Chapter 177
The divine cauldron pierced through the sky, surrounded by black lights, looking at the past, the huge divine cauldron was like an ark, within the black lights, there seemed to be faint cyan waves surging, the speed was so fast, it was really good for escaping, no wonder, Even Mei Aoxue's pursuit, Qiu Huaxuan was able to escape many times.

But this time!

Above the sky, a fierce cyan sword glow suddenly appeared!
"Mei Aoxue!"

In the divine cauldron, Qiu Huaxuan screamed!

Qiu Huaxuan knew for a long time that he wanted to kill Ye Chen, and the latter would not let him go, and it was only with the same thought that such a scene happened.

Therefore, Qiu Huaxuan was not surprised that Mei Aoxue would appear, he was surprised that Mei Aoxue appeared too fast!
Trap, conspiracy, always have to be realistic, so that people can believe it!
Knowing that Ye Chen deliberately lured him to come here, if he could not determine Mei Aoxue's whereabouts, even if Qiu Huaxuan wanted to kill Ye Chen, he would not act rashly. Nothing is more important than his own life.

There are many brilliance in the mountains, Qiu Huaxuan doesn't know how much time and energy it will take to get the treasures from these brilliance, but it will definitely not be easy.

If it could be done easily, why couldn't the numerous Dao Guanghua leave this mountain despite their desperate struggles?In particular, the Guanghua Mei Aoxue chose was the most dazzling among them.

If not, how could Qiu Huaxuan appear in front of Ye Chen!
This time, it was obviously a miscalculation!

Qiu Huaxuan is confident enough in himself, and even more confident in the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, but after seeing Mei Aoxue's true strength, in front of her, all the confidence is enough to make people feel inferior!

The sharp sword light pierced through the air, and slashed heavily on the Dayu Divine Cauldron.


The huge divine cauldron crashed down from mid-air, smashing out a huge deep hole in one part of the mountain range.

Before Qiu Huaxuan in the divine cauldron could make any move, Jianmang descended again, accompanied by a peerless and graceful figure.


In the Divine Cauldron, the black light was scattered violently, almost sealing off all the surrounding lands, turning this space into a solid place.

Obviously, Qiu Huaxuan did not sit still!

However, when the figure appeared directly outside the solid space, with the arrival of the sword light, the solid space collapsed piece by piece. The sword light was like a broken bamboo, after breaking through the space layer by layer, Once, forcibly chopped on the divine cauldron.


The loud voice resounded through the sky.

It is worthy of being a martial-level treasure. With such a blow, the Dayu Divine Cauldron did not show any signs of shattering, and the surface of the Divine Cauldron remained the same.

But the divine cauldron was safe and sound, and Qiu Huaxuan in the cauldron was not so lucky.

Although the defensive power of the Great Yu Divine Cauldron was extremely powerful in Qiu Huaxuan's view, it was also the fact that even though this sword glow was no longer at its peak, it was not something that could be resisted by ordinary things.

The Dayu Divine Cauldron blocked it, which shows how extraordinary it is.

But this does not mean that Qiu Huaxuan will be fine!
Any defense is based on oneself, if one cannot maintain oneself, everything is in vain!
It's like, a person is deep in the mountain, with the protection of the mountain, how can other people hurt the people in the mountain through a mountain?
However, when others attacked the mountain range, if they could not bear the huge shock force, the people in the mountain would be injured or even die due to such shock force.

Qiu Huaxuan is like this!
Dayu Divine Cauldron is miraculous and unparalleled, but the current Qiu Huaxuan is not Qiu Huaxuan at his peak. With the use of the Black Demon Moon, especially with the help of the power of Dayu Divine Cauldron, Qiu Huaxuan himself has been overdrawn and weak!

The divine cauldron vibrated violently, but that power was not something that the divine cauldron itself could dissipate, it was all fed back to the person in the cauldron—Qiu Huaxuan!


In the divine cauldron, from Qiu Huaxuan's mouth, fresh blood gushed out continuously, his pale face was already unbearable to look at directly, and with the sword lights coming, the feeling of embarrassment became even stronger!
"get out!"

The cold voice seemed to ring directly in Qiu Huaxuan's ears. The coldness made Qiu Huaxuan, who was extremely weak, tremble violently. In the next second, he couldn't help himself. It was thrown out forcibly.


Without Qiu Huaxuan, Dayu Divine Cauldron seemed to have returned to its ownerless state. The body of the cauldron trembled slightly and turned into a streamer, intending to leave here.

However, as soon as the divine cauldron was moved, a figure appeared on top of the divine cauldron extremely fast, and the extremely overbearing spiritual power surged down, forcibly preventing the divine cauldron from being taken away.


The embarrassed Qiu Huaxuan was waiting for the final outcome, but after seeing such a scene, he couldn't help but sneer: "This Great Yu Divine Cauldron is a martial-level treasure, and Ye Chen, just by you, wants to keep it forcibly." Come on, I don't know what to say!"

"Not always!"

Ye Chen smiled lightly, and the spiritual power continued to surge out.

