Chapter 172

When the ferocious sound reverberated, it seemed that the whole world felt overwhelmed. The huge black formation, which was no longer in it, suddenly burst into light!
The light is like lightning, like black lightning falling down nine days, the terrifying power is indescribable!

Moments later, the black formation was directly divided into two, suspended on the left and right sides of the black lightning, while Qiu Huaxuan's figure stood on top of the black lightning, looking like a thunder god.

"Ye Chen, this was originally prepared for Mei Aoxue, now, let you become my first dead soul under the Dark Moon!"

The two black formations turned into two rounds of black moons, which melted into the black lightning.


The black lightning that fell down nine days quickly transformed into form when Qiu Huaxuan's figure floated down, and finally, a crescent moon the size of a palm hovered quietly above Qiu Huaxuan's palm.

This, I am afraid, is the Black Demon Moon that Qiu Huaxuan was talking about!
A monstrous sense of destruction slowly emanated from the Black Demon Moon, and in just a moment, the entire world seemed to be filled with such aura.

What is especially frightening is that in the dark moon, there are still two crescent moons looming. . . .

"The black devil devours the sky! Ye Chen, go to hell!"

Qiu Huaxuan yelled ferociously, stretched out his palm, and swung it down fiercely in the direction of Ye Chen.


The palm-sized Black Demon Moon ruthlessly suppressed Ye Chen.

Everything in the world, including time, seemed to be frozen because of the falling of the black magic moon. After a while, the empty space was as unbearable as glass, and it all collapsed, and a chaos swept the entire square in an instant. Void land.

Looking up at the black magic moon, Ye Chen's eyes became serious. Under the lock of the black magic moon, he could more clearly sense the terrifying energy contained in this palm-sized crescent moon.

If he has no other means, such a blow, in the end, can only be dealt with by the Demon Emperor's Bell, otherwise, even if the physical body of the Bone Refining Realm is strong and defends with all his strength, he will be seriously injured!

"Ye Chen, leave it to me!"

The voice of the green-robed man came from the Demon Emperor's Bell. Even with his gaze, Ye Chen's performance was perfect. Before that, he had never seen it before. It can also force the opponent to be desperate!
"Thank you senior, but no need!"

With the Demon Emperor Bell and the green-robed man around, even a martial arts master would never think of hurting himself, but this kind of protection is no longer what Ye Chen needs.

When he was a child, when he was a teenager, he was guarded by the big tree of his father, cared by his mother, and coupled with his own talent, Ye Chen had never felt or tasted what it was like to suffer.

In the Ye family, in Da Luo City, Ye Chen, Ye family, is an existence that no one dares to provoke. Even the Mei and Wu families, who are both the three major ruling forces, secretly hope that Ye Chen will die, but on the surface, absolutely I dare not be disrespectful to Ye Chen.

Because they know that once this young man grows up, he will rule Da Luo City. There will be no doubt about it. Even though the Mei family has Mei Aoxue, the Mei family does not have Ye Tianxiang!

Ye Chen, who grew up in this environment, is used to being noticed, used to the years of being cared and protected by his parents, and everything is used to it.

At that time, he didn't know that this habit was not based on himself, he shouldn't get used to it, but he just got used to it.

It wasn't until his parents died and his own cultivation was sealed that Ye Chen realized that he was too naive in the past, thinking that everything he got was what he deserved, but he never thought about why he got it and not others.

From then on, what Ye Chen did first was not to think about how to restore his cultivation talent as soon as possible, but to change all his previous thoughts and forget all his habits!
After several years, Ye Chen finally changed himself, so today, he rejected the kindness of the green-robed man. Qiu Huaxuan's blow was indeed extremely powerful. There may not be too many people who can defeat it forcefully.

However, Ye Chen still wants to try it himself!
Even if you still fail in the end, you must go through this process, otherwise, you will not reach the pinnacle of martial arts!
Sensing Ye Chen's determination and the powerful momentum of going forward bravely, the man in Qingpao smiled approvingly in the Demon Emperor's Bell. As a master of martial arts, the man in Qingpao naturally knows very well that only those who strive for self-improvement can reach the peak way!
"Okay! But, if you can't take it, I'm going to make a move."

Ye Chen nodded, fearful fighting intent suddenly appeared in his solemn eyes, and as the fighting intent rose, streams of energy surged continuously from the empty space and the thick earth.

