Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 185 Jin Ling

Chapter 185 Jin Ling
The piercing and stern voice resounded like thunder outside the Moyuan Mountain Range, and a terrifying spiritual storm was set off between the heaven and the earth, covering the land with a radius of several tens of feet.

"Boy, I thought you would hide in the mountains for a while based on your friendship with the demon clan of the Moyuan Mountain Range. I didn't expect you to be quite courageous. Good, good!"

The shocking murderous intent swept over, Ye Chen's face became more solemn, although he hadn't seen anyone yet, he knew that the person who came was the Lord of Yaoguang City, Jin Ling!
Under the surge of that terrifying spiritual force, at this moment Ye Chen, the space around him seemed to be solidified by the oppression of that spiritual force.

This is the terror from the masters of the realm of martial arts!
In this life, Ye Chen has seen many masters. The green-robed man in the Demon Emperor's Bell, Nie Guan, the master of the Eagle Sword Sect, even with the help of the infinite magic mirror, has seen the most powerful in this world. The two masters.

However, the green-robed man is not seriously injured after all, so the aura of the so-called martial arts master is not very clear, and Nie Guan, after reaching the martial arts state, has never revealed the aura of a martial arts master in front of himself.

As for the original owner of the Immeasurable Mirror and the sea of ​​blood, these two are too powerful to be understood by Ye Chen now, and they seem too illusory and unreal.

The terrifying spiritual coercion right now made Ye Chen really feel the power of the master of the martial arts realm.

"Jin Ling, the lord of Yaoguang City, should be a warrior of the seventh level of true martial arts now!"

Inside the Demon Emperor's Bell, the green-robed man said calmly: "Ye Chen, this guy is beyond what you and your little lover can handle, leave it to me!"

Zhenwu. . . .The three realms of martial arts are the three realms of Zhenwu, Xuanwu, and Tianwu!
Although the True Martial Realm is only the initial stage of the Three Martial Realms, its powerful momentum cannot be touched by a master of the Spirit Sea Realm.

Although Mei Aoxue has invincible strength in the spiritual sea realm, in front of Jin Ling, she is no different from an ant!
As the lord of Yaoguang City, Jin Ling's means are obviously not comparable to ordinary real martial arts masters. Although Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue are extraordinary, after all, the gap is too big, and they still need enough time.

But after hearing the words of the green-robed man, Ye Chen shook his head slightly.

The bright silver light circulated on the surface of the body, operating the Cangxuan Hualongjue to the extreme, to resist the terrifying spiritual pressure from Jin Ling.

"Senior, although a real martial arts master is terrifying, if you surrender without a fight, it's not in my mind. Besides, your current state has not recovered, senior. No matter what status you have in the past, you are now weak. Show up Otherwise, it will inevitably lead to greater changes.”

While speaking, Ye Chen stared motionlessly at the void in front of him.

The space there was violently distorted, and even a figure stepped out of the distorted space. He was dressed in a purple robe, and he was astonishingly imposing. shaking.

After his appearance, more and more people appeared in this world. Looking around, most of them were acquaintances, those who entered the ancient ruins together.

At this moment, these people looked at Ye Chen with pity and sympathy for Ye Chen, which offended Jin Ling. . . .
In the middle of the sky, Jin Ling stood calmly. With just a slight push of his hands, it seemed like the whole world. At this moment, he let out an overwhelmed groan.

It made countless masters present feel an irresistible sense of oppression, and that sense of oppression made these people unable to even straighten their waists.

The might of the Martial Realm is so powerful!

Even if Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue have means, how can they be opponents of such masters?
"Marven Ye!"

Inside the Demon Emperor's Bell, the voice of the green-robed man suddenly trembled a little. Ye Chen's words moved him!
"Senior, you either don't show up, or if you show up, you will shock the world!" Ye Chen said calmly, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes, which quietly flashed out.

Ye Chen couldn't guess the true identity of the green-robed man, but he understood somewhat that he must have some relationship with the Great Wilderness City. Since this is the case, he couldn't just show up casually.

The man in Qingpao understands Ye Chen's meaning, so he is even more moved. The Great Wilderness City is full of dragons and snakes, and his previous identity, perhaps at this time, will become a reminder to kill himself!
However, Ye Chen was able to think about him. What is the identity of the green robed man, how could he be timid because of these dangers? He can reach his current height and possess the highest status by virtue of not being a man with his tail between his legs.


Sensing the fluctuations in the Demon Emperor's Bell, Ye Chen's eyes burst out with fighting intent, and he shouted in a concentrated voice: "Senior, there is nothing to worry about. After all, this place is still outside the Demon Yuan Mountain Range. Even Jinling, what can I do?"

"I'm okay, I can use Jin Ling's power to consolidate my own strength!"

