Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 167 The Fallen Land

Chapter 167 The Fallen Land

When the green-robed man withdrew his spiritual power, an indescribably terrible pressure swept over from all directions. Under this pressure, even Ye Chen used the Cangxuan Dragon Art to the extreme, it was hard to resist.

However, this pressure!
Ye Chen suddenly looked into the distance, without the obstruction of the spiritual power of the man in green robe, the huge bone seemed to be clearer in his eyes, Ye Chen could even sense that these terrible pressures from the world were precisely Emanating from that huge white bone.

And that dense bone. . . .It is the skeleton of a real dragon!
Because, the terrifying coercion pervading the entire world is the extremely pure might of a real dragon!
Compared with the dragon aura in Ye Chen's body, the power of this real dragon is undoubtedly countless times purer. Perhaps under the feeling of other monsters, the dragon aura released by Ye Chen is already pure enough, but, in the presence of this real dragon In front of Wei Wei, there is nothing. To describe it as impurities is to exaggerate the dragon spirit in Ye Chen's body.

After all, the dragon energy that Ye Chen possesses comes from the dragon blood of the ice python, and the ice python has never been able to be like a real dragon, and even if the ice python succeeds in transforming into a dragon, it is considered to be the lowest level of existence among the dragon clan.

Ye Chen finally understood why the violent aura surged in the mountains behind him as he came all the way, giving him a sense of déjà vu, why the strange and ferocious creatures in the mountains would give him a red light, just because those creatures were accompanied by Derived from this monstrous dragon power.

Unexpectedly, in this ancient ruins, a real dragon once fell here!
Perhaps the entire ancient ruins are not very precious in this world, but the Demon Emperor's Bell, the Immeasurable Mirror, and the real dragon bone. . . .
If these three news are spread, all the top experts in the world will flock to him.

Ye Chen involuntarily looked at the man in green robe, who also had a serious expression on his face. Thinking about it, even if the man in green robe knew that a real dragon had fallen here, he was still extremely shocked when he saw it again.

"When I found out that you were fighting with people outside the lake of death, I sensed the breath of a real dragon in your body, so I brought you here."

With the Qingpao people, there has not been enough trust established yet. The Qingpao people are also deeply helpless about this, but he also understands that the word trust sometimes takes a long time to appear in each other's eyes. heart.

"Thank you senior!"

Ye Chen clasped his fists and said, this is really a great fortune!

Although this real dragon skeleton has been lost for many years, as long as the power of the real dragon is there, it is an extremely rare encounter. Ye Chen can use this power of the real dragon to wash away the dragon energy in his body The impurities contained in it make the dragon energy more pure.

At the same time, since the bones can still release such power, it shows that there is still a small amount of dragon energy in the bones. If they can absorb the dragon energy, Ye Chen is confident enough to immediately kill Cang Qing. Xuanhualongjue, cultivated to the state of bone refining!
In addition, this huge keel is also a first-class treasure in the world!
For those master craftsmen, such a keel, even if it cannot forge a heaven-defying fetish like the Demon Emperor's Bell, it can also refine other fetishes that make countless people jealous.

The keel itself represents invincibility!

In Ye Chen's heart, such a keel is an excellent gift, the best gift for the Dragon Clan!
Zi Xiao said that if you have the opportunity in the future, you can go to the Dragon Clan. Only in the Dragon Clan is it possible to practice the Cangxuan Dragon Art to the extreme.

Ye Chen firmly believed in this point. If he had the opportunity to enter the Dragon Clan, he would give this keel to each other, and the two sides would talk much more peacefully.

"Don't be too careless. The strength of this real dragon was at least that of a top martial arts expert. If not, it would be impossible for countless years to pass without the body being weathered. Although you have dragon energy to protect you , don’t act too recklessly and impatiently, so as not to go too far.”

The man in green robe reminded.

Ye Chen nodded, and stopped talking immediately. When the golden light rushed out, the dragon energy gushed out, and after wrapping himself in, the whole person suddenly shot towards the place where the real dragon fell like an arrow. .

The sound of the dragon's chant resounded in the sky and the earth, and the fearsome power of the real dragon that filled any place in the void swept like a hurricane, making this space, invisible, as if countless barriers had been set up.

Even though Ye Chen is surrounded by dragon energy, which has the same root as the dragon power, but here, he still hasn't received the so-called care. Instead, he seems to have sensed Ye Chen's intentions. It was like tearing Ye Chen into pieces.

And although there is still some distance away from the huge real dragon skeleton, the incomparable dominance surged very clearly, making Ye Chen not only feel suffocated, but even in the deepest part of his heart, he has the urge to kneel down devoutly up.

