Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 180 God

Chapter 180 God

A new space, the space is broken, and it is a new space, and then it is broken again. . . .
Ye Chen didn't know where he was, let alone what happened, he just saw, or felt, that he entered one unknown space after another, but without exception, these spaces, All broken!
Although in a blur, Ye Chen is also clear that these spaces are not the real world, but should be small worlds opened up by some powerful people with supreme supernatural powers.

Although the so-called small world is attached to the real world, the space constructed by it cannot be regarded as the real world, but opening up a space and forming a self-contained space is a means that countless people dream of.

And those who can display this kind of supernatural power, looking at the whole world, I am afraid that there will not be too many people to find. Those who can display this kind of supernatural power are the most powerful people in the world!
However, Ye Chen personally felt that the countless small worlds were shattered out of thin air like tofu, so fragile!

These are all small worlds!

Once the small world is formed, although it cannot be like the real world, it can experience countless ups and downs in the long river of time without falling down, but if the small world is to be broken, it is not something that can be done in a short time.

Even if the master who built the small world dies, the small world will still exist in the world, and the newcomers only need to pour in their own spiritual power to maintain the existence of the small world!

But what I see now is not just one small world broken, but countless. . . .

Ye Chen didn't know how many broken spaces he had passed through. Now he was like a grass without roots, struggling to find a land where he could take root and survive.

Time seemed to have passed as long as a lifetime, and gradually, Ye Chen saw a vast white, chaotic world.

this world. . . .Ye Chen's pupils shrank tightly, this is the real world, not the small world he just saw.

In the vast white world, there is no end in sight, and in the surging mist, there is a majestic and vast aura of heaven and earth.

Ye Chen raised his eyes and looked around. After a while, he walked towards the depths of this world. He was brought here and stayed in this world. .

Following his footsteps, the white expanse covering the world began to gradually dissipate, and the world began to truly appear in Ye Chen's sight.

Mountains and rivers, plains and land, vegetation and creatures. . . .The boundless world is filled with unparalleled vitality!
Standing on the mountain range, looking at this strange world, Ye Chen suddenly frowned.

In front of that, as if it came from the end of the world, there was a sudden surge of blood energy, and then, the blood energy turned into a river and turned into a sea, and a roaring sea of ​​blood swept towards all directions of the world.

In the sea of ​​blood, there is an extremely terrifying cold aura. Wherever it passes, countless creatures are swallowed up. Even the energy in this space cannot escape being swallowed. The great rivers and mountains are wiped out in an instant. !
The sea of ​​blood filled the sky, the sky and the earth were overthrown, and a terrible feeling of coldness gradually enveloped the whole world, making the whole world exist like the doomsday. Ye Chen couldn't bear to look directly at such a bleak scene.

All the way through the sea of ​​blood, there are countless figures breaking through the air, all of them are masters, and they are extremely masters. Although they can't feel the aura emanating from these figures, they can still know how powerful these figures are.

However, many masters are trying their best to resist the spread of the blood sea, but their strength is too small before the blood sea.

The advance of the sea of ​​blood did not stop at all, and when the figures were submerged in the sea of ​​blood, they did not even make the slightest cry, and were silently swallowed up.

This is a catastrophe, the catastrophe of the whole world!
Ye Chen couldn't imagine where this sea of ​​blood came from, and he didn't know what to do to resist this sea of ​​blood. At this time, even if his heart was extremely tenacious, he felt deeply powerless, even in his heart. , resulting in a sense of despair.

This is the power of heaven and earth, and Ye Chen can't even guess what kind of manpower is needed to resist this power of heaven and earth.

Ye Chen looked at all this with nervousness, such a world, so destroyed, what is this sea of ​​blood, it is so terrible, and why should this world be destroyed.

He stared at the sea of ​​blood, trying to see some clues from the sea of ​​blood. However, the sea of ​​blood filled the sky and formed a whole, like a master. How could Ye Chen see through it?

The current him, like the billions of creatures in this world, can only watch and wait for this sea of ​​blood that fills the sky to submerge the whole world!

However, just when Ye Chen and many creatures in this world who have not been swallowed thought that this world was about to be swallowed, an extremely powerful coercion suddenly appeared out of thin air above the sky.

Under this coercion, the speed of spreading of the sea of ​​blood, which was unable to be stopped by the strength of countless top experts, stopped, and even faintly showed signs of being compressed.

