Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 183 Trading

Chapter 183 Trading
Ten days passed in a blink of an eye!

When Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue withdrew from the training at the same time and looked at each other, there were gentle smiles in their eyes!

This is of course love for each other, but at the same time, it is also satisfaction with the progress of my cultivation in the past ten days, and it is very satisfied.

Although the original owner of the Infinity Mirror has fallen for countless years, the energy left behind is naturally not as terrifying as it was in his peak period. However, to Ye Chen, to Mei Aoxue, and even to martial arts masters, it is all Extremely precious wealth.

After ten days of practice, only the absorption and refinement of that ray of spiritual power, Ye Chen's cultivation has made breakthroughs one after another, reaching the sixth level of spiritual source, such a progress, even a peerless genius would not be able to do it.

Of course, I had a chance encounter with Mei Aoxue, and so did others, and Ye Chen also understood that the reason why he was promoted so fast now was because he was in the spiritual source realm.

If it is in the Spirit Sea Realm, or even in the Martial Realm, perhaps more spiritual power will be absorbed, but also, the energy required to advance to each level will be much more. At that time, the speed of cultivation will not be so fast up.

However, after being exposed to this spiritual power, Ye Chen absolutely believed that with the help of this spiritual power elixir, the time for him to reach the realm of martial arts would be shortened by at least one-third compared with normal practice!

"Aoxue, how is it?" After a while, Ye Chen asked with a smile.

Mei Aoxue was silent, she understood the meaning of Ye Chen's words, and after a while, she responded softly: "Now, I am in the seventh level of Linghai, if I want to reach the peak of Linghai and hit the realm of martial arts, even if I have The help of that spirit power pill will take at least half a year, or even longer, perhaps, it may not be possible within a year or two."

Mei Aoxue's talent is naturally excellent enough. The two dragons and one phoenix in Da Luo City are not just self-proclaimed by everyone in Da Luo City, they have been recognized by countless people, otherwise, how can they be called Yanyang Sect for hundreds of years Come on, most outstanding disciple?Even though the Yanyang Sect is in the northern mainland, it may barely be regarded as a first-class force.

With so many resources, plus that spiritual power pill, and with Mei Aoxue's talent, she actually said that she may not be able to break through to the realm of martial arts within a year or two. This may sound ridiculous, but it is true!
This world is respected by martial arts!

The realm of martial arts, the word 'wu' explains a lot of things!
Among the major realms of martial arts, the elementary Qi-refining realm is to exercise the body and bones, so that the body can better withstand the infusion of spiritual power, and the ordinary-level realm is the extension of the Qi-refining realm.

When it comes to transforming mortals into spirits and achieving the spiritual realm, it is the most important thing, because after entering the spiritual realm, a source point will be opened in the dantian and truly enter the gate of martial arts.

Although the realm of martial arts is not the highest realm among the several major realms of martial arts, it is a realm that opens a new door, because after the realm of martial arts, the realm of 'domain' is achieved!

A domain, a region, a world, is for a small world!
It is conceivable how important the realm of martial arts is. The peak of the Ninth Layer of Linghai is only a thin line away from the realm of martial arts, but this line may make it impossible for countless warriors to rush in throughout their lives.

Therefore, even Mei Aoxue, with the help of spiritual power pills, cannot guarantee that she can reach the realm of martial arts in the shortest time, even if she is now at the seventh level of the spiritual sea.

After finishing speaking, Mei Aoxue was silent for a while, and then said: "Don't worry about me, the Yanyang Sect has placed too many resources on me, and they will never give up on me until the last moment, not to mention, I have The power of self-preservation."


The clear and crisp sound of the sword chanting slowly spread in the cave, and the sword in front of Mei Aoxue swept into the air by itself, without being unsheathed, the extreme sharpness made Ye Chen feel difficult to breathe.The entire cave space, after breathing, became fragmented.

Obviously, at this time, in front of Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue had already released the power of the long sword in her hand to the extreme.

Mei Aoxue understands Ye Chen's worry, the meeting between the two cannot be hidden from Yanyangzong, even if Mei Aoxue does not return to Yanyangzong, they will not let Mei Aoxue go.

After many years of cultivation, it is regarded as the only hope for the rise of the sect, how could the Yanyang Sect let Mei Aoxue go.

Therefore, in order to reassure Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue did not hide what she had.

"This is the Qingming sword! It has not been unsealed yet, but it already has the middle-level quality of martial arts..."

Before Mei Aoxue could finish her sentence, Ye Chen's expression suddenly trembled, the middle rank of martial arts has not been released yet. . . .He looked at the long sword with a sense of shock, but he didn't expect this long sword to be such an extraordinary treasure.

Ye Chen didn't think about it, when the long sword was unsealed, its quality could exceed the martial level, even if it was the peak quality of the martial level, such a treasure is very rare in the world.

No wonder, in front of Mei Aoxue, even Qiu Huaxuan had no choice but to escape. Although the Great Yu Divine Cauldron was extraordinary, it did not belong to Qiu Huaxuan after all, and in his hands, it would be difficult to exert the power of its heyday.

