Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 171 Terrible

Chapter 171 Terrible

When the monstrous domineering power, accompanied by the pervasive killing intent, swept out, the temperature of the entire space suddenly dropped to the lowest point as if at this moment.

Qiu Huaxuan's eyes froze for an instant, and the slight disdain in his eyes quickly disappeared.

From the death lake to the present, it has been more than a month, definitely less than two months, Ye Chen's cultivation base has improved to another level, this level of cultivation speed is not uncomfortably fast!

The important thing is not this, but, this kind of aura is definitely not something that a martial artist in the fourth level of spiritual origin can release. That is to say, Ye Chen's strength is much stronger than that of the day.

In the spiritual source realm, the improvement of one level actually changed so much, Qiu Huaxuan couldn't figure out what the reason was, and it was because he couldn't figure it out that he became more dignified.

If such changes continue, it may not be long before this young man needs to look up to himself. Qiu Huaxuan will never allow such a future.


In the sky and the earth, the black light surged rapidly, and seven rounds of black crescent moons, in an instant, turned into a huge black formation in the midair. When the formation rolled and stirred, Qiu Huaxuan's whole body was integrated into the formation.

Moments later, a black beam of light pierced through the entire world, shot out from the formation, and the world dimmed, as if night had fallen.

Seeing that Qiu Huaxuan performed the most powerful move as soon as he came up, Ye Chen laughed coldly, and immediately took a step forward.


After one step, the void seemed to tremble, and in the darkness that covered the sky and the sun, there was a ray of light that shot directly at the sky, causing a crack to be torn in this darkness.

With Ye Chen as the center, within a radius of tens of feet, the energy hidden in the sky and the earth quickly poured into Ye Chen's body.


The sound of dragon's anger resounded through the heaven and earth, and a bright silver brilliance, like a sharp blade that pierced the sky, forcibly dispelled the darkness around Ye Chen.

The brilliance condenses, and streaks of light continue to emerge!

In the black formation, Qiu Huaxuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and the light pattern that made him dread it, now, is no longer the color of pure gold, but a piece of almost bewitching purple silver light.

Ziyin is like a demon, fierce and domineering!
The silver light streaks fluctuated quietly, and the surrounding world was shattered inch by inch. That level of power was already more terrifying than the golden light streaks of that day.

Moreover, that number has reached as many as thirteen!
Thirteen golden lines of light couldn't stop Qiu Huaxuan's blow in the battle by the lakeside that day, but now, how can such power be compared with that of that day?
Thirteen silver light patterns are connected together, like a real silver dragon hovering around Ye Chen's body. He looked at the black formation, and his indifferent voice slowly spread out.

"Qiu Huaxuan, if you don't kill me, you won't feel at ease, but with your current attack, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to kill me. So, don't hide, otherwise, if you are unlucky, you may die, and it will be you!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

Qiu Huaxuan yelled coldly, with the movement of the black formation, black lights burst out from the sky, turning into two giant palms covering the sky, embracing the soaring black beam of light, and swung down fiercely at Ye Chen.

"Since this is the case!"

The edge of Ye Chen's mouth raised a cold arc, Qiu Huaxuan was easily provoked, and it was just for him to use this kind of attack to verify his own strength after Cangxuan Hualong decided to refine the bone. How much has been improved.

Thirteen streaks of silver light turned into real dragons, whistling out, the brilliance illuminated the heavens and the earth, wherever they passed, the shrouded darkness was forcibly shattered, the silver light burst forth, domineering and tyrannical power, Under the wrapping of the silver light, he unceremoniously bumped into the black beam of light.


The scalp-numbing low-pitched loud sound resounded from the place of impact, and a circle of almost condensed energy ripples spread wildly, and the surrounding land, including the space, was directly shaken into pieces. nothingness.

The two beams of light in the very center quickly shattered when they collided, turning into silvery black spots all over the sky, and slowly disappearing into the space, looking very gorgeous.

When the two attacks were annihilated, Ye Chen's figure stepped on the ground and quickly retreated back. When his face turned pale, a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Even though he blocked Qiu Huaxuan's attack and the impact of the powerful energy ripples, he couldn't be ignored, but being able to do this was enough to make Ye Chen proud.

How can the other quadruple masters of the spiritual source block the full blow of the peak master of the spiritual sea?
The Bone Refining Realm really brought Ye Chen's strength a very gratifying increase!

The huge black formation floating above the mid-air also shook violently. Although it was impossible to see whether Qiu Huaxuan was injured because of this, the color of the formation faded, but it was enough to see that even if Qiu Huaxuan was not injured, it would still be the same. It's hard.

Such a result was obviously unexpected, Qiu Huaxuan might not underestimate Ye Chen, but this seemingly evenly divided battle still made Qiu Huaxuan unbelievable.