Immediately, a terrifying beam of light descended from the sky and fell straight into the bloody sea.

Blood Haidun, like ice, meets a raging fire that burns everything, and under the radiance of the beam of light, it begins to melt rapidly, being evaporated and disappeared from the sky and the earth.

But the sea of ​​blood is fierce and mighty after all, even if the beam of light burns nothing, it has been violently impacted by the sea of ​​blood. When the sea of ​​blood is gradually evaporated, the beam of light gradually dims.

Ye Chen's pupils tightened again, and when the beam of light dimmed, he suddenly saw a figure appear in his sight.

What kind of figure is this?
Ye Chen only felt that in this world, the sea of ​​blood had disappeared, only this figure stood in the middle of the world, he is the ruler of this world, in the sky and on the earth, I am the only one!
The sea of ​​blood all over the sky began to melt rapidly, and finally, in this world, it seemed to have turned into an incomparably huge blood-colored giant. Only in this way could it resist the indescribably terrifying pressure from that figure.

The figure appeared, and thousands of living beings bowed down to worship him. He is a god, the only master of this world!
Between the heavens and the earth, after a while, a world-famous war unfolded!

A big battle, I don’t know how long it lasted, and the slightest breath that spread out caused the world to collapse. Even if the big battle was on the endless void, it still caused the earth to transform into a mulberry field in an instant. sea!

At the end of the battle, it was clear that that figure had the upper hand. No matter how terrifying the blood-colored giant was, it was always weaker. When it couldn't bear the power from the former, with a bang, the blood-colored giant quietly collapsed, and once again It turned into a blood mist and dissipated in the world.

But Ye Chen's pupils were startled suddenly, he saw it clearly, he saw it!

The dissipated blood mist didn't really disappear from the world, but hid in this world!
In other words, this terrifying sea of ​​blood was not destroyed, it was just defeated and dissipated helplessly.

Of course, if that figure still exists in this world, even if the sea of ​​blood gathers again one day, it will not be able to destroy this world.

only. . . .After the blood mist dissipated and disappeared, Ye Chen could see clearly that the figure let out a heavy breath, obviously relaxed after the battle, but there was a deep helplessness in his eyes, unable to put the sea of ​​blood away. The helplessness of truly eradicating.

After a while, the figure glanced sideways, and the direction he was facing was exactly where Ye Chen was!

Ye Chen's expression suddenly became tense, he felt that this gaze seemed to see him, an outsider!

After just one glance, the figure withdrew its gaze, said a few words in a low voice, and then Ye Chen could clearly see that figure like the ruler of heaven and earth, as if it had been weathered and turned into countless fragments , floating in the sky and the earth.

It turned out that even though the battle with the sea of ​​blood forced the sea of ​​blood back in the end, it also made that figure run out of fuel, and with his abilities, he couldn't hold on any longer.

Fragments all over the sky fell into the earth, and these fragments transformed by that figure seemed to contain the power of his life, and merged into the earth. The desolate, broken earth began to gradually recover under the infiltration of his power .

That figure, from this moment on, truly disappeared in this world forever and turned into dust!
In Ye Chen's heart, there was a great respect spontaneously. For this world, that figure gave his life, and even after death, all his strength was protecting this world.

Perhaps countless years later, although these powers will eventually dissipate permanently due to the passage of time, this world, because of him, will eventually glow with new vitality!
At this time, a ray of light shot into the sky, this might be the only thing left by that figure in this world!
this thing?
Ye Chen stared wide-eyed. . . .It was a mirror less than the size of a palm, exuding an incomparably dazzling bright light.

Ye Chen didn't know this mirror, but through the light, he understood what this mirror was called.

"The Immeasurable Mirror!"

That ray of light was exactly what Ye Chen saw in Wuliang Mountain. Since it was emitted from this mirror, then this mirror is naturally the mirror of Wuliang God.

Unexpectedly, the Infinity Mirror came from that figure. No wonder, even the Demon Emperor Bell was extremely afraid.

As the most precious treasure in the demon world, the Demon Emperor's Bell is naturally unparalleled in the world, but since the immeasurable mirror comes from that figure, it is unparalleled in the world, and it cannot be compared with the Demon Emperor's Bell.

That figure is the ruler of heaven and earth, how can it be compared to the devil world?

Since this is the Immeasurable Mirror!

Ye Chen was shocked. The scene he saw before happened in the world he lived in. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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