Chapter 174

Three days later, Ye Chen withdrew from training!
When the eyes slowly opened, a look of surprise shot out from Ye Chen's eyes, and the world around him seemed completely different from before.

In the whole world, the vitality seems to be much stronger, and the feeling of desolation has weakened a little!
Even though the damage caused to this land due to the battle with Qiu Huaxuan is still clearly visible, it has recovered a lot in these three days.

"Such a change?" Ye Chen murmured softly.

"The chaos in Wuliang Mountain has almost been reduced to the weakest." The green-robed man said in a deep voice.

"Boundless Mountain!"

Ye Chen's eyes moved, the last stop of this ancient relic was Wuliang Mountain, and a Wuliang Mountain actually affected the surrounding world, changing so much.


The Fire Python Tiger King raised his head to the sky and roared, and the roar was mixed with shock.

Looking around, in the distant sky, there are streaks of brilliance, although they are not clear, but they can still be caught. From these brilliance, people can sense that there are extremely different energies fluctuating.

"If you guessed correctly, there is a treasure in each of these brilliance. They were all suppressed by the Wuliang mirror in Wuliang Mountain. The chance of escape is when the chaos in Wuliang Mountain weakens."

The green-robed man said in a concentrated voice: "To put it broadly, all the treasures that exist in the ancient ruins, except those left by the predecessors, the rest are all obtained by escaping from the Wuliang Mountain for countless years. out."

Ye Chen asked, "Is the Demon Emperor's Bell too?"

"I don't know, I don't know!"

Ye Chen frowned slightly. What kind of appearance did this Wuliang Mountain exist in the world so long ago?
What is going on with this ancient ruins?

It seems that these must be found in the Wuliang Mountain to find the correct answer.

"Fire Python Tiger King, let's go!"


The Fire Python Tiger King screamed again, and a huge figure appeared in front of Ye Chen. Ye Chen was not polite, and darted onto the Fire Python Tiger King's back. Immediately, the former shot out violently with Ye Chen in his arms. After a few breaths, he disappeared into the Under this sky.

The speed of the fire python and tiger king is as fast as an arrow off the string. At this speed, Ye Chen couldn't see the scenery along the way clearly. However, he could still see the changes in this world due to Wuliang Mountain. .

Under this huge void, Wuliang Mountain seems to be the undisputed ruler. Its chaos weakens, and the surrounding world is full of vitality. On the contrary, the surrounding space is barren!
As we got closer and closer to Wuliang Mountain, life surged in the sky and earth, and it became more and more dense. Even, on the ground, we saw long-lost greenery, which was green grass sprouting.

And Ye Chen could also sense the chaos coming from Wuliang Mountain!
Although the distance is still a bit far away, the chaos has weakened a lot, but it still gives people an extremely violent feeling. Looking around, the distant sky is completely blurred. Shrouded, resulting in space distortion.

From this point of view, the so-called weakening of chaos is relative to Wuliang Mountain itself. Just looking at the current berserk, it is really hard to imagine how terrifying the chaos in Wuliang Mountain would be at its peak.

No wonder it can suppress many treasures with powerful power!
The mountains are so high that they go straight into the sky!
A feeling of boundlessness spreads between the heaven and the earth, with a majestic momentum, arrogant to the heaven and the earth.

Lonely mountain, clouds, rage, and chaos, these are the first impressions of Wuliang Mountain. Under Wuliang Mountain, anyone will feel their own insignificance.

Outside Wuliang Mountain today, all the people and monsters who have entered the ancient ruins should be gathered, but after more than three months, the number has dropped sharply. Less than half.

Although the number still seems to be a lot, at the foot of Wuliang Mountain, such a number seems a bit insignificant.

And even though the chaos released by Wuliang Mountain has weakened a lot, it doesn't seem too difficult to kill anyone present.

It is for this reason that he clearly knows that at this moment, the brilliance is surging in the air, and no one dares to take away the treasures wrapped in the brilliance.

"Now is not the time when the chaos is the weakest."

Outside the Wuliang Mountain, not far away, Ye Chen stood on the back of the Fire Python Tiger King, looking at the Wuliang Mountain quietly, with his eyebrows raised lightly. This mountain is indeed extraordinary.

"Senior, tell me, where will the Infinite Mirror be in the mountains?" Ye Chen asked after a while.

Hearing this, the green-robed man unconsciously smiled wryly, and said: "If I had known, perhaps I would have obtained the Immeasurable Mirror long ago."

Ye Chen smiled, and immediately looked at the people and monsters ahead.

Up to now, the people present have been clearly divided. All the masters from the Great Wilderness City gathered in one place, and the other masters on the northern mainland were a group, and the rest were the monsters in the Moyuan Mountain Range.

It seems that after three months of experience in the ancient ruins, they are all on guard against each other.

