Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 189 Promise

Chapter 189 Promise
When the menacing voice of the Demon King spread across the world, the expressions of many masters from the Great Wilderness City darkened slightly, including Xu Baxian, who knew that it was time to make a decision at this time.

And the so-called decision, that is, to give up Jin Ling!

If you don't give up, with the battle that the demon king is putting on now, how can it be to scare people?

If you want to scare people, the demon king is enough. If you just want to save the young man, how dare Jin Ling stop him?Everyone can clearly see that today, the Demon King is going to use the incident of Jin Ling to make a fuss!

Bao Jinling, there will be a shocking war, and the consequences of the war are beyond the reach of Xu Baxian and others.

Jin Ling, who was still in the deep pit, also dimmed his eyes, and then there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. How could he not know that he had been given up.

"Marven Ye!"

Inside the Demon Emperor's Bell, the green-robed man suddenly said in a deep voice: "Let Jin Ling go, after this incident, after thinking about it, he can't have any evil thoughts towards you anymore. If you let him go, maybe you can still get his love." Allegiance."

Ye Chen was taken aback unconsciously, and after a while, he nodded thoughtfully.

"Senior Demon King, I'm fine, this matter is over here." Ye Chen looked up into the sky and said.

When the words came out, everyone in the audience was startled. They didn't expect that Ye Chen would say such words at this time.

What kind of threat is a master in the realm of martial arts? Isn't Ye Chen afraid of Jin Ling's revenge afterwards?Even with the relationship of the Demon King, can the Demon King protect Ye Chen all the time?

However, this is just the idea of ​​some ordinary people. For the rest, the demon king and many powerful monsters, as well as Xu Baxian and other city lords, after a while, they understood what Ye Chen meant.

Of course, their so-called understanding is not the same as what Ye Chen thinks in his heart.

Letting Jin Ling go was to save face for the Qingpao man. It was the meaning of the latter. It had nothing to do with Ye Chen himself. He was just a little curious about the relationship between this Qingpao man and the Great Wilderness City. It was worth his pleading for Jin Ling. .

"Since my brother Ye Chen doesn't care about it, then I will listen to my brother's wishes. Jin Ling!"

The demon king glanced down, with endless power, looked at Jinling, and said lightly: "My brother doesn't want to embarrass you today, and this king doesn't embarrass you, but you must not think about it. , to avenge my brother."

"You'd better keep my brother safe, otherwise, even if someone hurts my brother, this king's anger will be spread on the Great Deserted City. At that time, this king will desperately wash the Great Deserted City with blood! "

The void was shaken by the demon king's words, and no one would doubt the authenticity of these words, so when those eyes looked at Ye Chen, there was no reason for it, and deep jealousy and envy surged.

From now on, at least in this land of thousands of miles, no one person or force will dare to hurt Ye Chen, and there is no need for the demon king to come forward. All the forces in the Great Wilderness City will desperately guard Ye Chen's safety.

No one can bear the anger of the demon king!
"I remember the words of the Demon King in my heart, and I will definitely remember them."

Jin Ling clasped his fists and said!
Presumably, when he said this, he must have felt very humiliated in his heart. After all, he is the lord of a city. When was he ignored like this, or even given up as a pawn?
However, when he turned his head and looked at Ye Chen, Jin Ling's gaze suddenly became a little more complicated. No matter how strong the killing intent was in his heart before that, he had to hold back at this moment.

Jin Ling never thought that Ye Chen would let him go!

Saying thank you to Ye Chen, maybe Jin Ling doesn't have it in his heart at this moment, it is still unbelievable, he has never seen such a merciful person in his life, especially for an enemy of his level.

Ye Chen is definitely not a benevolent person, otherwise, he would not have killed Qiu Huaxuan, and forcibly refined the Great Yu Divine Cauldron!
"Just remember, and I hope that your words are not involuntary!"

The demon king waved his big hand, and immediately shouted: "It's all over now, you should go away!"

After finishing speaking, without looking at Xu Baxian and the others, he landed from the clouds and came to Ye Chen's side.

This appearance really makes people feel uncomfortable, but he is the demon king, who dares to say no?At that moment, Xu Baxian and the others clasped their fists together, and quickly returned to the Great Wilderness City with the seriously injured Jin Ling.

But before they left, they all glanced at Ye Chen. They wanted to keep this young man in their hearts. As for the reason, only they knew.

"You're all gone too!"

The demon king yelled at many demon clans, looked at Ye Chen again, dissipated the majesty that belonged to the demon king, and put on a rare gentle smile, even in the smile, there was still a bit of embarrassment.

"Brother Yechen, I'm sorry, I came late, hurt you, and used you even more."

Everyone could see that the demon king made use of the topic, and Ye Chen naturally knew it, but he didn't expect that the former would apologize to him. In his heart, did he really regard himself as a brother?

"Thank you, Senior Demon King, otherwise today, I wouldn't be able to get away so easily." Ye Chen clasped his fists and said, doubts are doubts, after all, it was the Demon King who took the initiative to resolve this crisis, although Jin Ling couldn't kill him without the Demon King he.

