Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 184 Demon King Order

Chapter 184 Demon King Order

"Xumi Ring!"

Kui Mu has a lot of knowledge, but he recognized Xumijie at a glance, since it is Xumijie. . . .Kui Mu's mind gradually became heavy.

Looking at this world, those who can possess the Sumeru Ring are all high-ranking people, or people with strong cultivation bases. Ye Chen actually has the Sumeru Ring in his hands.

No matter how he got it, with the Sumeru Precepts, he is qualified enough to be treated by others with a different attitude, which is a symbol of status.

Of course, those who are not strong enough to show such a treasure rashly, I am afraid it will cause a disaster of death, but Ye Chen did not hesitate to show the Sumeru Ring in front of Kui Mu, which also let Kui Mu know that Ye Chen himself strong confidence.

Mei Aoxue also glanced curiously, Xumijie, she had never seen before, Yanyangzong, she is not worthy of having such a thing.

As the light on the Sumeru ring flickered, items flew out of the ring one after another, and a few seconds later, there were piles of things in front of Kui Mu and the Fire Python Tiger King.

Wu Jing, elixir, some natural materials and earthly treasures, etc., each of these things is enough to make people tempted and scrambled for. If so many things appear in the outside world, it will definitely cause a terrible storm.

Fortunately, Zixiao left him enough things. In the ancient castle and the ancient ruins, the things he got were not small. If he could win over the demon clan in the Moyuan Mountain Range, Ye Chen would be willing to give up these extraneous things!

As long as there is the monster clan of the Moyuan Mountain Range behind him, not to mention the Yanyang Sect, even those in the Great Wilderness City, if they want to move Ye Chen, they have to carefully consider what the consequences will be after they move.

Even if Kui Mu, a monster of the ninth level of the Linghai realm, can come here on behalf of the king of the Moyuan Mountain Range, he is obviously of extraordinary status, and he must have seen and gained a lot on weekdays, but at this time, in the pupils of his eyes, there is still something floating out of his eyes. A touch of burning color came.

"Little friend, you really have enough sincerity. On behalf of my demon king, I will thank you for your gift." After a while, Kui Mu calmed down his burning eyes. These things are not something he can embezzle now.

"Demon King!"

Ye Chen said thoughtfully: "It's not a problem at all to give it to your demon king. Since you want to cooperate, you have to show your sincerity. However, Senior Kui, can you confirm cooperation with me on behalf of your demon king? "

Kui Mu's eyes turned, and he smiled immediately: "Don't be impatient, little friend. This matter must be carefully calculated. After all, for so many years, human beings and monsters have discussed cooperation. As far as I know, this It's the first time ever!"

"The ten days that have passed are not enough for you to think about it? Senior Kui's words are probably insincere, right?"

Although the fire python tiger king did not give the definite news to the monster king of the Moyuan mountain range, the trader must have thought of more things with the wisdom of the other party. After seeing so many things, it is too much to evade.

Hearing this, Kui Mu chuckled and said, "Little friend, I can feel your sincerity, but I think it's not enough!"

After glancing at Kui Mu, Ye Chen said calmly: "Senior Kui, we human beings have a saying, don't be too greedy when you are a human being, and in the same way, don't be too greedy if you are a monster, you will die."

Kui Mu's face changed slightly.

Ye Chen continued to say: "I do have something to ask of you, but if you think that you can ask for a lot of money, Senior Kui, don't think about it, it's not good to be too greedy."

Kui Mu's expression changed again, and he said coldly: "Little friend, this is the Moyuan Mountain Range, and you are also a smart person. Now, you have shown me many benefits, but you want to take them back. Is it possible?"

Ye Chen smiled meaninglessly, raised his hand lightly, and all the things that were outside returned to the Sumeru Ring in an instant, and then, the billowing dragon power swept out like an overwhelming sky.


The sound of the dragon's anger shook the entire canyon, and above the midair, a silver light flashed violently, and the purple and silver light streaks were connected together, as if turning into a huge silver real dragon.

The real dragon is entrenched between the heaven and the earth, and the power of the dragon is almost indescribable!

"Senior Kui, if Aoxue and I want to leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop me at all. I wonder if Senior Kui believes it?" Ye Chen said indifferently.

Under the purple and silver light patterns, even Kui Mu couldn't help but shrink back. Although Long Wei came from the outside world, he felt an irresistible sense of awe from his heart.

Under such a sense of awe, Kui Mu suddenly discovered that he was unable to gather the spiritual power of his whole body!

The dragon clan is born to suppress monsters to a certain extent. Kui Mu is naturally aware of this. He just didn't expect that Ye Chen could do this.

"Little friend, don't get angry, just now, it was just a joke on my part, it was an unintentional act, an unintentional act!"

Kui Mu quickly said: "Actually, my demon king has already given me an order when he heard that the little friend wanted to make a deal with the demon king. As long as the little friend is really sincere, we can cooperate sincerely. Just now, It's just to make sure of Xiaoyou."