Of course, no matter whether it was the Great Wilderness City or the other people on the northern continent, they naturally couldn't achieve true unity. On the contrary, those monsters seemed to be more sincere.


The Fire Python Tiger King roared softly, asking Ye Chen if he wanted to enter its demon clan's position.

But at this moment, Ye Chen's eyes were not on these people and monsters, but on another place. There, a figure standing alone, with a peerless demeanor, attracted all eyes.

In the eyes of those people, if they could hold this figure in their arms and cherish it, it would be more exciting than the treasures from Wuliang Mountain.

It's a pity that there is only one person in this figure's eyes and heart!
The two beams of light lightly collided in mid-air, and at this moment, the world seemed to freeze.

Then, all eyes saw it, that peerless figure flitted out without hesitation, and finally, threw itself into Ye Chen's arms.

Those who knew him and those who didn't know him cast all sorts of complicated gazes at Ye Chen at this moment. The girl in his arms, even in the whole world, could be called the best, but she already had her heart set on her. belongs.

"Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue!"

In the lineup of the Great Wilderness, Qiu Huaxuan's expression was extremely cold. He thought that he was also an outstanding generation.

But he didn't expect that he, who had never been humiliated all this time, would be extremely humble in the hands of this pair of boys and girls!
Escaping from Mei Aoxue's hands is not so shameful. This girl, when she appeared on the Northern Continent, was praised as the most outstanding junior in the history of the Northern Continent. Just give her enough time for her to grow up. She must be able to stand on the highest point of the Northern Continent, even in the entire world, she is included in the list of top experts!
But running away in Ye Chen's hands was absolutely unacceptable to Qiu Huaxuan, especially, after three days passed, he still hadn't fully recovered from his wounds, but Ye Chen was all healed.

"Brother Qiu, are you ready to kill?" Qin Shi asked calmly beside Qiu Huaxuan.

After glancing at Qin Shi, Qiu Huaxuan said coldly: "Don't you want to kill Ye Chen?"

Qin Shi said with a smile: "There should be many people who want Ye Chen to die, but no one wants something to happen to Miss Mei. Brother Qiu, you must not lose your head, otherwise, you will have endless troubles."

"What, are you threatening me?" Qiu Huaxuan looked even colder.

"Threat? Qiu Huaxuan, are you still qualified to be threatened?" Not far away, a cold shout sounded, and the murderous intent was undisguised in the voice. This person was exactly the one who fought against the Fire Python Tiger King three days ago. people.


"Okay, everyone is from the Great Wilderness City. You can do whatever you want on weekdays. Right now, you must be united in one place."

Lin Shu immediately said: "Brother Xu Dong, please put the overall situation first, thank you!"

The young man named Xu Dong snorted coldly, and said: "Of course, I understand the overall situation, but if you cooperate with Qiu Huaxuan, hey, this kind of person who can abandon even his friends and escape alone...I'm not stupid, so Don't dare!"

"Xu Dong, you are courting death!"

"Hey, I'm not Ye Chen, but you can't even kill him, and you still want to kill me?"

"Xu Dong!"

Qiu Huaxuan couldn't help shouting angrily, the killing intent had already sprung up, and it was his life's shame to escape from Ye Chen's hands, Xu Dong actually raised it in public, telling him how not to be angry.

In the distance, Mei Aoxue hugged Ye Chen tightly, as if she wanted to melt her whole body into Ye Chen's body. Afterwards, she had been to Desperate Lake and felt the horror of Desperate Lake.

Although I always thought that Ye Chen would be fine, but I still felt uneasy when I didn't find him!
"I'm fine, I'll be fine all the time."

Ye Chen said softly, he could feel the worry and anxiety of the person in his arms.

"I know you'll be fine."

Holding Ye Chen tightly, Mei Aoxue didn't want to let go for a moment. After a long time, she said: "Ye Chen, this mountain is the only way to leave the ancient ruins, but there are too many variables in the mountain. You can promise me..."


Ye Chen immediately blocked Mei Aoxue's words. He naturally understood what Mei Aoxue was going to say next. He was even more surprised that Mei Aoxue could sense that Wuliang Mountain was the only way to leave the ancient ruins.

"Aoxue, how did you sense it?"

Mei Aoxue smiled softly, and said: "When Qiu Huaxuan was hunted down, he couldn't escape, but suddenly he looted something from somewhere, and after getting it, he also let Qiu Huaxuan escape."

"After coming here, it was this thing who told me. Only then did I know that this thing escaped from the mountain."

At the same time as she spoke, Mei Aoxue's body moved slightly, and the colorful brilliance suddenly appeared surging, and wrapped in the bright light, Mei Aoxue was covered with a colorful robe.

As soon as the Seven-colored Xiayi appeared, she was trembling violently. It was an emotion of fear. Obviously, for Wuliang Mountain, although this Seven-colored Xiayi was unusual, she also had deep fear and fear!

(End of this chapter)

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