Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 162 Desperate Lake, Desperate

Chapter 162 Desperate Lake, Desperate

The clear water of the lake suddenly boiled, and in the huge lake, like a water monster appeared, a huge vortex was stirred up. In that vortex, a water column appeared like a giant dragon, shooting into the sky.

The sudden appearance of the water column absorbed all eyes, and then, they suddenly saw that wherever the water column passed, it turned into nothingness, and that erosion force was so terrifying.

The giant dragon that shot up to the sky, baring its teeth and claws, carrying an outrageous power, appeared directly in front of the black beam of light.


The gods blocked and killed the gods, the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha, the black beam of light surged with monstrous destructive power, and rushed towards the water column.

A deafening sound resounded from the sky and the earth. Looking around, black rays of light almost filled the entire land, as if the end of the world was coming.

However, such a beam of light caused the huge water column not to tremble in the slightest. Instead, it shattered the black beam of light into pieces.


In the black formation, Qiu Huaxuan couldn't help becoming furious. This is the best time to kill Ye Chen. Where did this water column come from? Not to mention blocking such a terrible blow from him, it also scattered the black light column?

Amidst the angry curses, the black formation spun crazily. This time, two black beams of light swept out directly, and the power was naturally even more terrifying, but it was obviously unbearable for Qiu Huaxuan to perform such a display.

The black formation dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally the light disappeared. Qiu Huaxuan's figure also clearly appeared in the midair. Now his face is extremely pale, and his breath is even more exhausted.


When the two black beams of light shot out, there was a ferocious roar, and immediately, several figures shot out towards Qiu Huaxuan's location, it was those monster beasts.

Ye Chen has pure dragon prestige, this is beyond doubt!

The dragon is an overlord of a different kind. Even though he has never ruled all the beasts in the world, for the dragon clan, unless they are also divine beasts, otherwise, there is a sense of awe and admiration in his heart.

During the battle just now, Ye Chen's life was not in danger, these monsters chose to wait and see, but now, they dare not continue to wait and see.

If Ye Chen died here, even if he was not killed by them, the crime of ignoring and indifference will be investigated by the dragon clan in the future. They, their relatives, and even their clan will all die under the revenge of the dragon clan.

The speed of the monsters can be said to be fast, but the water column was even faster, and when it spun like a tornado, it was directly rolled up by Ye Chen wrapped in Youmang, ignoring the two coming roads The black beam of light fell back into the lake of death.


The lake was turbulent, and after the huge vortex swallowed Ye Chen, it immediately disappeared without a trace. The entire lake, and even the depths of the lake that could be seen by the naked eye, were peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

Ye Chen disappeared, and a group of monsters stood in the air, looking at Qiu Huaxuan behind the two black beams of light, they rushed out ferociously.

At this moment, the people and monsters here have just discovered what is the lake of death!

In the huge lake, the clear lake water does not contain any impurities, quiet and peaceful. . . .These originally made this lake exist like a paradise.

However, the moment Ye Chen disappeared, those present understood that this was the lake of death!
Once entering the lake of death, all spirits and souls disappeared, at least those present did not sense that the slightest part belonging to Ye Chen escaped just now. This lake of death is like a black hole in the universe, which can swallow everything.

No matter who it is, there is no doubt that Ye Chen is still alive. At the same time, they are also secretly glad that after seeing the beam of light rising from the lake of death, they did not rush in to snatch it immediately, otherwise it would be bad. If they come into contact with that lake water, Ye Chen's end will be the end of their fate.

The two terrifying black beams of light hadn't dissipated yet, Qiu Huaxuan was guarding against the monsters on the opposite side, but his expression was much more relaxed, Ye Chen was dead!

"Cough cough!"

A moment later, a blood stain overflowed from the corner of Qiu Huaxuan's mouth. Such a display was undoubtedly extremely tragic for him.

He looked at the monster beasts, clasped his fists, and said in the most sincere tone of his life, "Fellow monster clansmen, this kid is already dead, so there's no need for you to fight me desperately, right?"

"That kid may have something to do with the Dragon Clan, or he may be a member of the Dragon Clan, but no matter what, he's dead. If he dies, it's all over. I believe you, you shouldn't spread the news, right?"

This is Qiu Huaxuan's confidence, otherwise, knowing that he is a member of the dragon clan, how could he dare to kill him?
There are not many people in the world who can come into contact with the powerful dragon clan, but they have all heard that the dragon clan protects their weaknesses, extremely protecting their weaknesses!

If you know that the people of the same clan are outside, not to mention being killed, even if you are bullied, the dragon clan's revenge is extremely terrible, and the scope of revenge is not just one person and one clan, everyone present will become the dragon clan's revenge.