The demon king showed displeasure on his face, and said, "Brother Ye Chen, don't tell me you don't want to discuss friendship with my brother?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "It is the dream of countless people to be called brothers and sisters with the demon king, and I am no exception. It's just that the so-called no reward for no merit makes me very flustered."

Ye Chen thinks that he has nothing to do with the Demon King, it's just the dragon spirit. I'm afraid that he won't be able to make the Demon King threaten the entire Great Deserted City just now.

Of course, Ye Chen knows that the monster race values ​​affection. Although they are cruel by nature, they are more willing to protect their emotions than humans. Because in the monster race, emotions are difficult to come by, so they are extremely precious.

Hearing this, the demon king suddenly laughed, raised his hand and waved, and shouted: "Come here, meet your Uncle Ye Chen."

Ye Chen couldn't help but smile wryly, this master seems to have identified himself as his brother.

As the demon king's voice sounded, a figure wrapped in a deep blue light flashed out like lightning from the Moyuan mountain range. When the light dispersed, a huge figure appeared in front of the demon king and Ye Mo. In front of Chen.

"It's you!"

Ye Chen finally understood why Kui Mu would tell him that the Demon King thought he was a good person, and today, for him, he would go to war with Dahuangcheng.

This is a huge scorpion, its whole body is covered by a dark blue light, and its two iron pincers are brandishing, its mighty and extraordinary, it is the green magic scorpion!

Of course, in front of Ye Chen, the current Green Demon Scorpion did not have the ferocious aura of a monster, but only a sense of closeness to Ye Chen and some fear in his eyes.

Although it is a mysterious beast, it has not really grown up after all, and Ye Chen's dragon energy cannot be ignored. Although Ye Chen has not released the dragon energy yet, and a spirit transformation pill obviously makes this little green The Scorpion has grown a lot.

"Brother Yechen, it's my son, now, don't you doubt my intentions any more!" The demon king said with a big smile.

That's it!

Ye Chen did not expect that when he sneaked into the Moyuan Mountain Range at night to find the location of the ancient castle, the first powerful monster he encountered would be the son of the Demon King.

It's not so easy to get Hualing Pill, even if it is the identity of the demon king. Ye Chen not only didn't hurt Xiaoqing Demon Scorpion, but also gave it back to Hualing Pill. Ye Chen seems to be able to afford it if he is a good person.

You must know that the inner alchemy and the muscles and bones of the mysterious beast are also extremely precious things to human beings!

Ye Chen immediately smiled and said: "It seems that good people are rewarded with good rewards!"

If there was any malice that day, not to mention just having dragon spirit, even if he was a real member of the dragon clan, in order to avenge his son, the demon king would kill Ye Chen at all costs.

"Brother Yechen!"

The demon king laughed, patted Ye Chen on the shoulder, and said: "Your performance in the ancient ruins, the fire python tiger king told me that you are indeed an excellent person with a limitless future, but this time, you So reckless."

"If I hadn't left the customs in time, you would be in danger!"

"I will not do it again."

Ye Chen replied with a smile, he knew his recklessness this time, but he had other plans, but there was no need to explain it to the Demon King.

The demon king nodded, and said: "After this time, I believe that people in Jinling and the entire Great Deserted City dare not do anything to you. Brother, you are not in this place, so I won't leave you here to call me Wang, but if something happens in the future, just send a message."

"I, the monster clan of the Moyuan Mountain Range, will still be sent by you. I will go through fire and water, mountains of knives and seas of fire, no matter what, this is my promise!"

If there were no today's events, the Demon King would still be very grateful to Ye Chen, and it would be his duty to protect him, but he would never make such a promise.

In front of more than a hundred martial arts masters in the Great Wilderness City, Ye Chen still dared to make a move. The real reason why the Demon King wants to befriend him is that he attaches great importance to love and righteousness.

Otherwise, just the dragon spirit and Ye Chen's kindness to Xiaoqing Demon Scorpion can only make the demon king regard Ye Chen as a junior with extraordinary potential, and feel grateful in his heart, that's all.

"Thank you, Demon King!" Ye Chen clasped his fists solemnly. It was not easy for the monster to make such a promise. The Demon King in front of him reminded Ye Chen of the little fish mother and son in the waters outside Daluo City!
"Also called the Demon King?" The Demon King snorted with feigned displeasure.

"Hi bro!"

"Ha ha!"

The Demon King laughed loudly, turned his eyes slightly, and landed on Mei Aoxue, and immediately said: "My brother is so lucky to have such a beautiful woman by his side. Mei Aoxue, Miss Mei, right?"

"Little sister Mei Aoxue, I have met my elder brother!" Mei Aoxue immediately said softly.

The Demon King kept nodding his head, but his expression gradually became solemn, and when he looked at Mei Aoxue again, his expression was serious.

"Miss Mei, are you ready to spend the rest of your life with my brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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