In Qiu Huaxuan's eyes, the Divine Cauldron of Dayu, which was impossible to be stopped by Ye Chen, suddenly became quiet after a while. Although it was not to the point of being tamed, no matter how you look at it, the Divine Cauldron would not resist any more. Ye Chen is gone.

Qiu Huaxuan's eyes suddenly widened. How can a martial-level treasure be suppressed so easily?Especially this person is Ye Chen!
How did he know that Ye Chen's spiritual power contained the power of yin and yang that could even determine the universe, let alone this martial-level treasure!

However, this is also a matter of luck. The Dayu Divine Cauldron has been bombarded by Mei Aoxue many times. With her power, even a martial-level treasure, it is impossible to be safe and sound. It is even more unexpected that Ye Chen's spiritual power will It contains the power of yin and yang, so it was easily controlled by Ye Chen.

Of course, this is just suppression, and it will never be so easy to truly obtain the Great Yu Divine Cauldron!
"Buzz, hum!"

The space suddenly trembled, and above the top of the immeasurable mountain, a ray of light suddenly shot out like a meteor. The speed was so fast that it appeared in the space where Ye Chen and others were located in just a moment.

Immediately, rays of light poured down, enveloping everyone.

However, Ye Chen sensed clearly that the real target of this ray of light was the Divine Dayu Cauldron, and the latter also trembled in horror at this moment. How far have you escaped.

"Is it the immeasurable magic mirror?"

Ye Chen raised his brows lightly, worthy of being called the Infinite Magic Mirror, he was actually sensed like this, no wonder he was able to suppress many treasures here for countless years.

But this Great Yu Divine Cauldron cannot be taken away, because he has taken a fancy to it!

Ye Chen drank coldly, and the white light turned into a sea of ​​flames, which appeared directly above his head. All the rays of light that fell down were covered by the sea of ​​fire in an instant, and the icy high temperature even shrouded the sky above his head. The space is all frozen, and even light cannot penetrate it.

The light was isolated, although it could not be eliminated in a short period of time, it would not spread in the end. Under Ye Chen's feet, the Dayu Divine Cauldron suddenly became quiet.

On the other side, Qiu Huaxuan was lying on the ground like a dead dog. After witnessing what happened just now, he realized that he still underestimated this young man after all.

However, perhaps because he knew that he couldn't escape the word "death", Qiu Huaxuan's face became calmer, and when he saw the eyes full of murderous intent coming through, he smiled grimly.

"Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue, kill as much as you want, I'll wait for you on Huangquan Road! No, you will lose your soul, and you can be qualified to go to Huangquan Road, haha!"

Looking at Qiu Huaxuan, Ye Cheng said indifferently: "The so-called people who are about to die have good words! Maybe in your eyes, we will not be able to leave the Great Deserted City alive after all. It's just Qiu Huaxuan. Before that, have you ever thought that you Will die in this ancient ruins?"

Qiu Huaxuan was stunned for a moment, as if he understood something, his originally indifferent expression immediately turned pale.

That's right, not to mention before entering the castle, even when he faced Ye Chen three times without killing him, Qiu Huaxuan never thought that he would die here one day.

There were too many things he didn't expect, how could he say that Mei Aoxue and Ye Chen would definitely not be able to leave the Great Wilderness City alive?
The Yaoguang City he belongs to is naturally powerful, and the owner of the Yaoguang City ranks relatively high among the 180 city owners of the five cities, and he is truly the overlord.

But these, can Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue die?If it was before, Qiu Huaxuan would never doubt it, but now!
After all, Qiu Huaxuan was not an ordinary person. After a moment, when his eyes swept over the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, there was a trace of coldness in his eyes. He believed that he would never die in peace!
"Ye Chen, kill me if you want to, if you want me to die in peace, don't even think about it!"

"I really don't know what to say!"

Mei Aoxue's beautiful eyes were cold, and she moved the long sword in her hand lightly.

"Aoxue, I'm coming!"

Ye Chen shot out and appeared in front of Mei Aoxue, blocking the latter, at the same time, the domineering spiritual power pierced Qiu Huaxuan's forehead in an instant, taking away all his vitality.

"Marven Ye!"

There was a trace of anger in Mei Aoxue's expression, she knew that Ye Chen was doing it for her own good, but like this, isn't it too strange?

Ye Chen shook Mei Aoxue's slender hand with a smile, and said softly: "If I'm in trouble, will you leave me alone?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Mei Aoxue's expression suddenly became tense. There were many past events between her and him, but not all of those past events were good.


Ye Chen gently scratched Mei Aoxue's nose, with cunning in the depths of his eyes, he finally managed to fool her. After a while, Ye Chen turned around immediately and walked towards Dayu Divine Cauldron. This Qiu Huaxuan Kindness, leaving him such a treasure.

The speed and defensive power of Dayu Divine Cauldron made Ye Chen's heart flutter. As long as he got it, his own safety would be more guaranteed in the future.

However, before refining the Great Yu Divine Cauldron. . . .Ye Chen suddenly looked up into the sky, it should be the light from the Infinity Mirror, but under the impact of the Nether Demon Fire, it has not completely disintegrated.

"The Immeasurable Mirror!"

(End of this chapter)

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