Although the Dragon Clan is a heterogeneous overlord, after years of precipitation and the addition of countless mysteries, countless people have a sense of awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Ye Chen also has this kind of awe in his heart!
Under the majesty of the real dragon all over the sky, perhaps because of the Cangxuan Hualongjue, under the package of the golden light, Ye Chen resisted despite the overwhelming pressure, and finally got close without any danger along the way. Where the bones of the real dragon are.

Only when he gets close can Ye Chen feel the visual shock!
The huge skeleton of the real dragon stands between the sky and the earth like a majestic green mountain, and the sense of dignity that stands high above has never faded even after countless years.

"It is worthy of being the overlord of the alien!"

Standing under the bones, feeling the purest power of a real dragon, Ye Chen couldn't help sighing, not to mention him, even if the man in green robe is here, I'm afraid he will feel like an ant in his heart.

And here, Ye Chen could also feel a terrible and tragic breath, sweeping madly outside the bones.

It is conceivable how tragic the battle that took place here back then would be!
Ye Chen didn't immediately absorb the power of the real dragon hidden in the real dragon's bones, but walked around quickly like the bones.

This is the place where the real dragon fell, and it is obviously an extremely powerful existence that can make the real dragon fall. Ye Chen wanted to see clearly, besides the bones of the real dragon, are there other bones of living beings?
Such creatures, even after falling for many years, may not have completely dissipated their true spirits. If there are bones of other creatures here, they must be found first and properly disposed of.

Otherwise, when Ye Chen absorbs the dragon energy, the real dragon's opponent suddenly appears, it will be extremely troublesome.

After all, Ye Chen has dragon energy in his body, and to a certain extent, he will be regarded as an enemy by opponents of the dragon clan.

Ye Chen can't afford this trouble now!
But what is strange is that when Ye Chen swam around and even expanded the scope, he searched the entire broken land, but found nothing.

Could it be that this real dragon fell helplessly after being injured here?
Ye Chen thought to himself, flew onto the back of the real dragon's skeleton, and looked down from a height, that piece of broken earth was about to collapse, and the gullies that burst open were as shocking as a moat.

After a while, Ye Chen withdrew his gaze and sat cross-legged on the back of the skeleton. Since he couldn't find anything unusual, Ye Chen also planned to start this encounter.

Fortunately, the man in green robe and the Demon Emperor Zhong were there, so even if there was any danger, these two would be able to deal with it.

After adjusting his mentality and state, Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, slowly closed his eyes, and the Cangxuan Hualongjue immediately started to work.


The space trembled violently, and the mighty dragon that filled the sky was immediately drawn and began to rush towards it crazily.


Ye Chen's body couldn't help shaking violently. The power of these real dragons is not only pure, but also huge in number. After all, Ye Chen is a human body. The storm came, and he could bear it calmly.

When the power of the real dragon entered his body, Ye Chen suddenly felt that his body became heavy immediately, as if the entire keel was pressing on him, making all his muscles radiate. Bursts of tingling sensation.

And this is just the beginning, and only a real dragon's might enters.

"Worthy of being a Dragon Clan!"

Ye Chen sighed again. Such a change, instead of panicking him, surprised him. Doesn't this performance show that as long as he can successfully refine these dragon prestige, the benefits he will get are great. To unimaginable?
In particular, Ye Chen sensed that even after a long time, the dragon energy contained in the real dragon's majesty has not dissipated the essence of the dragon energy.

In other words, everything that this real dragon possesses is still perfectly preserved, but the passage of time has reduced the number of dragons a lot.

If it is pure enough and the essence is still there, it can be directly absorbed without any refining.

Concentrate your mind, Cangxuan Hualongjue runs faster, the dragon power that just entered the body, immediately under the traction of spiritual power, runs quickly in the meridians.

At the same time, the rolling dragon energy in the body is also surging out, waiting for the spiritual power to bring these dragon energy from the real dragon's body.

The power of the real dragon is always one of the most terrifying powers in this world. Under such operation, a seemingly extremely safe process directly caused a tiny crack to appear on Ye Chen's skin.

The fault is that there is the Cangxuan Transformation Dragon Jue, and it has reached the level of tendon transformation. I am afraid that by now, it is already torn apart.

Feeling the pressure from the very beginning, Ye Chen's mind moved immediately, not only speeding up the operation of Cang Xuan Hua Long Jue, but also the spiritual power in the dual source point in the dantian surged out in monstrous waves.

The spiritual power contains the power of yin and yang. Although the amount is not too much, Ye Chen believes that it can offset part of the terrifying impact from the real dragon dragon energy.

This is Ye Chen's confidence!
(End of this chapter)

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