Mei Aoxue is different, controlling the Qing Ming Sword, with her strength, it is enough to exert even more terrifying power.

With the Qingming sword in hand, and her strength, she may have the power to protect herself in front of Yanyangzong, but how could Ye Chen allow Mei Aoxue to face these troubles and possible crises alone? ?

Looking up at the sky, after a while, Ye Chen slowly withdrew his gaze, already having a decision in his heart!

"Let's go out!"

Mei Aoxue nodded slightly, followed Ye Chen and walked out of the cave.

Outside, there were already two big monsters waiting for a long time. Beside the Fire Python Tiger King was a smaller monster with shiny black fur like spikes. It looked like a hedgehog.

Ye Chen frowned slightly. This hedgehog-like monster is naturally not weak, and the aura it exudes is not inferior to the fire python tiger king. However, what Ye Chen wants to meet is the king of the Moyuan Mountain Range!
The Fire Python Tiger King, who was paying close attention to Ye Chen, suddenly trembled, and there was a hint of helplessness in his pupils.

Ye Chen's brows immediately stretched out. It's not the fault of the Fire Python Tiger King, but because he was too impatient. The king of the Moyuan Mountain Range is a super expert who is at the same level as the Lord of the Great Wilderness City. How can he see it if he wants to see it? arrived?And it is even worse for the other party to stoop to come.

Even the Fire Python Tiger King must have told the other party that he possesses pure Dragon Qi!

"Little friend Yechen, you are quite famous now!"

A thin voice came from the mouth of the hedgehog-like monster, and Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue were both shocked when they heard it. A monster that speaks human words must at least reach the realm of martial arts.

This hedgehog-like monster is only in the spiritual sea realm, how can it speak human words.

Seeing the astonishment of the two, the hedgehog-like monster smiled complacently, and said, "This is my innate supernatural power, so you don't have to be surprised. My name is Kui Mu, and I've met you both!"

Kui Mu's gaze was always on Ye Chen. Although Mei Aoxue was stunning, to monsters, the most attractive thing was the spirit of a real dragon.

Kui Mu was also very curious, why would a human being possess a pure dragon aura? It's not that all the monsters who entered the ancient ruins said so, and the words of the fire python and tiger king would not be believed.

"Hello senior!"

Ye Chen clasped his fists and said: "What I mean, I think the seniors already know it?"

Kui Mu nodded, and said: "But I don't know what kind of deal you want to make with my demon clan in the Moyuan Mountain Range?"

"It's easy!"

Ye Chen said word by word: "When I want to borrow the power of the monster clan in the Moyuan Mountain Range, I hope you can help me!"

"What's our advantage?" Kui Mu's eyes flashed, and he said lightly, as if he just listened to what Ye Chen said, and didn't put it in his heart.

It's no wonder that the king of the Moyuan Mountain Range didn't show up in person, but sent this Kui Mu, this monster, who really knows the rules of negotiation. success.

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Isn't it enough to be able to get in touch with the Dragon Clan?"

In Kui Mu's eyes, there was a faint sneer. It is true that Ye Chen has a dragon spirit, but he may not have anything to do with the dragon clan.

In the eyes of other people, such as Qiu Huaxuan, Ye Chen may be a member of the Dragon Clan who came out to experience, but Kui Mu would never think so, monsters are monsters, and humans are humans.

No matter how close the relationship between the two is, their respective auras and monsters can all be sensed very clearly.

"It seems that senior Kui doesn't believe what I said!"

Ye Chen smiled, his mind was moved, the dragon's energy was billowing, surging between the heaven and the earth, that sense of purity, even Kui Mu and the fire python and tiger king, at this moment, were all deep in his heart, and couldn't help but emerge Show a sense of awe.

Especially the Fire Python Tiger King, it suddenly discovered that the dragon energy possessed by Ye Chen seemed to be even more majestic.

Give Ye Chen enough time, and Ye Chen will absorb all the suppressed dragon energy in his body. Although the time is not enough now, ten days of practice can also increase the amount of dragon energy he possesses.

"I may not have much relationship with the Dragon Clan, but one day, with the Dragon Qi I possess, I will definitely have an extraordinary relationship with the Dragon Clan. Senior Kui, what do you think?" Ye Chen said indifferently.

Kui Mu's mind was shocked, and after a long silence, he said: "My little friend's words are indeed reasonable, but this is all about the future, and no one can be sure about the future. My demon clan in the Moyuan Mountain Range, It is impossible to put one's wealth and life on an illusory future. So, little friend, we need to see some substantive content!"

"Of course!"

Ye Chen immediately waved his palm, and on his ring finger, a ring quietly emerged.

He has never expected that just the possession of dragon energy and a few simple words can gain the approval of the king of the Moyuan Mountain Range. For such powerful monsters, potential is also important, but the more affordable , but it is the current strength and what can be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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