Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 168 Bone Refinement

Chapter 168 Bone Refinement
In the vast ancient ruins, at any moment, there may be people who get gratifying encounters and benefits in it, but at the same time, there will also be people who die miserably in this desolate world.

As time passed, the space of this ancient relic gradually spread out with a bloody smell, and it became stronger and stronger!


In the emptiness of the sky, suddenly a fierce sword light pierced through the void with ease, and in an instant, it turned into thousands of sword lights, covering the entire void.

The endless sword light turned into a fierce and fierce sword net, and the space under it was forcibly torn apart after breathing, as if it had been divided into countless pieces.

In the sword net, there is a huge black beam of light that seems to penetrate the sky and the earth. In the beam of light, there is an endless cold atmosphere, as if hell is alive.

But even with such power, the black beam of light is trembling, letting people know that in the face of those invincible and fierce sword lights, such a black beam of light cannot resist at all.

Because of this reason, while the black beam of light kept trembling, one after another of black light burst out again, and immediately after a while, next to this black beam of light, it condensed into the same black beam of light again.

The twin pillars stood upright, finally stopped trembling, and an extremely cold shout came from the inside with fury.

"Mei Aoxue, don't bully people too much! Doing this will not do you or me any good!"

On the sword glow all over the sky, a graceful figure stands like a fairy, with a plain light skirt fluttering in the wind, with an indescribable charm, but the fairy is already angry, and that refreshing and pleasing charm, at this moment, also turns into a forest Murderous intent surges in the world.

"I believe Ye Chen will be fine, but if you hurt him, you won't be able to live!"


In the black beam of light, the voice of fury stagnated slightly, and immediately shouted sharply: "You want to kill me, Mei Aoxue, you can't do it!"

The beam of light began to vibrate, but it was not a vibration of fear, but a vibration caused by the radiating power to the extreme, which aroused the resonance of heaven and earth.

The black rays of light shone across the sky, almost covering the sky and the sun, causing all matter in the sky and earth to begin to boil at this moment.

However, when the thousands of sword lights began to fall from the sky, many people watching the battle in the distance were shocked to see that the darkness that filled the sky was torn apart one by one.

As the darkness gradually disappeared, the cold power from the black beam of light was also rapidly weakening. The power of the sword light was indescribable!


The sound of fury resounded again, and the two soaring black beams of light forcibly merged into one under the surge of the black light, and then swept out viciously with a terrifying evil spirit.

Even though the black glow is overwhelming, it is still unable to suppress thousands of sword glows. On the contrary, when there is a clear sound of sword chant in the sky, a cyan sword glow comes directly from the distant sky, It hit the black beam of light.


An extremely dull sound echoed out, and the eyes of countless people froze immediately. In the eyes of everyone, the black beam of light that could pierce the sky was ruthlessly chopped off into the void.

The black beam of light disintegrated immediately, and then, a figure shot out from there in a panic, spitting blood, and hit the ground heavily, its expression turned pale all of a sudden.

High in the sky, the terrifying and astonishing sword light dissipated, and finally turned into a simple and cold long sword, swept across the sky, and fell into the girl's white jade hand.

However, the fierceness that made the world a little unbearable did not dissipate.

The girl holds a sword, and the sharp point of the sword points at the young man who has been knocked down to the ground. The murderous intent that shakes the world sweeps down the sky, making everyone know that the girl is really murderous.

"Miss Mei, brother Qiu has already lost, please take the sake of my Great Deserted City, please forgive others!"

Before these murderous intentions could enter the ground, dozens of figures rushed over quickly, looked up at the sky, and said in a deep voice with their fists clasped.

"You have to forgive others and forgive others? Why have you never done this before? In this ancient ruins, there are probably not a few people who died in your wild city, right?"

The girl said coldly, and her voice spread throughout the surrounding area.

The people in Great Wilderness City couldn't help but change their expressions, they all understood the meaning of the girl's words.

Sure enough, in the distance, figures began to rush over and stood behind the girl. Although they didn't say anything, the meaning was already very clear.

"Mei Aoxue!"

In the deep pit below, Qiu Huaxuan stood up with difficulty. After wiping off the blood on the corner of his mouth, he said with a grinning smile, "If you want to kill me, it's up to you, dreaming!"

Amidst the grinning laughter, Qiu Huaxuan raised his hand, and a deeper black glow slowly swept out from the palm of his hand, and in an instant, it turned into a divine cauldron the size of a palm.

The evil energy in the cauldron surged, and then swept out like an overwhelming sky, and immediately the divine cauldron took shape, hundreds of feet in size, hovering in the air.

