Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 161 Desperate Lake, Desperate

Chapter 161 Desperate Lake, Desperate


When the black crescent moon swept over, a loud and clear sound of dragon's anger resounded through the sky, the terrifying dragon's power swept out like a gust of wind, and the heaven and earth trembled.

There were not many monsters present. At this moment, they looked at Ye Chen impressively. The dragon power erupted from his body.

Such a mighty dragon may not be able to make ten thousand beasts surrender, but it is enough to make these monsters who are only in the spiritual sea realm feel palpitations from the bottom of their hearts, so that they all forget that they In the middle of the war.

Fortunately, the other people present stood still after feeling the might of Long. They never imagined that this young man could burst out with such might.

Even if this young man is not a member of the Dragon Clan, he probably has a certain relationship with the Dragon Clan. Otherwise, how could he explode with such dragon power?

After thinking up to this point, everyone looked at Qiu Huaxuan with a look of pity. Becoming an enemy with the Dragon Clan is not a pleasant news. No wonder, when this young man faced Qiu Huaxuan, he still had such a look confidence.

Naturally, they couldn't imagine that this was all an accident that Ye Chen got by accident!

The sky filled with golden light, when the dragon's anger resounded, it quickly condensed around Ye Chen's body, and then, golden light patterns were continuously condensed, and in just a split second, ten golden light patterns, surging with terrifying energy, hovered around Ye Chen. In front of Chen.

In the distance, Qiu Huaxuan's pupils tightened again. Not long ago, seven golden lines of light blocked his same blow, but now the number has become ten. . . .

The dragon's anger sounded again, and ten golden lines of light roared out immediately.The rays of light flicker and connect, and from a distance, it looks like a huge golden dragon!


Amidst the many nervously watching eyes, above the sky, two terrifying attacks finally tore apart the space, and finally collided fiercely like meteorites across the sky.

At the moment of the impact, a terrifying storm of spiritual power swept out crazily in an instant. The collision was like countless shock waves raging to the extreme, and the space made an overwhelmed and broken sound at this time.

In the sky, two beams of light, golden and black, were devouring each other crazily like something devouring the sky. In just a moment, both beams of light dimmed a lot.

Qiu Huaxuan stared at the front indifferently. Even though he had imagined that the same blow would not cause too much threat to his opponent, seeing such a scene with his own eyes, he still couldn't calm down.

The onlookers didn't expect such a terrible attack to be blocked by Ye Chen.

When the two rays of light dimmed together, a violent explosion erupted suddenly, and the energy swarmed out, directly shaking the space into nothingness.

Ye Chen's figure immediately retreated violently, with blood gushing out from his mouth, even though he blocked Qiu Huaxuan's fatal blow, it was impossible to avoid being injured.

In the eyes of others, this kind of injury is really not worth mentioning. For those who have similar cultivation level, it is definitely not as simple as suffering some injuries.

"Without Mei Aoxue present, you will definitely die!"

Qiu Huaxuan leaped out, turned his palms into claws, and grabbed Ye Chen's head fiercely. With various attack methods, as long as the latter can release golden light streaks, it is impossible for him to hit Ye Chen. kill.

But Qiu Huaxuan didn't believe it, with his strong spiritual power, he couldn't suppress this boy!
Seeing the figure appearing above, Ye Chen laughed loudly: "Qiu Huaxuan, you made a wrong calculation."

Amidst the loud laughter, Ye Chen's arms turned into golden scales, and when his spiritual power roared, he punched out with a powerful punch.


With one punch and one claw, they collided with each other in mid-air, but at the moment of impact, the dark white flames shot out first.

Terrible ripples of energy swept out again, Ye Chen let out a muffled snort, spurting blood, stepping on the ground and retreating violently. After a full tens of meters, he stabilized his figure. It seemed that he was already I'm a little embarrassed.

But in comparison, Qiu Huaxuan didn't have a good time, the energy ripples that swept out did not cause any harm to him, but the impact of the Nether Demon Fire, even he could never expect to be safe and sound.

Under the freezing cold and high temperature, if Qiu Huaxuan hadn't seen the opportunity in time, his hand might have been wasted.

Looking at Ye Chen in the distance, Qiu Huaxuan's eyes unconsciously showed a hint of fear. His cultivation base is not very good, but even he has the feeling that he has no way to use all kinds of methods.

However, while being frightened and angry, Qiu Huaxuan also regarded Ye Chen in his heart as a real opponent who could fight. If the latter cannot be suppressed today, not only his reputation for many years will be ruined, but this young man The revenge in the future will also be unbearable to him, even the forces behind him can't bear it.