Tens of feet, dozens of feet, nearly a hundred feet. . . .The land with a radius of one hundred feet turned into barrenness in an instant!
One after another silver lights continuously emerged from Ye Chen's body, and then quickly condensed into terrifying silver light streaks. Amidst the whistling sound, there were already seventeen streaks!
Seventeen silver light streaks were enough to crush any black beam of light that Qiu Huaxuan had used in the past, but after they appeared, they were trembling violently in the face of the pressure from the black magic moon. Obviously, this level of power was not enough to face it. Against the Dark Moon!

Ye Chen exhaled lightly, and his eyes slowly closed!

With the eyes closed, a loud and clear sound of dragon chant suddenly resounded across the sky, and seventeen silver lines of light floated directly above his right palm. When the light flickered, that palm, together with the The entire arm, after a while, was covered with fine silver scales.


The void around him began to tremble slightly, and seventeen silver light streaks, as if they had melted into a liquid, penetrated into Ye Chen's right palm quickly.

Every time a streak of light melts in, Ye Chen's body vibrates violently. Except for his right arm, the rest of his body is visible to the naked eye. Obviously, such a display, to him, is very important. It is extremely unbearable.

When the seventeen silver lines of light penetrated into the right palm, Ye Chen's whole body was like a blood man, and the strong smell of blood spread throughout the world.


When the silver light radiated out, Ye Chen's location seemed to be rendered into a sea of ​​blood, and in this sea of ​​blood, Ye Chen's figure was always as straight as a gun, and from a distance, he looked like a hell Shura.

"The Canglong transforms into the sky!"

Ye Chen's face turned cold in an instant, and the right palm covered with silver scales rushed away like lightning. The silver light pierced through the void, and showed no mercy to the suppressed Black Moon. hit in one place.


The deep and ear-piercing voice resounded like a drum beating. Ye Chen's palm, like the sharpest blade, forcibly rushed into the Dark Moon, with fierce and domineering power, rushing out crazily.

"Want to break my Dark Moon, dreaming!"

Qiu Huaxuan smiled coldly, and pressed heavily on his palm. In the dark moon, a cold aura suddenly swept away, and waves of energy surged like a vast ocean.

Under the impact of these energies, the invincible overbearing power was immediately suppressed.

Suppression alone is obviously not Qiu Huaxuan's ultimate goal. He wants to kill Ye Chen, so all this is just the beginning!

Looking down, Qiu Huaxuan's eyes flashed a terrifying ferocity. Behind the ferocity, there was a deep throbbing and uneasiness hidden. Obviously, the consequences of doing so might be difficult for him to bear.

But in order to kill Ye Chen, Qiu Huaxuan was obviously desperate!

The palm-sized Black Demon Moon exploded like this, and then, an indescribably terrifying energy began to sweep out crazily. The peak of that energy, when it first appeared, would be tens of feet around. The old land was shaken into ruins, and a small lake appeared on the original land, filled with endless destruction.

Even for Qiu Huaxuan himself, when the Black Demon Moon exploded, his figure flung out in embarrassment. While blood gushed out, his entire face was as pale as gold paper, extremely weak.

It is conceivable how terrifying the destructive force produced in this explosion is!
Crazy energy, like a big net covering the sky, directly enveloped Ye Chen in, and then crazily charged.

That level of frequency and power makes people have no doubts, not to mention Ye Chen, even a master who has just entered the realm of martial arts, would never expect to be able to retreat unscathed.

Otherwise, how could Qiu Huaxuan leave this style to Mei Aoxue!
So even though the injury he suffered from the backlash was not small, and he might not be able to recover in a short time, there was a smile in Qiu Huaxuan's eyes, no matter what, he finally killed Ye Chen.

They met back and forth, but it took only three months, but in such a short period of time, not only did their cultivation base rise to four levels one after another, but the strength they could display could even pose a threat to themselves.

Such characters have formed a deep hatred, so they must be completely wiped out before they grow up, otherwise, there will be endless troubles!
A piece of extreme chaos kept sweeping away at Ye Chen's location, and the space that had become a lake kept collapsing. As it continued, the sense of nothingness became clearer and clearer, as if it had shaken the ancient world. The root of the ruins.

Such confusion lasted for a full minute before it gradually began to dissipate.

But at this moment, Qiu Huaxuan's smug smile suddenly froze, and his eyes also became dull, because he saw that in the chaos, that figure was still standing upright like a spear, belonging to this path. The vitality and anger of the figure are still exuding.

Ye Chen is not dead!
"how can that be?"

Rao Qiu Huaxuan's temperament is far superior to others, at this moment, he can't help but feel flustered.

Even so, Ye Chen couldn't be killed. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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