Chapter 178
The light from the top of the mountain, even though it was extremely dim, was still flickering, and even, it was still clearly visible. This infinite magic mirror is really remarkable.

Ye Chen's heart moved, and he said in a deep voice, "Aoxue, help me protect the Great Yu Divine Cauldron!"

After the sound of drinking fell, the monstrous flames disappeared immediately, and the incomparably dim light flashed lightly, and shot towards Dayu God Cauldron with extreme speed.

Ye Chen shot out immediately, and the domineering spiritual power surged in the space.

With his current strength, he can't seal the space at all, so he can only ask Mei Aoxue to help defend the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, and he himself wants to feel the power of the Infinite Divine Mirror!


The light from the Immeasurable Mirror seemed to be immune to spiritual power, and the spiritual power passed through directly without any effect on the dim light. In a flash, it enveloped Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was not the target of the Infinity Mirror. Naturally, after the dim light passed him, it continued to go down.

However, when the ray of light passed by, Ye Chen's figure suddenly trembled slightly. The ray of light didn't interest him, but he sensed that his own soul seemed to be shaking quietly, as if the ray of light had The powerful pulling force wants to pull his soul out.

This feeling is too weird, and the pressure it brings can be imagined!

The Immeasurable Mirror itself does not have any offensive power, but it can copy any treasure in the world. Ye Chen really doubts that when the light passed by him just now, his own soul was shaking, whether the soul was worried, he was also copied.

If the light was dazzling enough, his figure would probably tremble as if he was in a hurricane, and the feeling of shaking his soul would definitely become extremely strong.

These are just the rays of light emanating from the Infinity Mirror, and the distance is so far away. If it is right in front of you, what will it be like?
Ye Chen waved his palm immediately, and the ghost fire swept out, not only imprisoning the remaining dim light, but also freezing the surrounding area.

"Aoxue, protect me!"

Immeasurable Wei has already experienced it personally. Here, I am afraid that the Demon Emperor Bell will not be able to give him half of the help. Therefore, Ye Chen will immediately refine the Great Yu Divine Cauldron!

Sitting upright on the Divine Cauldron of Dayu, the spiritual power that contains the power of Yin and Yang is directly input into the Divine Cauldron.

Generally speaking, the most direct way to refine other things, no matter whether it is a treasure or other treasures, is to set one's own soul brand on the refined thing.

But this is obviously not the case for the Dayu Divine Cauldron. Although this divine cauldron was brought by Qiu Huaxuan, it does not belong to Qiu Huaxuan. Otherwise, the power that the Dayu Divine Cauldron can exert is not limited to this.

Martial-level treasures, even in the northern continent, are rare treasures. Although Qiu Huaxuan is excellent, he is not qualified enough to own such treasures.

When Qiu Huaxuan was thrown out of the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, it had already proved this point.

If it is really refined by Qiu Huaxuan, no matter what, it is impossible for Dayu Divine Cauldron to leave Qiu Huaxuan alone.

The spiritual power entered the Dayu Divine Cauldron, perhaps because it contained the power of yin and yang, and was not hindered by anything, but when the power of the divine soul quietly penetrated in, a strange humming sound erupted from the divine cauldron , Immediately there was an undercurrent of power, and the power of his soul was actually bounced back.

The Great Yu Divine Cauldron really did not belong to Qiu Huaxuan, otherwise, after his death, there would be no such power in the Divine Cauldron.

However, no matter who it is, this ancient relic has a powerful seal to isolate it. Unless it is cultivated to the sky and can be firmly controlled thousands of miles away, otherwise, today, this Great Yu Divine Cauldron, he It's a deal.

With a sneer, the spiritual power rushed in violently, and along with the power of the soul, it went to impact the power hidden in the Dayu Divine Cauldron.

"Peng, Peng!"

In the divine cauldron, bursts of explosions resounded continuously. The power hidden in the divine cauldron seemed to have sensed Ye Chen's intentions, and the countering force erupted at the moment became stronger and stronger, and with Dayu divine cauldron, They were all trembling, faintly, as if they were about to fly away.

It seems that the real master of the Great Yu Divine Cauldron is quite powerful.

But strong is strong, after all, it is not controlled at close range. With the continuous rush of Ye Chen's spiritual power, especially the power of yin and yang, it makes the counterbalancing force weaker and weaker.


Not long after, there seemed to be a crack resounding in the divine cauldron, and the resisting force finally dissipated without a trace.

But at this moment, a faint brilliance shot out from the divine cauldron, and when the brilliance condensed, a figure appeared in Ye Chen's perception.

If you guessed right, this figure should be the true owner of the Dayu Divine Cauldron, and he is not the real body, but just an image left in the Dayu Divine Cauldron.

"Boy, I don't know who you are. If you want to come to Qiu Huaxuan, you don't dare, and you don't have the ability to dare to do so. Then, Qiu Huaxuan died in your hands."