With this in mind, Qiu Huaxuan let out a long breath of turbid air in his mouth, the icy coldness replaced the anger in his eyes, and the majestic spiritual power immediately gushed out from his body.

Seeing Qiu Huaxuan's changes, Ye Chen's eyes became serious. In this state, Qiu Huaxuan is obviously more difficult to deal with.

"Moon Transformation Art, melt the moon with your body!"

Qiu Huaxuan stared at Ye Chen coldly, with the soles of his feet on the ground, and his whole body shot towards the sky. At the same time, seven black shadows condensed above his head, turning into seven black crescent moons.

The crescent moon, like the Big Dipper, shone with light, as if it had turned into a huge formation!

A moment later, Qiu Huaxuan's figure appeared, and then, in a strange way, his whole body merged into the square formation.


The world began to tremble, and when Qiu Huaxuan's figure disappeared completely, a terrifying wave burst out from the black formation, and everywhere it passed, the space was torn apart, leaving only a vacuum, shocking everyone .

"Die under this trick, boy, you have no regrets!"

Qiu Huaxuan's voice came from the black formation, and this voice did not carry the slightest human emotion, like a beast without intelligence.

The black formation suddenly spun crazily in mid-air, and a moment later, a black beam of light that seemed to penetrate the entire world, swept away like a black lightning, and ruthlessly suppressed Ye Chen.

The black beam of light has the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth. Wherever it passes, the space immediately turns into nothingness, leaving behind that terrifying destructive force, which is still wreaking havoc on the void.

Under this beam of light, everything really does not exist!
Ye Chen took a deep breath of the cold air, and after a moment, his eyes became extremely sharp, trying to kill me is not so easy!
The surrounding world suddenly boiled, and countless energies swarmed in. At this moment, Ye Chen's body seemed to have turned into a black hole in the universe, absorbing these energies frantically.

The dragon's anger continued to resound, and the golden light gathered more and more thickly, and the condensed golden light streaks reached as many as ten in an instant!
However, ten golden light streaks are obviously not enough to resist this black beam of light!

"Demon Emperor Bell, help me!"

The voice rang violently in his heart. At this moment, no matter how many scruples the Demon Emperor Bell had, he had to do it. Compared with the crisis existing in the ancient ruins, the current threat is undoubtedly greater!
But even so, the Demon Emperor Bell was extremely careful. When the glow surged, it directly merged into Ye Chen's spiritual power, for fear of revealing too many traces and being discovered.

Under the infusion of the power of the Demon Emperor's Bell, a golden light surged in the void, which was even more dazzling. However, among the dazzling golden light, there was a faint faint light mixed in it. Find.

Accompanied by the subtle changes in the golden glow, after the ten golden lines of light condensed, three lines of light burst out quietly. Similarly, these three lines of golden light are somewhat different.


Also aware of the fear of the Demon Emperor's Bell, Ye Chen never hesitated, punched like lightning, and swung out heavily. Immediately, the thirteen golden light streaks roared out.

In front of everyone's eyes, golden streaks of light collided with black beams of light in midair.

There was a shocking explosion, and after a while, madness swept away. The terrifying energy impact did not shatter the space, and sensed it, as if it had imprisoned this space.

But in that confinement, there is a monstrous power spreading out, that kind of horror, so that everyone has no doubt that if they are inside, they will definitely be annihilated in the shortest time.

At this moment, everyone's perception of Ye Chen changed again!

Everyone knows Qiu Huaxuan's strength, so it's no surprise that he can unleash such a terrifying attack, but Ye Chen?

Under the crazy impact, the black beam of light obviously gained the upper hand and gradually suppressed the golden light, but even so, the golden light did not collapse as imagined. The energy erupting from the golden light cannot be easily obtained by the black beam of light. destroyed.

In other words, it is obviously impossible for such a blow to pose a fatal threat to Ye Chen!
This kind of presentation was not what Qiu Huaxuan wanted, so when he saw the black beam of light but did not achieve the expected result, the black formation spun again, and after a moment, it actually appeared directly at the impact place.


A vast force surged out, and the black beam of light suddenly became powerful, crushing the golden light pattern like a rotten one, and then shot down violently.

The golden light pattern was defeated, and Ye Chen's figure retreated violently again. No matter how amazing his methods are now, it is obviously impossible to win the battle when his own cultivation level is too poor for Qiu Huaxuan.


At this time, he couldn't care less, a faint light flickered, gushing out from the body, and outside the body, it turned into a light shield to resist the bursting black beam of light.

That is, no one expected that the water of the lake of death, which had been calm and calm for a long time, suddenly boiled, and immediately a column of water rushed out like covering the sky and covering the earth. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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