Chapter 179
One night passed quietly!

With Mei Aoxue's guardian, Ye Chen is quite at ease refining the Dayu God Cauldron. The former's strength, in the spiritual sea realm, can pose a threat to her. Looking at the entire northern continent, it may be very difficult. Find a few people.

If Mei Aoxue's cultivation reached the peak of Linghai, she might have enough ability to shake those masters who have just entered the martial arts realm.

Perhaps, let Ye Chen find one among his peers who can become Mei Aoxue's opponent, the only person Ye Chen can think of is Zi Xiao!
With a Tianxuan poison body, a body with a Tiansha poison, and an extremely outstanding talent, no matter from that point of view, Zixiao is not weaker than Mei Aoxue!

The newborn sun shone down from the sky, but the entire Wuliang Mountain was shrouded by another ray of light, making it impossible for this sun to penetrate in.

Ye Chen, who had his eyes closed tightly, slowly opened them at this moment, and his mind moved immediately. The Dayu Divine Cauldron turned into a black brilliance, and swept into his body from between his brows.

"Marven Ye!"

Seeing Ye Chen wake up and successfully refine the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, Mei Aoxue was not only not happy, but her eyebrows were tightly frowned.

Before entering Wuliang Mountain, she knew all kinds of things about Wuliang Mountain from Ye Chen. She did not participate in the army fighting for treasures, so she knew the changes of Wuliang Mountain best.

Following Mei Aoxue's gaze, Ye Chen frowned, and unconsciously frowned. Today's Wuliang Mountain, Ye Chen can't see it in other places, but the places he sees all have the same light. Quietly flickering on the ground.

These lights, like the beams of light from the top of the mountain, exude the same fluctuations, all from the infinite mirror.

The entire Wuliang Mountain was actually covered by the Wuliang Mirror.

Ye Chen immediately looked into the air, and sure enough, the brilliance has been reduced a lot. The man in green robe said that when these treasures become less and less, the immeasurable magic mirror will appear in the world.

"Aoxue, let's go to the top of the mountain!"

Ye Chen didn't know exactly where the Infinity Mirror would appear from, but since the beam of light on the top of the mountain was the largest, it should also be the most likely place for the Infinity Mirror to appear.

Not only Ye Chen knew this, but the rest of the people and monsters were also aware of it. They didn't know that it was the light of the Infinite Mirror, but they knew that the light must represent a more exciting treasure.

Otherwise, that ray of light would stand peerless and independent on the top of the mountain?
Therefore, when the brilliance was getting less and less, people began to plunder towards the top of the mountain. When someone saw Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue appearing on top of them, the thoughts in their hearts were confirmed even more. up.

Although these two people cannot be provoked now, but if there are enough interests, anything can happen. Moreover, the strongest may not be able to get the best treasures. Sometimes, some luck is also needed.

More and more people and monsters began to climb the mountain, and finally appeared at the top of the mountain.

However, after appearing on the top of the mountain, none of the people or monsters acted rashly. They were all in the distance, watching quietly, Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue who were closest to the place where the beam of light appeared.

The top of the mountain is a huge open space. The ground here is flat, as if it has been repaired by someone. There is nothing on the ground. There is not even a piece of gravel on the ground. beam of light.

What puzzled everyone was that there was nothing in the beam of light, it was just a beam of light!

There was not even the slightest energy fluctuation emitted from this beam of light, and it looked extremely ordinary. However, it was this ordinaryness that made people feel weird.

How can such a light be so ordinary?

In particular, Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue appeared at the nearest place near the beam of light, their figures seemed to be imprisoned, they didn't move, they were still exuding vitality, they would be regarded as two corpses that had just died.


The roar of the monsters resounded softly, and immediately, the monsters that appeared on the top of the mountain lined up, separating Ye Chen and the others from the others.

Obviously, they sensed that something was wrong with Ye Chen and the two of them, and put on such a formation in case someone took the opportunity to do something at this moment.

Seeing this scene, the people present were stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly. They couldn't figure it out, Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue are human beings, why can they get these monsters with such a net weight?
There was indeed something wrong with Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue.

After killing Qiu Huaxuan, Ye Chen had experienced the light of the Infinite Mirror before, and knew that it was terrifying, but that light was extremely dim after all, so after reaching the top of the mountain, Ye Chen wanted to experience it again .