As soon as the figure appeared, an extremely cold voice came out slowly, and an indescribable power surged out tyrannically with the help of this image.

"No matter who you are, the person who killed my Yaoguang City, you will not leave the Great Wilderness City alive. If you are sensible, zoom in on the God of Yu and leave, otherwise, when he comes to you in Japan, your fate will be different." Even more miserable."

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled indifferently: "It's just an image, but it's so majestic. No wonder Qiu Huaxuan also looks like no one in his eyes. I'm going to make a decision on the Great Yu Divine Cauldron."

After finishing speaking, Ye Chen flicked his fingers, and a strong wind shook the image away. No matter how powerful the image itself is, what is here is just an image.

If you want to erase it outside, it may be very difficult, but in this ancient ruins, it will not be difficult at all.

After destroying this image with a wave of his hand, there was no longer any hindrance to the entry of the power of the soul, and it was easy to come to the depths of the Dayu Divine Cauldron.

Although the Great Yu Divine Cauldron is a defensive treasure, the inside is another space, extremely huge, and it seems that the Divine Cauldron is more like a spatial artifact.

With the power of the soul occupying the Dayu Divine Cauldron, the various magical functions of this cauldron are gradually opened to Ye Chen. The defense is naturally unparalleled in the world, and Ye Chen has seen that flying speed with his own eyes.

In addition to these, Ye Chen also found that there seemed to be another space in the space of Dayu Divine Cauldron, but the power of the soul could not break through the existing space, so Ye Chen could not enter another space.

If the other space can be opened, Ye Chen believes that the power that the Great Yu Divine Cauldron can exert will definitely be even more terrifying. At that time, the Great Yu Divine Cauldron may not only be a defensive treasure .

"Hey, Ye Chen, I didn't expect that the Great Yu Divine Cauldron in Yaoguang City would actually fall into your hands. You are very lucky!"

The voice of the green-robed man suddenly sounded, and the surprise that filled this voice was clearly audible.

"Senior, what advice do you have?" Ye Chen's heart moved, and he asked quickly.

The man in Qingpao smiled and said: "I don't have any advice, I just want to let you know that when you reach the realm of Xuanwu, the Great Yu Divine Cauldron will be able to show its true face, but now, you need to think carefully about how to avoid it." The chaser in Yaoguang City, Jin Ling, is not a man to talk to."

"Jin Ling, the master of Yaoguang City?"

Come to think of it, only people like this are qualified to possess a martial-level treasure. If a person below the martial state is known to have a martial-level treasure, it is not a blessing, but a disaster.

If he hadn't entered the castle by mistake, presumably, the Lord of Yaoguang City would not have given the Dayu Divine Cauldron to Qiu Huaxuan for use. It can also be seen that Qiu Huaxuan and everyone in Yaoguang City must value it very much.

Now, Qiu Huaxuan was killed, and Dayu Divine Cauldron was taken away. . . .
Yaoguang City, one of the 180 five cities in the Great Wilderness City, is so powerful that it will not be weaker than the Yanyang Sect. However, this has never been what Ye Chen has to worry about, otherwise, he would not kill people to seize treasures.

Even if Jin Ling is a master of martial arts, so what?
Ye Chen immediately restrained his mind and concentrated on refining the Great Yu Divine Cauldron!

Outside the Moyuan Mountains, in the huge Great Desolate City, on the most majestic building in the city called Yaoguang City, a middle-aged man in a purple robe suddenly opened his closed eyes. In his eyes, There is a surge of icy killing intent that even freezes the air.

"Boy, the people who killed me in Yaoguang City and seized the most precious treasure of the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, don't worry, this seat will let people know, how did you write the word "regret"!"

While Ye Chen was concentrating on refining the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, the bustle of Wuliang Mountain not only did not weaken, but became more and more lively after the treasures in Guanghua were gradually taken away by people.

Almost everywhere on the huge Wuliang Mountain, there are scrambling figures, and the fierce spiritual power training makes this silent mountain range more and more chaotic.

Under such fierce competition, Guanghua is naturally gradually decreasing, resulting in the degree of robbing becoming more and more fierce.

That's why no one noticed that as the brilliance continued to decrease, the color of the beam of light that burst out from the mountain's belly on the top of the mountain became more and more intense. In the end, no words could be found for that light. to describe it.

Dasheng's rays of light, like the shining sun, sprinkled all over the Wuliang Mountain, unknowingly, as if the mountain was melted away, if someone looked carefully, every part of the Wuliang Mountain seemed to have the same light , quietly from the depths of the earth, slowly seeping out.

It's extremely weird, but these rays of light don't contain any energy fluctuations, so naturally, they won't be noticed by these people who are wholeheartedly robbing treasures. . . .Silently, not long after, the entire mountain range, in fact, was surrounded by such light!

(End of this chapter)

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