The fluctuations in the Demon Emperor's Bell gradually calmed down. During the several months in the ancient ruins, Ye Chen got too many encounters, which made his cultivation directly reach the sixth level of the spiritual source directly from the first entry into the spiritual source realm. heavy environment.

While the speed is gratifying, it also causes the emptiness of spiritual power, and these emptiness cannot be completely dispelled by the dual source points and the power of yin and yang. Although it can play some role, it is nothing more than that.

Ye Chen desperately needs this powerful pressure to help him dispel these vanities bit by bit, so that his spiritual power can be completely condensed. By then, he will be a real warrior of the sixth level of spiritual source.

"Hey, boy, you really are not simple! But it's a pity, fate always didn't give you enough time to grow up."

Jin Ling, who came from the sky, felt the strong fighting spirit from Ye Chen, and his eyes trembled slightly. Over the years, he didn't know how many outstanding young people he had seen, but in his impression, only One person can be so calm in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the kid in front of him was so extraordinary, no wonder Qiu Huaxuan fell into his hands.

Ye Chen smiled calmly, without the slightest hint of fear on his face, looking into the sky, he said lightly: "In the ancient ruins, there are dangers everywhere, everyone lives and dies in peace, Qiu Huaxuan also has many lives in his hands, and even snatched other people's treasures , he can rob and kill, why can't I?"

"Grab, kill?"

In Jin Ling's eyes, there was endless coldness surging, his indifferent eyes stared at Ye Chen without any human emotion, and his voice was as sharp as a blade: "Boy, what you said is reasonable, but you Forget, all principles are based on absolute strength."

"This seat is the master of Yaoguang City. Although this seat and my disciples cannot be provoked by no one, they are not the ones you, a bastard, can afford."

"Since you killed Qiu Huaxuan, pay for his life!"

Jin Ling looked at Ye Chen indifferently, and after a while, his hand hidden in the sleeve robe suddenly came out, towards the place where Ye Chen was, and shook it heavily.


The space in front of Jin Ling suddenly burst open, and only one giant palm transformed by spiritual power took shape out of thin air. In this giant palm, there was a dark crescent moon floating impressively.

The palm was like a mountain, and he suppressed it fiercely, and an incomparably bright black light suddenly shone in the sky and the earth, just for a moment, as if a dark curtain was pulled up, the whole sky and the earth, you can't see your fingers!

When the giant palm fell, the black glow that covered the sky and the sun suddenly split into two, falling on Mei Aoxue and Ye Chen respectively.

The extremely fierce sword light collapsed in an instant and dissipated into the sky and the earth, while the bright silver light outside Ye Chenzhou was directly covered by the black light that filled the sky, and it was difficult to see the so-called silver light.

At the same time, both of them felt that the space around them was forcibly imprisoned. Even though they were close at hand, they seemed to be thousands of miles away.

The same method, in Jin Ling's hands, exerted an unshakable power. This was the terrifying gap brought about by strength.

"Mei Aoxue, I finally have some kind of friendship with you Yanyang Sect. If I don't kill you, don't try to help this little bastard. Otherwise, don't blame me for not showing favor!"

After the words fell, the black light that was suppressing towards Ye Chen pierced through the void in a flash, and appeared directly above Ye Chen's head.

Ye Chen's space collapsed completely, and seeing this world, it turned into nothingness.

The power of a master in martial arts can almost shake the world!
Ye Chen's fearless expression gradually became dignified, and purple and silver rays of light surged out of his body again. Even though it was covered with black light, it still forcibly surged in the void.

But this kind of force is obviously extremely reluctant, the light is weak, like the night sky on a cloudy and rainy day, the starlight is dim, and it may go out at any time!
Under the suppression of martial arts masters, it is obviously impossible to rely solely on the Cangxuan Transformation Dragon Art!

The white color suddenly erupted, and a blast of icy heat immediately swept in all directions. The darkness around him, at this moment, although it had not been forcibly dispelled, seemed to be frozen. The terrible pressure finally weakened. some.

Immediately, there seemed to be a shocking sound of dragon's anger resounding, and the dim light, wrapped in the ghost fire, quickly condensed, and thirteen silver lines of light floated out directly.

But under that terrifying coercion, these thirteen silver light streaks, like candles in the wind, swayed non-stop, and it was impossible for them to continue as usual.

"Chaos Yin-Yang Jue!"

Ye Chen drank in a low voice, and in an instant, both the ground and the empty space around him trembled without warning, streams of pure energy, like the tide, swarmed in.

With the infusion of these energies, the number of silver light streaks gradually increased!

At this time, Ye Chen looked up at Jin Ling, and a surging fighting spirit swept out, and a low murmur echoed in his heart.

"My road to becoming a strong man is today, right here, starting from Jin Ling!"

(End of this chapter)

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