Another same black beam of light flashed out from the formation like lightning, surging with evil spirit, like Optimus Prime suppressing the nether world!

"Boy, I don't believe that with your cultivation, you can last forever!"

It seems that Qiu Huaxuan wanted to forcefully suppress the latter by relying on his martial arts cultivation which was far above Ye Chen!
There is a huge difference between the peak state of Linghai and the fourth level of Lingyuan!

In Qiu Huaxuan's view, Ye Chen's methods are astounding, and they pose a certain threat to him. However, no matter how amazing the methods are, the spiritual power of the fourth level of Lingyuan is definitely not as thick as that of the peak of Linghai.

Qiu Huaxuan was very surprised that the blow with all his strength failed to be as powerful as a bamboo, but it was only a surprise!

Ye Chen can block the same attack again, but Qiu Huaxuan doesn't believe that Ye Chen can continue to resist, and Qiu Huaxuan believes that he can't continue the same attack, but under the limited attack, it is enough to make him Ye Chen collapsed.

"Qiu Huaxuan, you will be disappointed!"

Seeing the black beam of light coming again, Ye Chen smiled fearlessly, Qiu Huaxuan's plan worked on others, but it didn't work on him.

The mysterious jade bone, the state of Cangxuan Hualong Jue bone refining, is enough to support Ye Chen to face any attack from Qiu Huaxuan!

"Peng, Peng!"

In the midair, there began to be continuous roaring sounds, and the land with a radius of tens of miles, gradually, under the impact of the terrifying energy ripples, everything turned into a vacuum area, filled with chaos, as if it had evolved into a Jedi .

In that desperate situation, Ye Chen's figure, with every roar sounded, his figure would retreat in embarrassment, and blood would spurt out continuously. After several times, his face also looked extremely pale .

Such a result is naturally what Qiu Huaxuan needs. However, Ye Chen was indeed injured, but the injury was not as serious as imagined. Especially, the latter's condition was still surprisingly good. It seemed that those injuries had no effect at all. To Ye Chen's performance.

The mysterious jade bone has such a magic, otherwise, Ye Chen would not have such confidence. He fought at the lakeside that day, and his strength was far inferior to today's. He was never seriously injured, relying on the restoration of the mysterious jade bone.

"Qiu Huaxuan, how are you?"

Ye Chen raised his head, grinned with cleft teeth, and there was an indescribable coldness in his eyes. After so long, it's almost enough!


The clear dragon chant, whistling in the sky and the earth, the sky full of silver lights began to gather continuously, one after another purple and silver light lines, quickly condensed in front of Ye Chen, the number is no longer thirteen, but a full fifteen !
Although it was only two additions, it was a qualitative change. The flashing purple and silver light made Qiu Huaxuan in the black formation feel uneasy!


In the sky, streaks of silver light howled out, carrying the ultimate domineering power, and slammed into the black beam of light fiercely.

This time, there was no stalemate, not even a minute or a second. Under the shining silver light, the thick black light collapsed almost instantly.

Immediately, the silver light pattern with the power of great victory appeared in front of the black formation in a flash, and the fifteen light patterns merged suddenly, as if turning into a huge real dragon, facing the black formation , slammed into the past.


Qiu Huaxuan, whose body was hidden in the black formation, couldn't help flashing a look of shock and anger on his face, but immediately his eyes turned cold, and the huge black formation immediately rioted, and the spiritual power filled with the cold aura Lian, wrapped in the indestructible black light, rushed out frantically.

"Bang, bang!"

Under the earth-shattering sound, the real silver dragon exploded. This time, the attack that bullied the black formation was completely blocked by the spiritual power of the cold breath. However, the violent shock still made the black formation , trembling ferociously, like grass in the wind.

The world seemed to be at a standstill, and the battle on the Fire Python Tiger King's side, because of the situation here, both of them couldn't help but stop. It was because Ye Chen made too much noise, and it was unexpected that the latter's strength could already be against Qiu Huaxuan. pose a sufficient threat.

This is still Qiu Huaxuan, who is not a very powerful Linghai peak master with other cards, is it because he wants to be defeated by Ye Chen's blow?
With the fourth level of Lingyuan, he can defeat the peak master of Linghai. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, who would believe it?
Although Qiu Huaxuan was not defeated, he was actually defeated. You must know how big the difference in cultivation between the two sides is!
"Marven Ye!"

The black formation is still there, but it has shrunk a lot. The power of the formation is far less than before. It is this change that makes Qiu Huaxuan's voice sound ferocious like a wild beast.

"If I don't kill you today, I, Qiu Huaxuan, will not be human!"

(End of this chapter)

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