The light fell, directly enveloping Qiu Huaxuan, and his figure also swept into the divine cauldron.

"Mei Aoxue, let me see how you break the defense of my God of Yu Cauldron!"

In the sky, the girl's eyebrows frowned lightly, and then stretched out. This Great Yu Divine Cauldron may be remarkable, but it is not indestructible.

A faint green light lingered on the girl's white jade hand, and immediately flicked the long sword in her hand. . . .

The girl's jade hand had just put on the long sword when the huge Great Yu Divine Cauldron suddenly moved, turned into a black streamer, and shot towards the distance quickly. After breathing, it disappeared without a trace.

There was an uproar all over the sky, and I thought Qiu Huaxuan was so stubborn, so it turned out that the arrogance just now was all false.

Looking in the direction where Dayu Divine Cauldron disappeared, after a while, the girl slowly withdrew her gaze and looked at the group of masters from the Great Wilderness below. The cold voice resounded faintly!
"Qiu Huaxuan, you must never leave the ancient ruins alive. I never hope that what happened today will happen a second time. Otherwise, I will kill you. If you think you can bear my revenge, you can do whatever you want." .”

As soon as the words fell, the girl turned into a sword light and swept towards the direction where Dayu Divine Cauldron was going.

All the masters in the Great Wilderness City present looked at each other, and after looking at each other for a few times, they all smiled wryly, they felt the girl's determination!


In the quiet place, there was the sound of dragon's anger, which slowly echoed. As Ye Chen absorbed more and more power of the real dragon, the terrifying impact had reached the point where people could not bear it. There is the power of yin and yang to offset.

In such an impact, the blood in Ye Chen's body seemed to start to boil at this moment, and an extremely strong burning pain immediately radiated out.

The severe pain directly made Ye Chen's face completely twisted at this moment, his body trembled continuously, and then, traces of blood kept seeping out from the pores.

In just a few minutes, Ye Chen had turned into a blood man, and his skin began to crack, looking extremely terrifying!
However, the dragon energy is also being continuously absorbed by oneself. With the increase of the amount of dragon energy in the body, the speed of absorption by one's own muscles and bones is naturally faster and more.

Unknowingly, the muscles and bones are also changing quietly, and the golden glow surging outside the muscles and bones is already extremely rich.

If the color changes to the extreme, it will naturally change to another color.

However, this change should be extremely difficult, the muscles and bones have absorbed a lot of dragon energy, and the golden light is still dazzling all the time.

As the practice continued, the burning pain became more and more terrifying. In the end, his own mind was occupied by these severe pains, the feeling that life would be worse than death. This time, Ye Chen finally felt pain. It was reflected happily.

The dragon energy surged in the body, as if the blade was constantly cutting, tearing the flesh into small pieces one after another. The pain was simply indescribable.

If it wasn't for this body, which had been reforged in the backlash of the Nether Demonic Fire, plus it possessed dragon energy and practiced the Cang Xuan Hua Long Jue, otherwise, it would have completely collapsed now.

Ye Chen didn't know how long the pain lasted. He only knew that his consciousness had entered a muddled state. He could only hold on to his mind so that his consciousness would not dissipate.

As time goes by, no matter what kind of torture Ye Chen's physical body is suffering, as long as the physical body has not collapsed, then the dragon energy will continuously enter the body and be absorbed.

Although the color change was extremely difficult, it couldn't hold back more and more dragon energy entering. Therefore, when Ye Chen couldn't sense it, the dazzling golden light finally began to change.

This kind of change is extremely fast and extremely thorough!

At a certain moment, it should have reached the limit, the dazzling golden light covering the whole body suddenly collapsed, as if the darkness had faded, it only took time to breathe, and it disappeared without a trace.

Time stopped for a few seconds at this time, and when it started to flow again, a dazzling silver light replaced the original golden light, shining in the body.


It seemed that the sound of bones bursting echoed, and countless cracks climbed up from the bones, making these bones finally unable to bear it, and then collapsed.

However, after the collapse, a brand new skeleton appeared. Outside the skeleton, silver lights surged, which was extremely gorgeous, and the feeling of indestructibility was extremely clear.

"Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art, Bone Refining Realm!"

Ye Chen's consciousness immediately recovered, and when he felt the surging power contained in his body, he couldn't help but let out a long howl, and the howling sound was like a dragon's chant.

"The Bone Refining Realm has finally been reached."

Ye Chen slowly opened his eyes, a dazzling silver light shot out from his pupils, covering the sky and the sun, and an indescribably domineering power slowly diffused out!
(End of this chapter)

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