Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 182 End

Chapter 182 End
The top of Wuliang Mountain is still lively, and those people and monsters have never left!

They really wanted to know where Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue went, or what benefits they got from it.

When the light shone on the top of the mountain, two figures slowly appeared.

At this moment, all eyes tightened for it. That ray of light was just the ray of light that shot directly into the sky before, but now, it is here with Ye Chen, and he can freely retract it, which means that the radiant light That main body has already been obtained by Ye Chen.

What it is, everyone does not know, but they can understand it, it is definitely not an ordinary thing.

All of a sudden, among the many gazes, there were all kinds of complex gazes, including envy, jealousy, and even more intense coveting intentions, but when Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue walked out side by side, those coveting eyes were all dead. Death is suppressed in the heart.

They may not be afraid of Ye Chen, but they have natural fear and jealousy towards Mei Aoxue. This girl is too scary.

"Everyone, get ready to leave!"

Looking ahead, Ye Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, except for those monsters, everyone else frowned. The meaning of Ye Chen's words was a bit harsh to their ears!
Ye Chen didn't bother to explain anything to these people, his palm pointed to the sky, and the dazzling light shot out suddenly.


The clouds and mist all over the sky were forcibly dispersed immediately, and immediately, the endless sky, with the rays of light, turned into a huge space vortex.

"That's the way to leave the ancient ruins!"

Everyone is an extraordinary generation, and when the space vortex appeared, they could sense it, so, looking at Ye Chen again, it became more complicated.

Even Qin Shi, Lin Shu and others all suppressed the emotions in their hearts again, until they didn't even believe that such emotions still existed, and then they felt relieved.

There is no way, Ye Chen now controls the way out of the ancient ruins, and they can't help them have the slightest evil thoughts towards Ye Chen, otherwise. . . .
It wasn't until this time that everyone came to their senses. It turned out that before this, they only wanted to come in, but never thought about how to leave.

"Aoxue, let's go!"

Ye Chen no longer misses this place, and entered the space vortex with Mei Aoxue. This time, all goals have been achieved, and there is no need to miss it.

Perhaps, what remains in my heart is only a sense of reverence and awe!

The light flickered, and after coming out of the space vortex, it had already appeared in the Moyuan Mountain Range. The place where it was located was exactly the huge open space where it entered the ancient castle.

As Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue walked out, more and more figures began to emerge from the vortex of space, and the huge open space soon became lively.

"Ye Chen, should we leave now, or?"

Mei Aoxue glanced at everyone, her black eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and there was already a coldness in her voice.

Having left the ancient ruins, everyone's fear of Ye Chen is not that great, and their fear of Mei Aoxue has also weakened a lot, although this place is still in the Moyuan Mountain Range.

Just because the fear was much less, everyone looked at Ye Chen with a little more sense of austerity. Thinking about it, although he didn't know what Ye Chen got in Wuliang Mountain, he also coveted it.

"You might as well live in the Moyuan Mountains for a while."

Ye Chen smiled lightly, ignoring the cold gazes, if they really regarded themselves as prey, they would know what regret is.

Staying in the mountains is not to avoid these people, Ye Chen can't wait to get some benefits from the spiritual power pill in the dual source point.

Mei Aoxue naturally understood Ye Chen's meaning, she held Ye Chen's arm, and walked towards the outside slowly, but before she left, a sharp and sharp sword light suddenly appeared in the middle of the sky.

When it fell gently, the entire space seemed to be forcibly cut in half, and the terrifying sword intent swept wildly.


The Fire Python Tiger King came rushing from afar and stayed in front of the two of them. Since they wanted to stay in the mountains for a while, then it itself was the best guide. Moreover, the Fire Python Tiger King also wanted to stay with Ye Chen for a while longer. time.

It's not that he wants to get more benefits from Ye Chen, as long as he can get along with Ye Chen for a period of time, the Fire Python Tiger King knows that this will definitely bring great help to his future martial arts path.

In this world, how many monsters can get along with the Dragon Clan people all the time?
Ye Chen would never refuse what the Fire Python Tiger King meant, and when he and Mei Aoxue climbed up behind the tiger, the Fire Python Tiger King raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, stepped on the ground with all four hooves, and shot away towards the distance!

With the fire python tiger king leading the way, he can find a safe and quiet place, and Ye Chen also wants to establish a friendly relationship with the monsters and beasts in the Moyuan mountain range.

The Yanyang Sect is in the northern mainland, and Ye Chen can't wait to join the Yanyang Sect to end that bitter grievance.

You must be prepared for everything. Although Ye Chen also thought that he would go to the Yanyang Sect for revenge when his cultivation base was sufficient, but not everything may be as Ye Chen thought.