Such a domineering style of acting made all the forces and individuals in the world afraid of it!
But here, it became Qiu Huaxuan's best amulet!
If this matter gets out, none of the people present will be spared, so he is not worried, and more people will know that he killed the suspected dragon clan in this ancient ruins. Qiu Huaxuan believes that even if these monsters Beasts will keep this secret firmly in their hearts, and will work harder to forget it.

These people present, those monsters, all fell silent, what Qiu Huaxuan could think of, they could also think of.

Time passed, and a few minutes later, Qiu Huaxuan smiled complacently, and with a wave of his hands, the black beam of light disappeared immediately. Maintaining the existence of the beam of light also consumes a lot of energy. With his current strength, he can only hold on.


The moment Qiu Huaxuan withdrew the black beam of light, a shocking roar resounded suddenly, a huge figure, like electricity, passed through the darkness that had just disappeared, appeared in front of Qiu Huaxuan, immediately raised his palm like a mountain, and slapped down heavily.


The sudden attack made Qiu Huaxuan's heart tremble. Fortunately, he was also an extremely outstanding person. Although he was caught off guard, he did not panic. He stood on one side, avoiding the vital points, and the spiritual power in his body rolled out, turning into a barrier in front of him.


It was almost a crazy blow, and it crushed Qiu Huaxuan's spiritual power barrier in an instant. That palm also landed heavily on his shoulder, and when it sent Qiu Huaxuan flying, it also took away from his shoulder. A large piece of flesh and blood was lost.

"Fire Python Tiger King, this palm will be returned several times in the future!"

Qiu Huaxuan's plummeting figure directly shot up into the sky with the power of this palm, and immediately shot towards the further distance in embarrassment, only the extremely cold shouting sound was here, which lasted for a long time!
Seeing Qiu Huaxuan fleeing, the eyes of several monsters including the fire python and tiger king were extremely fierce.

They are monsters, and they are more aware than humans. Even if a member of the Dragon Clan dies, the masters of the Dragon Clan will feel it.

Although for countless years, it is not that there are no members of the dragon clan who have been killed outside. In the eyes of many people, some things can indeed be done without anyone noticing. However, out of the innate awe of the dragon clan, the monsters do not think that Things can be kept hidden.

They have watched Ye Chen die helplessly, if they don't do something, catastrophe will be imminent.

The monsters in the Spirit Sea Realm, especially them, have extraordinary spiritual wisdom. After looking at each other for a few times, their respective figures immediately rushed out in different directions. Extraordinary treasure.

This scene made the hearts of those who were still there tremble. From the actions of the monsters, they obviously did not intend to hide this news.

Qiu Huaxuan might be damned, but he and others should not be implicated.

They are all smart people, and after a while, each has an idea!
In the depths of the Desperate Lake, Ye Chen, wrapped in a faint light, seemed to be dragged by a water monster, and rushed towards the deeper depths quickly.

The water flow was not urgent, and there was no turbulent water flow at all. However, Ye Chen suddenly discovered that his own spiritual power was surging out, and when he tried to break free from this unknown traction force, the spiritual power disappeared silently. up.

If it is swallowed, there will always be energy ripples emitted, but not here!
Not only that, the strange aura surging in the lake, even though it was isolated by the Demon Emperor's Bell, also made Ye Chen feel torn apart.

If there is no Demon Emperor Bell, Ye Chen believes that the current him has been turned into a corpse by the lake water, and it is not even certain whether there will be any bones.

And even the power of the Demon Emperor's Bell was trembling violently in the package of the lake water, and that faint glow was slowly being eroded, although the speed was not very fast, it was still going on.

If it continues like this, there will come a time when the Demon Emperor Bell will no longer be able to protect him.

"Now we're in big trouble!"

Ye Chen took a deep breath, and his eyes sharpened immediately. After years of experience, his mind has become extremely tough, even in the face of life and death, he will not feel flustered.

"Devil Emperor Bell, it seems that you don't need to hide in this lake of death, do you?"

When the words fell, Ye Chenqiang moved automatically, and the spiritual power surged wildly in his body. The power of yin and yang was immediately swayed to the extreme in the spiritual power. At the same time, the golden glow began to flicker, and the power of the body All of them were also released.

Ye Chen has never been a person who waits for the end, and at the same time, he will not pin all his hopes of survival on other people or external objects!
Moments later, billowing spiritual energy, containing the power of yin and yang, violently surged out.


In the depths of the calm lake, suddenly a monstrous shock wave exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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