Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 190 The Great Desolation Hall

Chapter 190 The Great Desolation Hall

Ye Chen was a little surprised by what the demon king said!

He believes in Mei Aoxue's feelings for him, and even more, he believes that the two of them can accompany each other until the end.

If it is said that the demon king has doubts, this is normal and must be passed through. The former does not understand the relationship and process between the two, but these words are not just doubts, but more questioning, or in other words, they don't believe in Mei Aoxue at all. of.

In the next second, Ye Chen was even more surprised. From Mei Aoxue's expression, he saw a trace of struggle and uneasiness!

"Miss Mei, I have to confirm this matter, otherwise, I will not be at ease if I let you be with my brother."

The tone of the demon king made Ye Chen feel even more wrong!
The space seemed to freeze, and after a while, Mei Aoxue seemed to let out a breath, and said, "Don't worry, old brother, not only this life, but I wish to be with Ye Chen forever and ever."

Although her voice was soft, it made people feel her determination clearly.

The demon king's expression froze slightly, and he said immediately: "Miss Mei, you should understand what this king is worried about, but I am willing to trust you, because I trust my brother's vision."

"Old brother, please don't worry, I will never disappoint you." Mei Aoxue responded immediately.

The demon king waved his hand and said, "You must not let my brother down."

Said, the demon king laughed, and said to Ye Chen: "Brother, do you want to follow me into the Moyuan Mountain Range, and leave after the injury is healed?"

"These injuries are fine, they won't affect me, brother, please come back!"

Ye Chen clasped his fists and said: "When I go back to the Great Wilderness someday, when I have nothing to do, I will definitely come and get drunk with my brother!"

The demon king laughed loudly: "Okay, brother, I'll be waiting for you, brother, take care, and leave!"

After finishing speaking, the demon king waved his big hand, and with the little green magic scorpion, wrapped in the strong wind, he swept into the Moyuan mountain range like lightning.

"Ye Chen, are you really okay?" Mei Aoxue held Ye Chen tightly, feeling a little nervous.

"It's really okay!"

With the mysterious jade bone in the body, as long as it is not a fatal injury, given time, these injuries will recover on their own. Of course, the mental fatigue cannot be recovered by the mysterious jade bone.


Mei Aoxue became even more nervous, of course she knew what Ye Chen was going to ask next.

"Ye Chen, let me settle my affairs by myself, don't ask, okay?"

Ye Chen frowned slightly, and before he could say anything, Mei Aoxue lightly stroked the tip of his brow, and forcibly relaxed the frown.

Then, he said softly: "Don't frown! It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't want to make you worry. You have more important things, you can't be distracted by me, and I promise you, I can solve it myself .”

"If you don't tell me, won't it make me more worried?"

Ye Chen held Mei Aoxue's hand tightly, and said, "I know you can solve it yourself, but you can't hide it from me."

"I still don't want to tell you."

Mei Aoxue raised her head, her eyes were firm, she seemed to have made a decision, and said: "I will accompany you, after you recover from your injury, I will return to Yanyangzong, and after the matter is resolved, I will come to you."


Ye Chen smiled bitterly, Mei Aoxue's temperament was like this, even she could not change the things she had decided, although she was a little worried, but Ye Chen didn't say much, because he believed in Mei Aoxue.

Composed of 180 five cities, the Great Wilderness City is like a giant dragon entrenched between the heavens and the earth. As one of the most powerful forces in the entire northern continent, the strength of the Great Wilderness City is naturally beyond doubt.

On the northern continent, not many people are qualified to be enemies of the Great Wilderness.

But today's Great Deserted City looks a bit dull!
When Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue walked into the cracked mountain city closest to Moyuan Mountain, they could obviously feel a little oppression in the space.

These are naturally because the demon king led all the demon clans in the Moyuan Mountain Range and forcibly repelled the masters in the Great Wilderness City.

Because everyone has already known that the current Great Wilderness City has actually lost the qualification and strength to fight against the demon clan in the Moyuan Mountain Range.

And when the figures of the two appeared, complex gazes continued to cast their gazes over.

Now the entire Great Wilderness City, and even the land with a radius of thousands of miles, may not know who Ye Chen is, but the name Ye Chen is well known, and in the Great Wilderness City, Ye Chen is an absolute taboo.

At least for a long period of time, the major city lords including Xu Baxian did not dare to hurt Ye Chen. Instead, they sent someone to secretly protect his safety, so as not to provoke the wrath of the demon king. When the time comes Bloodbathed the Great Deserted City.

"Marven Ye!"

Not long after entering Cracked Mountain City, a clear and oriole-like voice came from the front, and the slim and beautiful figure was Tianyue.

"Thank God, you finally came back safely." Tianyue hurriedly came to Ye Chen, ignored Mei Aoxue, and appeared on the other side of him, just like Mei Aoxue, to support Ye Chen.

Ye Chen turned his body slightly, rejected Tianyue's kindness, and then said: "Miss Tianyue, I am injured now, and I have important things to do with Aoxue, so I will leave first."