The Infinity Mirror is Ye Chen's ultimate goal in the ancient ruins. Sooner or later, he will face the Infinity Mirror. The mirror has not yet appeared in the world, so Ye Chen can feel the power of this place in advance.

If Ye Chen couldn't even bear the light of the Infinity Mirror, taking the Infinity Mirror might not be within his reach.

Ye Chen wanted to try, Mei Aoxue naturally accompanied him!
This time, Ye Chen didn't refuse. Although it would be dangerous, he still agreed to Mei Aoxue. The strength of the latter is far above him now. If he can't get the Infinity Mirror, maybe Mei Aoxue is qualified.

As for the danger from others, with the man in green robe around, Ye Chen wasn't worried at all.

The dimmed light on the mountainside is in no way comparable to the light from the heyday at the top of the mountain.

When he got close and shrouded in light, Ye Chen could clearly sense that his spirit was not only forcibly drawn, but even fainted.

That feeling is extremely uncomfortable, as if someone is holding a sharp needle and is constantly piercing the soul. It seems that there are countless ants crawling all over the body. Although it is not very painful, it is extremely uncomfortable.

The so-called life is better than death, is it probably like this?

Of course, Ye Chen didn't pay attention to these things. If he couldn't even bear these feelings, why would he move forward on the road of martial arts? The road to martial arts is far more difficult than it is now.

Because he could bear it, Ye Chen could clearly sense that the light of the infinite magic mirror was not only moving rapidly in his body, he didn't know what he was doing, but even the light flew into nothingness, entered, then The legendary - consciousness space.

The so-called consciousness space is where the soul is located!

In the human body, this is a forbidden area. If any force invades the consciousness space, it will directly cause the soul to collapse, just like that day, when the ghost fire returned for the second time.

But this time, Ye Chen was not so worried. After all, the light of the infinite magic mirror does not have any energy breath, it is just a ray of light, and his own spirit is reshaped by the power of yin and yang. It cannot be said to be indestructible, but it is not It can be destroyed casually.

Instead, Ye Chen was worried about Mei Aoxue, the spirit of the latter was not as good as him.

After thinking up to this point, resisting the unbearable feeling that ordinary people could not bear, a stream of spiritual power quietly swept out, along with the tightly clasped hands of the two, and entered into Mei Aoxue's body.

The power of yin and yang immediately radiated from Mei Aoxue's body, I believe this will help her relax a bit.

In the empty space of consciousness, Shenpo sat cross-legged quietly. For the sudden appearance of the ray of light from the immeasurable magic mirror, it seemed as if he had never heard of it and ignored it. It was shrouded in.


After being shrouded, Shenpo seemed to have some action, the endless yin and yang energy, from the soul, continuously surged out, filling the whole body of Shenpo.

It's just a little strange that these yin and yang forces did not destroy the light of the infinite mirror, but still let the light continue to swim back and forth on the surface of the soul, as if the appearance of the yin and yang force was just to prove to the infinite mirror that It's like it exists here.

Of course, Ye Chen was not very clear about this, his cultivation was not yet able to allow him to touch his own soul, so he could only wait quietly.

Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue stood in front of the beam of light as if they were frozen, about half an hour later, everyone saw that the beam of light soaring into the sky quietly began to shatter at this moment.

In just a few seconds, the surface of the huge beam of light was like a huge spider web climbing up.

Finally at this moment, a breath of energy quietly surged out from the shattered beam of light. Although the breath was not strong or powerful, when the breath spread, everyone present and the demon The beasts were all clearly sensed, as if the sky and the earth were cracking!

Fortunately, this aura didn't envelop the entire mountain top, it was only a distance of tens of meters with the beam of light as the center, but within the range of tens of meters, because of the energy aura, it gradually became blurred and distorted.

In the end, the figures of Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue were not only invisible in their line of sight, but they seemed to have disappeared under their perception.

The top of the mountain was already shrouded in clouds and mist. At this moment, the clouds and mist became thicker. In the faintness, there seemed to be thunder and lightning hidden in the sky, and an extremely dull depression swept wildly.

This space, in the eyes of everyone, is no longer a real space, even though the ancient ruins themselves are sealed.

Ye Chen was unaware of what happened outside, the light that entered the consciousness space disappeared at some point, he couldn't see anything now, he couldn't sense anything, even though his sanity was still there, He was not unconscious, but it seemed that his body no longer belonged to him.

The only thing he can feel is that the world is changing rapidly, and he himself is following this change, as if he is constantly passing through unknown spaces one after another. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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