Chen's eyes tightened suddenly. With such a powerful bombardment, General Bone's body was not torn apart, and not even too many cracks appeared.

The physical strength of this bone general is too strong, right?

Ye Chen's eyes were full of surprise, the bone general's physical strength was definitely not so strong!
At this moment, the jade-like luster instantly flooded Bone General's body, and he suddenly saw that those tiny cracks were being repaired quickly, and it didn't take long for them to return to their original state.


Ye Chen's eyes tightened, and when the three golden lines of light were condensed again, they would fall on the bones.

With just one blow, Bone will have a fierce attack to block it. Now, it has no defense at all, and it is still bombarded directly on its chest by three golden light patterns.

However, under the direct bombardment of such force, General Bone's body, although not intact, was still intact!

"what happened?"

Ye Chen stared at Bone General. Before, it could be said that Bone General had a strong resistance, but now he has no defense at all. That kind of power, unexpectedly, did not exert the slightest power on it?
"what is this?"

Ye Chen suddenly noticed that the bone general's chest, about the position of the heart, was trembling slightly. If he didn't look carefully, and didn't let Ye Chen observe so unscrupulously, he wouldn't be able to find it at all.

It is this slight trembling, with a breath of energy that is extremely difficult to detect quietly released. When it swims all over the body of the bones, it not only repairs the wounds on the surface of the body, but this energy is more like a thin film, absorbing most of it. The energy from the bombardment.

"It's really interesting!"

Ye Chen's figure immediately surged out, with flower palms as claws, reaching for the bones and heart.

At this moment, the white bones will shoot out an indescribable sense of fierceness and fear from the empty eyes, which can be seen with the naked eye, where the trembling place is more distant, and the energy aura is constantly gushing out.

But these energy breaths don't seem to have any aggressiveness, and the bone will be bombarded by Ye Chen in the ground, and it seems that there is no serious injury. From the fact that the bone will not be able to get up now, it can be seen that giving it enough With more time, this guy may be able to return to his original state.

While the golden light surged, that claw directly penetrated into the bone and made contact with the body, and a metallic feeling came out immediately, but under Ye Chen's invincible palm, the bone's chest was forcibly broken open.

Afterwards, a jade-like luster was forcibly brought out by Ye Chen.

Losing this, the Bone General, which seemed to have no damage at first, will wither quickly like the grass of the winter solstice at this moment, and the performance of the Bone General is that the bones of its whole body will fall off automatically, and these bones are as if It was generally weathered, turned into fine powder, and floated in the space.

Ye Chen didn't want to pay attention to the changes of the bone general. He stared at the object wrapped in jade-like luster. When he touched it just now, he sensed an extraordinary energy, directly into the body.

This energy, if it really does not have any aggressiveness, enters the body, and the injuries in Ye Chen's body, including the wounds that have not healed before, are all washed by this energy, and the good ones are wiped out quickly. Jaw-dropping.

Of course, these injuries are no longer serious.

"What the hell is this?"

The thing in his hand was as clean as jade, but it was not the bone general's heart, but an extremely delicate bone like a work of art. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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