Chapter 175
Dazzling rays of light, beautiful and beautiful, wearing a colorful robe, Mei Aoxue is even more beautiful, making people's breath a little bit heavier, how many people see this, they all freeze themselves thoughts.

Even Ye Chen couldn't help being stunned, such a person. . . .
Mei Aoxue suddenly smiled sweetly, nothing is more important than her sweetheart admiring her so much.

Then she dissipated the brilliance, and the colorful Xiayi also disappeared. The fluctuations from the Wuliang Mountain had a great impact on this Xiayi. The fear had already penetrated into the depths of Xiayi. Unless it disappeared, otherwise, the fear would be gone. exist forever.

Mei Aoxue was also curious, what exactly did this lonely mountain do?
It was also like this that made Mei Aoxue, except for Ye Chen, understand better than anyone present that this lonely mountain was terrifying!
"Ye Chen..."

"Aoxue, this mountain is called Wuliang Mountain, and Wuliang Mountain is indeed the way to leave the ancient ruins. However, there is also a Wuliang mirror in Wuliang Mountain, which is our goal."

Looking at Wuliang Mountain, Ye Chen said softly.

As long as the Wuliang mirror is locked, even if the chaos of Wuliang Mountain returns to normal, if you think about it, as long as Wuliang Mountain is there, you can leave at any time, and you don't need to worry about being trapped here.

Ye Chen understands Mei Aoxue's thoughts!

Both of them are outstanding and excellent people, each of them has extremely tenacious hearts. Mei Aoxue's environment when she was a child was not easier than Ye Chen's. Now that she has her own heart, Mei Aoxue will become gentle, but she decided, And it is related to Ye Chen, so it is absolutely impossible to change.

Ye Chen didn't want Mei Aoxue to know about the Wuliang mirror, he just wanted her to leave here safely, but now he felt her thoughts, so he had no choice but to tell her about it.

"The Immeasurable Mirror?"

Mei Aoxue murmured softly, and she clearly felt that when Ye Chen said these four words, the colorful clothes in her body trembled violently.

"Ye Chen, is everything about Wuliang Mountain related to Wuliang Mirror?" After a while, Mei Aoxue asked.

Ye Chen replied: "I only know that if the Infinity Mirror falls into other people's hands, I will be very uneasy. I don't know if the chaos on this mountain is related to the Infinity Mirror, but including the Xiayi you own , were suppressed in this mountain in the past.”

The Immeasurable Mirror is undoubtedly very spiritual. The treasures copied by it may have left marks on the Infinite Mirror. Leave a brand mark and find the treasures it has copied. At that time, including the Demon Emperor Bell, it will be in danger.

This is not just Ye Chen's guess, all psychic things can do this!
Now, there is a mark belonging to Ye Chen in the Demon Emperor's Bell. Unless someone forcibly erases this brand, otherwise, the Demon Emperor's Bell will be looking for Ye Chen from all corners of the world.

If it is an enemy, searching like this is hunting down.

Of course, the most powerful thing in this world is not a terrifying fetish like the Demon Emperor Bell, nor is it a powerful master at the pinnacle of martial arts, but time!
As time goes by, the vicissitudes of life, under the effect of time, everything will become eclipsed!

After pondering for a while, Mei Aoxue said: "No one else knows everything about Wuliang Mountain, but after entering, they will be sensed by some people more or less, Ye Chen, we have many enemies, how about, Before entering the mountain, give some people enough deterrence to save them from making trouble."

"The chaos in Wuliang Mountain will soon be reduced to a minimum, and there is no time to chat with those people."

Ye Chen laughed, and immediately patted the kitten-like Fire Python Tiger King lying beside him, and said, "Go back to the monster clan's camp. If you need your help, I will notify you."

The Fire Python Tiger King roared softly, and immediately shot towards where the monster clan was.

Soon after, all the monsters from the monster clan camp roared loudly in the direction of Ye Chen.

The roar resounded through the heaven and earth, and at this moment, everyone's minds suddenly tensed up, especially Qiu Huaxuan!

That roar was the closeness expressed by all the monsters to Ye Chen. Although it didn't show the intention of surrender, it was already shocking. If it wasn't for the opening of the castle this time, if it wasn't for being in the Moyuan Mountain Range, how could there be monsters? Beasts and humans get along like this?
Even if they joined forces to enter the ancient castle, and even in this ancient ruins, the fighting and competition between them was also extremely fierce.There can be no compatible situation at all.

With the help of a group of beasts, everyone present must weigh it carefully. Even if they gather the strength of everyone, they will definitely be able to crush all the monsters, but don't forget that the ancient ruins are in the Moyuan Mountain Range.

If all the monsters died here, most of the people here would not be able to leave the Moyuan Mountain Range alive, and most of these people should be representatives from all over the northern continent.

Despite their background, they are too far away!

Therefore, after seeing these monsters and expressing their meaning to Ye Chen, this part of the people first eliminated their unkind intentions towards Ye Chen. The current Ye Chen is not something they can provoke, at least here , can not provoke.