Although they met Mei Aoxue in the ancient castle, it won't be long before the people of Yanyang Sect know that Ye Chen has come to the northern continent, and at that time, he will face the pursuit from Yanyang Sect. killed.

Ye Chen is not afraid of Yan Yangzong, but he has to worry about Mei Aoxue!
She is the best disciple of the Yanyang Sect for hundreds of years, but she is in love with the enemy of the Yanyang Sect. If this news reaches the Yanyang Sect, their reaction may be worse than when they faced Ye Chen. Be more intense.

Therefore, when necessary, Ye Chen wanted to use the power of the demon clan in the Moyuan Mountain Range to relieve the pressure from the Yanyang Sect.

The most important thing is that he has seen Zixiao's enthusiasm and spare no effort in establishing power in Barren Mountain and Dazzling Fire City. Although he doesn't know why Zixiao did this, there must be the latter's intention.

Now that there is an opportunity to make friends with the demon clan in the Moyuan Mountain Range, Ye Chen will never miss it!
The Fire Python Tiger King rushed out, and after a short time, he came out of the depths of the Moyuan Mountain Range. Although it is extraordinary, the Ninth Layer of the Spirit Sea is enough to be king in other places, but in this Moyuan Mountain Range, it is not yet qualified. , dwelling in the deepest part.

A huge canyon runs through thousands of meters. The deepest part of the canyon is the lair of the fire python and tiger king. Monsters like it are fully enlightened. People who don't have the strength are afraid that they can get here.

Seeing the Fire Python Tiger King, he actually dragged two humans into its lair. The thousands of monsters living here all showed a sense of astonishment in their eyes, but there was no voice of objection. Hierarchy, compared to human beings, does not know how many times stricter it is.

In the depths of the canyon, in front of the huge cave entrance, the fire python and tiger king prostrated themselves on the ground.

"Tiger King, thank you very much!"

Ye Chen smiled and patted Huo Boa Tiger King's huge head, and immediately took out a pill and handed it over, saying, "This is the Transformation Pill, I think you can use it."

"Roar, Roar!"

In the eyes of the Fire Python Tiger King, humanized excitement and gratitude suddenly appeared. The price the monster needs to pay for obtaining the Transformation Pill is something it cannot afford.

"Don't be in a hurry, thank you, and do something for me."

Ye Chen's smile gradually subsided, and he said in a concentrated voice: "If possible, help me make an appointment with the king of your Moyuan Mountain Range, just say, there is a deal, I don't know if you are interested or not."

At this moment, don't say that it's just an appointment for something that can be done casually, even if it is to let it go through fire and water, the fire python and tiger king will not refuse.

"Go, time, it's set in ten days."

After finishing speaking, Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue walked into the cave where the Fire Python Tiger King lived.

"Marven Ye!"


"Wuliang Shenjing recognized you, it will be very hard in the future, right?" Mei Aoxue hesitated, but finally asked.

Ye Chen smiled, gently embraced Mei Aoxue, and said softly: "Our life has only just begun, but we have already experienced so many things, the so-called hard work, we have experienced enough... "

"I will be with you in the future, and I will always be with you." Mei Aoxue murmured in a low voice, the tenderness in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Of course, if you don't accompany me, who will accompany me!"

Ye Chen laughed happily, for some reason, another figure appeared in his mind - Zi Xiao!
Ye Chen immediately shook his head fiercely, Zi Xiao is a good brother, that's right, but how could he think of Zi Xiao in this atmosphere?
"what happened?"

"It's okay, it's okay! Aoxue, let's practice. With your cultivation base, with the help of that spiritual power elixir, you can have the strength to hit the realm of martial arts in the shortest time. Only at this level can we have real the right to speak!"

Mei Aoxue also understood the meaning of Ye Chen's words, so she didn't want to think too much at the moment, and immediately sat down cross-legged and entered the practice.

After Ye Chen stayed in silence for a while, he immediately started practicing.

In the dual-source point, when the spiritual power was drawn out of the dantian by the exercise, an extremely pure spiritual power burst out from the spiritual power pill lying quietly at the same time.

The amount of this spiritual power is not large, and relatively speaking, it seems very weak. However, it feels to Ye Chen that it is a flood breaking the embankment, and the feeling of majesty is not only something that Ye Chen cannot refine. It felt, even, he felt that this spiritual force would make his body collapse.

In this way, one can imagine how terrifying and amazing the spiritual power contained in the spiritual power pill is!
But at this time, Ye Chen had a little understanding of the strength of the original owner of the Infinity Mirror, and at the same time, his mind became more dignified.

Thinking about how powerful the original owner of the Infinity Mirror was, he also fell helplessly in the end. His opponent, the sea of ​​blood, just hid in the world, and one day, when he reappeared in the world. . . .

Protecting the world, this responsibility, who in this world can afford it?
(End of this chapter)

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