This kind of dragon aura cannot tolerate Kui Mu's continued ignorance. He hasn't ignored Long Wei's strength yet. The so-called certainty naturally means to confirm whether it is Ye Chen or not!
"How can I trust you?" Ye Chen asked with a smile, he is not a three-year-old child, he can be dismissed with just a word.

Kui Mu didn't dare to be negligent, spread his palms, and an extremely violent aura swept out immediately, and inside that aura was a smooth jade pendant.

On the surface of the jade pendant, a ferocious beast with teeth and claws is depicted, which is lifelike. Even if it is depicted, it still gives people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

"Little friend, this is the demon king's decree, which was given to you by the demon king. With this decree, the entire Moyuan Mountain Range, except for the demon king, is at your disposal!"

Respectfully, Kui Mu handed the jade pendant in his hand to Ye Chen.

"The Order of the Demon King!"

Ye Chen was taken aback, but he saw that after the so-called Demon King Order appeared, the fire python and tiger king had already knelt down on the ground, as if welcoming the king, that was sincere piety.

It seems that this demon king order, as Kui Mu said, has the order to order all the monster clans up and down the Moyuan mountain range, but Ye Chen is very curious, this king of the mountain, without even seeing himself, actually sent out Once the Demon King Order is issued, is there no worry at all?

Ye Chen never thought that with his dragon spirit, he could make the king of the demon clan do this. The demon king's decree ordered all the monsters in the mountain to give him a human being. . . .The temptation just now is a good proof.

Of course Kui Mu knew that Ye Chen was puzzled, and immediately said: "My lord, when I received the order from the Demon King, I was also very curious and asked the Lord Demon King."

"Master Demon King said that he is very relieved to cooperate with you, because you are a good person!"

Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue were stunned again, good guy?

It's a bit funny to say these words from the mouth of a monster, and it's even more unbelievable.And how did the demon king know that Ye Chen is a good person?

Whether in the ancient castle or in the ancient ruins, Ye Chen did not show the so-called good person.

Since you think you are a good person, why don't you come to meet him?
"Ye Chen, the demon king's order is real. If you can give the demon king's order, no matter what the purpose of the demon king's attack is, you don't need to worry about it for the time being." The green-robed man said in the demon king's bell.

Ye Chen nodded secretly, looked at Kui Mu, and said, "Say hello to the Demon King on my behalf, thank you for your kindness, and please rest assured that for today's cooperation, in the future, I will definitely let the Demon King, and the people in the mountains All Yaozu see, the correctness of cooperation!"

Ye Chen didn't mention the dragon clan, because he has enough confidence in himself, and when he grows up, there must be a place for the monster clan of the Moyuan Mountain Range in this whole world!

Ye Chen didn't ask about other things, since the demon king is sincere, that's enough, it doesn't matter if you see him or not!As for how the word "good man" came from, Ye Chen never delved into it. Just as the man in Qingpao said, the demon king's order has already been obtained, which already represents the meaning of the demon king.

"Thank you for your promise!" Kui Mu said immediately.

Ye Chen waved his hand with a smile, put away the demon king's orders, and said: "The matter here is over, Tiger King, Senior Kui, let's take our leave!"

"Two slow down!"

It was still sent off by the Fire Python Tiger King, and the former reluctantly said goodbye to Ye Chen after arriving at the edge of the Moyuan Mountain Range.

Standing here, the Great Desolate City, as huge as a black dragon, is already vaguely visible.

At this moment, inside the Demon Emperor's Bell, Ye Chen sensed that the green-robed man, who had always been indifferent, became a little excited. For the latter, the current him is truly free.

"Marven Ye, thank you!"

The green-robed man said sincerely, if Ye Chen hadn't arrived in time with the Demon Emperor's Clock, even if he had been a top expert, he would have fallen to the bottom of the lake of death, and he might not even be able to escape.

"There is no need to be so polite now between us."

Ye Chen laughed, looked ahead, and said: "Maybe in the future, we will need the help of seniors, Aoxue and I, to be able to leave the Great Wilderness City alive."

"The Great Deserted City?"

The green-robed man smiled lightly: "I dare not make any guarantees in other places. In the Great Deserted City, don't worry, no matter who it is, not only will it not hurt you, but..."

"Ye Chen, someone is coming!"

Before the green-robed man could finish speaking, a unparalleled sword intent was already stirring in mid-air, terrifyingly fierce, dividing the space into two halves neatly.

Those who come here at this moment will definitely not be friends. In the Great Wilderness City, whether Ye Chen or Mei Aoxue, they have no friends at all!

Looking ahead, it seemed as if thunder was rolling in, and immediately, a terrifying pressure of spiritual power spread from the world, and the space became distorted immediately.

That coercion still rushed directly at Ye Chen!

And when that terrifying coercion enveloped, a stern voice containing killing intent suddenly resounded throughout the world, causing the surrounding land to tremble.

"Boy, kill my beloved apprentice and rob me of the Great Yu God Cauldron. Today, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

(End of this chapter)

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