And everyone also understood what was the meaning behind the sudden behavior of the group of beasts!
"Marven Ye!"

In the lineup of the Great Wilderness, although Qiu Huaxuan was never isolated, he was not as before, like being surrounded by stars, Qiu Huaxuan could clearly sense the retreat in the eyes of the people around him .

He had never been treated like this before, and it was all because of Ye Chen!

"Ye Chen, I must kill you, you don't want to leave this ancient ruin alive!"

Staring at Ye Chen, Qiu Huaxuan's gaze contained a fierce killing intent that could not be dispelled. If eyes could kill, I believe Ye Chen would have died countless times.

In the distance, Mei Aoxue frowned slightly, she saw Qiu Huaxuan's gaze, and immediately said coldly: "This Qiu Huaxuan, I really don't know what to say, if he leaves alive, our future troubles will be very serious. Big!"

"Kill him?"

Ye Chen smiled coldly, and immediately whispered a few words to Mei Aoxue.


In Wuliang Mountain, the chaotic fluctuations are still weakening, but at the same time as weakening, there seems to be an unknown energy in the mountain, attracting those brilliance floating in midair, no matter how hard they struggle, it is difficult to escape.

And I don't know when it started, a dazzling beam of light seemed to shoot out from the depths of the mountain all the way, and now, it swept out from the top of the mountain and shot directly into the sky.

With the appearance of this beam of light, all the struggling brilliance seemed to be suppressed again, and they all became quieter. Even compared with those few rays, the most powerful brilliance, although it did not stop struggling, was much smaller. .

"Ye Chen, that beam of light is the fluctuations emanating from the Infinite Mirror!"

The voice of the green-robed man immediately rang in Ye Chen's mind.

"The Immeasurable Mirror!"

Ye Chen's gaze seemed to penetrate the mountain wall, and saw the immeasurable magic mirror in the belly of the mountain.

"Senior, what can I do to bring this immeasurable magic mirror into the world?"

The Immeasurable Mirror is in the belly of the mountain. Ye Chen doesn't have the ability to destroy the entire Wuliang Mountain. I believe that even the green-robed man can't do it.

The green-robed man immediately laughed and said: "In the brilliance of Dao Dao, it is rare to see treasures. With so many people and monsters present, how can they not be tempted? As long as these treasures are taken away, not all of them are needed. Can't help it."

"That's fine!"

Ye Chen's eyes were burning, and the beam of light from the mountainside became brighter and brighter, and the energy fluctuations in this beam of light seemed to have absorbed the energy of the immeasurable mountain.

The brighter the beam of light, the weaker the fluctuations in Wuliang Mountain. When the beam of light shone to the extreme, the chaos in the mountain suddenly decreased to the minimum.

With the strength of the people present, it is enough to break in.

The beam of light shot directly into the sky, and the light swept down like a storm. It seemed that it enveloped the entire sky above Wuliang Mountain.

Those streaks of brilliance, also shrouded in such radiance, groaned as if they couldn't bear the weight.

However, perhaps because of such strong suppression, I also felt that this time, it might be the best time to leave, Dao Dao Guanghua, after a minute of silence, unexpectedly erupted with even more terrifying energy fluctuations, resisting the suppression from Wuliang Shenjing .

Treasures have spirits, they can perceive beyond the boundless mountain, and there are many eyes that are staring at them!
"Aoxue, let's go!"

While everyone was still watching, Ye Chen took the lead, and together with Mei Aoxue, shot out like lightning. After breathing, he appeared at the foot of Wuliang Mountain, plundered again, and rushed into the mountain.


Countless roars resounded immediately, and the beasts surged towards Wuliang Mountain like waves, falling into the eyes of others, it was like protecting the law for Ye Chen and the two.


One after another silhouettes, following the monsters, quickly swept into Wuliang Mountain. Although they don't know the secret of this mountain, the treasure is in front, and no one moves. Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue have already advanced into Wuliang Mountain. Mountain, they are not far behind.

The silent Wuliang Mountain became extremely lively after an instant!

Almost all the people and monsters, after entering the mountain, all rushed towards the nearest brilliance. There was only one person, with cold eyes, staring closely at the front.

"Ye Chen, I don't believe that so many treasures won't make you fall in love!"

The owner of Sen Han's eyes followed closely in the dark, and said softly.

"Ye Chen, he's following behind."

"Sure enough, I don't give up!"

Ye Chen laughed, and immediately accelerated the speed of climbing. Everything in the Wuliang Mountain, he was interested in, only the Wuliang Mirror. Although he had never seen the body of the Wuliang Mirror, the beam of light from it appeared on the top of the mountain. .

It's okay to feel the power of the Immeasurable Mirror first, and if you can destroy the suppression of many treasures by the Infinite Mirror, it will speed up the speed of the Infinite Mirror's appearance.

This is Ye Chen's main goal!
As for the others. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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