Tianyue's face couldn't help changing. She knew what kind of person Ye Chen was, so she understood that when he called Mei Aoxue like this, the relationship between the two of them had already sublimated. able to step in.

Thinking of this, Tianyue's beautiful eyes showed a hint of unwillingness. She thought that she was no worse than Mei Aoxue. Perhaps her talent in martial arts was not as good as Mei Aoxue's, but her talent was also not that of Mei Aoxue. Aoxue can catch up.

How could Mei Aoxue enter his heart?
Is it just because we have lived and died together?

If so, I have had an unusual relationship with him, and Mei Aoxue did not fall in love with Ye Chen at first sight.

Looking at the backs of the two going away, Tianyue really wanted to rush forward to ask for clarification, but someone as smart as her understood that doing so would only make Ye Chen hate her even more.

And now she already knew that even if Mei Aoxue wanted to stay with Ye Chen for the rest of her life, it was impossible!
A smile gradually emerged from the corner of Tianyue's mouth.

"Mei Aoxue, Ye Chen is mine, the one who can stay by his side in the end is still me, and you..."

Tianyue smiled coldly, waved her hands, and said to herself: "Although many people already know that Mei Aoxue and Ye Chen are together, not many people should know the relationship between Ye Chen and Yan Yangzong. "

"To spread this news, we must not only let Yanyangzong know, but also let Zhou Tiange know. Moreover, that person must hear it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, miss!"

A somewhat gloomy voice resounded in the dark, and immediately a figure quickly swept towards the outside of the cracked mountain city.

"Ye Chen, although doing this will hurt you, it is for your own good. You will definitely understand my painstaking efforts in the future, because only I will be your best partner in this life."

On the street, people came and went, and they all looked at Ye Chen quietly. They wanted to see clearly what kind of ability this young man had, which could make the demon clan of the Moyuan Mountain Range go to war for him.

"Ye Chen, where are we going now?"

In the Great Wilderness City, it is indeed a safe place for one party, but there is always a limit to this safety.

"Go to the Great Desolate Palace!"

Before Ye Chen said anything, the voice of the green-robed man inside the Demon Emperor's Bell had already been remembered.

"The Great Desolate Palace?"

"That's right, it's the Great Wilderness Palace!"

The man in Qingpao was a little nervous: "Although the Great Wilderness Hall is not a very reassuring place, Ye Chen, you must go to the Great Wilderness Hall."

"Ye Chen, what's the matter?" Seeing Ye Chen's contemplation, Mei Aoxue asked.

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "Aoxue, do you know the Great Wilderness Palace?"

"The Great Desolation Hall is the center of the entire Great Desolation City. In fact, this huge Great Desolation City is an extension of the Great Desolation Palace. It is the place where the Lord of the Desolation usually lives."

Mei Aoxue asked: "Why did you ask about the Great Wilderness Palace?"

"We are going to go to the Great Wilderness Hall next!"

Ye Chen's expression didn't change, but there were countless waves in his heart. The man in green robe actually wanted to let go to the Dahuang Palace, which represented the Great Wilderness City, and the man in green robe became even more nervous.

Obviously, the green-robed man should be very familiar with the Great Wilderness Hall. Although he didn't say what he was going to do when he entered the Great Wilderness Hall, but after thinking about it, he knew that it was not as simple as going to see it.

Moreover, if people in green robes are familiar with each other, how can they enter the Great Wilderness Hall?

Although no one dares to provoke Ye Chen in a radius of ten thousand miles, even Xu Baxian and others have to compromise with him, but there is always a limit to these.

It is impossible for them to still enter the Great Desolation Hall through Ye Chen, the supreme place that represents the Great Desolation City!
Forcibly breaking into the Great Desolation Hall, maybe the demon king may not be able to break in even if he gets here, and even if he wants to break in, it will probably be a tragic battle that will never end.

The green-robed man actually wanted him to enter the Great Desolation Hall!

Mei Aoxue's expression also changed a lot, and she hurriedly said: "Entering the Great Wilderness Palace, Ye Chen, it is clear that you want to be an enemy of the Great Wilderness City."

Where Ye Chen went, Mei Aoxue would accompany him, standing firm and fearless, but Ye Chen's current state couldn't do it.

"Ye Chen, don't worry, I have my own way to let you enter the Great Wilderness Palace, and Xu Baxian and others won't know about it." The green-robed man said immediately in the Demon Emperor's bell.

Ye Chen immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, since I'm going to the Great Wilderness Palace, I'm sure enough."

At this moment, Ye Chen didn't want to reveal the existence of the green-robed man, even to those around him.

Ye Chen had guessed that there was an extremely deep relationship between the green-robed man and the Great Wilderness City, maybe he belonged to the Great Wilderness City. . . .
Before the strength of the green-robed man has fully recovered, Ye Chen must ensure his safety and dare not be careless in the slightest.

Not to mention that the relationship with the Qingpao man is not a friend, this is also for the Demon Emperor Zhong!

(End of this chapter)

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